Adding a String to a JScrollPane


Allan Bruce

I want to know how to add a String to a JScrollPane?
I have a String which is changing and I want to display it in a JScrollPane.
I know how to do it in the constructor of the JScrollPane but this is no use
because it is changing. Also, is there a way to make it automatically
display the correct umber of rows/colums in the String, to save me writing
my own code?


Alex Hunsley

Allan said:
I want to know how to add a String to a JScrollPane?
I have a String which is changing and I want to display it in a JScrollPane.
I know how to do it in the constructor of the JScrollPane but this is no use
because it is changing. Also, is there a way to make it automatically
display the correct umber of rows/colums in the String, to save me writing
my own code?


Please don't multipost. It makes life more complicated for all concerned.

Also, your question would have been suitable for just


Andrew Thompson

Allan Bruce said:
I want to know how to add a String to a JScrollPane?
I have a String which is changing and I want to display it in a JScrollPane.
I know how to do it in the constructor of the JScrollPane but this is no use
because it is changing.

...errr, what? No JScrollPane constructor takes
a String, try Component, like JTextArea, JPanel,
Also, is there a way to make it automatically
display the correct umber of rows/colums in the String, to save me writing
my own code?

Which API docs are you reading?

Thomas Weidenfeller

Allan said:
I want to know how to add a String to a JScrollPane?

A scroll pane does not scroll/display Strings. It displays other
components. To display a string you have to add a component to the
scroll pane which is intended to display strings. E.g. a JTextArea.
I have a String which is changing and I want to display it in a JScrollPane.
I know how to do it in the constructor of the JScrollPane but this is no use
because it is changing.

Nonsense. Once you have set the mentioned other component, you change
these other component's content, and not the scroll pane's viewport.

I would strongly suggest you work through


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