2bit- comparator -- VDHL Error in ModelSim about this Script.



The error info is not descriptive. Anyone catches it?

Library ieee;

Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

-- I am trying to simulate the logic below

-- aeqb = (a1'.b1').(a0'.b0') + (a1'.b1').(a0.b0) + (a1.b1).(a0'b0') + (a1.b1).(a0.b0)

Entity two_bit_equal is

Port (

a, b: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

aeqb : out std_logic);

End two_bit_equal;

Architecture arch of two_bit_equal is

Signal p0, p1,p2,p3 : std_logic;


aeqb <= (p0 or p1) or (p2 or p3);

P0 <= (a(1) and b(1)) or (a(0)and b(0));

P1<= (a(1)and b(1)) and ( (not a(0)) and (not b(0)));

P2<= ( (not a(1)) and (not b(1))) and (a(0) and b(0));

P3 <= ( (not a(1)) and (not b(1)) ) and ( (not a(0)) and (not b(0)) );

End arch;


The test file I am using is this:

-- ===================================

Library ieee;

Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

Entity Test_two_bit_equal is

End Test_two_bit_equal;

Architecture arch_test of test_two_bit_equal is

component two_bit_equal

Port (

a, b: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

aeqb : out std_logic);

End component;

Signal p1, p0 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

Signal pout : std_logic;

Signal error : std_logic := '0';


uut: two_bit_equal port map(a => p0, b => p1, aeqb => pout);



p0 <= "00";

p1 <= "00";

wait for 1 ns;

if (pout = '0') then

error <= '1';

end if;

wait for 200 ns;

p0 <= "01";

p1 <= "00";

wait for 1 ns;

if (pout = '1') then

error <= '1';

end if;

wait for 200 ns;

p0 <= "01";

p1 <= "11";

wait for 1 ns;

if (pout = '1') then

error <= '1';

end if;

wait for 200 ns;

p0 <= "11";

p1 <= "00";

wait for 1 ns;

if (pout = '1') then

error <= '1';

end if;

wait for 200 ns;

p0 <= "11";

p1 <= "11";

wait for 1 ns;

if (pout = '0') then

error <= '1';

end if;

wait for 200 ns;

p0 <= "10";

p1 <= "11";

wait for 1 ns;

if (pout = '1') then

error <= '1';

end if;

wait for 200 ns;

p0 <= "10";

p1 <= "10";

wait for 1 ns;

if (pout = '0') then

error <= '1';

end if;

wait for 200 ns;

p0 <= "11";

p1 <= "01";

wait for 1 ns;

if (pout = '1') then

error <= '1';

end if;

wait for 200 ns;

if (error = '0') then

report "No errors detected. Simulation successful" severity failure;


report "Error detected" severity failure;

end if;

end process;

End arch_test;

Dio Gratia

The error info is not descriptive. Anyone catches it?

-- I am trying to simulate the logic below

P0 P1 P2
-- aeqb = (a1'.b1').(a0'.b0') + (a1'.b1').(a0.b0) + (a1.b1).(a0'b0') + _


P0 <= (a(1) and b(1)) or (a(0)and b(0));

Should be:

P0 <= (a(1) and b(1)) and (a(0)and b(0));

(And ya, I simulated it with your test bench.)

% ghdl -a two_bit_equal.vhdl
% ghdl -e Test_two_bit_equal
david_koontz@Macbook: ghdl -r Test_two_bit_equal --wave=twobit.ghw
two_bit_equal.vhdl:203:12:mad:1608ns:(report failure): No errors detected. Simulation successful
../test_two_bit_equal:error: report failed
../test_two_bit_equal:error: simulation failed
ghdl: compilation error

(And you could have ended simulation with a wait; statement).


Thank you all, the error was trivial.
Notice P0 leftmost statement. The error is that it should be AND and not OR
Correct == (a1.b1).(a0.b0)
P0 <= (a(1) and b(1)) and (a(0)and b(0));

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