64 bit counter with shift


Stephan Mueller

Hi there,

I want to have a 64 bit counter, which overflows (return to 0) if it
reaches its limit. Also, I want to do some schift operations with this

My question is, if there is a predefined 64 bit type or if I have to
implement the counter manually with four integers (they are 16 bit wide,
aren't they?).
For the shifter: I don't have a specific device yet, and I wonder if the
compiler get it right with the "srl"-operator or if it is better to multiply
the value.

I am pretty new to vhdl, so hopefully this is quite easy to do..

And by the way, are there any online sources where I can view the contents
of the ieee-libraries?? If I search the IEEE-site I get too many hits.

Many thanks,

Marcus Schaemann

Stephan said:
Hi there,

I want to have a 64 bit counter, which overflows (return to 0) if it
reaches its limit. Also, I want to do some schift operations with this

My question is, if there is a predefined 64 bit type or if I have to
implement the counter manually with four integers (they are 16 bit wide,
aren't they?).
For the shifter: I don't have a specific device yet, and I wonder if the
compiler get it right with the "srl"-operator or if it is better to multiply
the value.

I am pretty new to vhdl, so hopefully this is quite easy to do..

And by the way, are there any online sources where I can view the contents
of the ieee-libraries?? If I search the IEEE-site I get too many hits.

Many thanks,

Hi Stephan,

the easiest way might be the use of a std_logic_vector with 64 bits.
With vectors shifting becomes very easy.

Btw, as far as I know integers are 32 bits wide (at least Synopsys
synthesizes them to be 32 bits if you don't specify a range).

You can find the IEEE libraries on the website of the Hamburg VHDL library:


They have links to several textbooks there as well (even in german ;-)



Mike Treseler

Stephan said:
I want to have a 64 bit counter, which overflows (return to 0) if it
reaches its limit.

Consider using unsigned. It overflows as default.
Also, I want to do some schift operations with this counter.

ieee.numeric_std has shifts for unsigned.
My question is, if there is a predefined 64 bit type or if I have to
implement the counter manually with four integers (they are 16 bit wide,
aren't they?).

Integers are often 32 bits.
Consider unsigned instead.
For the shifter: I don't have a specific device yet, and I wonder if the
compiler get it right with the "srl"-operator or if it is better to multiply
the value.

Consider numeric_std.shift_left or numeric_std.sll
I am pretty new to vhdl, so hopefully this is quite easy to do..

Once you know how to do it, it's quite easy.
And by the way, are there any online sources where I can view the contents
of the ieee-libraries?? If I search the IEEE-site I get too many hits.

-- Mike Treseler

Stephan Mueller

Hi Marcus,

thanks for the link and I did it with a std_logic_vector..

Dankeschoen :)


Rob Young

Stephan Mueller said:
Hi there,

I want to have a 64 bit counter, which overflows (return to 0) if it
reaches its limit. Also, I want to do some schift operations with this

My question is, if there is a predefined 64 bit type or if I have to
implement the counter manually with four integers (they are 16 bit wide,
aren't they?).
For the shifter: I don't have a specific device yet, and I wonder if the
compiler get it right with the "srl"-operator or if it is better to multiply
the value.

I am pretty new to vhdl, so hopefully this is quite easy to do..

And by the way, are there any online sources where I can view the contents
of the ieee-libraries?? If I search the IEEE-site I get too many hits.

Many thanks,

I tried this with the QuartusII web edition and it compiled and fit an
APEX20K part. Didn't try and shifting operations.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity counter is
port (
clock : in std_logic;
clear : in std_logic;
count : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0)
end counter;

architecture behavorial of counter is
signal tempQ : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
process(clock, clear, count)
if clear='1' then
tempQ <= (others => '0');
elsif (clock'event and clock='1') then
if count = '1' then
tempQ <= tempQ + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Q <= tempQ;
end behavorial;

Rob Young
(e-mail address removed)

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