A decorator syntax not yet mentioned (I think!)


John Marshall

How about the following, which I am almost positive
has not been suggested:
class Klass:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name

deco meth0:
def meth0(x):
return x

deco meth1:
def meth1(cls):
return cls

deco sayhello:
funcattrs(name='GvR', language='python')
def sayhello(self):
print 'hello python world'

1) The decorators clearly apply to a specific method/function,
therefore there is no need to do any stack pushing in memory
until the method/function definition is done.
2) The decorators are "outside" of the method/function they
a) which will please those who want the outside location
b) will not be folded within the function
c) folding on the decorators can be done so that the
def is not obfuscated
d) can be located anywhere in the code--but most likely
before the "def ...()"
3) The sequence in which the decorators are applied is just
like code would be--this is certainly intuitive given
that we are writing code.

This approach could also be applied to classes in case
decorators should ever be extended to them:
deco Klass:
doc("This is a class to ...")
class Klass:

Peter Hansen

John said:
How about the following, which I am almost positive
has not been suggested:
class Klass:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name

deco meth0:
def meth0(x):
return x

Problems with that: duplication (since you now have the name
of the function in two places) and readability (it's harder to
see the "def" because the name you picked is too close to it
in length and appearance).

On the other hand, there's no need to have the function name
there (was anyone complaining about "stack pushing"?), so
maybe just using "decorate" would be okay, or a different

class Klass:
# init set

def meth0(x):
return x
2) The decorators are "outside" of the method/function they
a) which will please those who want the outside location
b) will not be folded within the function
c) folding on the decorators can be done so that the
def is not obfuscated
d) can be located anywhere in the code--but most likely
before the "def ...()"
3) The sequence in which the decorators are applied is just
like code would be--this is certainly intuitive given
that we are writing code.
Any comments?

Has potential, I think, with some changes.

I like the following about it:

1) keyword instead of punctuation
2) indentation consistent with rest of Python
3) similarity to try/finally or while/else and friends where
the two clauses are coupled

I wouldn't mind seeing exactly the same idea allowed for
decorators *inside* the function as well, so that we can
experiment for a while and see which, if any, is preferred,
but I doubt that would happen.


Michael Sparks

Peter said:
class Klass:
# init set

def meth0(x):
return x

If it counts for anything, +1.

This strikes me personally as a very nice alternative to the
current suggestion.

The idea of paired keywords is sufficiently common in python
to strike me as another positive element.

Using the examples on http://www.python.org/moin/PythonDecorators

You gain something like:
class C(object):

funcattrs(grammar="'@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ]",
status="experimental", author="BDFL")
def longMethodNameForEffect(longArgumentOne=None,
"""This method blah, blah.

It supports the following arguments:
- longArgumentOne -- a string giving ...
- longArgumentTwo -- a number giving ...

blah, blah.

raise NotYetImplemented


def bar(low,high):

Which strikes me as pretty good - the fact the method is a static method
is still in your face. The decorate keyword suggests some voodoo
happening you might want to be wary of.

The only downside I can see is that it might not be 100% obvious that it
relates to the following function to newcomers to python.

The other really nice thing about it is it directly suggests that the
following functions will be applied to the function.

Taking a subset of a simple PLY type grammar from, you gain something

class Calc(Parser):
def t_NUMBER(self, t):
t.value = int(t.value)
return t

def t_newline(self, t):
t.lineno += t.value.count("\n")

grammarrule('statement : NAME EQUALS expression')
versioninfo("Added in 2.2")
def p_statement_assign(self, p):
names[p[1]] = p[3]

grammarrule('statement : expression')
versioninfo("Added in 2.4")
def p_statement_expr(self, p):
print p[1]

expression : expression PLUS expression
| expression MINUS expression
| expression TIMES expression
| expression DIVIDE expression
| expression EXP expression
versioninfo("Added in 2.4")
def p_expression_binop(self, p):
p[0] = func[p[2]](p[1],p[3])

grammarrule('expression : MINUS expression %prec UMINUS')
versioninfo("Added in 1.5")
def p_expression_uminus(self, p):
p[0] = -p[2]

grammarrule('expression : LPAREN expression RPAREN')
versioninfo("Added in 1.1")
def p_expression_group(self, p):
p[0] = p[2]

In a syntax highlighted editor that also looks *alot* cleaner than
beforehand. IMO, it also looks slightly cleaner than the @version - for
one very, very simple reason - if you have a very big decorator block,
for whatever reason, the "def" stands out clearly so you can skim where
the function starts - even without syntax highlighting.

My initial reaction to @decorators was "ugh!". However I was coming to
accept it as inevitable after reading the various arguments for/against
various syntaxes. *This* syntax strikes me personally as having
distinct advantages - largely for clarity of code, and solves the
"where *DOES* the function start?" question with large decorator

My tuppenceworth... (I really like this version)

(e-mail address removed)
British Broadcasting Corporation, Research and Development
Kingswood Warren, Surrey KT20 6NP

This message (and any attachments) may contain personal views
which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.

Paul McGuire

Peter Hansen said:
class Klass:
# init set

def meth0(x):
return x
BEAUTIFUL!!! Looks very Pythonic.

This is the first prefix syntax proposal I've seen that looks to address all
of the technical and esthetic objections.

And NO magic punctuation - hooray!

-- Paul

Jeff Shannon

Michael said:
Peter Hansen wrote:

class Klass:
# init set

def meth0(x):
return x

My initial reaction to @decorators was "ugh!". However I was coming to
accept it as inevitable after reading the various arguments for/against
various syntaxes. *This* syntax strikes me personally as having
distinct advantages - largely for clarity of code, and solves the
"where *DOES* the function start?" question with large decorator

I agree. This seems to fit the absolute requirements I've heard passed
down from GvR, and also avoids all of the things that really made my
teeth grate about the @decorator syntax. It's the first prefix syntax
I've seen that actually *looks* like Python to my eyes.

There's still room for discussion about the specific keyword (I'd be
happy enough with "decorate", and not so fond of "using" or "with", but
a case could easily be made for something else...) and about ordering --
presenting the decorators as a suite

def method( ... )

suggests to me an equivalence to

method = d2(d1(method))

which is the reverse of the ordering of @decorators. How significant
the difference is, I can't say...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Steven Bethard

Michael Sparks said:
The only downside I can see is that it might not be 100% obvious that it
relates to the following function to newcomers to python.

This is a downside, but as far as I can tell, it's a downside of all
proposals that place the decorator declaration before the function.
Since it looks like we're stuck with pre-def decorators, I wouldn't
really worry about this issue too much.
In a syntax highlighted editor that also looks *alot* cleaner than
beforehand. IMO, it also looks slightly cleaner than the @version - for
one very, very simple reason - if you have a very big decorator block,
for whatever reason, the "def" stands out clearly so you can skim where
the function starts - even without syntax highlighting.

This is a great point. I definitely agree -- it's much easier to find
the def than even the @ solution. Compare:

@grammarrule('statement : expression')
@versioninfo("Added in 2.4")
def p_statement_expr(self, p):
print p[1]


grammarrule('statement : expression')
versioninfo("Added in 2.4")
def p_statement_expr(self, p):
print p[1]

Of course, you could allow the same thing with '@':

grammarrule('statement : expression')
versioninfo("Added in 2.4")
def p_statement_expr(self, p):
print p[1]

But this looks really cryptic -- unlike 'decorate', '@' doesn't really
read as anything. You probably know that the '@' "applies" to all the
lines below it, but unless you already know what '@' means, you
probably have no idea how it "applies". The keyword version seems
much clearer on this point.

I know there were complaints before about this sort of indentation,
but I couldn't find them in python-dev and the comments in the wiki
don't discuss this in any detail. Can anyone tell me why this
indentation syntax was dispreferred? Specifically, I'm interested in
why this is so drastically different from the other paired blocks:
if/elif/else, try/except, try/finally, etc. Also, there's a comment
in the wiki that says that there are technical problems with the
grammar if a block *starts* with an optional part. Does this not
apply to the @ case (which also starts a block with an optional part)?



Carl Banks

I know there were complaints before about this sort of indentation,
but I couldn't find them in python-dev and the comments in the wiki
don't discuss this in any detail. Can anyone tell me why this
indentation syntax was dispreferred? Specifically, I'm interested in
why this is so drastically different from the other paired blocks:
if/elif/else, try/except, try/finally, etc.

One thing that's different is that, in all those cases, the second
block has a keyword that can't appear alone. You can't have an except
without a try, or an else without an if, but you could have a def
without a decorate.

For that reason, I suggest it would be a bit more congruent (not
necessarily enough to justify another new keyword) with the rest of
Python to also use a keyword different from def, say ddef.

ddef function(args):

Either is definitely very passable if we must go the before-the-def

Also, there's a comment
in the wiki that says that there are technical problems with the
grammar if a block *starts* with an optional part. Does this not
apply to the @ case (which also starts a block with an optional part)?

It doesn't seem like there would be a problem defining it in, for
example, yacc. def and decorate...def could be two different

Peter Hansen

Carl said:
One thing that's different is that, in all those cases, the second
block has a keyword that can't appear alone. You can't have an except
without a try, or an else without an if, but you could have a def
without a decorate.

Is this merely a pedantic argument (not sure I use "pedantic" correctly)
or is this an argument based on presumed difficulties in implementing
the idea?

I ask because I'm not sure the issue matters to anyone writing
or reading the code. It certainly wouldn't bother me that
with if/else it's the first part that's required, while with
decorate/def it's the second part.


Carl Banks

Peter said:
Is this merely a pedantic argument (not sure I use "pedantic" correctly)
or is this an argument based on presumed difficulties in implementing
the idea?

I ask because I'm not sure the issue matters to anyone writing
or reading the code. It certainly wouldn't bother me that
with if/else it's the first part that's required, while with
decorate/def it's the second part.

Well, the only thing is, whenever you see a def statement, you don't
know if it's decorated right away, so you have to expend one or two
extra ergs of energy to look above it and see if it is. (And let's
face it, with the dozens and dozens of decorators that will be applied
to each and every function, it might be a couple screens up. :)

To me, it's totally irrelevant.

I think it would bother some other people, though. I've seen the very
same argument used against a do...while statement. (The do...while
statement didn't bother me either, although ideally I'd prefer do to
replace try in try...finally.)

Michael Sparks

Peter said:
is this an argument based on presumed difficulties in
implementing the idea?

Looking at the wiki it states (as negative points):
1 New keyword
2 Overkill for the simple case like classmethod
3 Many people felt it was wrong use of an identation suite.
4 Has the same problem as 5.A, in that the decorate block implicitly
affects the following def. This does not occur elsewhere in Python.
5 Technical problems with the current grammar parser if a suite
*starts* with an optional part. (Ending with an optional part, such
as "else:" is OK, but starting with one is not.)
6 No implementation currently exists.

1 isn't a huge issue if the syntax has significant benefits - but I
suspect that they would have to be significant to warrant the change.
(Guido says he's more relaxed about the idea, but that might me a
relaxation to just "No" rather than "no way, no how, buzz off" kind of
feeling :)

As per the comment on the wiki regarding 2), I'm not convinced that:

def somefunction(some, args):
multi line
if x = ...

is worse than:

def somefunction(some, args):
multi line
if x = ...
somefunction = staticmethod(somefunction)

It *is* marginally longer than @staticmethod, but I don't think it's any
worse ? On the positive side the "decorate" approach appears to me
MUCH clearer in complex cases, which strikes me as more pythonic. I
love perl and python about as much as each other, but for different
reasons - with one of the things I like about python is that when code
gets complex it generally stays readable.

Item 3 is opinion, but I don't know where the arguments are leading to
that point, so I'll just take that at face value. I'm not convinced,
but hey :)

Regarding 4, it strikes me that this isn't the case (unless it strictly
means "block"!). An import at the beginning of a block changes the
meaning of a block. Similarly a class statement changes the meaning of
the defs immediately following it. I'd agree that it's not ideal, but
the argument that code preceding the def isn't allowed because it
changes the meaning of the def doesn't make sense to me - that's what
the @ syntax does.

Item 6 is always the case for any new feature, so I doubt that's the
real problem - the real problem here strikes me as item 5.

I do wonder how difficult it would be to add though...

(e-mail address removed)
British Broadcasting Corporation, Research and Development
Kingswood Warren, Surrey KT20 6NP

This message (and any attachments) may contain personal views
which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.

Paul McGuire

Michael Sparks said:
Looking at the wiki it states (as negative points):
1 New keyword
2 Overkill for the simple case like classmethod
3 Many people felt it was wrong use of an identation suite.
4 Has the same problem as 5.A, in that the decorate block implicitly
affects the following def. This does not occur elsewhere in Python.
5 Technical problems with the current grammar parser if a suite
*starts* with an optional part. (Ending with an optional part, such
as "else:" is OK, but starting with one is not.)
6 No implementation currently exists.
Item 6 is always the case for any new feature, so I doubt that's the
real problem - the real problem here strikes me as item 5.

I do wonder how difficult it would be to add though...

Looking at the code, it appears that this is how the current '@' syntax is
defined, that a funcdef is optionally preceded by a 'decorators' group,
consisting of one or more 'decorator' (looking at both Grammar/Grammar and

So I think this 'technical problem' is just conjecture. (Should check with
Anthony Baxter to confirm.)

-- Paul

Michael Sparks

Regarding J2 on http://www.python.org/moin/PythonDecorators ...
5 Technical problems with the current grammar parser if a suite
*starts* with an optional part. (Ending with an optional part,
such as "else:" is OK, but starting with one is not.) ....
Item 6 is always the case for any new feature, so I doubt that's the
real problem - the real problem here strikes me as item 5.

I do wonder how difficult it would be to add though...

It doesn't actually seem that difficult to modify the grammar to handle
this if the decorator block handles *only* decorators. I've just tried
modifying the Grammar/Grammar file to see how plausible this is, and I
can get python to build and parse it. (It bombs out because I've not
done any backend work, and this is the first time I've touched the python
compiler source)

The change I made was this:

--- Python-2.4a2/Grammar/Grammar 2004-08-02 07:09:53.000000000 +0100
+++ Python-2.4a2-MS/Grammar/Grammar 2004-08-12 11:05:04.085386128 +0100
@@ -27,10 +27,13 @@
single_input: NEWLINE | simple_stmt | compound_stmt NEWLINE
file_input: (NEWLINE | stmt)* ENDMARKER
eval_input: testlist NEWLINE* ENDMARKER
-decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ]
+# decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ]
+# decorators: decorator ([NEWLINE] decorator)* NEWLINE
+# funcdef: [decorators] 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
+decorator: dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ]
decorators: decorator ([NEWLINE] decorator)* NEWLINE
-funcdef: [decorators] 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
+decoratedfuncdef: 'decorate' ':' NEWLINE INDENT decorators DEDENT funcdef
+funcdef: 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
parameters: '(' [varargslist] ')'
varargslist: (fpdef ['=' test] ',')* ('*' NAME [',' '**' NAME] | '**' NAME) | fpdef ['=' test] (',' fpdef ['=' test])* [',']
fpdef: NAME | '(' fplist ')'
@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@
exec_stmt: 'exec' expr ['in' test [',' test]]
assert_stmt: 'assert' test [',' test]

-compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | funcdef | classdef
+compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | funcdef| decoratedfuncdef | classdef
if_stmt: 'if' test ':' suite ('elif' test ':' suite)* ['else' ':' suite]
while_stmt: 'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]
for_stmt: 'for' exprlist 'in' testlist ':' suite ['else' ':' suite]

This change seems to allow the following code to be parsed happily:

class Foo:
def hello(who):
print "woo?", who

def hello2(who):
print "woo?", who

I say *seems* because I'm getting seg faults when I try and *run* the
above, but the following produces an expected syntax error - _implying_
that the code above is parsed correctly...

class ThisShouldBreak:
def hello(who):
print "woo?", who

def hello2(who):
print "woo?", who

def crashandburnhere(who)
print "woo?", who

(Backtrace from the seg faults seem to point at other stuff as well,
but I don't know the python source well enough to say for certain!
I suspect the reason is because I've yanked the leading "@" more than
anything else)

There is a restriction here - the contents of the decorate block must
be limited to what you would get after an "@" - ie just declarations -
it's not a "suite" (bunch of statements).

(e-mail address removed)
British Broadcasting Corporation, Research and Development
Kingswood Warren, Surrey KT20 6NP

This message (and any attachments) may contain personal views
which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.

Michael Sparks

Michael said:
Regarding J2 on http://www.python.org/moin/PythonDecorators ...

It doesn't actually seem that difficult to modify the grammar to
handle this if the decorator block handles *only* decorators. I've
just tried modifying the Grammar/Grammar file to see how plausible
this is, and I can get python to build and parse it. (It bombs out
because I've not done any backend work, and this is the first time
I've touched the python compiler source)

Done a bit more work and it certainly *is* caused by the backend
logic not in step with the grammar change I made rather than it not
building/parsing correctly. I've tried changing things to make this
work, but at this exact instant I don't have the time to do this. (I
might take another look this evening, it doesn't look *too* difficult
to do)

I've also changed the grammar rules again to make it a smaller change:

--- Python-2.4a2/Grammar/Grammar 2004-08-02 07:09:53.000000000 +0100
+++ Python-2.4a2-MS/Grammar/Grammar 2004-08-12 12:12:11.567115840 +0100
@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@
file_input: (NEWLINE | stmt)* ENDMARKER
eval_input: testlist NEWLINE* ENDMARKER

-decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ]
+decorator: dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ]
decorators: decorator ([NEWLINE] decorator)* NEWLINE
-funcdef: [decorators] 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
+funcdef: ['decorate' ':' NEWLINE INDENT decorators DEDENT] 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
parameters: '(' [varargslist] ')'
varargslist: (fpdef ['=' test] ',')* ('*' NAME [',' '**' NAME] | '**' NAME) | fpdef ['=' test] (',' fpdef ['=' test])* [',']
fpdef: NAME | '(' fplist ')'

This builds, and I've changed some of Python/compile.c to handle this:
--- Python-2.4a2/Python/compile.c 2004-08-04 11:26:08.000000000 +0100
+++ Python-2.4a2-MS/Python/compile.c 2004-08-12 12:19:47.570792744 +0100
@@ -4043,13 +4043,13 @@
/* decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] */
int nch = NCH(n);
- assert(nch >= 2);
- REQ(CHILD(n, 0), AT);
- com_decorator_name(c, CHILD(n, 1));
+ assert(nch >= 1);
+ // REQ(CHILD(n, 0), AT);
+ com_decorator_name(c, CHILD(n, 0));

if (nch > 2) {
assert(nch == 4 || nch == 5);
- REQ(CHILD(n, 2), LPAR);
+ REQ(CHILD(n, 1), LPAR);
REQ(CHILD(n, nch - 1), RPAR);
com_call_function(c, CHILD(n, 3));
@@ -4083,11 +4083,14 @@
PyObject *co;
int ndefs, ndecorators;
REQ(n, funcdef);
- /* -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
+ /* -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
funcdef: [decorators] 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite */
+ /* -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
+ funcdef: ['decorate' ':' NEWLINE INDENT decorators DEDENT ] 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite */

- if (NCH(n) == 6)
- ndecorators = com_decorators(c, CHILD(n, 0));
+ if (NCH(n) == 11)
+ ndecorators = com_decorators(c, CHILD(n, 4));
ndecorators = 0;

@@ -5823,9 +5826,9 @@
case decorator:
if (TYPE(n) == decorator) {
- /* decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] */
+ /* decorator: dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] */
node *name, *varname;
- name = CHILD(n, 1);
+ name = CHILD(n, 0);
REQ(name, dotted_name);
varname = CHILD(name, 0);
REQ(varname, NAME);

However I'm now getting a new error instead (just before a controlled
core dump):

Fatal Python error: unknown scope for staticmethod in Foo(1) in ./foo.py
symbols: {'hello2': 2, 'hello': 2}
locals: {'hello2': 0, 'hello': 1}
globals: {}

Aborted (core dumped)

Smoke test is this:
class Foo:
def hello(who):
print "woo?", who
def hello2(who):
print "woo?", who


I've got to put this aside for the moment, but I'll come back to it
later. (I think this is actually pretty close to working though...)

(e-mail address removed)
British Broadcasting Corporation, Research and Development
Kingswood Warren, Surrey KT20 6NP

This message (and any attachments) may contain personal views
which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.

Peter Hansen

Carl said:
Well, the only thing is, whenever you see a def statement, you don't
know if it's decorated right away, so you have to expend one or two
extra ergs of energy to look above it and see if it is.

Well, that argument could be used against any decorator syntax,
(except those which completely obscure the def, and there would be
obvious objections to such a syntax as well).

Likewise, when you see a def, you don't know for sure right away if
it has a body, or just a big doc string, or perhaps only a pass

Neither can you tell without looking in a module whether it has
functions, classes, or just data. Or maybe just a bunch of comments,
or many, many empty lines. You even have to turn on the computer
before you can find the name of the file!

Damn, you mean we actually have to look at the code to figure
out what it does?! ;-)


Michael Sparks

I've implemented this now, and I have this (kinda*) working. I've
patched the 2.4a2 release from python.org and made the following
* Kinda - there's something wrong with my implementation due to
scoping, and since I only first looked at the python source for the
first time 4-5 hours ago, I think this is progress :)

I changed the grammar to allow syntax J2:

--- Python-2.4a2/Grammar/Grammar 2004-08-02 07:09:53.000000000 +0100
+++ Python-2.4a2-MS/Grammar/Grammar 2004-08-12 13:21:16.577978408 +0100
@@ -30,5 +30,5 @@

-decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ]
+decorator: dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ]
decorators: decorator ([NEWLINE] decorator)* NEWLINE
-funcdef: [decorators] 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
+funcdef: ['decorate' ':' NEWLINE INDENT decorators DEDENT ] 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite
parameters: '(' [varargslist] ')'

I then modified comple.c to make this syntax usable:

--- Python-2.4a2/Python/compile.c 2004-08-04 11:26:08.000000000 +0100
+++ Python-2.4a2-MS/Python/compile.c 2004-08-12 14:24:50.537168480 +0100
@@ -4045,12 +4045,12 @@
int nch = NCH(n);
- assert(nch >= 2);
- REQ(CHILD(n, 0), AT);
- com_decorator_name(c, CHILD(n, 1));
+ assert(nch >= 1);
+ com_decorator_name(c, CHILD(n, 0));

if (nch > 2) {
- assert(nch == 4 || nch == 5);
- REQ(CHILD(n, 2), LPAR);
+ assert(nch == 3 || nch == 4);
+ REQ(CHILD(n, 1), LPAR);
REQ(CHILD(n, nch - 1), RPAR);
- com_call_function(c, CHILD(n, 3));
+ com_call_function(c, CHILD(n, 2));
@@ -4085,7 +4085,7 @@
REQ(n, funcdef);
- /* -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
- funcdef: [decorators] 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite */
- if (NCH(n) == 6)
- ndecorators = com_decorators(c, CHILD(n, 0));
+ /* -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
+ funcdef: ['decorate' ':' NEWLINE INDENT decorators DEDENT ] 'def' NAME parameters ':' suite */
+ if (NCH(n) == 11)
+ ndecorators = com_decorators(c, CHILD(n, 4));
@@ -5825,5 +5825,5 @@
if (TYPE(n) == decorator) {
- /* decorator: '@' dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] */
+ /* decorator: dotted_name [ '(' [arglist] ')' ] */
node *name, *varname;
- name = CHILD(n, 1);
+ name = CHILD(n, 0);
REQ(name, dotted_name);

The one sting in this, which I haven't figured out is that the decorate
keyword and indentation appear to knock the scoping for six (which I
suspect/hope would be simple to solve) so for *this* implementation you
need to do something like:

class Foo:
staticmethod # This is cruft to force staticmethod into scope

def hello(who):
print "woo?", who


If you miss out the cruft above, python can't (with the above small
change) find the right scope for "staticmethod".

I suspect that someone with more experience with the source tree would
be able to remove the cruft line above and allow the scope to be searched

Either way, the argument on http://www.python.org/moin/PythonDecorators
regarding J2 not having an implementation just (80%) disappeared :)

Should I forward this to the dev list?

(e-mail address removed)
British Broadcasting Corporation, Research and Development
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which are not the views of the BBC unless specifically stated.

paolo veronelli

Problems with that: duplication (since you now have the name
of the function in two places) and readability (it's harder to
see the "def" because the name you picked is too close to it
in length and appearance).

On the other hand, there's no need to have the function name
there (was anyone complaining about "stack pushing"?), so
maybe just using "decorate" would be okay, or a different

class Klass:
# init set

def meth0(x):
return x
I think 'mutate' is better then 'decorate', and anyway I like to see what
is mutated and the possibility to explicitate it make possible
to move decorations from this position ,I put them where I like (at least
if I have to call them decorations) even in another file...


class Klass:
def meth0(x):
return x
mutate meth0:

mutate Klass.meth0:

reads good to me.


Mark Bottjer

Michael said:
Looking at the wiki it states (as negative points):
1 New keyword
2 Overkill for the simple case like classmethod
3 Many people felt it was wrong use of an identation suite.
4 Has the same problem as 5.A, in that the decorate block implicitly
affects the following def. This does not occur elsewhere in Python.
5 Technical problems with the current grammar parser if a suite
*starts* with an optional part. (Ending with an optional part, such
as "else:" is OK, but starting with one is not.)
6 No implementation currently exists. [snip]
Item 3 is opinion, but I don't know where the arguments are leading to
that point, so I'll just take that at face value.

The contention was that indentation is used to indicate the effective
scope in other contexts: e.g., def changes how the statements *indented
under it* are handled (they are packed into a code object instead of
executed immediately), but doesn't change how the next statement at the
same indentation level is handled (the statement result may change, due
to coupling via common data, but the statement itself is handled exactly
as it would be were the previous statement not present). With this
syntax, though, the decorate block changes how the def statement is
handled, even though they are at the same indentation level.

Put another way: applying what I know about how indentation is used
elsewhere in Python to this syntax, I would expect the effect of the
decorate statement to be limited to the statements indented under it. I
would not expect it to affect the next statement at the same level
except by the normal coupling of namespace (program state).

Of course, this argument also applies to the prefix @ syntax, but at
least with that we have a funny character cluing us in to the special
Regarding 4, it strikes me that this isn't the case (unless it strictly
means "block"!).

It meant strictly "block". :)
> An import at the beginning of a block changes the
meaning of [the rest of] a block.

Yes, by means of changing the program state--specifically, the namespace
used to resolve identifiers. The decorate block changes the meaning of
only the *next* statement by means of changing the parser (not program)
state. I see them as quite different. YMMV.
> Similarly a class statement changes the meaning of
the defs immediately following it.

It affects the meaning of the defs indented under it. The only way it
affects anything after it is by the modifications it makes to the
namespace. Again, the statements at the same indentation level are
coupled only via namespace, not parser state. The statements in indented
suites are coupled via parser state, but that coupling is made obvious
via the indentation.
I'd agree that it's not ideal, but
the argument that code preceding the def isn't allowed because it
changes the meaning of the def doesn't make sense to me - that's what
the @ syntax does.

Indeed, and that partially why I like the '@' symbol (or possibly a meta
keyword). If we're going to add something which completely disregards
the existing indentation/coupling idioms, then it should have an obvious
visual trigger.

-- Mark

Mark Bottjer

Paul said:
Looking at the code, it appears that this is how the current '@'
syntax is defined, that a funcdef is optionally preceded by a
'decorators' group, consisting of one or more 'decorator' (looking at
both Grammar/Grammar and compile.c).

So I think this 'technical problem' is just conjecture. (Should
check with Anthony Baxter to confirm.)

It looks like they plan on getting around this "problem" by explicitly
eating newlines whenever they match the special '@' rule. This solves
the look-ahead problem with the parser, albeit in kind of an ugly way.

I don't have my source handy, does anything else eat newlines like this?

-- Mark

Peter Hansen

Mark said:
The contention was that indentation is used to indicate the effective
scope in other contexts: e.g., def changes how the statements *indented
under it* are handled (they are packed into a code object instead of
executed immediately), but doesn't change how the next statement at the
same indentation level is handled (the statement result may change, due
to coupling via common data, but the statement itself is handled exactly
as it would be were the previous statement not present).
> With this
syntax, though, the decorate block changes how the def statement is
handled, even though they are at the same indentation level.

Changes it how? The definition of this whole decorator idea has been
that it is equivalent to applying the decorator functions *after* the
def has completed, as in "func = decorator(func)". This does not
in any way changed how the def statement itself is handled.
Put another way: applying what I know about how indentation is used
elsewhere in Python to this syntax, I would expect the effect of the
decorate statement to be limited to the statements indented under it. I
would not expect it to affect the next statement at the same level
except by the normal coupling of namespace (program state).

You don't think of "if" and "else" as being related? When the
expression that is evaluated in the if is true, the "else"
is skipped over... I know: that's just program state as you said.
But so is the effect of the decorator, whether it's spelled "@"
or "decorate:"...

Anyway, whatever works for @pie syntax should work for decorate:
syntax, I would think. @pie is even less like the rest of Python
(especially now with this weird "swallow newlines" hack to work
around the possibility that people might try to put multiple
@decorators on the same line).
Of course, this argument also applies to the prefix @ syntax, but at
least with that we have a funny character cluing us in to the special

While here we have a nice explicit keyword "decorate:" which one
can easily find with a search in the documentation, as opposed to
trying to look up a symbol "@". I don't buy the argument that a
funny symbol is somehow going to help people who don't already know
what decorators are, any more than an explicit "decorate:" line
would. Either one says "this is different, go look up what it
means" to a newcomer.


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