Adjusting string handling function for exceptions?


Ken Fine

No joy on Macromedia's boards after a few days; maybe someone can help me

I got an excellent string handling function off of
that converts text strings to proper case, i.e. "the REMAINS of the DAY" is
converted to "The Remains Of The Day".

This function is particularly good in that it handles certain exceptions.
Can you help me make it handle more? I'm interested in two tweaks, one easy,
one hard.

The easy tweak: I have certain acronyms that I'd always like to NOT be
converted into proper case -- I want them all upper. For instance, "ASCII",
"SCSI" and "IDE" shouldn't be rendered as "Ascii" "Scsi" and "Ide". The list
of exceptions is short and I'd be fine hardcoding them into the function.

The hard tweak: Certain "noise words" such as "is" "and" and "but" don't
belong in proper case. I don't want them capitalized at all UNLESS they're
the first word in the string.

Can any stringmeisters take a crack at this? Code appears below. If anyone
can help out with at least the first item, I'd be most appreciative.

Adjusting string handling function for exceptions?

Ken Fine

Bah, the code, the code:
' =================================================================
' Reformat "txtName" to proper case.
' Output = String
' =================================================================
Function ProperName(txtName)
Dim txtRest, txtTmp, intSpcPos
txtRest = LCase(txtName)

'Single Quote
intTckPos = InStr(1, txtRest, "'",1)
if intTckPos <> 0 then
txtTmp = UCase(Mid(txtRest, intTckPos + 1, 1))
txtRest = Left(txtRest, intTckPos) & txtTmp & Mid(txtRest, intTckPos
+ 2, Len(txtRest))
txtTmp = ""
end if

intDshPos = InStr(1, txtRest, "-",1)
if intDshPos <> 0 then
txtTmp = UCase(Mid(txtRest, intDshPos + 1, 1))
txtRest = Left(txtRest, intDshPos) & txtTmp & Mid(txtRest, intDshPos
+ 2, Len(txtRest))
txtTmp = ""
end if

intMcPos = InStr(1,txtRest,"mc",1)
if intMcPos <> 0 then
txtTmp = UCase(Mid(txtRest, intMcPos+2, 1))
txtRest = Left(txtRest, intMcPos+1) & txtTmp & Mid(txtRest,
intMcPos+3, Len(txtRest))
txtTmp = ""
end if

intSpcPos = InStr(1, txtRest, " ")
Do While intSpcPos <> 0
txtTmp = txtTmp & UCase(Left(txtRest, 1)) & Mid(txtRest,
2,(intSpcPos - 1))
txtRest = Mid(txtRest, intSpcPos + 1, Len(txtRest))
intSpcPos = InStr(1, txtRest, " ")

ProperName = txtTmp & UCase(Left(txtRest, 1)) & Mid(txtRest,
End Function
' =================================================================

Chris Hohmann

Ken Fine said:
No joy on Macromedia's boards after a few days; maybe someone can help me

I got an excellent string handling function off of
that converts text strings to proper case, i.e. "the REMAINS of the DAY" is
converted to "The Remains Of The Day".

This function is particularly good in that it handles certain exceptions.
Can you help me make it handle more? I'm interested in two tweaks, one easy,
one hard.

The easy tweak: I have certain acronyms that I'd always like to NOT be
converted into proper case -- I want them all upper. For instance, "ASCII",
"SCSI" and "IDE" shouldn't be rendered as "Ascii" "Scsi" and "Ide". The list
of exceptions is short and I'd be fine hardcoding them into the function.

The hard tweak: Certain "noise words" such as "is" "and" and "but" don't
belong in proper case. I don't want them capitalized at all UNLESS they're
the first word in the string.

Can any stringmeisters take a crack at this? Code appears below. If anyone
can help out with at least the first item, I'd be most appreciative.

Adjusting string handling function for exceptions?

Here's an article:

Here's a modified version of the code found in that article:
<script language="JScript" runat="SERVER">
function pCase(s){
//Proper Case
s = s.replace(/(\w)(\w*)/gi,function(m,c1,c2,p,s){return
c1.toUpperCase() + c2.toLowerCase();});
s = s.replace(/\bmc(\w)/gi,function(m,c1,p,s){return "Mc" +
// Lowers
s = s.replace(/\b(is|and|but)\b/gi,function(m,p,s){return
// Uppers (First letter of sentence and abbreviations)
s = s.replace(/^\w|\b(ascii|scsi|ide)\b/gi,function(m,p,s){return
return s;
Response.Write(pCase('bill o\'reilly') + '<br>');
Response.Write(pCase('bill van der wal') + '<br>');
Response.Write(pCase('mr. moseley-williams') + '<br>');
Response.Write(pCase('Joe VanWyck') + '<br>');
Response.Write(pCase('is rOnAlD mCdOnAlD someone who uses ascii, scsi,
and ide?') + '<br>');

-Chris Hohmann

Chris Hohmann

Ken Fine said:
Thanks, Chris. Here's another VBScript solution that's pretty nice; you can
define a list of exceptions within the function:

It does not handle "McDonald". The code is also somewhat more difficult
to follow, IMHO. One thing it does do is check for apostrophes followed
by "s" or "t", like in the abbreviations "it's" and "don't". The same
can be achieved in the code I provided by including 't and 's in the
"Lowers" expression. Here's the new regular expression:


Please note that this change will fail for names like O'Shawnessey and

-Chris Hohmann


Chris Hohmann said:
It does not handle "McDonald". The code is also somewhat more difficult
to follow, IMHO. One thing it does do is check for apostrophes followed
by "s" or "t", like in the abbreviations "it's" and "don't". The same
can be achieved in the code I provided by including 't and 's in the
"Lowers" expression. Here's the new regular expression:


Please note that this change will fail for names like O'Shawnessey and

-Chris Hohmann

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