Access Database Column metadata



I am writing an app to extract Access database schemas. The issue is that
while I have everything working, I am having trouble decyphering the
returned values with regards to the column values. Specifically the columns
have a number of items returned as metadata attributes such as column name
etc. Since I am accessing them using array notation I dont have a real
clear idea of what is being returned. i know the datatype is in the
collection but it is returned in numeric form. So in short I'm having
trouble figuring out what each item is...and how to decypher it.


objDTColumns =
objConn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbSchemaGuid.Columns, New
Object() {Nothing, Nothing, strTablename})

Dim RowCount As Int32

For RowCount = 0 To objDTColumns.Rows.Count - 1

'\\\\\\\\\\Display Text\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

DisplayArea.Text += "<tr bgcolor='#ffffff'>"

DisplayArea.Text += "<td>" & objDTColumns.Rows(RowCount).Item(3).ToString &

DisplayArea.Text += "<td>" & objDTColumns.Rows(RowCount).Item(6).ToString &

DisplayArea.Text += "<td>" & objDTColumns.Rows(RowCount).Item(7).ToString &

DisplayArea.Text += "<td>" & objDTColumns.Rows(RowCount).Item(9).ToString &

DisplayArea.Text += "<td>" & objDTColumns.Rows(RowCount).Item(10).ToString &

DisplayArea.Text += "<td>" & objDTColumns.Rows(RowCount).Item(11).ToString &

DisplayArea.Text += "<td>" & objDTColumns.Rows(RowCount).Item(13).ToString &

DisplayArea.Text += "<td>" & objDTColumns.Rows(RowCount).Item(14).ToString &



CompanyID 4 False 106 True 130 10 20
CompanyName 5 False 106 True 130 100 200
ElapsedTime 8 False 106 True 130 20 40
EndTime 7 False 122 True 7
ID 1 False 90 False 3
LastModBy 14 False 106 True 130 10 20
LastModDate 15 False 122 True 7
Modified 13 False 90 False 11 2
OfficeID 3 False 106 True 130 10 20
PayDate 10 False 122 True 7
PayrollID 9 False 106 True 130 50 100
ProcessName 11 False 106 True 130 50 100
StartTime 6 False 122 True 7
Status 12 False 106 True 130 50 100
UserID 2 False 106 True 130 10 20

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