Better performance ...




I've got the following code and would like to ask, if there is any
possibilty for more performance. The script inserts about 240
recordsets per second into a MySQL database.

The file (input.txt) contains about 365.000 lines/recordsets.

# Grundwerte initialisieren
require "/home/vip/";

if (!open (FP1,"<$IMPDAT"))
print ("$IMPDAT nicht vorhanden!\n");
#Mit der DB verbinden
$linecount = 0;

# Alte Tabelleninhalte vorher löschen
$statment="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `testtabelle`";
$statment="CREATE TABLE `testtabelle` (`apl` varchar(2) NOT NULL
default '',`vsnr` varchar(11) NOT NULL default '',`pvsnr` varchar(8)
NOT NULL default '',`art` char(1) NOT NULL default '',`aktiv` char(1)
NOT NULL default '',`vmnr` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',`vbeginn`
varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',`vende` varchar(8) default NULL,`zw`
int(1) NOT NULL default '0',`ikm` char(1) NOT NULL default '',`ktoidx`
char(1) default NULL,`nettobeitrag` decimal(9,2) NOT NULL default
'0.00',`bruttoratenbeitrag` decimal(9,2) NOT NULL default
'0.00',`produkttext` varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',`rohbau`
varchar(6) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`vsnr`),KEY `pvsnr` (`pvsnr`),KEY
`vm` (`vmnr`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;";

# Nimmt die Startzeit der Anwendung
$startzeit = time;

# Zeilenweise Auslesen der Datei
while (<FP1>)
$line = $_;
chop ($line);
$linecount += 1;

= split(/;/,$line);

$vende=~s/ *$//g;

$ktoidx=~s/ *$//g;

$nettobeitrag=~s/ *$//g;

$bruttoratenbeitrag=~s/ *$//g;

$produkttext=~s/ *$//g;

$rohbau=~s/ *$//g;

$statment="INSERT into testtabelle
eq "" ? "NULL" : "'".$vende."'").",$zw,'$ikm',".($ktoidx eq "" ? "NULL"
eq "" ? "NULL" : "'".$rohbau."'").")";

$rc = $dbh->disconnect;

# Zeit ausgeben
$est = $est == 0 ? 1 : $est;
$dsek = int($linecount/$est);
print "Das Script '' hat fuer
".punktuiere($linecount)." Datensaetze insgesamt ".$dauer." Minuten
gebraucht (".$dsek." Datensaetze pro Sekunde)\n";

Where can I make this thing run a little faster?

Thx in advance!

Marcus Dau

Marc Espie


I've got the following code and would like to ask, if there is any
possibilty for more performance. The script inserts about 240
recordsets per second into a MySQL database.

The file (input.txt) contains about 365.000 lines/recordsets.
Where can I make this thing run a little faster?
Turn autocommit off, and commit just once every n transactions.

Not sure how good it will be with mysql, but sqlite loves it quite
a bit.

Otherwise, use some other database engine. mysql is simple to set up,
but definitely not the fastest.


Thx a lot. This does the trick.

Performance went up from 50 minutes runtime for 30 scripts (tables) to
10 minutes!!!



Thx a lot. This does the trick.

Performance went up from 50 minutes runtime for 30 scripts (tables) to
10 minutes!!!


Your problem doesn't have a lot to do with perl; I suggest you look
towards the mysql group, however, that said:

I've not used MySQL but from experience with other DBMS you may get
significant improvement by creating the pvsnr and vm keys (indexes)
AFTER loading the data.

In some databases it helps to offline pre-sort in order of the primary
key - try it. Without knowing the internal structure of InnoDB I cant
say whether it will improve things or be a disaster but you wont know
until you try.

Be aware of ROLLBACK issues if you dont regularly commit; not a subject
for discussion here, I'll leave that for you to follow up. If you are
looking for a book, Michael Kofler's 'The Definitive Guide to MySQL'
looks pretty reasonable

Good luck.

Paul Lalli

I've got the following code and would like to ask, if there is any
possibilty for more performance. The script inserts about 240
recordsets per second into a MySQL database.

while (<FP1>)
$line = $_;

Why make two assignments?

while (my $line = said:
chop ($line);

You want chomp(), not chop(). There is a difference. Look at perldoc
-f chomp and perldoc -f chop
$linecount += 1;

No need for this variable. Perl maintains the linecount in the $.
variable for you.
= split(/;/,$line);

$vende=~s/ *$//g;

$ktoidx=~s/ *$//g;

$nettobeitrag=~s/ *$//g;

$bruttoratenbeitrag=~s/ *$//g;

$produkttext=~s/ *$//g;

$rohbau=~s/ *$//g;

For readability sake, make this one for loop that iterates over your
six variables. For performance sake, change the * to a + and change
the second s///g to a tr///

for ($vende, $ktoidx, $nettobeitrag, $bruttoratenbeitrag, $producttext,
$rohbau) {
s/ +$//g;
$statment="INSERT into testtabelle
eq "" ? "NULL" : "'".$vende."'").",$zw,'$ikm',".($ktoidx eq "" ? "NULL"
eq "" ? "NULL" : "'".$rohbau."'").")";


Here's a large performance hit. Instead of compiling this SQL each
time through, prepare this SQL *once*, outside the loop. Then execute
it many times in the loop.

#outside the loop:
my $statement = <<"EO_SQL";
INSERT INTO testabelle
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement);

#later, inside the loop:
$sth->execute($apl, $vsnr1 . $vnsr2, $pvsnr, $art, $aktiv, $vmnr,
$vbeginn, ($vende eq q{} ? 'NULL' : $vende), $zw, $ikm, ($ktoidx eq q{}
? 'NULL' : $ktoidx), $nettobeitrag, $bruttoratenbeitrag, $produkttext,
($rohbau eq q{} ? 'NULL' : $rohbau));

You'll note that this also saves you the annoyance of having to figure
out all those quotes in your original SQL.

The previous recommendations given to you are good - committing only
after all the inserts will definately save you time - but this should
help as well.

Paul Lalli


(e-mail address removed) schreef:
$vende=~s/ *$//g;

I don't think the g-modifier is needed. Also change the "*" to a "+",
but Paul already showed you that.

J. Gleixner


I've got the following code and would like to ask, if there is any
possibilty for more performance. The script inserts about 240
recordsets per second into a MySQL database.

The file (input.txt) contains about 365.000 lines/recordsets.

Also, see MySQL specific techniques, especially "LOAD DATA INFILE",
which they say "is usually 20 times faster than using INSERT statements."

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