12-bit AdderSubtractor VHDL



I have wrote a 12-bit adder now I need it to subtract now. Here is my
Operation Function Function Code
ADD Result=A+B 00
ADDC(add w/carry) Result=A+B+Cin 01
SUB Result=A+B 10
SUBB (sub w/borro) Result=A-B-Cin 11

1. 3-bit full adder: Cout & S2-0 = A 2-0 + B 2-0 + C in
2. 12-bit full adder: Instantiate 3-bit full adders to generate Cout &
R = A + B + Cin
3. 12-bit adder/subtracter: Add a complementer to the B input of the
12-bit adder, utilizing that and the adder carry input to perform
addition and subtraction with the single adder.
I am on part 3. I got 12 bit adder to work but the function code was
not needed then. Below is my 12 bit adder and my 12 bit adder/sub
which will not add cin or subtract right.

ADDER (Correct)
entity adder12 is

port (A,B : in bit_vector (11 downto 0);
Cin : in bit;
Sum : out bit_vector (11 downto 0);
Cout : out bit);
end adder12;

architecture structure of adder12 is component add3bit

port (A, B : in bit_vector (2 downto 0);
Cin : in bit;
Sum : out bit_vector(2 downto 0);
Cout : out bit);
end component;

for all: add3bit use entity work.add3bit (structure);
signal c0, c1, c2, c3: bit;

A0:add3bit port map(A(2 downto 0), B(2 downto 0), Cin, Sum(2
downto 0), c0);
A1:add3bit port map(A(5 downto 3), B(5 downto 3), C0, Sum(5
downto 3), c1);
A2:add3bit port map(A(8 downto 6), B(8 downto 6), C1, Sum(8
downto 6), c2);
A3:add3bit port map(A(11 downto 9), B(11 downto 9), C2, Sum(11
downto 9), Cout);

end structure;

Adder/Sub (Compiles but wrong)
entity addersub12 is

port (A, B : in bit_vector (11 downto 0);
F, Cin: in bit;
Sum: out bit_vector(11 downto 0);
Cout, Oflow: out bit);
end addersub12;

architecture structure of addersub12 is

component adder12 is
port (A, B : in bit_vector(11 downto 0);
Cin : in bit;
Sum : out bit_vector(11 downto 0);
Cout : out bit);

end component;

for all: adder12 use entity work.adder12 (structure);
signal IN2: bit_vector(11 downto 0);
signal tmp: bit_vector(11 downto 0);

process(A, B, F)


if F = '0' then
IN2 <= B after 1 ns;
IN2 <= not B after 1 ns;
end if;
end process;

process (tmp)
if A(11) = '0' and IN2(11) = '0' and tmp(11) = '1' then
Oflow <= '1' after 1 ns;
elsif A(11) = '1' and IN2(11) = '1' and tmp(11) = '0' then
Oflow <= '1' after 1 ns;
Oflow <= '0' after 1 ns;
end if;
Sum <= tmp;
end process ;
add1: adder12 port map(A, IN2, F, tmp, Cout);
end structure;

Overview: Here is link to assignment
http://www.eng.auburn.edu/~nelson/courses/elec6200/VHDL Project 1.pdf

It has already been due but I need to correct for another project. I
have the first 2 parts done but need to fix the third part.

I also use the ModlelSim EE to simlulate and compile. It is what we
are given.

Any help will be great Thanks.

Jim Lewis

You have done B as a ones complement,
you need a twos complement.

Twos Complement of B = not B + 1

Rather than have a 12 bit incrementer, use
the carry bit to do the +1

The format of your logic then should be:
Result = A + BEff + CEff

You have BEff (In2), you need to correct CEff.
Also F should be two bits and CEff is a function
of both bits.

If you get stuck, first post a truth table of what
you think CEff should be.

Jim Lewis
Director of Training mailto:[email protected]
SynthWorks Design Inc. http://www.SynthWorks.com

Expert VHDL Training for Hardware Design and Verification


Thx Jim. I have not gotten a chance to redo it yet but I understand
what you are saying. :)

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