Agile web Development with Rails section 9.3


Angel Dinar

I am reading Agile Web Development with rails (third addition).
And I need some help with it.
I have reached chapter 9.3

when I press on the add to cart button I get an error message.
a real ugly one.

eventually, I downloaded the PDF version and copied the content of the
files but it did not help.

I have looked but could not find the problem.
Please give me a hand.

try {
Element.update("cart", "\n\n<div class=\"cart-title\">Your
Cart</div>\n<table>\n \n\n\n<!-- START_HIGHLIGHT -->\n\n <tr
id=\"current_item\"> \n\n<!-- #END_HIGHLIGHT -->\n\n\n\n\n<tr>\n
<td>7&times;</td>\n <td>Pragmatic Project Automation</td>\n <td
class=\"item-price\">$209.65</td>\n</tr>\n\n\n <tr
class=\"total-line\">\n <td colspan=\"2\">Total</td>\n <td
class=\"total-cell\">$209.65</td>\n </tr>\n\n</table>\n\n<form
method=\"post\" action=\"/store/empty_cart\"
class=\"button-to\"><div><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Empty cart\"
/><input name=\"authenticity_token\" type=\"hidden\"
} catch (e) { alert('RJS error:\n\n' + e.toString());
alert('Element.update(\"cart\", \"\\n\\n<div
class=\\\"cart-title\\\">Your Cart</div>\\n<table>\\n \\n\\n\\n<!--
START_HIGHLIGHT -->\\n\\n <tr id=\\\"current_item\\\"> \\n\\n<!--
#END_HIGHLIGHT -->\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n<tr>\\n <td>7&times;</td>\\n
<td>Pragmatic Project Automation</td>\\n <td
class=\\\"item-price\\\">$209.65</td>\\n</tr>\\n\\n\\n <tr
class=\\\"total-line\\\">\\n <td colspan=\\\"2\\\">Total</td>\\n
<td class=\\\"total-cell\\\">$209.65</td>\\n
</tr>\\n\\n</table>\\n\\n<form method=\\\"post\\\"
action=\\\"/store/empty_cart\\\" class=\\\"button-to\\\"><div><input
type=\\\"submit\\\" value=\\\"Empty cart\\\" /><input
name=\\\"authenticity_token\\\" type=\\\"hidden\\\"
{\"endcolor\":\"#114411\",\"startcolor\":\"#88ff88\"});'); throw e }

Josh Cheek

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

I am reading Agile Web Development with rails (third addition).
And I need some help with it.
I have reached chapter 9.3

when I press on the add to cart button I get an error message.
a real ugly one.

eventually, I downloaded the PDF version and copied the content of the
files but it did not help.

I have looked but could not find the problem.
Please give me a hand.

try {
Element.update("cart", "\n\n<div class=\"cart-title\">Your
Cart</div>\n<table>\n \n\n\n<!-- START_HIGHLIGHT -->\n\n <tr
id=\"current_item\"> \n\n<!-- #END_HIGHLIGHT -->\n\n\n\n\n<tr>\n
<td>7&times;</td>\n <td>Pragmatic Project Automation</td>\n <td
class=\"item-price\">$209.65</td>\n</tr>\n\n\n <tr
class=\"total-line\">\n <td colspan=\"2\">Total</td>\n <td
class=\"total-cell\">$209.65</td>\n </tr>\n\n</table>\n\n<form
method=\"post\" action=\"/store/empty_cart\"
class=\"button-to\"><div><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Empty cart\"
/><input name=\"authenticity_token\" type=\"hidden\"
} catch (e) { alert('RJS error:\n\n' + e.toString());
alert('Element.update(\"cart\", \"\\n\\n<div
class=\\\"cart-title\\\">Your Cart</div>\\n<table>\\n \\n\\n\\n<!--
START_HIGHLIGHT -->\\n\\n <tr id=\\\"current_item\\\"> \\n\\n<!--
#END_HIGHLIGHT -->\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n<tr>\\n <td>7&times;</td>\\n
<td>Pragmatic Project Automation</td>\\n <td
class=\\\"item-price\\\">$209.65</td>\\n</tr>\\n\\n\\n <tr
class=\\\"total-line\\\">\\n <td colspan=\\\"2\\\">Total</td>\\n
<td class=\\\"total-cell\\\">$209.65</td>\\n
</tr>\\n\\n</table>\\n\\n<form method=\\\"post\\\"
action=\\\"/store/empty_cart\\\" class=\\\"button-to\\\"><div><input
type=\\\"submit\\\" value=\\\"Empty cart\\\" /><input
name=\\\"authenticity_token\\\" type=\\\"hidden\\\"
{\"endcolor\":\"#114411\",\"startcolor\":\"#88ff88\"});'); throw e }

Hi, this is a Ruby mailing list (the language Rails was written in), not a
Rails mailing list. You should try a Rails list, you will get much better
help. Especially considering the code you posted looks like JavaScript, not

A few things, though:

1. If you are certain you've done everything correctly, you might check the
errata to see if something in the book isn't right:

2. You said "when I press on the add to cart button I get an error message.
a real ugly one." but you haven't given any information about the error
message. These exist to let you know something is wrong, and where it went
wrong so that you know where to go start troubleshooting. This would be good
information to include, it gives people (and you) an idea where it went

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