Another CPU 100% w3wp.exe issue?


Steve G


We are running Windows 2003 SP2 and IIS v6.0. We have CMS 2002, and are
running in mixed mode, with both asp, and pages.

We have periods where the CPU is around 100%, and stays there. Sometimes
this is for a couple of minutes, sometimes its for 15 minutes. If I leave
it, no matter how long it stays around the 100% mark, it does seem to settle
back down in the end. The trouble is that this could be quite some time, and
meanwhile, some users will get timeouts, whilst some still get pages.

I am a complete newbie when it comes to debugging processes. And I have
read on here various threads related to iisstart, and windbg.

Is there somewhere that explains the process of debugging, and exactly what
to do?

Thanks for any help.


Steve G

Steve G

I should of also added, that if I kill the worker process thats at 100%,
within seconds it starts up again under a new thread ID, and goes straight
back to 100%.

And although I expect it to restart, I was kind of hoping that by killing
the process, it would stop anything that was interfering with it at that
particular time.


Alvin Bruney [ASP.NET MVP]

Anything in your eventviewer? Errors, warnings etc?


Alvin Bruney [MVP ASP.NET]

[Shameless Author plug]
The O.W.C. Black Book, 2nd Edition
Exclusively on $19.99

Steve G


The eventlog for the web/cms server has quite a few warnings, but they all
seem to resemble the following :

An unrecognized request was received by the CMS ISAPI Filter. The request
was mapped to the CMS read-only resource cache virtual directory but the URL
format did not correspond to a CMS Resource.

I am also researching this error.

Alvin Bruney said:
Anything in your eventviewer? Errors, warnings etc?


Alvin Bruney [MVP ASP.NET]

[Shameless Author plug]
The O.W.C. Black Book, 2nd Edition
Exclusively on $19.99

Steve G said:
I should of also added, that if I kill the worker process thats at 100%,
within seconds it starts up again under a new thread ID, and goes straight
back to 100%.

And although I expect it to restart, I was kind of hoping that by killing
the process, it would stop anything that was interfering with it at that
particular time.


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