bad alloc



There are numerous C++ examples and code snippets which use STL
allocators in containers such as STL vector an string.
It has come to my attention that nobody ever seems to care about
checking the allocation has been successfull. As we have this
exception handling why is it not used very often in practise?.
Surely it should be common practise to "try" all allocations, or do
people just not care and allow the program to crash if it runs out of
I think if people were more conscious of this error checking the
reserve function would be used more often.


or do people just not care and allow the program to crash if
it runs out of memory?

Yes, that's what I do and I think many others. It's because
try-catch syntax is confusing and because 4Gb+ computers
rarely run out of memory. And if they do, how are you going
to recover from the situation with try-catch if you really
need to allocate that memory? The only time it's reasonable
to use try-catch is when something is left out from
the program (scaling).


There are numerous C++ examples and code snippets which use STL
allocators in containers such as STL vector an string.
It has come to my attention that nobody ever seems to care about
checking the allocation has been successfull. As we have this
exception handling why is it not used very often in practise?.
Surely it should be common practise to "try" all allocations, or do
people just not care and allow the program to crash if it runs out of

Good-style exception-aware C++ code does __NOT__ check for allocation
failures. Instead, it's written in such a manner that said (and other)
failures don't break it __LOGICALLY__. This is done through a careful
design and observation of exception safety guarantees (http:// of the
code. Some simple example:

FILE* f = fopen(...);
if (!f) throw whatever();
vector<int> v;

This snippet should have no-leak (basic) exception safety guarantee,
but it doesn't (possible resource leak: FILE*, if there's an exception
between vector creation and fclose. For example, push_back will throw
if there's no memory to allocate internal vector storage.

To satisfy no-leak guarantee, the above should be:

FILE* f = fopen(...);
if (!f) throw whatever();
vector<int> v;

The above is pretty horrible, hence one would reach for RAII and use
fstream in lieu of FILE* and no try/catch would be needed for the code
to function correctly.

Another example:

container1 c1;
container2 c2;

Suppose that "stuff" needs to be in both c1 and c, otherwise something
is wrong. If so, the above needs strong excetion safety. Correction
would be:


Again, writing this is annoying, and for this sort of things there's
an application of RAII in a trick called "scope guard". Using scope
guard, this should turn out as:

ScopeGuard guardc1 = MakeObjGuard(c1, &container1::remove,

Similar examples can be made for other exception safety levels but IMO
the above two happen in vaast majority of cases.
I think if people were more conscious of this error checking the
reserve function would be used more often.

I am very convinced that this is a wrong way to go reasoning about
error checking with exception-aware code. First off, using reserve
lulls into a false sense of security. So space is reserved for the
vector, and elements will be copied in it. What if copy ctor/
assignment throws in the process? Code that is sensitive to exceptions
will still be at risk. Second, it pollutes the code with gratuitous
snippets no one cares about. There's a better way, see above.

What's so wrong with this reasoning? The idea that one needs to make
sure that each possible failure mode is looked after. This is
possible, but is __extremely__ tedious. Instead, one should think in
this manner: here are pieces of code that might throw (that should be
a vaaaaaast majority of total code). If they throw, what will go wrong
with the code (internal state, resources etc)? (e.g. FILE* will leak,
c1 and c2 won't be in sync...) For those things, appropriate cleanup
action should be taken (in vaaast majority of cases, said cleanup
action is going to be "apply RAII"). Said cleanup action must be a no-
throw operation (hence use of destructors w/RAII). There should also
be a clear idea where no-throw areas are, and they should be a tiny
amount of the code (in C++, these are typically primitive type
assignments, C-function calls and use of no-throwing swap).

There's a school of thought that says that allocation failure should
simply terminate everything. This is based on the notion that, once
there's no memory, world has ended for the code anyhow. This notion is
false in a significant amount of cases (and is not in the spirit of C
or C++; if it were, malloc or new would terminate()). Why is notion
wrong? Because normally, code goes like this: work, work, allocate
some resources, work (with those), free those, allocate more, work,
allocate, work, free, free etc. That is, for many-a-code-path, there's
a "hill climb" where resources are allocated while working "up", and
they are deallocated, all or at least a significant part, while going
"down" (e.g. perhaps calculation result is kept allocated. So once
code hits a brick wall going up, there's a big chance there will be
plenty of breathing room once it comes down (due to all those
freeing). IOW, there's no __immediate need__ to die. Go down, clean up
behind you and you'll be fine. It's kinda better to go back and say "I
couldn't do X due to OOM" is kinda better than dying at the spot,
wouldn't you say?

Finally, there's a school of thought that says that allocations should
not be checked at all. IMO, that school comes from programming under
systems with overcommit, where, upon OOM conditions, external force
(OOM killer) is brought in to terminate the code __not__ at the spot
of the allocation, but at the spot allocated memory is used. Indeed,
if this is the observed behavior, then any checking for allocation
failure is kinda useless. However, this behavior is not prescribed by
C or C++ language and is therefore outside the scope of this
newsgroup ;-).



Good-style exception-aware C++ code does __NOT__ check for allocation
failures. Instead, it's written in such a manner that said (and other)
failures don't break it __LOGICALLY__. This is done through a careful
design and observation of exception safety guarantees (http:// of the
code. Some simple example:

FILE* f = fopen(...);
if (!f) throw whatever();
vector<int> v;

This snippet should have no-leak (basic) exception safety guarantee,
but it doesn't (possible resource leak: FILE*, if there's an exception
between vector creation and fclose. For example, push_back will throw
if there's no memory to allocate internal vector storage.

To satisfy no-leak guarantee, the above should be:

FILE* f = fopen(...);
if (!f) throw whatever();
 vector<int> v;



The above is pretty horrible, hence one would reach for RAII and use
fstream in lieu of FILE* and no try/catch would be needed for the code
to function correctly.

Another example:

container1 c1;
container2 c2;

Suppose that "stuff" needs to be in both c1 and c, otherwise something
is wrong. If so, the above needs strong excetion safety. Correction
would be:




Again, writing this is annoying, and for this sort of things there's
an application of RAII in a trick called "scope guard". Using scope
guard, this should turn out as:

ScopeGuard guardc1 = MakeObjGuard(c1, &container1::remove,

Similar examples can be made for other exception safety levels but IMO
the above two happen in vaast majority of cases.
I am not familiar with the scopeguard objects I will need to look them
I am very convinced that this is a wrong way to go reasoning about
error checking with exception-aware code. First off, using reserve
lulls into a false sense of security. So space is reserved for the
vector, and elements will be copied in it. What if copy ctor/
assignment throws in the process? Code that is sensitive to exceptions
will still be at risk. Second, it pollutes the code with gratuitous
snippets no one cares about. There's a better way, see above.

What's so wrong with this reasoning? The idea that one needs to make
sure that each possible failure mode is looked after. This is
possible, but is __extremely__ tedious. Instead, one should think in
this manner: here are pieces of code that might throw (that should be
a vaaaaaast majority of total code). If they throw, what will go wrong
with the code (internal state, resources etc)? (e.g. FILE* will leak,
c1 and c2 won't be in sync...) For those things, appropriate cleanup
action should be taken (in vaaast majority of cases, said cleanup
action is going to be "apply RAII"). Said cleanup action must be a no-
throw operation (hence use of destructors w/RAII). There should also
be a clear idea where no-throw areas are, and they should be a tiny
amount of the code (in C++, these are typically primitive type
assignments, C-function calls and use of no-throwing swap).

Granted there are other possible exceptions that could be thrown and
should also be considered. I was using the reserve as an example to
guard against program crashing from OOM. I would have thought at least
inform the user then close the program in a civilised manner or
postone the current operation and inform the user of the memory
situation and handle this without closing the program (i.e: by freeing
other recources)
There's a school of thought that says that allocation failure should
simply terminate everything. This is based on the notion that, once
there's no memory, world has ended for the code anyhow. This notion is
false in a significant amount of cases (and is not in the spirit of C
or C++; if it were, malloc or new would terminate()). Why is notion
wrong? Because normally, code goes like this: work, work, allocate
some resources, work (with those), free those, allocate more, work,
allocate, work, free, free etc. That is, for many-a-code-path, there's
a "hill climb" where resources are allocated while working "up", and
they are deallocated, all or at least a significant part, while going
"down" (e.g. perhaps calculation result is kept allocated. So once
code hits a brick wall going up, there's a big chance there will be
plenty of breathing room once it comes down (due to all those
freeing). IOW, there's no __immediate need__ to die. Go down, clean up
behind you and you'll be fine. It's kinda better to go back and say "I
couldn't do X due to OOM" is kinda better than dying at the spot,
wouldn't you say?
I agree I think as a minimum, a professional distribution should check
for memory allocation failures in alot of situations. Especially in a
memory hungry program that may be expected to run on a range of pc's
from say 512MB - 4GB.
Finally, there's a school of thought that says that allocations should
not be checked at all. IMO, that school comes from programming under
systems with overcommit, where, upon OOM conditions, external force
(OOM killer) is brought in to terminate the code __not__ at the spot
of the allocation, but at the spot allocated memory is used. Indeed,
if this is the observed behavior, then any checking for allocation
failure is kinda useless. However, this behavior is not prescribed by
C or C++ language and is therefore outside the scope of this
newsgroup ;-).
I'm not so sure about this, as a user I'd hate a program to crash with
no error msg. An error should be displayed before closing at the very
least which is why I wonder why I never see anyone using try blocks.
I can understand small test programs but these aside, as is the case
with programs checking the return from new to not be null shouldn't
people also check STL containers for allocation errors (as a very


Yes, that's what I do and I think many others. It's because
try-catch syntax is confusing and because 4Gb+ computers
rarely run out of memory. And if they do, how are you going
to recover from the situation with try-catch if you really
need to allocate that memory? The only time it's reasonable
to use try-catch is when something is left out from
the program (scaling).

I think that pre-STL it was pretty much standard practise to check for
memory allocation failures for example:

float* m1 = new float[16];
//output an exit msg.
Larger programs would have memory handling routines that took care of
all the allocations so this code was not required all over the place.

However since the boom of STL I think people just assume that
std::vector handles all that and they don't need to worry about it.
Perhaps it was often taught in such a way to promote using the STL
containers that the error checking was deliberately ignored to make
them appear more straight forward to use and simpler to code.
I guess what I am really wondering is if it's the case that many
people are not making a conscious decision to igore error checking but
are instead overlooking it altogether?

Personally I don't mind the try-catch syntax and its alot better than
if's and else's. I think it should be used more as standard practise
when coding with STL containers and not as an exception(no pun) to the
norm, which seems to often be the case.

When I learned C++ I was taught that the return from new should always
be checked for null. This was put across as an important point but it
was usually said that for simplicity any further examples would skip
the error checking. Should a similar point not apply for using STL
containers and try-catch blocks?


I think that pre-STL it was pretty much standard practise to check for
memory allocation failures for example:
float* m1 = new float[16];
//output an exit msg.
Larger programs would have memory handling routines that took care of
all the allocations so this code was not required all over the place.
However since the boom of STL I think people just assume that
std::vector handles all that and they don't need to worry about it.
Perhaps it was often taught in such a way to promote using the STL
containers that the error checking was deliberately ignored to make
them appear more straight forward to use and simpler to code.
I guess what I am really wondering is if it's the case that many
people are not making a conscious decision to igore error checking but
are instead overlooking it altogether?
Personally I don't mind the try-catch syntax and its alot better than
if's and else's. I think it should be used more as standard practise
when coding with STL containers and not as an exception(no pun) to the
norm, which seems to often be the case.
When I learned C++ I was taught that the return from new should always
be checked for null. This was put across as an important point but it
was usually said that for simplicity any further examples would skip
the error checking. Should a similar point not apply for using STL
containers and try-catch blocks?

The only sane remedy for most cases of allocation failure is to
terminate the application which is what will happen with an uncaught

I don't agree with this.
A program is allocated a heap size, which is not normally all of the
systems memory resources. If a program uses all of its heap allocation
it can request more memory from the OS.
Program termination is a last resort and even then the allocation
exception should still be caught and the program terminated properly.

Rule of thumb for C++ exception aware code: liberally sprinkle throws
but have very few try/catches.
What is the point in having throws if you're not going to catch them?


Yes, that's what I do and I think many others. It's because
try-catch syntax is confusing and because 4Gb+ computers
rarely run out of memory. And if they do, how are you going
to recover from the situation with try-catch if you really
need to allocate that memory? The only time it's reasonable
to use try-catch is when something is left out from
the program (scaling).

I think that pre-STL it was pretty much standard practise to check for
memory allocation failures for example:

float* m1 = new float[16];
//output an exit msg.

No, that's completely wrong. new float[whatever] should throw just as
vector.push_back should throw. This code is just completely wrong.
Either you'd get to the "if" with m1 pointing to allocated memory and
not being NULL, either exception is thrown and you can't possibly
assign to m1 not reach the "if".
Larger programs would have memory handling routines that took care of
all the allocations so this code was not required all over the place.

However since the boom of STL I think people just assume that
std::vector handles all that and they don't need to worry about it.
Perhaps it was often taught in such a way to promote using the STL
containers that the error checking was deliberately ignored to make
them appear more straight forward to use and simpler to code.
I guess what I am really wondering is if it's the case that many
people are not making a conscious decision to igore error checking but
are instead overlooking it altogether?

Personally I don't mind the try-catch syntax and its alot better than
if's and else's. I think it should be used more as standard practise
when coding with STL containers and not as an exception(no pun) to the
norm, which seems to often be the case.

When I learned C++ I was taught that the return from new should always
be checked for null.

You were taught wrong. What compiler was that? Microsoft's, version 5
or 6, no MFC? Those had had nonstandard behavior (operator new was
returning NULL).



You are not familiar with scope guard objects as you are not familiar
with RAII hence your n00bish question.  At least you have admitted a gap
in your knowledge for once.

What is so special about reserve?  See below.

Why does reserve help?  If it is a std::vector of std::string for
example then reserve will only allocate space for the std::string
object; it will not allocate space for what each std::string element may
subsequently allocate.  Also not all containers have reserve.
Well reserve would cause the vector to allocate space. Thus you only
need to put the reserve operation in the try-catch block and if this
doesn't throw you know the allocation was successfull and the program
can continue.


I am not familiar with the scopeguard objects I will need to look them

Granted there are other possible exceptions that could be thrown and
should also be considered. I was using the reserve as an example to
guard against program crashing from OOM. I would have thought at least
inform the user then close the program in a civilised manner or
postone the current operation and inform the user of the memory
situation and handle this without closing the program (i.e: by freeing
other recources)

I agree I think as a minimum, a professional distribution should check
for memory allocation failures in alot of situations. Especially in a
memory hungry program that may be expected to run on a range of pc's
from say 512MB - 4GB.

I'm not so sure about this, as a user I'd hate a program to crash with
no error msg.

Attention, it's user's choice, not yours. (Well, it's a choice of
whoever set the operating system up). Program is being shut down by an
external force outside your control (not entirely, but you should not
be fighting OOM killer ;-)).

An error should be displayed before closing at the very
least which is why I wonder why I never see anyone using try blocks.

If nothing else, main(), and any thread function, should have a giant
try/catch as the outermost activity. That catch must be a no-throw
zone that somehow informs the operator about what went wrong.
Otherwise, yes, there should be a really, really small of try/catch
blocks. Good C++ code simply doesn't need them (cfr. RAII and scope
guard in my other answer).
I can understand small test programs but these aside, as is the case
with programs checking the return from new to not be null shouldn't
people also check STL containers for allocation errors (as a very

No (cfr. my other answer).



I think that pre-STL it was pretty much standard practise to check for
memory allocation failures for example:
float* m1 = new float[16];
//output an exit msg.

No, that's completely wrong. new float[whatever] should throw just as
vector.push_back should throw. This code is just completely wrong.
Either you'd get to the "if" with m1 pointing to allocated memory and
not being NULL, either exception is thrown and you can't possibly
assign to m1 not reach the "if".

Larger programs would have memory handling routines that took care of
all the allocations so this code was not required all over the place.
However since the boom of STL I think people just assume that
std::vector handles all that and they don't need to worry about it.
Perhaps it was often taught in such a way to promote using the STL
containers that the error checking was deliberately ignored to make
them appear more straight forward to use and simpler to code.
I guess what I am really wondering is if it's the case that many
people are not making a conscious decision to igore error checking but
are instead overlooking it altogether?
Personally I don't mind the try-catch syntax and its alot better than
if's and else's. I think it should be used more as standard practise
when coding with STL containers and not as an exception(no pun) to the
norm, which seems to often be the case.
When I learned C++ I was taught that the return from new should always
be checked for null.

You were taught wrong. What compiler was that? Microsoft's, version 5
or 6, no MFC? Those had had nonstandard behavior (operator new was
returning NULL).
Yes I was taught a long time ago and perhaps I am overgeneralising
between new(nothrow) and malloc but as I remember an allocation
failure was represented by return of null. I see now that new does not
return null on failure unless the nothrow version is used.


On 30/08/2011 14:26, Paul wrote:
or do people just not care and allow the program to crash if
it runs out of memory?
Yes, that's what I do and I think many others. It's because
try-catch syntax is confusing and because 4Gb+ computers
rarely run out of memory. And if they do, how are you going
to recover from the situation with try-catch if you really
need to allocate that memory? The only time it's reasonable
to use try-catch is when something is left out from
the program (scaling).
I think that pre-STL it was pretty much standard practise to check for
memory allocation failures for example:
float* m1 = new float[16];
//output an exit msg.
Larger programs would have memory handling routines that took care of
all the allocations so this code was not required all over the place.
However since the boom of STL I think people just assume that
std::vector handles all that and they don't need to worry about it.
Perhaps it was often taught in such a way to promote using the STL
containers that the error checking was deliberately ignored to make
them appear more straight forward to use and simpler to code.
I guess what I am really wondering is if it's the case that many
people are not making a conscious decision to igore error checking but
are instead overlooking it altogether?
Personally I don't mind the try-catch syntax and its alot better than
if's and else's. I think it should be used more as standard practise
when coding with STL containers and not as an exception(no pun) to the
norm, which seems to often be the case.
When I learned C++ I was taught that the return from new should always
be checked for null. This was put across as an important point but it
was usually said that for simplicity any further examples would skip
the error checking. Should a similar point not apply for using STL
containers and try-catch blocks?
The only sane remedy for most cases of allocation failure is to
terminate the application which is what will happen with an uncaught
I don't agree with this.

Of course you don't agree with this due to your obvious lack of real
world experience.
A program is allocated a heap size, which is not normally all of the
systems memory resources. If a program uses all of its heap allocation
it can request more memory from the OS.

This will either happen automatically or can be done inside an
overloaded operator new.

Either or?
Are you suggesting that you expect all programs to automatically have
access the systems full memory resources?
Or are you suggesting that you should write your own new function for
all programs to automatically request more resources on an allocation
Define "terminated properly" when nothing can be guaranteed as we have
run out of memory.
Because allocation failed doesn't necessarily mean you have run out of
memory. The program may still able to free resources, close streams


On 30/08/2011 14:54, Paul wrote:
On 30/08/2011 14:26, Paul wrote:
or do people just not care and allow the program to crash if
it runs out of memory?
Yes, that's what I do and I think many others. It's because
try-catch syntax is confusing and because 4Gb+ computers
rarely run out of memory. And if they do, how are you going
to recover from the situation with try-catch if you really
need to allocate that memory? The only time it's reasonable
to use try-catch is when something is left out from
the program (scaling).
I think that pre-STL it was pretty much standard practise to check for
memory allocation failures for example:
float* m1 = new float[16];
//output an exit msg.
Larger programs would have memory handling routines that took care of
all the allocations so this code was not required all over the place.
However since the boom of STL I think people just assume that
std::vector handles all that and they don't need to worry about it.
Perhaps it was often taught in such a way to promote using the STL
containers that the error checking was deliberately ignored to make
them appear more straight forward to use and simpler to code.
I guess what I am really wondering is if it's the case that many
people are not making a conscious decision to igore error checking but
are instead overlooking it altogether?
Personally I don't mind the try-catch syntax and its alot better than
if's and else's. I think it should be used more as standard practise
when coding with STL containers and not as an exception(no pun) to the
norm, which seems to often be the case.
When I learned C++ I was taught that the return from new should always
be checked for null. This was put across as an important point but it
was usually said that for simplicity any further examples would skip
the error checking. Should a similar point not apply for using STL
containers and try-catch blocks?
The only sane remedy for most cases of allocation failure is to
terminate the application which is what will happen with an uncaught
I don't agree with this.
Of course you don't agree with this due to your obvious lack of real
world experience.
A program is allocated a heap size, which is not normally all of the
systems memory resources. If a program uses all of its heap allocation
it can request more memory from the OS.
This will either happen automatically or can be done inside an
overloaded operator new.
Either or?

Are you suggesting that you expect all programs to automatically have
access the systems full memory resources?

No I am suggesting that you don't use a catch to allocate more "system"
memory and then "try again" which is what you appeared to be suggesting.
Or are you suggesting that you should write your own new function for
all programs to automatically request more resources on an allocation

Depends on the OS.  See also "set_new_handler".

Because allocation failed doesn't necessarily mean you have run out of
memory. The program may still able to free resources, close streams

Such OS resources are normally automatically freed by the OS on process
termination.  For the few instances where this is not the case then all
you need to do is rely on RAII and have a top-level try/catch in main()
or equivalent.
But you're missing or avoiding the point. You don't need to have
program termination.

Notice your opinion is the direct opposite of Gorans.:)

Perhaps you could slow the program down and make it run so its using
less resources. Allowing it to just use up all memory and then crash
doesn't seem like a very good idea to me.


Attention, it's user's choice, not yours. (Well, it's a choice of
whoever set the operating system up). Program is being shut down by an
external force outside your control (not entirely, but you should not
be fighting OOM killer ;-)).
Its not outwith your control, if you are allowing it to crash because
an allocation failed.
You can write the program in such a way that it doesn't crash if an
allocation fails. Ok any operations that depend on that allocation
cannot proceed but the whole program need not crash.
A small message to the user informing them that the operaton failed
due to lack of memory may be all that is required.
If nothing else, main(), and any thread function, should have a giant
try/catch as the outermost activity. That catch must be a no-throw
zone that somehow informs the operator about what went wrong.
Otherwise, yes, there should be a really, really small of try/catch
blocks. Good C++ code simply doesn't need them (cfr. RAII and scope
guard in my other answer).
Well this scope guard things seems to require a log on to read all
links I tried. But that aside, with standard try-catch blocks there is
no need to have them around everything to write safe code.
In reality a programmer should only need to try-catch possible errors
outwith their control, within reason.
Obvioulsy the pc could be switched of at the wall and you aren't going
to try-catch for that sort of error.


On 30/08/2011 15:20, Paul wrote:
On 30/08/2011 14:54, Paul wrote:
On 30/08/2011 14:26, Paul wrote:
or do people just not care and allow the program to crash if
it runs out of memory?
Yes, that's what I do and I think many others. It's because
try-catch syntax is confusing and because 4Gb+ computers
rarely run out of memory. And if they do, how are you going
to recover from the situation with try-catch if you really
need to allocate that memory? The only time it's reasonable
to use try-catch is when something is left out from
the program (scaling).
I think that pre-STL it was pretty much standard practise to check for
memory allocation failures for example:
float* m1 = new float[16];
//output an exit msg.
Larger programs would have memory handling routines that took care of
all the allocations so this code was not required all over the place.
However since the boom of STL I think people just assume that
std::vector handles all that and they don't need to worry about it.
Perhaps it was often taught in such a way to promote using the STL
containers that the error checking was deliberately ignored to make
them appear more straight forward to use and simpler to code.
I guess what I am really wondering is if it's the case that many
people are not making a conscious decision to igore error checking but
are instead overlooking it altogether?
Personally I don't mind the try-catch syntax and its alot better than
if's and else's. I think it should be used more as standard practise
when coding with STL containers and not as an exception(no pun) to the
norm, which seems to often be the case.
When I learned C++ I was taught that the return from new should always
be checked for null. This was put across as an important point but it
was usually said that for simplicity any further examples would skip
the error checking. Should a similar point not apply for using STL
containers and try-catch blocks?
The only sane remedy for most cases of allocation failure is to
terminate the application which is what will happen with an uncaught
I don't agree with this.
Of course you don't agree with this due to your obvious lack of real
world experience.
A program is allocated a heap size, which is not normally all of the
systems memory resources. If a program uses all of its heap allocation
it can request more memory from the OS.
This will either happen automatically or can be done inside an
overloaded operator new.
Either or?
Are you suggesting that you expect all programs to automatically have
access the systems full memory resources?
No I am suggesting that you don't use a catch to allocate more "system"
memory and then "try again" which is what you appeared to be suggesting.
Or are you suggesting that you should write your own new function for
all programs to automatically request more resources on an allocation
Depends on the OS.  See also "set_new_handler".
Program termination is a last resort and even then the allocation
exception should still be caught and the program terminated properly.
Define "terminated properly" when nothing can be guaranteed as we have
run out of memory.
Because allocation failed doesn't necessarily mean you have run out of
memory. The program may still able to free resources, close streams
Such OS resources are normally automatically freed by the OS on process
termination.  For the few instances where this is not the case then all
you need to do is rely on RAII and have a top-level try/catch in main()
or equivalent.
But you're missing or avoiding the point. You don't need to have
program termination.
Notice your opinion is the direct opposite of Gorans.:)
Perhaps you could slow the program down and make it run so its using
less resources. Allowing it to just use up all memory and then crash
doesn't seem like a very good idea to me.

That is just n00bish guff.  I cannot help you with your fundamental
problem which is simply a lack of real world experience.
You have spouted bullshit and now you realise it you are trying to get
out of the arguement with some bullshit about noobish guff.

Its you thats noobish saying that the only sane option is to allow a
program to crash if an allocation fails, and you know it.


"Require a log on"?  You really are full of it.  Try learning about
things *before* you make posts about them on Usenet.
So I cant be arsed registering to some site ATM, WTF is your problem
with that?


I said the following:

"The only sane remedy for most cases of allocation failure is to
terminate the application which is what will happen with an uncaught

I stand by what I said so I am not trying to "get out of" anything.  As
usual you fail and continue to fail with your bullshit: note the words
"most cases of" in what I said.
It's not the only sane remedy. It's the most insane remedy.

Imagine a program that controlled a robot:
One process for each limb, one for the head and one for the central
gyromatic balance system. The robot is in walk mode and you run out of
memory because a screeching parrot flies past.
What is the "sane" option your program should take:
Shut down eye and hearing modules and slow his walking speed?
Just let the program crash and allow the robot to fall over in a heap?

If you were working on critical systems such as aircraft controls
would you still think that allowing errors to go uncatched is the only
sane remedy?


My problem is the ignorant noise that you continually emit in this
newsgroup.  Again: try reading about things *before* you make uninformed
posts about those things in newsgroups.
Why is it ignorant noise to raise a perfectly reasonable discussion
about error checking allocations?


I said the following:

"The only sane remedy for most cases of allocation failure is to
terminate the application which is what will happen with an uncaught

I stand by what I said so I am not trying to "get out of" anything.  As
usual you fail and continue to fail with your bullshit: note the words
"most cases of" in what I said.
But what you said is bollocks.

Imagine a robot control program with a process for each limb, one for
head functions(eyes, ears etc) and one for the central gyroscopic
balance system.
If the robot is walking along and a screeching colourfull parrot flew
past the robot may have a momentarily memory overload what should the
program do:
Shut down eyes and ears and decrease walking speed?
Just crash and allow robot to fall over in a heap?

If you worked on an aircraft control system would you think its only
sane to allow a program to crash with an alloc error?

It's not acceptable to allow a program to wildly allocate memory until
it crashes, without error checking.


In your own deluded, ill-informed opinion.

Are you blind as well as dense?  I said:

"The only sane remedy for *most cases of* allocation failure is to
terminate the application which is what will happen with an uncaught

*most cases of*

If I was designing robot control software than I would design it in such
a way that certain individual sub-systems allocate all their required
memory up-front so that if some fatal error does occur then the robot
can safely come to a stand still and then reboot its systems.
But how do you know how much memory the eyes and ears will process on
the robots journey? What happens if a screeching hyena leaps out in
front of it? Does the robot do a detailed analysis of the objects
movement,coloursceme and the sound it emits, or does it just store
this information for later processing and treat it as a simple object
to be avoided?

If wouldn't be a very good robot if it stopped to reboot, would it?

Critical systems such as aircraft controls will (I assume) allocate all
the memory that is needed for all of their operations up-front so the
situation of a memory allocation failure during flight will never occur.
But say they don't know how much memory they will need, consider an
air traffic control centre, which due to unforeseen circumstances, has
to deal with hundreds of additional flight paths one day.
Does the system just crash or does it prioritise and deal with the

THe air traffic controller may have one or two planes flashing
onscreen with flight path unknown, but I'd say thats a hell of alot
better than having a BSOD.


Op 30-Aug-11 11:14, Krice schreef:
Yes, that's what I do and I think many others. It's because
try-catch syntax is confusing and because 4Gb+ computers
rarely run out of memory.

What is so confusing about try-catch? Exceptions make dealing with
failed allocations a lot less tedious than in C.
And if they do, how are you going
to recover from the situation with try-catch if you really
need to allocate that memory?

That is the real question: what do you do when you have run out of
memory? The application could inform the user that the operation failed
because there was not enough memory and keep on running. If a program
has cached a lot of information would flush its caches to free some
memory and retry the operation. But chances are that it will never get
to that point. My experience is that in a typical PC environment the
system tends to become non-responding or worse long before memory
allocation fails. Before that happens the user has probably restarted
his PC.

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