__gnu_cxx::hash_set efficient union



hi all,

as part of an 'implicitly statically typed Python' to C++ compiler
called Shedskin I'm working on (http://mark.dufour.googlepages.com),
I'm using __gnu_cxx::hash_set to implement Python sets. unfortunately
I can't get the performance to quite match that of set. for example,
this is how I thought set union would be reasonably fast:

template<class T> set<T> *set<T>::_union(set<T> *s) {
set<T> *c = new set<T>();
c->units = units;

it2 = s->units.end();
for(it1 = s->units.begin(); it1 != it2; it1++)

return c;

(some context:

units is of type __gnu_cxx::hash_set<T, hashfunc<T>, hasheq<T>,
gc_allocator<T> > // Boehm GC

template<class T> class hashfunc
public: int operator()(T t) const { return hasher<T>(t); }

template<> int hasher(int a) { return a; }

template<class T> class hasheq {
public: int operator()(T t, T v) const { return __eq(t,v); }

template<> int __eq(int a, int b) { return a == b; }

...but for a simple union of two large sets of ints, this approach is
about three times slower than under the Python interpreter. just
copying the left argument (c->units = units;) is slower than the
complete union in Python..

am I doing something really silly here, or is hash_set just not that
efficient? perhaps the new unordered_set will be much more
performant..? (btw, will unordered_set have union etc. members?)

here is a link to the blog posting that triggered this, with some
Python code that becomes much slower after compilation:

any help is much appreciated! suggestions on how to improve
performance of the implementations for the other Python builtins are
also very much welcome.

thanks in advance,
mark dufour.


hi all,

as part of an 'implicitly statically typed Python' to C++ compiler
called Shedskin I'm working on (http://mark.dufour.googlepages.com),
I'm using __gnu_cxx::hash_set to implement Python sets. unfortunately
I can't get the performance to quite match that of set. for example,
this is how I thought set union would be reasonably fast:

template<class T> set<T> *set<T>::_union(set<T> *s) {
set<T> *c = new set<T>();
c->units = units;

it2 = s->units.end();
for(it1 = s->units.begin(); it1 != it2; it1++)

return c;

(some context:

units is of type __gnu_cxx::hash_set<T, hashfunc<T>, hasheq<T>,
gc_allocator<T> > // Boehm GC

template<class T> class hashfunc
public: int operator()(T t) const { return hasher<T>(t); }

template<> int hasher(int a) { return a; }

template<class T> class hasheq {
public: int operator()(T t, T v) const { return __eq(t,v); }

template<> int __eq(int a, int b) { return a == b; }

..but for a simple union of two large sets of ints, this approach is
about three times slower than under the Python interpreter. just
copying the left argument (c->units = units;) is slower than the
complete union in Python..

am I doing something really silly here, or is hash_set just not that
efficient? perhaps the new unordered_set will be much more
performant..? (btw, will unordered_set have union etc. members?)

here is a link to the blog posting that triggered this, with some
Python code that becomes much slower after compilation:

any help is much appreciated! suggestions on how to improve
performance of the implementations for the other Python builtins are
also very much welcome.

I don't know how Python's sets works, but what's wrong with std::set and
std::set_union()? I can see no reason to use a hash when dealing with
ints, since they can easily be compared as they are, without having to
compute their hashes first.

Also note that for performance std::vector is often best, so put the
ints in the two sets into two vectors and sort them (if they are not
sorted during insertion). Then create a new vector large enough to
contain all the ints in both sets and use std::set_union() to get the union.


I don't know how Python's sets works, but what's wrong with std::set and
std::set_union()? I can see no reason to use a hash when dealing with
ints, since they can easily be compared as they are, without having to
compute their hashes first.

I like to stay close to algorithmic complexity, and I'm not just
dealing withs ints but arbitrary types.

anyway, Python integer hashing consists of just taking the integer, so
I don't think this explains the large performance difference..
Also note that for performance std::vector is often best, so put the
ints in the two sets into two vectors and sort them (if they are not
sorted during insertion). Then create a new vector large enough to
contain all the ints in both sets and use std::set_union() to get the union.

thanks. but I don't think this will work for me, as I'm not using
sorted sets, and sorting (of ints) already takes longer than the union
in Python..

mark dufour.


hi all,

as part of an 'implicitly statically typed Python' to C++ compiler
called Shedskin I'm working on (http://mark.dufour.googlepages.com),
I'm using __gnu_cxx::hash_set to implement Python sets. unfortunately
I can't get the performance to quite match that of set. for example,
this is how I thought set union would be reasonably fast:

template<class T> set<T> *set<T>::_union(set<T> *s) {
set<T> *c = new set<T>();
c->units = units;

it2 = s->units.end();
for(it1 = s->units.begin(); it1 != it2; it1++)

return c;


I'm sure the effect is negligible, but is there any reason
you're dynamically allocating the set here? I'd have though
set itself is a fairly small object so creating it on the
stack and returning that (and relying on RVO) might be better.

Also, I have read that support for multithreading, injudiciously
applied by library providers, can have a ruinous effect upon
performance of standard containers. So it may be worth having a
look at the documentation (or on google) to see if there are
any such issues surrounding __gnu_cxx::hash_set.


I'm sure the effect is negligible, but is there any reason
you're dynamically allocating the set here? I'd have though
set itself is a fairly small object so creating it on the
stack and returning that (and relying on RVO) might be better.

relying on optimizations is dangerous business :) besides I'm not
much of a C++ expert, so copying things around all the time sounds a
bit scary..
Also, I have read that support for multithreading, injudiciously
applied by library providers, can have a ruinous effect upon
performance of standard containers. So it may be worth having a
look at the documentation (or on google) to see if there are
any such issues surrounding __gnu_cxx::hash_set.

I cannot find any useful information.

I did write another test, without using a GC and default hash
function, and I cannot get it to run much faster than this (still
several times slower than Python):

#include <ext/hash_set>

int main() {
typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_set<int> HS;
HS *ha = new HS();
HS *hb = new HS();
HS *hc;

HS::iterator it1, it2;

for(int i = 0; i<10000; i++)
ha->insert(rand() % 100000);
for(int i = 0; i<10000; i++)
hb->insert(rand() % 100000);

for(int i = 0; i<1000; i++) {
hc = new HS(*ha);
hc->insert(hb->begin(), hb->end());

delete hc;


does anyone have an idea how to speed this up..?

this is the python equivalent:

import random

seta = set([random.randint(0,100000) for n in xrange(10000)])
setb = set([random.randint(0,100000) for n in xrange(10000)])

for i in xrange(1000):
seta | setb

mark dufour.


hi all,

I gave google's hash_map/set implementation a try. it provides a
superset of the sgi api, but does not support custom allocators
(unfortunately for me, as I use the Boehm GC), and you have to provide
an 'empty key' for every instantiation.

for the same program I now actually get a speedup versus CPython:

#include <google/dense_hash_set>

int main() {
typedef google::dense_hash_set<int> HS;

HS *ha = new HS();
HS *hb = new HS();
HS *hc;

HS::iterator it1, it2;

for(int i = 0; i<10000; i++)
ha->insert(rand() % 100000);
for(int i = 0; i<10000; i++)
hb->insert(rand() % 100000);

for(int i = 0; i<1000; i++) {
hc = new HS();

*hc = *ha;
hc->insert(hb->begin(), hb->end());

delete hc;


mark dufour.


I gave google's hash_map/set implementation a try. it provides a
superset of the sgi api, but does not support custom allocators
(unfortunately for me, as I use the Boehm GC), and you have to provide
an 'empty key' for every instantiation.

for the same program I now actually get a speedup versus CPython:

then again, it seems this won't help much to implement Python sets,
because of the 'empty key' restriction.

I also tried std::tr1::unordered_set, but performance was the same as
for __gnu_cxx::hash_set.


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