Apache 2.2.3 and mod_python 3.2.10



I installed Apache 2.2.3 and mod_python 3.2.10 on WinXP plateform
I configured mod_python via httpd.conf:
LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so

but my script folder configuration doesn't work correctely:

Alias /myfolder D:/myfolder

<Directory "/myfolder">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AddHandler mod_python .py
PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
PythonDebug On

for test, this is a sample script d:\myfolder\test.py
# test.py
from mod_python import apache
def hello(name=None):
if name:
return 'Hello, %s!' % name.capitalize()
return 'Hello there!'
def handler(req):
req.content_type = 'text/plain'
req.write("from handler test, Hello World!")
return apache.OK

when I access to the url http://localhost/monrep/test.py,
I obtain source test.py listing but not the rendering of handler or
hello method.

with url http://localhost/theriaque/test.py/hello, I obtain :
=>The requested URL /theriaque/test.py/hello was not found on this server.

It seems like something is missing ... but what ?

thanks for any help


sorry, I give here the right paths:

I installed Apache 2.2.3 and mod_python 3.2.10 on WinXP plateform
I configured mod_python via httpd.conf:
LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so

but my script folder configuration doesn't work correctely:

Alias /myfolder D:/myfolder

<Directory "/myfolder">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AddHandler mod_python .py
PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
PythonDebug On

for test, this is a sample script d:\myfolder\test.py
# test.py
from mod_python import apache
def hello(name=None):
if name:
return 'Hello, %s!' % name.capitalize()
return 'Hello there!'
def handler(req):
req.content_type = 'text/plain'
req.write("from handler test, Hello World!")
return apache.OK

when I access to the url http://localhost/myfolder/test.py,
I obtain source test.py listing but not the rendering of handler or
hello method.

with url http://localhost/myfolder/test.py/hello, I obtain :
=>The requested URL /myfolder/test.py/hello was not found on this server.

It seems like something is missing ... but what ?

thanks for any help

Graham Dumpleton

m.banaouas said:
sorry, I give here the right paths:

I installed Apache 2.2.3 and mod_python 3.2.10 on WinXP plateform
I configured mod_python via httpd.conf:
LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so

but my script folder configuration doesn't work correctely:

Alias /myfolder D:/myfolder

<Directory "/myfolder">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AddHandler mod_python .py
PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
PythonDebug On

for test, this is a sample script d:\myfolder\test.py
# test.py
from mod_python import apache
def hello(name=None):
if name:
return 'Hello, %s!' % name.capitalize()
return 'Hello there!'
def handler(req):
req.content_type = 'text/plain'
req.write("from handler test, Hello World!")
return apache.OK

when I access to the url http://localhost/myfolder/test.py,
I obtain source test.py listing but not the rendering of handler or
hello method.

with url http://localhost/myfolder/test.py/hello, I obtain :
=>The requested URL /myfolder/test.py/hello was not found on this server.

It seems like something is missing ... but what ?

thanks for any help

Get it working for a normal handler first and don't use

For a set of instructions on how to get a simple handler working,
including descriptions of common problems and how to debug it, see:


Once you have confirmed that your installation works, then consider
looking at mod_python.publisher.

I'd also suggest that you get yourself on the mod_python user mailing
list and seek help there as the mod_python community there is much
larger. Mailing list details are on the mod_python web site.

BTW, don't you mean:

<Directory "D:/myfolder">

if that is what Alias uses?

Also, don't mix normal handlers and mod_python.publisher functions in
the same module, and don't use files called 'test.py' as there is a
standard Python module by the same name and if things aren't set up
right you can be picking up the wrong module.


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