BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"


John Machin

and in another message webcomm wrote:
 > I ran the diagnostic gadget...
 > archive size is 69888
 > FileHeader at 0
 > CentralDir at 43796
 > EndArchive at 43846

This is telling you that the archive ends at 43846,

Not quite. """In a "normal" uncommented archive, EndArchive_pos + 22
but the file
is 69888 bytes long (69888 - 43846 = 26042 post-archive bytes).
Have you tried calling getzip(filename, ignoreable=30000)?
The whole point of the function is to ignore the nasty stuff at the
end, but if _I_ had a file with more than 25K of post-archive bytes,
I'd certainly try to figure out if the archive was mis-handled
somewhere along the way.

Me too. Further, if I wasn't "ever diplomatic" :), I wouldn't be
calling software (or people!) that blithely ignored 25kb of
unexplained data "forgiving" ... some other f-words, perhaps.


Send us a sample of this file in question...

Here's a sample with some dummy data from the web service:

That's the zip created in this line of my code...
f = open('', 'wb')

If I open the file it contains as unicode in my text editor (EditPlus)
on Windows XP, there is ostensibly nothing wrong with it. It looks
like valid XML. But if I return it to my browser with python+django,
there are bad characters every other character

If I unzip it like this...
....then the bad characters are 'FFFD' characters as described and
pictured here...

If I unzip it like this...
getzip('', ignoreable=30000)
....using Scott's function at...
....then the bad characters are \x00 characters.

John Machin

I ran the diagnostic gadget...

archive size is 69888
FileHeader at 0
CentralDir at 43796
EndArchive at 43846

Thanks. Would you mind spending a few minutes more on this so that we
can see if it's a problem that can be fixed easily, like the one that
Chris Mellon reported?

The above output says that there are 43868 (43846 + 22) bytes of
useable data. That leaves 69888 - 43868 = 26020 bytes of "comment" ...
rather large for a comment. Have you run a virus scanner over this

At the end is an updated version of the diagnostic gadget. It explores
the "EndArchive" structure and the comment at the end, with a special
check for all '\0' (as per Chris's bug report) and another for all
blank. Please run it over your file and show us the results. Note: you
may want to suppress the display of the first 100 bytes of comment if
it turns out to be private data.


import sys
grimoire = [
("FileHeader", "PK\003\004"), # magic number for file
("DataDescriptor", "PK\x07\x08"), # see PKZIP APPNOTE (V) (C)
("CentralDir", "PK\001\002"), # magic number for central
("EndArchive", "PK\005\006"), # magic number for end of
archive record
("EndArchive64", "PK\x06\x06"), # magic token for Zip64
("EndArchive64Locator", "PK\x06\x07"), # magic token for locator
("ArchiveExtraData", "PK\x06\x08"), # APPNOTE (V) (E)
("DigitalSignature", "PK\x05\x05"), # APPNOTE (V) (F)
f = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb')
buff =
blen = len(buff)
print "archive size is", blen
for magic_name, magic in grimoire:
pos = 0
while pos < blen:
pos = buff.find(magic, pos)
if pos < 0:
print "%s at %d" % (magic_name, pos)
pos += 4
# find what is in the EndArchive struct
structEndArchive = "<4s4H2LH" # 9 [sic] items, end of archive, 22
import struct
posEndArchive = buff.find("PK\005\006")
print "using posEndArchive =", posEndArchive
assert 0 < posEndArchive < blen
endArchive = struct.unpack(structEndArchive, buff
print "endArchive:", repr(endArchive)
endArchiveFieldNames = """
for name, value in zip(endArchiveFieldNames, endArchive):
print "%33s : %r" % (name, value)
# inspect the comment
actual_comment_size = blen - 22 - posEndArchive
expected_comment_size = endArchive[7]
comment = buff[posEndArchive + 22:]
print "expected_comment_size:", expected_comment_size
print "actual_comment_size:", actual_comment_size
print "comment is all spaces:", comment == ' ' * actual_comment_size
print "comment is all '\\0':", comment == '\0' * actual_comment_size
print "comment (first 100 bytes):", repr(comment[:100])


Thanks. Would you mind spending a few minutes more on this so that we
can see if it's a problem that can be fixed easily, like the one that
Chris Mellon reported?

Don't mind at all. I'm now working with a zip file with some dummy
data I downloaded from the web service. You'll notice it's a smaller
archive than the one I was working with when I ran, but
it has the same problem (whatever the problem is). It's the one I
uploaded to

Here's what I get when I run

archive size is 1092
FileHeader at 0
CentralDir at 844
EndArchive at 894
using posEndArchive = 894
endArchive: ('PK\x05\x06', 0, 0, 1, 1, 50, 844, 0)
signature : 'PK\x05\x06'
this_disk_num : 0
central_dir_disk_num : 0
central_dir_this_disk_num_entries : 1
central_dir_overall_num_entries : 1
central_dir_size : 50
central_dir_offset : 844
comment_size : 0

expected_comment_size: 0
actual_comment_size: 176
comment is all spaces: False
comment is all '\0': True
comment (first 100 bytes):

Not sure if you've seen this thread...



webcomm said:
Here's a sample with some dummy data from the web service:

That's the zip created in this line of my code...
f = open('', 'wb')

If I open the file it contains as unicode in my text editor (EditPlus)
on Windows XP, there is ostensibly nothing wrong with it. It looks
like valid XML. But if I return it to my browser with python+django,
there are bad characters every other character

If I unzip it like this...
...then the bad characters are 'FFFD' characters as described and
pictured here...

If I unzip it like this...
getzip('', ignoreable=30000)
...using Scott's function at...
...then the bad characters are \x00 characters.
I can unzip it in Windows XP. The file within it (called "data") is XML
encoded as UTF-16LE (2 bytes per character, low byte first), but without
the initial byte order mark. Python's zipfile module says "BadZipfile:
File is not a zip file".


MRAB said:
I can unzip it in Windows XP. The file within it (called "data") is XML
encoded as UTF-16LE (2 bytes per character, low byte first), but without
the initial byte order mark. Python's zipfile module says "BadZipfile:
File is not a zip file".
If I strip off all but the last 4 zero-bytes then the zipfile module can
open it:

decoded = base64.b64decode(datum)
five_zeros = chr(0) * 5
while decoded.endswith(five_zeros):
decoded = decoded[ : -1]
f = open('', 'wb')
x = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'r')

John Machin

Don't mind at all.  I'm now working with a zip file with some dummy
data I downloaded from the web service.  You'll notice it's a smaller
archive than the one I was working with when I ran, but
it has the same problem (whatever the problem is).

You mean it produces the same symptom. The has several
paths to the symptom i.e. the uninformative "bad zipfile" exception;
we don't know which path, yet. That's why Martin was suggesting that
you debug the sucker; that's why I'm trying to do it for you by remote
control. It is not impossible for a file with dummy data to have been
handcrafted or otherwise produced by a process different to that used
for a real-data file. Please run v2 of the gadget on the real-data zip
and report the results.
 It's the one I
uploaded to

Here's what I get when I run

archive size is 1092
FileHeader at 0
CentralDir at 844
EndArchive at 894
using posEndArchive = 894
endArchive: ('PK\x05\x06', 0, 0, 1, 1, 50, 844, 0)
                        signature : 'PK\x05\x06'
                    this_disk_num : 0
             central_dir_disk_num : 0
central_dir_this_disk_num_entries : 1
  central_dir_overall_num_entries : 1
                 central_dir_size : 50
               central_dir_offset : 844
                     comment_size : 0

expected_comment_size: 0
actual_comment_size: 176
comment is all spaces: False
comment is all '\0': True
comment (first 100 bytes):

Not sure if you've seen this thread...

Yeah, I've seen it ... (sigh) ... pax Steve Holden, but *please* stick
with one thread ...


It is not impossible for a file with dummy data to have been
handcrafted or otherwise produced by a process different to that used
for a real-data file.

I knew it was produced by the same process, or I wouldn't have shared
it. : )
But you couldn't have known that.

Yeah, I've seen it ... (sigh) ... pax Steve Holden, but *please* stick
with one thread ...

Thanks... I thought I was posting about separate issues and would
annoy people who were only interested in one of the issues if I put
them both in the same thread. I guess all posts re: the same script
should go in one thread, even if the questions posed may be unrelated
and may be separate issues. There are grey areas.

Problem solved in John Machin's post at

I'll post the final code when it's prettier.



If anyone's interested, here are my django views...

from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.http import HttpResponse
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree
import urllib, base64, subprocess

def get_data(request):
service_url = '
xml = urllib.urlopen(service_url)
#the base64-encoded string is in a one-element xml doc...
tree = ElementTree()
xml_doc = tree.parse(xml)
datum = ""
for node in xml_doc.getiterator():
datum = "%s" % (node.text)
decoded = base64.b64decode(datum)

dir = '/path/to/data/'
f = open(dir+'', 'wb')

file ='unzip '+dir+' -d '+dir,
file = open(dir+'data', 'rb').read()
txt = file.decode('utf_16_le')

return render_to_response('output.html',{
'output' : txt

def read_xml(request):
xml = urllib.urlopen('') #page
using the get_data view
xml =
xml = unicode(xml)
xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<stuff>'+xml+'</

f = open('/path/to/temp.txt','w')

tree = ElementTree()
xml_doc = tree.parse('/path/to/temp.txt')
datum = ""
for node in xml_doc.getiterator():
datum = "%s<br />%s - %s" % (datum, node.tag, node.text)

return render_to_response('output.html',{
'output' : datum

Chris Mellon

I knew it was produced by the same process, or I wouldn't have shared
it. : )
But you couldn't have known that.

Thanks... I thought I was posting about separate issues and would
annoy people who were only interested in one of the issues if I put
them both in the same thread. I guess all posts re: the same script
should go in one thread, even if the questions posed may be unrelated
and may be separate issues. There are grey areas.

Problem solved in John Machin's post at

It's worth pointing out (although the provider probably doesn't care)
that this isn't really an XML document and this was a bad way of them
to distribute the data. If they'd used a correctly formatted XML
document (with the prelude and everything) with the correct encoding
information, existing XML parsers should have just Done The Right
Thing with the data, instead of you needing to know the encoding a
priori to extract an XML fragment.


It's worth pointing out (although the provider probably doesn't care)
that this isn't really an XML document and this was a bad way of them
to distribute the data. If they'd used a correctly formatted XML
document (with the prelude and everything) with the correct encoding
information, existing XML parsers should have just Done The Right
Thing with the data, instead of you needing to know the encoding a
priori to extract an XML fragment.

Agreed. I can't say I understand their rationale for doing it this way.

Steve Holden

webcomm said:
On Jan 12, 11:53 am, "Chris Mellon" <[email protected]> wrote:
[file distribution horror story ...]
Agreed. I can't say I understand their rationale for doing it this way.

Sadly their rationale is irrelevant to the business of making sense of
the data, which we all hope you have eventually managed to do.


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