A nice way to use regex for complicate parsing



My goal is to write a parser for these imaginary string from the SMTP
protocol, regarding RFC 821 and 1869.
I'm a little flexible with the BNF from these RFC :)
Any comment ?

tests=[ 'MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>',
'MAIL FROM:[email protected]',
'MAIL FROM:<[email protected]> SIZE=1234
[email protected]',
'MAIL FROM:[email protected] SIZE=1234
[email protected]',
'MAIL FROM:<"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@address.com>',
'MAIL FROM:"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@address.com',
'MAIL FROM:<"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@address.com> SIZE=1234
[email protected]',
'MAIL FROM:"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@address.com SIZE=1234
[email protected]',

def RN(name, regex):
"""protect using () and give an optional name to a regex"""
if name:
return r'(?P<%s>%s)' % (name, regex)
return r'(?:%s)' % regex


# <dotnum> ::= <snum> "." <snum> "." <snum> "." <snum>
regex['dotnum']=RN(None, r'[012]?\d?\d\.[012]?\d?\d\.[012]?\d?\d\.
[012]?\d?\d' % regex)
# <dot-string> ::= <string> | <string> "." <dot-string>
regex['dot_string']=RN(None, r'[a-zA-Z0-9]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*' %
# <domain> ::= <element> | <element> "." <domain>
regex['domain']=RN('domain', r'%(dotnum)s|%(dot_string)s' % regex)
# <q> ::= any one of the 128 ASCII characters except <CR>, <LF>, quote
("), or backslash (\)
regex['q']=RN(None, r'[^\n\r"\\]' % regex)
# <x> ::= any one of the 128 ASCII characters (no exceptions)
regex['x']=RN(None, r'.' % regex)
# <qtext> ::= "\" <x> | "\" <x> <qtext> | <q> | <q> <qtext>
regex['qtext']=RN(None, r'(?:\\%(x)s|%(q)s)+' % regex)
# <quoted-string> ::= """ <qtext> """
regex['quoted_string']=RN('quoted_string', r'"%(qtext)s"' % regex)
# <local-part> ::= <dot-string> | <quoted-string>
regex['local_part']=RN('local_part', r'%(quoted_string)s|%
(dot_string)s' % regex)
# <mailbox> ::= <local-part> "@" <domain>
regex['mailbox']=RN('mailbox', r'%(local_part)s@%(domain)s' % regex)
# <path> ::= "<" [ <a-d-l> ":" ] <mailbox> ">"
# also accept address without <>
regex['path']=RN('path', r'(?P<path_lt><)?%(mailbox)s(?(path_lt)>)' %
# esmtp-keyword ::= (ALPHA / DIGIT) *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
regex['esmtp_keyword']=RN(None, r'[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]*' % regex)
# esmtp-value ::= 1*<any CHAR excluding "=", SP, and all ;
syntax and values depend on esmtp-keyword
# control characters (US ASCII 0-31inclusive)>
regex['esmtp_value']=RN(None, r'[^= \t\r\n\f\v]*' % regex)
# esmtp-parameter ::= esmtp-keyword ["=" esmtp-value]
regex['esmtp_parameter']=RN(None, r'%(esmtp_keyword)s(?:=%
(esmtp_value)s)?' % regex)
# esmtp-parameter ::= esmtp-keyword ["=" esmtp-value]
regex['esmtp_parameters']=RN('esmtp_parameters', r'%
(esmtp_parameter)s(?:\s+%(esmtp_parameter)s)+' % regex)
# esmtp-cmd ::= inner-esmtp-cmd [SP esmtp-parameters] CR LF
regex['esmtp_addr']=RN('esmtp_addr', r'%(path)s(?:\s+%
(esmtp_parameters)s)?' % regex)

for t in tests:
for keyword in [ 'MAIL FROM:', 'RCPT TO:' ]:
if t[:keylen].upper()==keyword:

match=re.match(regex['esmtp_addr'], t)
if match:
print 'MATCH local_part=%(local_part)s domain=%(domain)s
esmtp_parameters=%(esmtp_parameters)s' % match.groupdict()
print 'DONT match', t

Shane Geiger

It would be worth learning pyparsing to do this.

My goal is to write a parser for these imaginary string from the SMTP
protocol, regarding RFC 821 and 1869.
I'm a little flexible with the BNF from these RFC :)
Any comment ?

tests=[ 'MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>',
'MAIL FROM:[email protected]',
'MAIL FROM:<[email protected]> SIZE=1234
[email protected]',
'MAIL FROM:[email protected] SIZE=1234
[email protected]',
'MAIL FROM:<"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@address.com>',
'MAIL FROM:"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@address.com',
'MAIL FROM:<"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@address.com> SIZE=1234
[email protected]',
'MAIL FROM:"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@address.com SIZE=1234
[email protected]',

def RN(name, regex):
"""protect using () and give an optional name to a regex"""
if name:
return r'(?P<%s>%s)' % (name, regex)
return r'(?:%s)' % regex


# <dotnum> ::= <snum> "." <snum> "." <snum> "." <snum>
regex['dotnum']=RN(None, r'[012]?\d?\d\.[012]?\d?\d\.[012]?\d?\d\.
[012]?\d?\d' % regex)
# <dot-string> ::= <string> | <string> "." <dot-string>
regex['dot_string']=RN(None, r'[a-zA-Z0-9]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*' %
# <domain> ::= <element> | <element> "." <domain>
regex['domain']=RN('domain', r'%(dotnum)s|%(dot_string)s' % regex)
# <q> ::= any one of the 128 ASCII characters except <CR>, <LF>, quote
("), or backslash (\)
regex['q']=RN(None, r'[^\n\r"\\]' % regex)
# <x> ::= any one of the 128 ASCII characters (no exceptions)
regex['x']=RN(None, r'.' % regex)
# <qtext> ::= "\" <x> | "\" <x> <qtext> | <q> | <q> <qtext>
regex['qtext']=RN(None, r'(?:\\%(x)s|%(q)s)+' % regex)
# <quoted-string> ::= """ <qtext> """
regex['quoted_string']=RN('quoted_string', r'"%(qtext)s"' % regex)
# <local-part> ::= <dot-string> | <quoted-string>
regex['local_part']=RN('local_part', r'%(quoted_string)s|%
(dot_string)s' % regex)
# <mailbox> ::= <local-part> "@" <domain>
regex['mailbox']=RN('mailbox', r'%(local_part)s@%(domain)s' % regex)
# <path> ::= "<" [ <a-d-l> ":" ] <mailbox> ">"
# also accept address without <>
regex['path']=RN('path', r'(?P<path_lt><)?%(mailbox)s(?(path_lt)>)' %
# esmtp-keyword ::= (ALPHA / DIGIT) *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
regex['esmtp_keyword']=RN(None, r'[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]*' % regex)
# esmtp-value ::= 1*<any CHAR excluding "=", SP, and all ;
syntax and values depend on esmtp-keyword
# control characters (US ASCII 0-31inclusive)>
regex['esmtp_value']=RN(None, r'[^= \t\r\n\f\v]*' % regex)
# esmtp-parameter ::= esmtp-keyword ["=" esmtp-value]
regex['esmtp_parameter']=RN(None, r'%(esmtp_keyword)s(?:=%
(esmtp_value)s)?' % regex)
# esmtp-parameter ::= esmtp-keyword ["=" esmtp-value]
regex['esmtp_parameters']=RN('esmtp_parameters', r'%
(esmtp_parameter)s(?:\s+%(esmtp_parameter)s)+' % regex)
# esmtp-cmd ::= inner-esmtp-cmd [SP esmtp-parameters] CR LF
regex['esmtp_addr']=RN('esmtp_addr', r'%(path)s(?:\s+%
(esmtp_parameters)s)?' % regex)

for t in tests:
for keyword in [ 'MAIL FROM:', 'RCPT TO:' ]:
if t[:keylen].upper()==keyword:

match=re.match(regex['esmtp_addr'], t)
if match:
print 'MATCH local_part=%(local_part)s domain=%(domain)s
esmtp_parameters=%(esmtp_parameters)s' % match.groupdict()
print 'DONT match', t

Shane Geiger
IT Director
National Council on Economic Education
(e-mail address removed) | 402-438-8958 | http://www.ncee.net

Leading the Campaign for Economic and Financial Literacy

Paul McGuire

It would be worth learning pyparsing to do this.

Thanks to Shane and Steven for the ref to pyparsing. I also was
struck by this post, thinking "this is pyparsing written in re's and

The approach you are taking is *very* much like the thought process I
went through when first implementing pyparsing. I wanted to easily
compose expressions from other expressions. In your case, you are
string interpolating using a cumulative dict of prior expressions.
Pyparsing uses various subclasses of the ParserElement class, with
operator definitions for alternation ("|" or "^" depending on non-
greedy vs. greedy), composition ("+"), and negation ("~"). Pyparsing
also uses its own extended results construct, ParseResults, which
supports named results fields, accessible using list indicies, dict
names, or instance names.

Here is the pyparsing treatment of your example (I may not have gotten
every part correct, but my point is more the similarity of our
approaches). Note the access to the smtp parameters via the Dict

-- Paul

from pyparsing import *

# <dotnum> ::= <snum> "." <snum> "." <snum> "." <snum>
intgr = Word(nums)
dotnum = Combine(intgr + "." + intgr + "." + intgr + "." + intgr)

# <dot-string> ::= <string> | <string> "." <dot-string>
string_ = Word(alphanums)
dotstring = Combine(delimitedList(string_,"."))

# <domain> ::= <element> | <element> "." <domain>
domain = dotnum | dotstring

# <q> ::= any one of the 128 ASCII characters except <CR>, <LF>, quote
("), or backslash (\)
# <x> ::= any one of the 128 ASCII characters (no exceptions)
# <qtext> ::= "\" <x> | "\" <x> <qtext> | <q> | <q> <qtext>
# <quoted-string> ::= """ <qtext> """
quotedString = dblQuotedString # <- just use pre-defined expr from

# <local-part> ::= <dot-string> | <quoted-string>
localpart = (dotstring | quotedString).setResultsName("localpart")

# <mailbox> ::= <local-part> "@" <domain>
mailbox = Combine(localpart + "@" + domain).setResultsName("mailbox")

# <path> ::= "<" [ <a-d-l> ":" ] <mailbox> ">"
# also accept address without <>
path = "<" + mailbox + ">" | mailbox

# esmtp-keyword ::= (ALPHA / DIGIT) *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
esmtpkeyword = Word(alphanums,alphanums+"-")

# esmtp-value ::= 1*<any CHAR excluding "=", SP, and all
esmtpvalue = Regex(r'[^= \t\r\n\f\v]*')

# ; syntax and values depend on esmtp-keyword
# control characters (US ASCII 0-31inclusive)>
# esmtp-parameter ::= esmtp-keyword ["=" esmtp-value]
# esmtp-parameter ::= esmtp-keyword ["=" esmtp-value]
esmtpparameters = Dict(
ZeroOrMore( Group(esmtpkeyword + Suppress("=") + esmtpvalue) ) )

# esmtp-cmd ::= inner-esmtp-cmd [SP esmtp-parameters] CR LF
esmtp_addr = path + \

for t in tests:
for keyword in [ 'MAIL FROM:', 'RCPT TO:' ]:
if t[:keylen].upper()==keyword:

match = esmtp_addr.parseString(t)
print 'MATCH'
print match.dump()
# some sample code to access elements of the parameters
if "SIZE" in match.parameters:
print "SIZE is", match.parameters.SIZE
except ParseException,pe:
print 'DONT match', t

['<', ['johnsmith@addresscom'], '>']
- mailbox: ['johnsmith@addresscom']
- localpart: johnsmith
- parameters: []

- mailbox: ['johnsmith@addresscom']
- localpart: johnsmith
- parameters: []

['<', ['johnsmith@addresscom'], '>', ['SIZE', '1234'], ['OTHER',
'(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
- mailbox: ['johnsmith@addresscom']
- localpart: johnsmith
- parameters: [['SIZE', '1234'], ['OTHER', '(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
SIZE is 1234

[['johnsmith@addresscom'], ['SIZE', '1234'], ['OTHER', '(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
- mailbox: ['johnsmith@addresscom']
- localpart: johnsmith
- parameters: [['SIZE', '1234'], ['OTHER', '(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
SIZE is 1234

['<', ['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom'], '>']
- mailbox: ['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom']
- localpart: "(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"
- parameters: []

[['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom']]
- mailbox: ['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom']
- localpart: "(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"
- parameters: []

['<', ['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom'], '>', ['SIZE', '1234'],
['OTHER', '(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
- mailbox: ['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom']
- localpart: "(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"
- parameters: [['SIZE', '1234'], ['OTHER', '(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
SIZE is 1234

[['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom'], ['SIZE', '1234'], ['OTHER',
'(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
- mailbox: ['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom']
- localpart: "(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"
- parameters: [['SIZE', '1234'], ['OTHER', '(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
SIZE is 1234


Thanks to Shane and Steven for the ref to pyparsing. I also was
struck by this post, thinking "this is pyparsing written in re's and

My first idea was : why learn a parsing library if I can do it using
and dicts :)
The approach you are taking is *very* much like the thought process I
went through when first implementing pyparsing. I wanted to easily
compose expressions from other expressions. In your case, you are
string interpolating using a cumulative dict of prior expressions.
Pyparsing uses various subclasses of the ParserElement class, with
operator definitions for alternation ("|" or "^" depending on non-
greedy vs. greedy), composition ("+"), and negation ("~"). Pyparsing
also uses its own extended results construct, ParseResults, which
supports named results fields, accessible using list indicies, dict
names, or instance names.

Here is the pyparsing treatment of your example (I may not have gotten
every part correct, but my point is more the similarity of our
approaches). Note the access to the smtp parameters via the Dict

-- Paul

Thanks !

Any parsing library I used before were heavy to start with.
The benefit was inversely proportional to the size of the project.
Your look to be lighter, and the results are more easily usable.

Thanks for showing me your lib.

Anyway today I will keep my idea for small parsing.


from pyparsing import *

# <dotnum> ::= <snum> "." <snum> "." <snum> "." <snum>
intgr = Word(nums)
dotnum = Combine(intgr + "." + intgr + "." + intgr + "." + intgr)

# <dot-string> ::= <string> | <string> "." <dot-string>
string_ = Word(alphanums)
dotstring = Combine(delimitedList(string_,"."))

# <domain> ::= <element> | <element> "." <domain>
domain = dotnum | dotstring

# <q> ::= any one of the 128 ASCII characters except <CR>, <LF>, quote
("), or backslash (\)
# <x> ::= any one of the 128 ASCII characters (no exceptions)
# <qtext> ::= "\" <x> | "\" <x> <qtext> | <q> | <q> <qtext>
# <quoted-string> ::= """ <qtext> """
quotedString = dblQuotedString # <- just use pre-defined expr from

# <local-part> ::= <dot-string> | <quoted-string>
localpart = (dotstring | quotedString).setResultsName("localpart")

# <mailbox> ::= <local-part> "@" <domain>
mailbox = Combine(localpart + "@" + domain).setResultsName("mailbox")

# <path> ::= "<" [ <a-d-l> ":" ] <mailbox> ">"
# also accept address without <>
path = "<" + mailbox + ">" | mailbox

# esmtp-keyword ::= (ALPHA / DIGIT) *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
esmtpkeyword = Word(alphanums,alphanums+"-")

# esmtp-value ::= 1*<any CHAR excluding "=", SP, and all
esmtpvalue = Regex(r'[^= \t\r\n\f\v]*')

# ; syntax and values depend on esmtp-keyword
# control characters (US ASCII 0-31inclusive)>
# esmtp-parameter ::= esmtp-keyword ["=" esmtp-value]
# esmtp-parameter ::= esmtp-keyword ["=" esmtp-value]
esmtpparameters = Dict(
ZeroOrMore( Group(esmtpkeyword + Suppress("=") + esmtpvalue) ) )

# esmtp-cmd ::= inner-esmtp-cmd [SP esmtp-parameters] CR LF
esmtp_addr = path + \

for t in tests:
for keyword in [ 'MAIL FROM:', 'RCPT TO:' ]:
if t[:keylen].upper()==keyword:

match = esmtp_addr.parseString(t)
print 'MATCH'
print match.dump()
# some sample code to access elements of the parameters
if "SIZE" in match.parameters:
print "SIZE is", match.parameters.SIZE
except ParseException,pe:
print 'DONT match', t

['<', ['johnsmith@addresscom'], '>']
- mailbox: ['johnsmith@addresscom']
- localpart: johnsmith
- parameters: []

- mailbox: ['johnsmith@addresscom']
- localpart: johnsmith
- parameters: []

['<', ['johnsmith@addresscom'], '>', ['SIZE', '1234'], ['OTHER',
'(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
- mailbox: ['johnsmith@addresscom']
- localpart: johnsmith
- parameters: [['SIZE', '1234'], ['OTHER', '(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
SIZE is 1234

[['johnsmith@addresscom'], ['SIZE', '1234'], ['OTHER', '(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
- mailbox: ['johnsmith@addresscom']
- localpart: johnsmith
- parameters: [['SIZE', '1234'], ['OTHER', '(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
SIZE is 1234

['<', ['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom'], '>']
- mailbox: ['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom']
- localpart: "(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"
- parameters: []

[['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom']]
- mailbox: ['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom']
- localpart: "(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"
- parameters: []

['<', ['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom'], '>', ['SIZE', '1234'],
['OTHER', '(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
- mailbox: ['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom']
- localpart: "(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"
- parameters: [['SIZE', '1234'], ['OTHER', '(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
SIZE is 1234

[['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom'], ['SIZE', '1234'], ['OTHER',
'(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
- mailbox: ['"(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"@addresscom']
- localpart: "(e-mail address removed)> legal=email"
- parameters: [['SIZE', '1234'], ['OTHER', '(e-mail address removed)']]
- OTHER: (e-mail address removed)
- SIZE: 1234
SIZE is 1234

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