
hello, im new to the forum and i wanted to help with my c++ program.
the teacher wants us to design a progrm that would keep track of
airplanes awaitin landing at an airport. the program will maintain a
queue of flights numbers.

the program will be abel to do the following:

Add a new flight number to the end of the queue (got it done)
LAnd the plane at the front of the queue - problems wit it-
display the queue - got it done
seach for a specific flight number in queue ( didn't get there yet)
move a flight number one one position in the queue to another ( didn't
get there yet)

this is what i have so far. it runs but something is wrong and i don't
know what it is.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std ;

const int MAXQUEUE = 100 ; // maximum number of flights in the queue

void displayQueue (int[], int) ;
void getChoice ();
void addPlane (int[], int&) ;
int checkPlane (int[], int, int) ;

int main ()
int queue[MAXQUEUE] ; // array of incoming flight numbers
int qsize = 0 ; // number of flights in the queue
char choice; // user's choice of next operation

{ // start menu loop
displayQueue (queue, qsize) ;
switch (choice)
{ // start switch
case 'S' : cout << "under construction" << endl; break ;
case 'L' : cout << "under construction" << endl; break ;
case 'A' : addPlane (queue, qsize) ; break ;
case 'M' : cout << "under construction" << endl; break ;
case 'Q' : cout << "program ended" << endl ;
} // end switch
} while (choice != 'Q'); // end menu loop

return 1 ;

// task - display the position and flight number of each flight in the
// pre - given an array of flight numbers and number of flights in the
// post - nothing

void displayQueue (int list[], int lsize)
{ // start function
int w ;
cout << endl << endl << endl ;
if (lsize == 0)
cout << "no flights awaiting landing at this time" << endl ;
{ // start listing
cout << "Queue size = " << lsize << endl << endl ;
cout << "Position Flight#" << endl ;
for (w = 0; w < lsize; w++)
cout << setw(5) << w + 1 << setw(12) << list[w] << endl ;
} // end listing
} // end function

// task - obtain a choice code from the user
// pre - nothing
// post - a valid, uppercase code is returned

void getChoice()
{ // start function
char holdCode;
char pick;

if(pick == holdCode)
cout << endl << " to search for a flight number, enter S" ;
cout << endl << " to add a flight to the queue, enter A" ;
cout << endl << " to land the next flight, enter L" ;
cout << endl << " to move a flight in the queue, enter M" ;
cout << endl << " to quit the program, enter Q" ;
cout << endl << " enter your choice " ;
cin >> holdCode ;
cout << " not a valid choice "<<endl;
holdCode = toupper(holdCode) ; // convert to upper case
} // end function

//======================addPlane==================== =======
// task - add a new flight to the queue
// pre - given an array of flight numbers and number of flights in
// post - size of array is increased, new flight number added to end

void addPlane (int list[], int& lsize)
{ // start function
int newFlight ; // flight number to be added to queue
int w;
char pause ;
cout << endl << "Enter flight number to add : " ;
cin >> newFlight;

if (lsize == MAXQUEUE)
{ // start queue is full
cout << endl << "EMERGENCY! queue is full, cannot add flight" <<
newFlight ;
cout << endl << "press any key to continue" ;
cin.get(pause) ;
return ;
} // end queue is full
//list[lsize] = newFlight ; // add flight to end of list
lsize++ ; // increase list size

for (w = 0; w < lsize; w++)
if (newFlight == list[w])
return ;
} // end function

//=====================checkPlane=================== ==========
// task - search the list of flights for a given flight number
// pre - given an array of flight numbers, number in array, and target
// post - return queue position if target is found in array, else
return -1

int checkPlane (int list[], int lsize, int target)
{ // start function
int w ;
for (w = 0; w < lsize; w++)
if (target == list[w])
return w + 1;
return -1 ;
} // end function

any help would be appreciated. thanks-


Alf P. Steinbach

* (e-mail address removed):
hello, im new to the forum

Instead of using Google's web based interface, consider using a newsreader
(client for usenet): it's much better.

the teacher wants us to design a progrm that would keep track of
airplanes awaitin landing at an airport. the program will maintain a
queue of flights numbers.

the program will be abel to do the following:

Add a new flight number to the end of the queue (got it done)
LAnd the plane at the front of the queue - problems wit it-
display the queue - got it done
seach for a specific flight number in queue ( didn't get there yet)
move a flight number one one position in the queue to another ( didn't
get there yet)

this is what i have so far. it runs but something is wrong and i don't
know what it is.

You should describe what you expect, and what you actually get.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std ;

const int MAXQUEUE = 100 ; // maximum number of flights in the queue

Don't use all uppercase except for macros, where you should always.

void displayQueue (int[], int) ;
void getChoice ();
void addPlane (int[], int&) ;
int checkPlane (int[], int, int) ;

Don't use raw arrays. Use e.g. std::vector.

int main ()
int queue[MAXQUEUE] ; // array of incoming flight numbers
int qsize = 0 ; // number of flights in the queue
char choice; // user's choice of next operation

{ // start menu loop
displayQueue (queue, qsize) ;
switch (choice)
{ // start switch
case 'S' : cout << "under construction" << endl; break ;
case 'L' : cout << "under construction" << endl; break ;
case 'A' : addPlane (queue, qsize) ; break ;
case 'M' : cout << "under construction" << endl; break ;
case 'Q' : cout << "program ended" << endl ;
} // end switch
} while (choice != 'Q'); // end menu loop

return 1 ;

Indentation. It may be that Google f*cks this up. Try a newsreader instead
of Google's web-based interface.

// task - display the position and flight number of each flight in the
// pre - given an array of flight numbers and number of flights in the
// post - nothing

void displayQueue (int list[], int lsize)
{ // start function
int w ;
cout << endl << endl << endl ;
if (lsize == 0)
cout << "no flights awaiting landing at this time" << endl ;
{ // start listing
cout << "Queue size = " << lsize << endl << endl ;
cout << "Position Flight#" << endl ;
for (w = 0; w < lsize; w++)
cout << setw(5) << w + 1 << setw(12) << list[w] << endl ;
} // end listing
} // end function

// task - obtain a choice code from the user
// pre - nothing
// post - a valid, uppercase code is returned

Oops, a void function doesn't return anything.

void getChoice()
{ // start function
char holdCode;
char pick;

if(pick == holdCode)

Oops, uninitialized.

Now just correct those two errors, and possibly the indentation, and proceed
to the next error, and so on.

But you're strongly adviced to use std::vector, not a raw array.

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