algorithm problem




I'm trying to code a module to do the following algorithm:

If Input is even, divide by 2 and do two's complement(invert bits and add 1)
If Input is odd, increment by 1 and then divide by 2.

No matter what types I use, I can't seem to use any operators( /, srl, not).
I usually get 'can not have such operands in this context' errors. Input is
defined as std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) and SignNum is unsigned(7 downto 0).
Both are signals. I can get around not using the shift/divide operators,
but not the negation. What data type should I use to be able to use 'not'?
Am I going about this problem the correct way? Thanks.

SignedCalc : process(Input)
variable EvenShift : unsigned(7 downto 0);
variable OddShift : unsigned(7 downto 0);
variable OddInc : unsigned(7 downto 0);
variable uInput : unsigned(7 downto 0);
uInput := unsigned(Input);
if(Input(0) = '0') then --Even number
EvenShift := "0" & uInput(7 downto 1);
SignedNum <= (not EvenShift) + 1;
else --Odd Number
OddInc := uInput + 1;
OddShift := "0" & OddInc(7 downto 1);
SignedNum <= OddShift;
end if;
end process;

Ralf Hildebrandt

Adam said:
I'm trying to code a module to do the following algorithm:

If Input is even, divide by 2 and do two's complement(invert bits and add 1)
If Input is odd, increment by 1 and then divide by 2.

Similar to your faulty algorithm:

variable dummy : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
if (input(0)='0') then -- even

dummy:='0' & input(7 downto 1); -- divide by 2
output<=std_ulogic_vector( to_unsigned(0,8) - signed(dummy) );
-- negative (2th compl. and +1)

else -- odd

dummy:=std_ulogic_vector( unsigned(input) + 1 );
output<='0' & dummy(7 downto 1);

end if;
end process;


Egbert Molenkamp

Adam said:

I'm trying to code a module to do the following algorithm:

If Input is even, divide by 2 and do two's complement(invert bits and add 1)
If Input is odd, increment by 1 and then divide by 2.

No matter what types I use, I can't seem to use any operators( /, srl, not).
I usually get 'can not have such operands in this context' errors. Input is
defined as std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) and SignNum is unsigned(7 downto 0).
Both are signals. I can get around not using the shift/divide operators,
but not the negation. What data type should I use to be able to use 'not'?
Am I going about this problem the correct way? Thanks.

'/' is not defined for std_logic_vector in the LRM-VHDL
'srl' is defined from 1993 in the LRM-VHDL, maybe you have to set a switch
for it (1987 may be the default)
'not' this should work.

'/' can be used with type UNSIGNED (package numeric_std).
See solution beneath.
You suggested to use use type UNSIGNED. In that case I can NOT write
- (uInput/2)
to replace :
(NOT(uInput/2)) + 1 )
since the unary minus is only delcared for type SIGNED (also in package

Egbert Molenkamp

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity demo is
port (Input : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
Output : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end demo ;

architecture behavior of demo is
variable uInput : unsigned(7 downto 0);
uInput := unsigned(Input);
if uInput(0)='0' then
Output<= std_logic_vector ( (NOT(uInput/2)) + 1);
Output<= std_logic_vector ( uInput/2 );
end if;
end process;
end behavior;


Thank you, that worked. I guess I can't do any operations on
std_vector_logic and must convert to unsigned/signed first..

Egbert Molenkamp

Adam said:
Thank you, that worked. I guess I can't do any operations on
std_vector_logic and must convert to unsigned/signed first..

This is a little bit to pessimistic. You can not do arithmetic operations
with std_logic_vector (since the interpretation is not defined in the VHDL
standard: unsigned, sign-magnitude,...).
The solution I presented used an IEEE approved package. However there are
also non IEEE packages that can do arithmetic operations on a
e.g. have a look at the follwoing site and download
Also Synopsys has a package std_logic_unsigned (often located in the IEEE
library) that can operate on std_logic_vector. But this package can surprise
you with respect to explicit and implicit declarations.

Currently also for the VHDL-200X interpretation of a vector as an unsigned
is investigated, see

Egbert Molenkamp


Subject: algorithm problem
From: "Adam" (e-mail address removed)
Date: 11/2/03 8:45 PM US
Message-id: <[email protected]>


I'm trying to code a module to do the >following algorithm:

If Input is even, divide by 2 and do two's >complement(invert bits and add 1)
If Input is odd, increment by 1 and then >divide by 2.

You might want to look at the following code.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity mystery is
length: integer := 4
port --- bit zero is lsb, dividing means shifting right
inputs: in std_logic_vector(length-1 downto 0);
outputs: out std_logic_vector(length-1 downto 0)
end entity mystery;
architecture mystery of mystery is
function increment(vektor: std_logic_vector)
return std_logic_vector is
variable result: std_logic_vector(vektor'range);
variable carry: std_logic;
carry := '1';
for count in vektor'low to vektor'high loop
result(count) := vektor(count) xor carry;
carry := vektor(count) and carry;
end loop;
return (result);
end function increment;
mysterious: process(inputs)
variable zwischen_even: std_logic_vector(length-1 downto 0);
variable zwischen_odd: std_logic_vector(length-1 downto 0);
if (inputs(0) = '0') then
zwischen_even := not ('0' & inputs(length-1 downto 1));
outputs <= increment(zwischen_even);
zwischen_odd := increment(inputs);
outputs <= '0' & zwischen_odd(length-1 downto 1);
end if;
end process mysterious;
end architecture mystery;

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