6 images in tile format(google maps)


Dwayne Triffitt

I want to know if there is a quicker way to add a Image into a frame
and tile it with others

eg perl.tk can add an image and i can set frames one by one, but the
code for the program is getting WAY!!!! to big (150 x 150 eg 5 km
square - i need 9 km square),

And with my code added to it, the program is all over the place and i
have over 1000 lines of code, i cant keep trace of......

Also on a foot note, can Serial be added to perl? can i read/write to
serial in perl and display its data in a label/text in perl.tk ??????


I want to know if there is a quicker way to add a Image into a frame
and tile it with others

Might be easier to tile multiple images on a canvas.

eg perl.tk can add an image and i can set frames one by one, but the
code for the program is getting WAY!!!! to big (150 x 150 eg 5 km
square  - i need 9 km square),

And with my code added to it, the program is all over the place and i
have over 1000 lines of code, i cant keep trace of......

The number of images should not affect the code size. Why
do you need 1000 lines of code? You just loop through all
of your (visible) images adding them to the display.

Also on a foot note, can Serial be added to perl? can i read/write to
serial in perl and display its data in a label/text in perl.tk ??????

It's bad form to put two unrelated questions in one usenet post.
Maybe this is why your code is undisciplined, too?
The answer is "Sure. Why not?"

Dwayne Triffitt

just a small recap on the progress i have made,
If anyones looking for the code that is

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use Tk; #<< NEED THIS
use Tk::widgets qw/JPEG PNG/; #<< NEED THIS FOR PNG IMAGES
use strict;
use warnings;

##start with a new window##

my $mw = MainWindow->new();
$mw->title(" Tasdawg Window Tk v0.01");

##add icon(marker) and first tile(map)

my $icon = $mw->Photo(-file=>'marker.png');
my $tile1 = $mw->Photo(-file=>'1/1.png');

##Create the canvas to draw these too.

my $c1 = $mw->Canvas(-width => 768, -height => 768,
#-tile => $tile, # tile one image to the background(maybe
add all images togeather?)
-relief => 'sunken',
$c1->pack(-side => 'left');

##now create the image on the canvas

$c1->createImage(128, 128, -image => $tile1);

## using button 1 to add marker to the image canvas

$mw->Tk::bind("<ButtonPress-1>", [\&pimg, Ev('x'), Ev('y') ]);

##the sub function for the button being pressed


sub pimg {

my ($canv, $x, $y) = @_;
my $x1 = $canv->canvasx($x);
my $y1 = $canv->canvasx($y);
# print "$x1 $y1\n";

#$c1->pack(-side => 'left');
$c1->createImage($x1, $y1, -image => $icon, -tags =>

$current = $c1;

##p.s This code wont work - it is only a snippet from my code, that
has a lot more in it.

But thats the basic's

Now to tile an image see this line

$c1->createImage(128, 128, -image => $tile1);

for every 128,128 is the pixal Y axis and X axis
adding a second image u go like this

$c1->createImage(128, 384, -image => $tile2);

b-cos my images are 256x256 i have to come down 128 pixals at first
and then plus the image and get 384
here is a "768x640" tile'd map - all images displayed the same 3x3

$c1->createImage(128, 128, -image => $tile1);
$c1->createImage(128, 384, -image => $tile2);
$c1->createImage(128, 640, -image => $tile3);

$c1->createImage(384, 128, -image => $tile4);
$c1->createImage(384, 384, -image => $tile5);
$c1->createImage(384, 640, -image => $tile6);

$c1->createImage(640, 128, -image => $tile4);
$c1->createImage(640, 384, -image => $tile5);
$c1->createImage(640, 640, -image => $tile6);

Easy as that - will post again on the improvement of not defining
images and getting them from the directory as and making each 3 images
go down in column's moving to next 3 images and then again for last 3
images. making total of 9 images in the canvas. also going to add a
pixal to LAT LON if anyone is interested in that.

Dwayne Triffitt

Tad McClellan -
Before 2 weeks ago - i did not know one line about perl.
I am starting off and learning line by line... i add something, check
it, read warning/error...
fix error .....
Move on .....
So on .....
Thanks for the insight's

Onto the code....

When adding multi images to the widget i have to assign them a -tag,
every 'marker' is called more, no hick-up
But i plan to make them as way-points, so each 'marker' needs its own
name/number. so here it is to add a name and to get the name.

my $name = 1;

##On button-2 - create 'marker'
sub create_item {
my ($c1, $x, $y, $name) = @_;

my $ev = $c1->XEvent;
($dx, $dy) = (0 - $ev->x, 0 - $ev->y);
\&pimg, Ev('x'), Ev('y');

##On button-1 - Get name then move to 'Moving'
sub get_name {
my ($c1) = @_;
my $item = $c1->find('withtag', 'current');
my @taglist = $c1->gettags($item);
my $name;
foreach (@taglist) {
next if ($_ eq 'current');
$name = $_;
return $name;

sub mobileStart {
my $ev = $c1->XEvent;
($dx, $dy) = (0 - $ev->x, 0 - $ev->y);
$listbox->insert('end', "Start $dx $dy");
$xworldst = $dx;
$yworldst = $dy;


sub mobileMove {
my $ev = $c1->XEvent;
$c1->move('current', $ev->x + $dx, $ev-> y + $dy);
($dx, $dy) = (0 - $ev-> x, 0 - $ev-> y);
$listbox->insert('end', "");

$listbox->insert('end', "Moving $dx $dy");


sub pimg {

my ($canv, $x, $y) = @_;
my $x1 = $canv->canvasx($x);
my $y1 = $canv->canvasx($y);
# print "$x1 $y1\n";

#$c1->pack(-side => 'left');
$c1->createImage($x1, $y1, -image => $icon, -tags =>

$listbox->insert('end', " Input $x1 $y1");
$pre->insert('end', "$x1 $y1");

$current = $c1;

More to come.

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