better news group?



Hi Everybody!

I love(d) this site but gosh is it full of a lot of people selling
sneakers, t-shirts, porn, etc. these days. Is there a cleaner site
out there? How would you let some one know if there was with out
letting the spammers know about it?


Andrew Thompson

I love(d) this site ...

'This' is not a site, it is a usenet newsgroup.
Usenet predates the internet and 'web sites'.

Speaking of web sites, some people have had a
successful time suppressing the spam by blocking
all posts from Google groups. Those people would
not see your post, my post, nor the 95% of spam
that is posted through Google groups.


Andrew said:
'This' is not a site, it is a usenet newsgroup.
Usenet predates the internet and 'web sites'.

Speaking of web sites, some people have had a
successful time suppressing the spam by blocking
all posts from Google groups. Those people would
not see your post, my post, nor the 95% of spam
that is posted through Google groups.

There are those who'd include your posts in the 95%, Andrew, although I'm not
one of them.

Andrew Thompson

There are those who'd include your posts in the 95%, Andrew, ...

Huhh? Who? Where? When?

The last time I read a thread where I recall any
suggestion along those lines was when Paul Lutus
compared me to a used car salesman for having
Google (and one or two other etc.) ads
on my site*. But that was a long time ago.

* I did not argue with him (AFAIR), since I did
have the ads at that time and few people took
his rants seriously, anyway. ( Plus I knew I'd
be sticking around the groups, a lot longer than
he would ;).

Mike Schilling

Andrew said:
Huhh? Who? Where? When?

The last time I read a thread where I recall any
suggestion along those lines was when Paul Lutus
compared me to a used car salesman for having
Google (and one or two other etc.) ads
on my site*. But that was a long time ago.

What is it about c.l.j.p posters named "Paul"?

Arne Vajhøj

Mike said:
What is it about c.l.j.p posters named "Paul"?

There must be more quite normal Paul's posting here.

We have had one rather un-normal Paul the last couple
of years.



Andrew said:
Oops. My bad.

No, it's on me. It was a bad joke, not funny, and I shouldn't have done it.
I apologize.

For the record, Andrew is a valuable contributor to the Java forums.

That is not a joke.


No, it's on me.  It was a bad joke, not funny, and I shouldn't have done it.
I apologize.

For the record, Andrew is a valuable contributor to the Java forums.

That is not a joke.

I laughed, but I'm following on the google group so it probably was
lost on the majority of you...

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