ADSI - ASP Assistance Required.

  • Thread starter Enigma Webmaster
  • Start date

Enigma Webmaster

Hi All,

We've written a couple of functions which, when run in VB6 work fine and
allow AD users to be updated. When we include the code into an ASP Page and
try and update a users information (i.e. Mobile Phone Number) we get a
failure as below...

Error Number:- -2147467259 Automation error Unspecified error

Can anyone see why this is happenning? Whe nwe run the DLL from VB6 or
Studio.NET then it works fine. We've checked the Security permissions on
the WebServer and it uses the Administrator Account.

Thanks in anticipation.



<%@ Language=VBScript %>
dim myobj,retval
set myObj = createobject("TinopADutilityV2.ActiveDirectory")
retVal = myObj.ConnecttoLDAP("Username","Interactive") ' retVal = 1 if
successful, 0 otherwise
response.write(myObj.GetInfo("cn")) & "<br>" ' Display
Username to show we have right user
retVal = myObj.UpdateInfo("Mobile", "07990 123456") ' Update
Details. retVal = 1 if OK, otherwise -1

VB6 DLL SourceCode

MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "ActiveDirectory"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = True
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
'* *
'* ActiveX dll Developed to interact *
'* with Active Dirctory.... *
'* Created by E Strangler 31/7/2004*
'* *

Option Explicit
Dim objUserInfo As Object
Dim strLDAPAddress As String

Public Function ConnecttoLDAP(ByVal strDisName As Variant, ByVal strOrgUnit
As Variant) As Boolean

On Error GoTo errCleanUp

Set objUserInfo = GetObject("LDAP://CN=" & strDisName & ",OU=" &
strOrgUnit & ",DC=AgendaTV,DC=Co,DC=UK")
ConnecttoLDAP = True
Exit Function

'MsgBox ("An error has occurred. " & Err.Description)
ConnecttoLDAP = False

End Function

Public Function UpdateInfo(ByVal strFieldName As Variant, ByVal strData As
Variant) As Long

On Error GoTo Err_Handler

'Update with new data
objUserInfo.put strFieldName, strData

'Commit to the directory.
UpdateInfo = 1
Exit Function


UpdateInfo = -1 'If execute fail then return -1

End Function

Public Function GetInfo(ByVal strFieldName As Variant) As Variant

'Returns data specified by the field name
GetInfo = objUserInfo.Get(strFieldName)

End Function

Public Function CloseLDAP() As Long

'Destroy object
Set objUserInfo = Nothing

End Function

Dave Navarro

Hi All,

We've written a couple of functions which, when run in VB6 work fine and
allow AD users to be updated. When we include the code into an ASP Page and
try and update a users information (i.e. Mobile Phone Number) we get a
failure as below...

Error Number:- -2147467259 Automation error Unspecified error

Can anyone see why this is happenning? Whe nwe run the DLL from VB6 or
Studio.NET then it works fine. We've checked the Security permissions on
the WebServer and it uses the Administrator Account.

For some bizarre reason, in ASP you can only run ADSI code if you are
connected as an "authenticated user". Anonymous connections will not
create the necessary security level to run ADSI code.

I got around it by "calling" my ADSI code from an anonymous web page
using ServerXMLHTTP to do the authentication for me.

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