Calling URL and getting data back in. Use ADODB.Stream????


Robert Brown

Hi All,

I am creating an interface into a Payment Gateway. I need to access a
URL (which is a perl script) with paramters attached. I will then get
a response within 10 seconds with information I need to formulate into
my pretty asp page.

I didn't know where to start but I have read alot about
I setout to write some code and this is what I have done:

Set objStm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStm.Type = adTypeText
objStm.Open "URL=" & theurl, admoderead, 8
objStm.Charset = "ascii"
strText = objStm.ReadText
Response.Write strText

theURL variable contains the URL with the payment parameters.

On the open line however, I get an error c004800a. What the hell this
means I don't know. It doesn't matter what I put into theURL even if
it is something like, I still get the same error....

Ok, I read an interesting post about using XMLHTTP. I created the code
as follows:

Dim xmlhttp
Set xmlhttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.Open "GET", theURL, false
Response.write xmlhttp.responseText

This seems to work very well. I actually got an error back from the
payment gateway stating NO PARAMETERS SUPPLIED. Realising this, I used
a POST rather than GET. Doing this I got FAILED NEED LOGIN although
the Login information was passed as two of the parameters in the URL.
I am doing a response.write of theURL so i know that is is filled with
the correct information. I couldnt find out what the false was for, so
I changed that to true, and got this error: The data necessary to
complete this operation is not yet available.

I am so lost, is there anyone that might have ideas on how to get the
above working. If I just put the URL into the browser, if works OK, so
I know the syntax of theURL is fine.

Thanks for your time,

Jim C

I am trying to do something very similar... I however get my page to
display, however, the refresh button does not work, it will just produce a
blank page.
Any body know why the refresh would not work?

My Code is the following:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

Option Explicit


Const adTypeBinary = 1
Const adReadAll = -1

Dim oStream
set oStream = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
oStream.Type = 2
oStream.Charset = "ascii"
oStream.Open "URL=http://testserver/test/hello.htm", 1, -1

'Response.write oStream.State

'Response.Write oStream.Size

oStream.Position = 0
Response.ContentType = "text/html"
Response.Write oStream.ReadText
Response.Buffer = True


Robert Brown

Hi Jim..

That I can help you. When the page is loaded through the stream, it is
only "text" representation of the page. Have a look at the source you
are getting back. That's why the Refresh button can't refresh anything.

Hope this helps,

PS: Least you get something... hee hee

Robert Brown

Thanks for your reply... I knew someone would have a lead for me.

I put the code in as the example, except I am getting this error:

The system cannot locate the resource specified.

when I issue the xmlhttp.send "x=1&y=2" (made up params).

I don't want to impose too much, but would you have some time to help me
out again..


Aaron Bertrand - MVP

Can you show all of the code, including the URL you are trying to hit. That
way someone can try to reproduce, instead of guessing what's going on. :)

Robert Brown

Yep.. Sure.. That was going to be my next step.

I will have too put bogus params in though as this contains credit card
stuff... but here goes:

theMainURL =

theParams = "LOGIN=xxx/xxxx&COMMAND=purchase&AMOUNT=" & CreditAmount&
"&CCNUM=" & CreditCard & "&CCEXP=" & CreditExpiry & "&COMMENT=" &

Dim xmlhttp
'Set xmlhttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") if I use this
line above I get the following error on the send: msxml3.dll error
'80072f8f' System error: -2147012721

Set xmlhttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.Open "POST", theMainURL, false
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type",
xmlhttp.send theParams

Response.write xmlhttp.responseText

That's it.. I hope you can make some sense of it.


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