A Grep and a couple Awks <and a lot of Tassilo help>



First let me state that Tassilo v. Parseval helped me a bunch last
April. I would not have been able to complete this project without his
help. I promised last year to post a working copy of this script. It's
not perfect but it works. I'll clean it up a bit more this year.

Tassilo, would you e_mail me directly in order that I may thank you
properly? mail to: nethaniel at box201.com

Up top is the results from the script. The way this script was forged
is documented in the history of this forum. Search on "Grep Once Awk
Twice" to find it. The names and numbers here have been slightly
altered to protect the innocent.

[agrapha@f3dd43-01 scripts]$ ./triag.pl 5555554999 0127 lon1

total_calls 523 total_failures 14 access number 5555554999
success rate for dates selected: 97.3231357552581%

ErrorCodes / Totals
31,10 / 3
31,185 / 8
33,185 / 1
75,81 / 1
75,185 / 1

PhoneNumber / TotalFail
5550001111 / 2
5550001118 / 2
5550001110 / 1
5550001131 / 1
5550001811 / 4
5550001114 / 1
5550001211 / 1
5550001191 / 1
5550001119 / 1

Number / Error / Totals
5550001110 - 75,185,75,81 - 2
5550001111 - 31,185 - 1
5550001114 - 31,185 - 2
5550001118 - 31,185 - 4
5550001119 - 31,10 - 1
5550001131 - 31,10 - 1
5550001191 - 31,10 - 1
5550001211 - 33,185 - 1
5550001811 - 31,185 - 1

triag.pl script complete

[agrapha@f3dd43-01 scripts]$ cat triag.pl

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

# This script was made possible by the excellent help
# from the people on the perl usenet forum.
# The project would not have been possible without them.
# triage.pl was designed to look up an number and gather
# info about it. We begin by making sure they enter one
# on the command line or give them an example if they
# fail to do so.

if (!$ARGV[0] or !$ARGV[1] or !$ARGV[2]) {
print "Syntax is \"./triag.pl accessnumber yyyymmdd mkt\"\n";
print "example: ./triag.pl 2015551212 20040101 lon1
die "Include an access number, date and market when starting

### Variable Initialization

my %error_codes;
my %error_users;
my %err_per_usr;
my $code = 0;
my $users = 0;
my $badusr = 0;

### End Variable Init

# Next we go and find all the radius log files
# the push here will push the line into @selected
# if the line matches @ARGV (the command line value)
my @selected=`zgrep $ARGV[0]
my @badcalls= grep /,0 /, @selected;

# Ok so now we have a zgrep pushed into our
# @selected array. This is because the files are gunzipped.
# That give us all the calls made to the access number.
# Next we need to sort out the calls with zero session time
# by looking for /,0_/ that is a space after the ,0
# because typically failed calls have zero browsing time

# now with the failed calls in @badcalls we filter and sort

foreach (@badcalls[0..$#badcalls]) {
my @errors = split /\s+/, $_;
$code = $errors[7];
$users = $errors[3];

# ok here is a difficult part to my script.
# Thanks Tassilo,
# this script would not have been possible without him.

my %errorsz;
foreach (@badcalls[0..$#badcalls]) {
my ($phonez, $err_codez) = (split)[3,7];
$errorsz{ $phonez }->{ $err_codez }++;

# So the phone-numbers are the primary keys of the hash and the
# error-codes the keys of the nested hash.
# Next we perform a little math to get and average call sucess ratio

my $total = @selected;
my $fail = @badcalls;
print "\ntotal_calls $total\ttotal_failures $fail\taccess number
print "success rate for dates selected: ", (100 - (($fail / $total) *
100)), "%\n";

# Finally I print out the information to the screen
print "\nErrorCodes / Totals\n";
print "-------------------\n";
foreach my $key (keys %error_codes) {
print "$key\t\/\t$error_codes{$key}\n";
print "\nPhoneNumber / TotalFail\n";
print "-----------------------\n";
foreach my $key (keys %error_users) {
print "$key\t\/\t$error_users{$key}\n";
# this one is now fixed. Adding the perfect flourish
# to my first perl program.

print "\nNumber / Error / Totals\n";
print "-----------------------\n";

for my $n (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %errorsz) {
# $errorsz{ $n } is now itself a reference to a hash
my %codesz = %{ $errorsz{ $n } };

# compute the total numbers of errors for this phone-number
my $qty;
for ( keys %codesz ) {
$qty += $codesz{ $_ };

# display the stats for a given phone-number $n
print "$n - ", join (",", keys %codesz), " - $qty\n";

print "\n\ntriag.pl script complete\n";

Uri Guttman

A> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
A> use strict;


A> if (!$ARGV[0] or !$ARGV[1] or !$ARGV[2]) {

if ( @ARGV != 3 ) {

A> print "Syntax is \"./triag.pl accessnumber yyyymmdd mkt\"\n";
A> print "example: ./triag.pl 2015551212 20040101 lon1
A> die "Include an access number, date and market when starting
A> Triag\n";

why not a single die? and lose the \" stuff. here docs to the rescue!!

die <<DIE ;
Syntax is "./triag.pl accessnumber yyyymmdd mkt"
example: ./triag.pl 2015551212 20040101 lon1
Include an access number, date and market when starting Triag

what i like to do is make a usage sub like this:

sub usage {

my ( $err_text ) = @_ ;

$err_text ||= '' ; # stop undef warnings

die <<DIE ;

Syntax is "./triag.pl accessnumber yyyymmdd mkt"
example: ./triag.pl 2015551212 20040101 lon1
Include an access number, date and market when starting Triag


then you can call that in different places in the arg parsing stuff like

usage( "missing arguments ) if @ARGV < 3 ;
usage( "too many arguments ) if @ARGV > 3 ;

A> }

A> ### Variable Initialization

A> my %error_codes;
A> my %error_users;
A> my %err_per_usr;
A> my $code = 0;
A> my $users = 0;
A> my $badusr = 0;

declare your variables in the tightest scope possible. these are file
scoped globals and are possibly too visible.

A> my @selected=`zgrep $ARGV[0]
A> ./radiuslog/$ARGV[1]/server.$ARGV[2].Detail.$ARGV[1].gz`;

CPAN has modules to read .gz files so you can save on a fork.

A> my @badcalls= grep /,0 /, @selected;

A> #####
A> # ok here is a difficult part to my script.
A> # Thanks Tassilo,
A> # this script would not have been possible without him.
A> ###

A> my %errorsz;

that is a better place to declare something, right before its first use.

also use _ to make your var names more readable:

my %errors_z;

A> foreach (@badcalls[0..$#badcalls]) {
A> my ($phonez, $err_codez) = (split)[3,7];
A> $errorsz{ $phonez }->{ $err_codez }++;

no need for that -> between pairs of nest derefs (hash or array).

A> }

A> my $total = @selected;
A> my $fail = @badcalls;
A> print "\ntotal_calls $total\ttotal_failures $fail\taccess number
A> $ARGV[0]\n";
A> print "success rate for dates selected: ", (100 - (($fail / $total) *
A> 100)), "%\n";

here docs again! precalculate the rate value:

my $rate = 100 - (($fail / $total) * 100)

print <<TOTALS ;
total_calls $total total_failures $fail access number $ARGV[0]
success rate for dates selected: $rate

A> #####
A> # Finally I print out the information to the screen
A> ###
A> print "\nErrorCodes / Totals\n";
A> print "-------------------\n";
A> foreach my $key (keys %error_codes) {
A> print "$key\t\/\t$error_codes{$key}\n";

there is no need to escape / in a plain double quoted string. that is
only needed (and another delimiter should be chosen) in regex ops.
A> }
A> print "\nPhoneNumber / TotalFail\n";
A> print "-----------------------\n";
A> foreach my $key (keys %error_users) {
A> print "$key\t\/\t$error_users{$key}\n";
A> }

again, i would build it all up in a single string and then print it. it
is cleaner, faster and lets you control where you print it all. and
statement modifiers will make it look even better:

my $text = '' ;

$text .= <<TXT ;

ErrorCodes / Totals

$text .= <<TXT foreach keys %error_codes ;
$_ / $error_codes{$_}

$text .= <<TXT ;

PhoneNumber / TotalFail

$text .= <<TXT foreach keys %error_users ;
$_ / $error_users{$_}


notice how much easier it is to read what will be printed and also to
line it up? no extra " or \n or \t chars to provide visual noise. of
course some don't like here docs as much as i do but they are infidels! :)

A> for my $n (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %errorsz) {
A> # $errorsz{ $n } is now itself a reference to a hash
A> my %codesz = %{ $errorsz{ $n } };

no need to copy that hash. see below

A> # compute the total numbers of errors for this phone-number
A> my $qty;
A> for ( keys %codesz ) {

for ( keys %{ $errorsz{ $n } } ) {

A> $qty += $codesz{ $_ };
A> }

and that can be shrunk with a statement modifier (i like those too!).

$qty += %{ $errorsz{ $_ } } for keys %{ $errorsz{ $n } } ;

but you are only accessing and summing the values of the subhash and you
don't need the keys for that. use the values function:

$qty += $_ for values %{ $errorsz{ $n } } ;

that is all you need there AFIACT from your code.

A> # display the stats for a given phone-number $n
A> print "$n - ", join (",", keys %codesz), " - $qty\n";
A> }

A> print "\n\ntriag.pl script complete\n";

here docs there as well.


Tassilo v. Parseval

Also sprach Agrapha:
First let me state that Tassilo v. Parseval helped me a bunch last
April. I would not have been able to complete this project without his
help. I promised last year to post a working copy of this script. It's
not perfect but it works. I'll clean it up a bit more this year.

Tassilo, would you e_mail me directly in order that I may thank you
properly? mail to: nethaniel at box201.com

Worry not. I did get your email after christmas. Btw, most people in
this group wont expect an explicit thank you (but it can't hurt to
send one nonetheless of course).

However, it's a good idea to make a post summing up your experiences and
showing your results as you do right now.
[agrapha@f3dd43-01 scripts]$ cat triag.pl

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

# This script was made possible by the excellent help
# from the people on the perl usenet forum.
# The project would not have been possible without them.
# triage.pl was designed to look up an number and gather
# info about it. We begin by making sure they enter one
# on the command line or give them an example if they
# fail to do so.

if (!$ARGV[0] or !$ARGV[1] or !$ARGV[2]) {
print "Syntax is \"./triag.pl accessnumber yyyymmdd mkt\"\n";
print "example: ./triag.pl 2015551212 20040101 lon1
die "Include an access number, date and market when starting

This is mostly a question of good style: usage-messages should go to
stderr really:

if (@ARGV != 3) {
warn <<EOWARN;
Syntax is $0 accessnumber yyyymmdd mkt
example: $0 2015551212 20040101 lon1
Include an access number, date and market when starting Triag

I use $0 because it is shorter and because it contains the exact path
which you used to call your script.
### Variable Initialization

my %error_codes;
my %error_users;
my %err_per_usr;
my $code = 0;
my $users = 0;
my $badusr = 0;

Some of these variables shouldn't have file-scope. As far as I can see,
$code and $users is only used in a for-loop later on. Better restrict
their scope to this loop.
### End Variable Init

# Next we go and find all the radius log files
# the push here will push the line into @selected
# if the line matches @ARGV (the command line value)
my @selected=`zgrep $ARGV[0]
my @badcalls= grep /,0 /, @selected;

Maybe a pipe-open is more appropriate here:

open ZGREP, "|", "zgrep $ARGV[0] ./radiuslog/..."
or die "Could not spawn zgrep: $!";
my (@badcalls, $total);
while (<ZGREP>) {
push @badcalls, $_ if /,0 /;
close ZGREP;

This needs less memory and gets rid of @selected altogether.
# Ok so now we have a zgrep pushed into our
# @selected array. This is because the files are gunzipped.
# That give us all the calls made to the access number.
# Next we need to sort out the calls with zero session time
# by looking for /,0_/ that is a space after the ,0
# because typically failed calls have zero browsing time

# now with the failed calls in @badcalls we filter and sort

foreach (@badcalls[0..$#badcalls]) {
my @errors = split /\s+/, $_;
$code = $errors[7];
$users = $errors[3];

foreach (@badcalls) {
my ($code, $users) = (split /\s+/, $_)[3,7];
$error_codes{ $code }++;
$error_users{ $users }++;
# ok here is a difficult part to my script.
# Thanks Tassilo,
# this script would not have been possible without him.

my %errorsz;
foreach (@badcalls[0..$#badcalls]) {
my ($phonez, $err_codez) = (split)[3,7];
$errorsz{ $phonez }->{ $err_codez }++;

There is quite some redundancy in the above two loops. You can squeeze
that into one:

my %errorsz;
foreach (@badcalls) {
my ($code, $users) = (split)[3,7];
$error_codes{ $code }++;
$error_users{ $users }++;
$errorsz{ $code }->{ $users }++;

I am a little bit confused over the naming of the variables. In the
first loop, the 4th and 7th field of each @badcall-item are named $code
and $users respectively. In the second loop however, you call them
$phonez and $err_codez.

As for what Uri said on not using the explicit dereference operator '->':
This is mostly a question of personal style. They aren't needed when
working with nested references. However, it adds a little bit of
consistency. Leaving them off somewhat implies that this:

my $hash_ref = { key => value };
print $hash_ref{ key };

would also work, but it doesn't.
# So the phone-numbers are the primary keys of the hash and the
# error-codes the keys of the nested hash.
# Next we perform a little math to get and average call sucess ratio

my $total = @selected;

This is now obsolete as $total has already been computed in the
while(<ZGREP> loop.


For the rest, Uri has already given good advise and there#s nothing to



Uri Guttman said:
what i like to do is make a usage sub like this:

sub usage {
my ( $err_text ) = @_ ;
$err_text ||= '' ; # stop undef warnings

In this kind of cases I like to do:

sub usage {
my $err_text = shift || 'defaultvalue' ;

of course that might not work as expected when '0' is a legal
parameter, different from default, but is applicable in many


Uri Guttman

g> In this kind of cases I like to do:

g> sub usage {
g> my $err_text = shift || 'defaultvalue' ;
g> ...

i just stay away from shift @_ in most cases. i do use it where it does
something important (like when i want to use a shorter @_ in more calls)
but i stick with my () = @_ in almost all cases.

and in this case you could do (but i wouldn't!):

my( $err_text ) = ( @_, '' ) ;

which works for empty @_ which is the only case i was concerned about
(stopping the undef warning). now this still fails with:

usage( undef ) ;

but that coder deserves to get the warning!


g> of course that might not work as expected when '0' is a legal
g> parameter, different from default, but is applicable in many
g> situations.

but who uses '' or '0' as an error string? so that is fine for usage().

anyhow, my main point is writing a usage sub is a good idea. and there
is a module to make the pod and usage use common text. i saw some hacks
for this once and i used them on a coupld of scripts on a project IIRC.



Tassilo v. Parseval said:
# info about it. We begin by making sure they enter one
# on the command line or give them an example if they
# fail to do so.

if (!$ARGV[0] or !$ARGV[1] or !$ARGV[2]) {
print "Syntax is \"./triag.pl accessnumber yyyymmdd mkt\"\n";
print "example: ./triag.pl 2015551212 20040101 lon1
die "Include an access number, date and market when starting

This is mostly a question of good style: usage-messages should go to
stderr really:

if (@ARGV != 3) {
warn <<EOWARN;
Syntax is $0 accessnumber yyyymmdd mkt
example: $0 2015551212 20040101 lon1
Include an access number, date and market when starting Triag

I use $0 because it is shorter and because it contains the exact path
which you used to call your script.

$0 !? Very cool. I did not know what that variable was for even after
I looked it up. I had to run it once. Ok so the @ARGV is the global
array for the command line. Feed it 10 bits of info separated by ' '
and I can test for the number of elements by (@ARGV <operand> 10).
EOWARN is your Handle and << means to append into something called
"warn". The exit(1) must print out the "warn" we just prepopulated.
The terminator EOWARN seems to work only when I take all the
whitespace from in front and place it on the hard left. Othewise Perl
doesn't seem to find it. Would you describe "warn" ? What is that
variable to stderr? How does perl know what is what here? no "", no
echos (except an exit(1)) no ";" I'm missing a concept with "<<"
Some of these variables shouldn't have file-scope. As far as I can see,
$code and $users is only used in a for-loop later on. Better restrict
their scope to this loop.

Agreed. This is bad form. I've corrected the issue (legacy bad code
style from the start of this script)
Maybe a pipe-open is more appropriate here:

open ZGREP, "|", "zgrep $ARGV[0] ./radiuslog/..."
or die "Could not spawn zgrep: $!";
my (@badcalls, $total);
while (<ZGREP>) {
push @badcalls, $_ if /,0 /;
close ZGREP;

This needs less memory and gets rid of @selected altogether.

Confession here. The files this script opens are quite large. and
there are 30 files. The nifty shell script this came from was banned
due to memory issues. Thats why we created a perl script. Just that
helped dramatically. Still heavy on the machine but it takes 5 minutes
and not 15-20 minutes to run. If I can save memory cpu cycles then I'm
all for it.
There is quite some redundancy in the above two loops. You can squeeze
that into one:

my %errorsz;
foreach (@badcalls) {
my ($code, $users) = (split)[3,7];
$error_codes{ $code }++;
$error_users{ $users }++;
$errorsz{ $code }->{ $users }++;

The redundancy is simply due to my lack of understanding. The complex
structure that is built here was quite beyond my skill level for the
moment. The issue is a hash of hashes. Up to this point I simply count
how many error codes or how many users. This is different. I have a
structure like this:

my %errors = (
2005551212 => {
101,4 => 10,
33,185 => 33,
2005551213 => {
63,43 => 15,
65,42 => 26,

the 10 digit numbers are phone numbers. The 101,4 is an example of an
error code. The 10 is the count. I need to sort this by phone number.

print "\nNumber / Error / Totals\n";

for my $n (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %errorsz) {
# $errorsz{ $n } is now itself a reference to a hash
my %codesz = %{ $errorsz{ $n } };

# compute the total numbers of errors for this phone-number
my $qty;
for ( keys %codesz ) {
$qty += $codesz{ $_ };

# display the stats for a given phone-number $n
print "$n - ", join ("/", keys %codesz), " - $qty\n";

I separated these out for 3 different prints just so I could keep it
straight in my mind.
For the rest, Uri has already given good advise and there#s nothing to

Uri made a good point that all prints should come from the same
statement. just load up a variable and then print once. I'll look over
that section in a minute.

P.S. Could someone help me find the perldocs? Tassilo has mentioned
them multiple times and I have failed to ask him how do I access those
docs. Is it a web based application or something I can download?

Ben Morrow

$0 !? Very cool. I did not know what that variable was for even after
I looked it up. I had to run it once. Ok so the @ARGV is the global
array for the command line. Feed it 10 bits of info separated by ' '
and I can test for the number of elements by (@ARGV <operand> 10).
EOWARN is your Handle and << means to append into something called
"warn". The exit(1) must print out the "warn" we just prepopulated.
The terminator EOWARN seems to work only when I take all the
whitespace from in front and place it on the hard left. Othewise Perl
doesn't seem to find it. Would you describe "warn" ? What is that
variable to stderr? How does perl know what is what here? no "", no
echos (except an exit(1)) no ";" I'm missing a concept with "<<"

Very much so :).


is a here-doc, exactly as in shell. The statement

warn <<EOWARN;

is equivalent to

warn "blah\n";

.. See perldoc perlop. warn is simply a function being called with one
argument: see perldoc -f warn.



Uri Guttman said:
A> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
A> use strict;


Good! :)
A> if (!$ARGV[0] or !$ARGV[1] or !$ARGV[2]) {

if ( @ARGV != 3 ) {

dern it :( I admit, the OR statements look a lot less appealing then
your neat 7 syllable command. I really need to tighten up my
A> print "Syntax is \"./triag.pl accessnumber yyyymmdd mkt\"\n";
A> print "example: ./triag.pl 2015551212 20040101 lon1
A> die "Include an access number, date and market when starting
A> Triag\n";

why not a single die? and lose the \" stuff. here docs to the rescue!!

die <<DIE ;
Syntax is "./triag.pl accessnumber yyyymmdd mkt"
example: ./triag.pl 2015551212 20040101 lon1
Include an access number, date and market when starting Triag

what i like to do is make a usage sub like this:

sub usage {

my ( $err_text ) = @_ ;

$err_text ||= '' ; # stop undef warnings

die <<DIE ;

Syntax is "./triag.pl accessnumber yyyymmdd mkt"
example: ./triag.pl 2015551212 20040101 lon1
Include an access number, date and market when starting Triag


then you can call that in different places in the arg parsing stuff like

usage( "missing arguments ) if @ARGV < 3 ;
usage( "too many arguments ) if @ARGV > 3 ;

very slick..... Thats a very tight style. I don't fully understand the
die <<DIE
idea yet. Where can I find some online docs about the
initiator/terminator statements? The code above is so much easier to
declare your variables in the tightest scope possible. these are file
scoped globals and are possibly too visible.

agreed. The scope was set too wide at first simply because I honestly
didn't know any better. I think it's fixed now keep the variables used
in the for- loops isolated to the for-loops.
A> my @selected=`zgrep $ARGV[0]
A> ./radiuslog/$ARGV[1]/server.$ARGV[2].Detail.$ARGV[1].gz`;

CPAN has modules to read .gz files so you can save on a fork.

I'll search CPAN tonight. This is a serious bottleneck in the program.
The files I'm gleening through here are 1-5meg big and there are 30
files. Anything at all that will either let me slurp the files up or
zgrep them or what. Thanks for the tip on where to find the info on

here docs again! precalculate the rate value:
my $rate = 100 - (($fail / $total) * 100)

print <<TOTALS ;
total_calls $total total_failures $fail access number $ARGV[0]
success rate for dates selected: $rate

This must have been one of those gaps in my perl education. I think
after the third of fourth time I'm getting the idea. The TOTALS acts
like a " thats why there needs to be a terminator TOTALS as well. the
semicolon after the first TOTALS has me confused though whay doesn't
perl just end that statement after the ";" and error out the next 3
again, i would build it all up in a single string and then print it. it
is cleaner, faster and lets you control where you print it all. and
statement modifiers will make it look even better:

my $text = '' ;

$text .= <<TXT ;

ErrorCodes / Totals

$text .= <<TXT foreach keys %error_codes ;
$_ / $error_codes{$_}

$text .= <<TXT ;

PhoneNumber / TotalFail

$text .= <<TXT foreach keys %error_users ;
$_ / $error_users{$_}


notice how much easier it is to read what will be printed and also to
line it up? no extra " or \n or \t chars to provide visual noise. of
course some don't like here docs as much as i do but they are infidels! :)

I really like the clarity there. I need to study the strings a bit
better. The semicolon in the statement
$text .= <<TXT foreach keys %error_users ;
has me confused. the .= means to add to the variable I think. but the
; seems to me to end the statement.
A> for my $n (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %errorsz) {
A> # $errorsz{ $n } is now itself a reference to a hash
A> my %codesz = %{ $errorsz{ $n } };

no need to copy that hash. see below

A> # compute the total numbers of errors for this phone-number
A> my $qty;
A> for ( keys %codesz ) {

for ( keys %{ $errorsz{ $n } } ) {

A> $qty += $codesz{ $_ };
A> }

and that can be shrunk with a statement modifier (i like those too!).

$qty += %{ $errorsz{ $_ } } for keys %{ $errorsz{ $n } } ;

but you are only accessing and summing the values of the subhash and you
don't need the keys for that. use the values function:

$qty += $_ for values %{ $errorsz{ $n } } ;

that is all you need there AFIACT from your code.

whew, ok Uri you just went over my head. This whole section is very
difficult for me to understand. Where can I find some good information
on how to understand a hash of hashes. ?

Uri Guttman

A> if (!$ARGV[0] or !$ARGV[1] or !$ARGV[2]) {
A> dern it :( I admit, the OR statements look a lot less appealing then
A> your neat 7 syllable command. I really need to tighten up my
A> statements.

just don't tighten too much. good style is a balance between tight code
and clarity.

A> very slick..... Thats a very tight style. I don't fully understand the
A> die <<DIE
A> ...
A> idea yet. Where can I find some online docs about the
A> initiator/terminator statements? The code above is so much easier to
A> read.

that is called a here document. covered in perldata in the literals
section. it is a very clean way to do multiline strings.
here docs again! precalculate the rate value:
my $rate = 100 - (($fail / $total) * 100)

print <<TOTALS ;
total_calls $total total_failures $fail access number $ARGV[0]
success rate for dates selected: $rate

A> This must have been one of those gaps in my perl education. I think
A> after the third of fourth time I'm getting the idea. The TOTALS acts
A> like a " thats why there needs to be a terminator TOTALS as well. the
A> semicolon after the first TOTALS has me confused though whay doesn't
A> perl just end that statement after the ";" and error out the next 3
A> lines?

the print statement is what needs the ;. the here doc literal has 2
parts. the <<TOKEN is where the string ends up in the expression. its
content is all the following lines up to the matching close TOKEN.

A> I really like the clarity there. I need to study the strings a bit
A> better. The semicolon in the statement
A> $text .= <<TXT foreach keys %error_users ;
A> has me confused. the .= means to add to the variable I think. but the
A> ; seems to me to end the statement.

same as above. you always need a ; to end (actually separate) a
statement. there are minor exceptions (last one in a block) but don't
fall into that trap as it will bite you when you need to add more code
A> whew, ok Uri you just went over my head. This whole section is very
A> difficult for me to understand. Where can I find some good information
A> on how to understand a hash of hashes. ?

perldoc perlreftut
perldoc perllol
perldoc perldsc


Joe Smith

Agrapha said:
P.S. Could someone help me find the perldocs? Tassilo has mentioned
them multiple times and I have failed to ask him how do I access those
docs. Is it a web based application or something I can download?

Yes to both.

unix% perldoc perl # Unix (Linux) command line

C:\>perldoc perl # MS-DOS command window

Start -> Programs -> ActiveState ActivePerl 5.8 -> Documentation



Tassilo v. Parseval said:
my @selected=`zgrep $ARGV[0]
my @badcalls= grep /,0 /, @selected;

Maybe a pipe-open is more appropriate here:

open ZGREP, "|", "zgrep $ARGV[0] ./radiuslog/..."
or die "Could not spawn zgrep: $!";
my (@badcalls, $total);
while (<ZGREP>) {
push @badcalls, $_ if /,0 /;
close ZGREP;

This needs less memory and gets rid of @selected altogether.

I think this section is giving me a hard time.
open ZGREP, "|", "zgrep $ARGV[0] ./radiuslog/..." gives me an error.
specifically "Unknown open() mode '|' at ./triag.pl line 54."
if I change the line to
open ZGREP, "| zgrep $ARGV[0] ./radiuslog/..." then it works but sends
all the data to the screen and doesn't push into a variable or count


Uri Guttman said:
A> whew, ok Uri you just went over my head. This whole section is very
A> difficult for me to understand. Where can I find some good information
A> on how to understand a hash of hashes. ?

perldoc perlreftut
perldoc perllol
perldoc perldsc
NICE! I read all the posts helping me use and get around perldoc.
Thats a vital piece of info I didn't know. Thank you all.


Tassilo v. Parseval said:
Also sprach Agrapha:
my @selected=`zgrep $ARGV[0]
my @badcalls= grep /,0 /, @selected;

Maybe a pipe-open is more appropriate here:

open ZGREP, "|", "zgrep $ARGV[0] ./radiuslog/..."
or die "Could not spawn zgrep: $!";
my (@badcalls, $total);
while (<ZGREP>) {
push @badcalls, $_ if /,0 /;
close ZGREP;

This needs less memory and gets rid of @selected altogether.

my epitaph will be "he persevered" the "perldoc -f open" helped me
here. The pipe was giving me an error. I changed just 1 thing...no
doubt left for me to dig a little as well. The open I think should
look like -| opening inbound to us.

open ZGREP, '-|', "zgrep $ARGV[0] ./radiuslog/..."

and quick!!! I thought it was broke it went so quick. 8, 5meg files in
about 3 to 5 seconds. thats brilliant. Let me clean this script up a
bit and I'll post a better copy. I need to incorporate a few ideas yet
from Uri and a couple others.


gnari said:
and if perldoc is not installed, usually
man perl
man perlfunc
etc ...

I assumed perldoc was installed as part of the perl language when it
was originally untarred. If perl was installed on my local windows
machine, I would have been truly lost. This is a great tool.

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