automated scrollTo() problem


Bob Kistler

I have a webpage,
with two frames, an upper frame1 with controls,(slideshow22.html) and
a lower, frame2, for displaying images of weather maps. I've
unsuccessfully tried to modify slideshow22.html to automate the
function clickScroll(), which executes scrollTo(x,y), which manually
works just fine when invoked by the "Click to Scroll" button.
Simple-mindedly, I tried to execute clickScroll() in functions
default() and nextpic() expecting when a new image is loaded, I could
get the desired scrolling. Even though the alert box I added as a
debug option appears as expected, the image is not scrolled. This
unexepected inability to automatically scroll images prevents my use
of slidehow options I have created.

What little hair I have left is in peril!

Thanks in advance.

My platform is a Gateway PC running Linux Redhat 6.2 and NN 4.7

asdf asdf

Hi, for me your line "parent.frame2.scrollTo" generates an Access is
Denied error.

And then I noticed that your other frame is a different website.

I would try changing how you load the image in that other frame in
some way such that it still resides in the original domain.

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