An enum mystery solved


Roedy Green

I was baffled why the compiler would not let enum constructors access
the enum's static variables.

I consider it a bug, but an understandable bug.

I think the reason is the enum invokes the constructors for the enum
constants in static init code. Somebody was worried that the static
initialisation would not be complete. Yet it is quite safe since the
enum constants are the last bit of static init.

Roedy Green

I think the reason is the enum invokes the constructors for the enum
constants in static init code. Somebody was worried that the static
initialisation would not be complete. Yet it is quite safe since the
enum constants are the last bit of static init.

I have placed an RFE with Sun to have the restriction repealed. In the
meantime, oddly you can call static METHODS that access the static

Hemal Pandya

I was baffled why the compiler would not let enum constructors access
the enum's static variables.

If I understand the issue correctly, jls3 8.9 addresses this issue: It
is compile-time error to reference a non-constant (§15.28) static
field of an enum type from its constructors, instance initializer
blocks, or instance variable initializer expressions.
I consider it a bug, but an understandable bug.

I think the reason is the enum invokes the constructors for the enum
constants in static init code. Somebody was worried that the static
initialisation would not be complete. Yet it is quite safe since the
enum constants are the last bit of static init.
A small test seems to indicate that enum constants are the /first/ bit
of static init and that the static final variables are not initialized
during this enum constant construction.

Thomas Hawtin

Hemal said:
A small test seems to indicate that enum constants are the /first/ bit
of static init and that the static final variables are not initialized
during this enum constant construction.

I think what Roedy missed was the distinction between a compile time
constant and other static finals. A compile time constant will be
inlined and therefore there is no problem. A static final initialised
within static { }/<clinit> will cause a problem.

enum Const {
private static final int x = 1; // compile time constant
private int i;
Const() {
i = x; // fine

enum Final {
private static final int x = false?null:1; // null is not constant
private int i;
Final() {
i = x; // !! illegal reference to static field from initializer

You can have a static final reference the enumerated.

enum Ref {
private static final Ref x = X; // fine

So constructors must run before user static initialisation. You should
be able to access the static of other classes however.

Tom Hawtin

Hemal Pandya

In the
meantime, oddly you can call static METHODS that access the static

This seems analogous to the "illegal forward reference" warning when
one static final variable is refers to another static final (but not
constant) variable but can get NullPointerException if the same forward
reference is indirectly achieved using a static method.

Roedy Green

A small test seems to indicate that enum constants are the /first/ bit
of static init and that the static final variables are not initialized
during this enum constant construction.

There is something deeply wrong when Java starts adding arbitrary
restrictions like that making no sense in the high level language.

I decompiled and discovered the construction of the enum constants
came last. What is your code that the inits come after the
construction? Why could not the compiler put it before and be done
with this silly restriction, simultaneously making it safer to use
static methods.

here is an example:

public enum Trees
PINE( true ),
ASPEN ( false );

private static int coniferousCount;

Trees( boolean coniferous )
counter( coniferous );

static void counter( boolean coniferous )
if ( coniferous ) coniferousCount++;


decompiles as:

public final class Trees extends Enum

public static final Trees[] values()
return (Trees[])$VALUES.clone();

public static Trees valueOf(String s)
return (Trees)Enum.valueOf(Trees, s);

private Trees(String s, int i, boolean flag)
super(s, i);

static void counter(boolean flag)

public static final Trees PINE;
public static final Trees ASPEN;
private static int coniferousCount;
private static final Trees $VALUES[];

PINE = new Trees("PINE", 0, true);
ASPEN = new Trees("ASPEN", 1, false);
$VALUES = (new Trees[] {

Roedy Green

enum Final {
private static final int x = false?null:1; // null is not constant
private int i;
Final() {
i = x; // !! illegal reference to static field from initializer
Here is your code modified slightly to make it compile:

enum Final {
X; // enum constant
private static final int x = Math.min(2,1);
// final but not constant
private int i;
// i = x; // !! illegal reference to static field from

Here is how it decompiles:

final class Final extends Enum

public static final Final[] values()
return (Final[])$VALUES.clone();

public static Final valueOf(String s)
return (Final)Enum.valueOf(Final, s);

private Final(String s, int j)
super(s, j);

public static final Final X;
private static final int x = Math.min(2, 1);
private int i;
private static final Final $VALUES[];

X = new Final("X", 0);
$VALUES = (new Final[] {

You can see that had the i=x been allowed, it should have been fine.
The constructors are run after the x = Math.min(2,1) are they not?

Thomas Hawtin

Roedy said:
There is something deeply wrong when Java starts adding arbitrary
restrictions like that making no sense in the high level language.

Initialisation has got to be done in some order. Doing it in the order
presented in the source code seems like the method of least surprises to me.
I decompiled and discovered the construction of the enum constants
came last. What is your code that the inits come after the
construction? Why could not the compiler put it before and be done
with this silly restriction, simultaneously making it safer to use
static methods.

here is an example:

public enum Trees
PINE( true ),
ASPEN ( false );

private static int coniferousCount;

Trees( boolean coniferous )
counter( coniferous );

static void counter( boolean coniferous )
if ( coniferous ) coniferousCount++;


This is an irrelevant example. It does not do any user static

Here's my example:

enum Order {
private static final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

$ javap -c Order
static {};
0: new #4; //class Order
3: dup
4: ldc #7; //String X
6: iconst_0
7: invokespecial #8; //Method "<init>":(Ljava/lang/String;I)V
10: putstatic #9; //Field X:LOrder;
13: iconst_1
14: anewarray #4; //class Order
17: dup
18: iconst_0
19: getstatic #9; //Field X:LOrder;
22: aastore
23: putstatic #1; //Field $VALUES:[LOrder;
26: invokestatic #10; //Method
29: putstatic #11; //Field time:J
32: return

Bytes [0, 13) creates the constant. Bytes [13, 26) do the rest of the
enum initialisation. Bytes [26, 32) are my initialisation.

Clearly the enum constants are created first. Which is useful if I
wanted any static finals involving the enumeration that they are in.

Tom Hawtin

Roedy Green

private static final int x = Math.min(2,1);

what term do you use to distinguish been a constant like this:

private static final int X = Math.min(2,1);

and like this:

private static final int Y = 42;

The second is known at compile time, can be used in case labels, is

Thomas Hawtin

Roedy said:
Here is your code modified slightly to make it compile:
Here is how it decompiles:
You can see that had the i=x been allowed, it should have been fine.
The constructors are run after the x = Math.min(2,1) are they not?

I don't think you should depend upon your decompiler being accurate.
javap -c is the way to go. You can see that the actual byte code is
different from what your decompiler is claiming.

Tom Hawtin

Thomas Hawtin

Roedy said:
what term do you use to distinguish been a constant like this:

private static final int X = Math.min(2,1);

and like this:

private static final int Y = 42;

The second is known at compile time, can be used in case labels, is

The first is really just a static final, colloquially known as a
constant. The latter is a "compile-time constant expression" according
to the JLS 3rd Ed, 15.28, p525. I believe the second edition has some
errata in that section about the use (or not) of nulls.

There's some non-normative discussion about enum static initialisation
in section 8.9 (Enums!), p252.

Tom Hawtin

Roedy Green

I don't think you should depend upon your decompiler being accurate.
javap -c is the way to go. You can see that the actual byte code is
different from what your decompiler is claiming.

You are such a clever character. You are right yet again. The
compiler indeed does the static field inits AFTER the constructor
calls. If it reversed the order, the way DJ decompiles it, Java would
have no problem with static references in constructors.

Here is the Javap decompilation of

javap -c Final

Compiled from ""
final class Final extends java.lang.Enum{
public static final Final X;

public static final Final[] values();
0: getstatic #1; //Field $VALUES:[LFinal;
3: invokevirtual #2; //Method
6: checkcast #3; //class "[LFinal;"
9: areturn

public static Final valueOf(java.lang.String);
0: ldc_w #4; //class Final
3: aload_0
4: invokestatic #5; //Method
7: checkcast #4; //class Final
10: areturn

static {};
0: new #4; //class Final
3: dup
4: ldc #7; //String X
6: iconst_0
7: invokespecial #8; //Method "<init>":(Ljava/lang/String;I)V
10: putstatic #9; //Field X:LFinal;
13: iconst_1
14: anewarray #4; //class Final
17: dup
18: iconst_0
19: getstatic #9; //Field X:LFinal;
22: aastore
23: putstatic #1; //Field $VALUES:[LFinal;
26: iconst_2
27: iconst_1
28: invokestatic #10; //Method java/lang/Math.min:(II)I
31: putstatic #11; //Field x:I
34: return


Raymond DeCampo

Roedy said:
You are such a clever character. You are right yet again. The
compiler indeed does the static field inits AFTER the constructor
calls. If it reversed the order, the way DJ decompiles it, Java would
have no problem with static references in constructors.

But there would be problems with static references to the enum values,
don't you think? So this may be a damned if do you, damned if you don't
type situation.


Roedy Green

But there would be problems with static references to the enum values,
don't you think? So this may be a damned if do you, damned if you don't
type situation.
Ah ha!

To solve that one you would need some sort of spread-sheet like
natural ordering of the initialisations which would be very

But then you'd think you could SET static values in constructors, just
not reference them. Perhaps that is how it does work.

I also want to recheck what their thinking is on compile time static

I suppose you get into similar situation if you have a pair of classes
whose static inits cross reference each other. It is just that Java
does not warn you of the problems.

Roedy Green

constant. The latter is a "compile-time constant expression" according
to the JLS 3rd Ed, 15.28, p525. I believe the second edition has some
errata in that section about the use (or not) of nulls.

I have written an essay on what I have discovered about constants.
Other that the usual error checking, I invite you to submit some
counter-intuitive examples on what is compile-time and what is a
load-time constant.


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