Asynchronus binding grid view

Jul 17, 2011
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Hi i have been through may article but dint get solution for this.

I am having 30,000 records that need to bind and this count increases daily, so i get first 500 records for the first time and when the scroll bar comes down next 500 records to be added. All this should be done in javascript i found a solution by using jquery but i want this to be done with some custom java script.

The architecture i followed with jquery is

Putting grid view in div tag and using scroll bar when the scroll bar height matches the window height calls a function BindNewData(), all it does is calls a handler and get next 500 records and append it to bottom of the grid view.

Now can any one help me doing this in javascript, am not allowed to use Jquery am using Ajax controls.

I even dont know whether it is possible to add new 500 rows to the bottom of the datagrid.

Thanks in advance..

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