arrays incomplete function call


Chris Dollin

Ravi said:
See we are writing solutions both c and c++ using gmail groups. In
some time we may mistakenly include the c++.

But with practice, this will be /very seldom/. Yes?
See, without any class c++ is always C.

Incorrect. For example:

* sizeof 'x'
* operator overloading, such as <<
* namespaces
And more over any internet user always user short like U instead of

Also incorrect, as you can see.

Richard Bos

Ravi Nakidi said:
See we are writing solutions both c and c++ using gmail groups.

You are not on "gmail groups", whatever the **** _that_ is. You are
posting to a Usenet newsgroup. On Usenet, you are expected to keep to
basic netiquette, be topical, be at least halfway correct, use correct
language without schoolboy SMS-lingo, and _not_ slag off your betters
when you are corrected.

You post too much misinformation to be plonked, but do not expect much
help until you clean up your act.


Martin Ambuhl

Ravi said:
U can write show() definition like this. But, programatically it is not

A "software engineer" does not fall back on childish "U" for "you", but
more important a "software engineer" would not post
using namespace std;
to a C language newsgroup.

To call yourself a "S/w Engineer" is fraud.

Rod Pemberton

Richard Bos said:
You are not on "gmail groups", whatever the **** _that_ is. You are
posting to a Usenet newsgroup. On Usenet, you are expected to keep to
basic netiquette, be topical, be at least halfway correct, use correct
language without schoolboy SMS-lingo, and _not_ slag off your betters
when you are corrected.

No one has any right to expect anything from me. This is an unmoderated
newsgroup. If you want netiguette, topicality, correct language, leave here
and go to a moderated newgroup. As for having others to defer to their
"betters" or your perverse perceived "importance", there are many people
here of different skill levels. You haven't posted anything except
"non-topical" criticisms of others for months. I have yet to see a C
related post from you. So, why haven't you STFU ?. That goes for
CBFalconer too. Stop posting your insulting criticisms to other newgroups
that you contribute nothing to.

Rod Pemberton

Martin Ambuhl

Ravi said:

See we are writing solutions both c and c++ using gmail groups. In
some time we may mistakenly include the c++. Anyway, you know that
that is c++.

We now know better than to ever use any product of Tally Solutions Pvt
Ltd of Bangalore, where a person as sloppy as Ravi Nakidi are employed
as "S/w Enginner" [sic].
See, without any class c++ is always C.

That is a severe error. If I thought you were smart enough to know
better, then I would call it a lie, just like your self-description.
> And more over any internet user always user short like U instead of

Bullshit. More children and illiterates use "U", perhaps.
I don't know how much you aware of Internert.

A lot more than you.

Richard Heathfield

Rod Pemberton said:
No one has any right to expect anything from me.

Right. Nobody has a right to expect good grammar and spelling from me.
Nobody has a right to expect topical articles from me. Nobody has a right
to expect a certain basic attention to correctness from me. Nobody has the
right to expect me to apologise when I get something wrong. In short,
nobody has the right to expect me to be a reasonable bloke. It's entirely
my decision.

And, of course, nobody has an obligation to read what I write. That is
entirely their decision.

Just some food for thought, there.

Vladimir S. Oka

Rod Pemberton said:

Right. Nobody has a right to expect good grammar and spelling from me.
Nobody has a right to expect topical articles from me. Nobody has a

Just some food for thought, there.

Oh, dear. Here we go again...


Ravi said:

See we are writing solutions both c and c++ using gmail groups. In
some time we may mistakenly include the c++. Anyway, you know that
that is c++. Correct. Thai is very happy. Not only in my program, where
ever it may be try to find out the logic and make it that executable in
respective language. Correct.

See, without any class c++ is always C. I think you aware of C++. The
father of C++ B Jarne StrousStup is named C++ is C with Classes.

By, mistake I given solution in C++. For, this I'm not expecting such
type of mails from my group mates.

Any way. Bye...

And more over any internet user always user short like U instead of
you. I don't know how much you aware of Internert.

This post is an abominable disgrace! I know we are a country of
call-center bootpolishers, but this is really stretching limits. I
strongly suspect you're deliberately trolling to make all Indians look
like a bunch of dolts. Even those who've only finished high school are
capable of better English. What's your problem?
Ravi Nakidi,
S/w Enginner,
Tally Solutions Pvt Ltd,

I'll be sure to keep carefully away from any software produced by
"Tally Solutions".


Martin Ambuhl

Rod said:
No one has any right to expect anything from me.

Bullshit. Everyone has the right to expect anything from you. Whether
you meet those expectations is another matter. On the other hand, you
have no reason to expect your impolite, off-topic, badly written crap to
be acceptable to anyone else.
If you want netiguette, topicality, correct language, leave here
and go to a moderated newgroup.

If you want to be taken seriously, you will mind your ways or else take
your own self to another newsgroup.

Richard Heathfield

Rod Pemberton said:
I see you like to take things out of context.

I like to retain sufficient context for people to be reminded of the subject
of discussion.
I reduced your entire argument to one line also.

No, you didn't, firstly because all you had access to was your *copy* of my
text, and you can edit that until you're blue in the face without making
the slightest difference to any kind of argument I might have made, and
secondly because I wasn't providing an argument, merely a slightly
different perspective on rights and obligations.

Seems like you're determined to be unpleasant. Oh well - have a great life
anyway. Bye for now.

Keith Thompson

Ravi Nakidi said:
It's ok. But, this does't a matter.

This is a response to something I posted. Thought it's difficult
to tell without context, here's the parent article:

] > Hi Rohit,
] >
] > U can write show() definition like this. But, programatically it is not
] > good.
] >
] > #include<iostream>
] > using namespace std;
] This is comp.lang.c. Please don't post C++ code here.

You posted C++ code to comp.lang.c, I asked you not to, and you
replied "It's ok. But, this does't a matter.".

It's not ok, and it does matter. Don't post C++ code to comp.lang.c.
And read <> if you want anyone here
to know or care what you're talking about.

See also my response to you in another thread,


Richard said:
Rod Pemberton said:

Seems like you're determined to be unpleasant. Oh well - have a
great life anyway. Bye for now.

For some incomprehensible reason I disabled my plonk entry for it.
It wasn't hard to re-enable it. There are lusers and ugly lusers.

"If you want to post a followup via, don't use
the broken "Reply" link at the bottom of the article. Click on
"show options" at the top of the article, then click on the
"Reply" at the bottom of the article headers." - Keith Thompson
More details at: <>
Also see <>


Martin said:
Ravi said:
See we are writing solutions both c and c++ using gmail groups.
In some time we may mistakenly include the c++. Anyway, you know
that that is c++.

We now know better than to ever use any product of Tally Solutions
Pvt Ltd of Bangalore, where a person as sloppy as Ravi Nakidi are
employed as "S/w Enginner" [sic].
See, without any class c++ is always C.

That is a severe error. If I thought you were smart enough to know
better, then I would call it a lie, just like your self-description.
And more over any internet user always user short like U instead
of you.

Bullshit. More children and illiterates use "U", perhaps.
I don't know how much you aware of Internert.

A lot more than you.

I really thought the Indian education system was better than that.
Most of its products seem intelligent and eager to learn. Oh well,
the more of these displays the better the chances of stemming the
outsourcing problem. At some point even the nickel counters will
catch on.

"If you want to post a followup via, don't use
the broken "Reply" link at the bottom of the article. Click on
"show options" at the top of the article, then click on the
"Reply" at the bottom of the article headers." - Keith Thompson
More details at: <>
Also see <>


CBFalconer said:
I really thought the Indian education system was better than that.

Private schools certainly are.
The poster under discussion, "Ravi", seems to me a troll.
Most of its products seem intelligent and eager to learn. Oh well,
the more of these displays the better the chances of stemming the
outsourcing problem. At some point even the nickel counters will
catch on.

Do you really believe that the firms who are outsourcing would pay much
attention to posters on Usenet groups?


No one has any right to expect anything from me. This is an unmoderated
newsgroup. If you want netiguette, topicality, correct language, leave here
and go to a moderated newgroup. As for having others to defer to their
"betters" or your perverse perceived "importance", there are many people
here of different skill levels.

and it seems i don't like all your posts and what you says in the ngs
i follow
You haven't posted anything except
"non-topical" criticisms of others for months.

if you don't be able to read yes, but for me "Richard Bos" is one that

Vladimir S. Oka

Do you really believe that the firms who are outsourcing would pay
much attention to posters on Usenet groups?

Very soon /I/ may be in the position to make, or advise on, just such a
decision, and most certainly later assess the output. That's certainly
not to say that one troll will make a difference, but there's always
that immeasurable sentiment left after being trolled. It /is/ however
certain that I'll try to steer clear of this particular troll's

Richard Heathfield

santosh said:
Do you really believe that the firms who are outsourcing would pay much
attention to posters on Usenet groups?

I can certainly attest, from personal experience on several occasions, to
the fact that /some/ firms pay attention to posters on Usenet groups.

Also, on occasion I have suggested to clients that, as part of their
selection process, they conduct a search through Usenet archives. (And yes,
some of them have actually listened.)

So yes, it does happen. But of course it's a drop in the ocean. Outsourcing
is like any other market-based phenomenon, in that it will find its own
level. As the quality drops, eventually people will start getting killed
(you know the sort of thing: "Foo=Foo++ Stalls Car Engine On Railway
Crossing, See Page 4 For Full Story", and some government or other will
Start To Ask Questions, and sales will go down, etc etc.

Eventually someone will say "well, perhaps we ought to consider hiring
people who actually know what they're doing". Alas, it may well be a fairly
junior employee who says it.

Rod Pemberton

Martin Ambuhl said:
Bullshit. Everyone has the right to expect anything from you. Whether
you meet those expectations is another matter. On the other hand, you
have no reason to expect your impolite, off-topic, badly written crap to
be acceptable to anyone else.

I haven't seen anything from you since I pointed out you plagiarized Michal
Necasek. Glad to see you got some balls back kid. Do you actually intend
on posting something original?
If you want to be taken seriously, you will mind your ways or else take
your own self to another newsgroup.

And, if you want to be taken seriously, you should wait at least five years
before plagiarizing the posts of others. If you intend to plagiarize
something I've read within such a time period. I'll call you on it again.

Rod Pemberton

Rod Pemberton

CBFalconer said:
For some incomprehensible reason I disabled my plonk entry for it.
It wasn't hard to re-enable it. There are lusers and ugly lusers.

You contribute nothing to this or any of the other dozen newsgroups you
spam. Troll Plonk.

Rod Pemberton

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