Call for Papers: International Conference on Internet and MultimediaTechnologies ICIMT 2010


IMECS 2008

Call for Papers: International Conference on Internet and Multimedia
Technologies ICIMT 2010

CFP: International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Technologies
ICIMT 2010
Draft Paper Submission Deadline: 2 July, 2010
Camera-Ready Papers Due & Registration Deadline: 30 July, 2010
ICIMT 2010: San Francisco, USA, 20-22 October, 2010

The conference ICIMT'10 is held under the World Congress on
Engineering and Computer Science WCECS 2010. The WCECS 2010 is
organized by the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), a non-
profit international association for the engineers and the computer
scientists. The congress has the focus on the frontier topics in the
theoretical and applied engineering and computer science subjects. The
WCECS conferences serve as good platforms for our members and the
entire engineering community to meet with each other and to exchange
ideas. Our last IAENG conference has attracted more than one thousand
participants from over 30 countries, and our conference committees
have been formed with over two hundred and sixty committee members who
are mainly research center heads, faculty deans, department heads,
professors, and research scientists from over 20 countries.

All submitted papers will be under peer review and accepted papers
will be published in the conference proceeding (ISBN:
978-988-17012-0-6). The abstracts will be indexed and available at
major academic databases. The accepted papers will also be considered
for publication in the special issues of the journal Engineering
Letters, in IAENG journals and in edited books. Revised and expanded
version of the selected papers may also be included as book chapters
in the standalone edited books under the framework of cooperation
between Springer, America Institute of Physics, and IAENG. For
reference, the following post conference edited books of our recent
IAENG conferences: Trends in Intelligent Systems and Computer
Engineering, Advances in Communication Systems and Electrical
Engineering, Advances in Industrial Engineering and Operations
Research, and Advances in Computational Algorithms and Data Analysis,
have been published by Springer.

The topics of the ICIMT'10 include, but not limited to, the

Internet Systems and Tools:
Internet Architectures
Web and Internet Tools
Web Design
Web methodologies
Internet based knowledge engineering
Distributed computing environments
Architectures for internet and intranets
Java, Corba, XML
Security Aspects
Mobile Internet
Internet Search Technologies
Optimization Techniques
Protection and Security
Fault Tolerance
Internet Computing
Parallel and Distributed Processing
Java based Applications for Web
Software Agents
Expert Systems
Knowledge-based Systems
Computer Vision

Multimedia Information Systems:
Multimedia Tools and Architectures
Multimedia Broadcasting Systems on the Web
Operating System Support for Multimedia
Multimedia Communication Systems
Multimedia Networking
Distributed Multimedia Systems
Content-based Multimedia Retrieval
Multimedia Performance and Management
Mobile Multimedia
Digital Video Broadcasting
IP based Networks
ATM Networks
Transport Protocols
Routing Protocols
Quality of Service
Resource Management
Networked Multiplayer Games
Multimedia Technologies and Games
Game Architecture and Development
Graphics and Virtual Worlds
Internet-based Multiplayer Games

Sound technologies
Image technologies

Virtual reality
Virtual factory
Computer vision
Mobile communications
Image and scene analysis
Multidimensional systems

Software and Data Management:
Simulation Tools
Software maintenance
Software metrics
Intelligent agents
Database Management Systems
Databases and the Web
Intelligent Databases
Multimedia Databases
Data mining
Object-oriented methodologies
Data warehousing
Digital Libraries
Data Modelling
Database Ontology
Coding and Compression
Digital Watermarking
Video Storage Servers
Information Retrieval

Collaborative Systems:
Educational Multimedia
Distributed Learning
Collaborative Learning
Collaborative Systems and Applications
Virtual Reality
Video Conferencing
Computer Animation
Human-Computer Interfaces
Modelling and Simulation

Electronic Commerce
Mobile Commerce
Internet Banking


WCECS 2010 is now accepting manuscript submissions. Prospective
authors are invited to submit their draft paper in full paper (any
appropriate style) to WCECS{at} by 2 July, 2010. The
submitted file can be in MS Word format, PS format, or PDF formats.

The first page of the draft paper should include:
(1) Title of the paper;
(2) Name, affiliation and e-mail address for each author;
(3) A maximum of 5 keywords of the paper.

Also, the name of the conference that the paper is being submitted to
should be stated in the email.

It is our target that the reviewing process and the result
notification for each submitted manuscript can be completed within one
month from its submission. The reviewing process is to ensure the
quality of the accepted papers in the WCECS congress. The conferences
have enjoyed high reputation among many research colleagues.

WCECS Congress Co-chairs

Prof. Craig Douglas ( WCECS Co-chair)
Distinguished Professor of Mathematics, University of Wyoming
Senior Research Scientist (corresponding to nonteaching full
Computer Science Department, Yale University, USA

Prof. Warren S. Grundfest, Fellow, AIMBE, SPIE (WCECS co-chair)
Co-Chair, Biomedical Engineering IDP
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Professor of Surgery
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering & Applied Science
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Former Chair, SPIE Health Care Engineering & Technology Policy
Former Vice Chair, Health Care Engineering Policy Committee, IEEE

Prof. Jon Burgstone (WCECS & ICIMT co-chair)
Faculty Chair
Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology
College of Engineering
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Board Member of the Rock Center for Entrepreneurship at Harvard
Business School, Harvard University

Prof. Benjamin Friedlander, FIEEE (ICCST honorary co-chair)
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering, Jack Baskin School of
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
The IEEE Third Millennium Medal (2000)
Former Vice Chairman of the Bay Area Chapter of the Acoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing Society
Former Associate Editor of the IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control

Prof. Burghard B. Rieger (ICMLDA honorary co-chair)
Professor of Computational Linguistics
Former Dean (1999-2001) of Faculty of Languages and Literature
Former Head of Department of Linguistic Computing, University of
Trier, Germany
President (1989-93) of the German Society for Linguistic Computing
Vice-President (1990-94) of the International Society for Terminoly
and Knowledge Engineering (GTW)

Prof. Lei Xu (ICSCA honorary co-chair)
IEEE Fellow and IAPR Fellow,
Member of European Academy of Sciences,
Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

More details about the WCECS 2010 can be found at:

It will be highly appreciated if you can circulate these calls for
papers to your colleagues.

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