cannot read after \n using strtok()



Hi guys, I'm trying to figure out the problem with my C code below
implementing strtok(). I am trying to read in a CSV text file which
contains information separated by commas and \n newlines. In the CSV
file, the first line is filled with header info that I don't want to
store in my array. After the header info is the useful info, for

22,204 Main Street,Baltimore,MD,21076,Mar 30 2009
12,23309 Pinetree Road,Birmingham,AL,78995,Sep 09 2012
Pacific Coast Highway,Malibu,CA,90254,Dec 01 2021

Each line of comma-separated info is separated by a \n character. Here
is my code:
filecontent_p = filecontent; //set the pointer to index 0 of array

filecontent_p = strtok(filecontent, "\n"); //skip
first line
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);


filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].loan_id = atoi(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].loan_id = %i\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].lender_id = atoi(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].lender_id = %i\n", n,

filecontent_p is a pointer to my large array that will store the
information. I am able to read the first line containing the header
information using the first strtok() command. Any subsequent reads are
not possible. All the following filecontent_p reads after I read in
the header line result in NULLs. Where is the pointer pointing to that
it results in NULL reads? I thought it should point to the first
character of the next line that contains info. Any help would be
great. thanks!

Ben Bacarisse

Hi guys, I'm trying to figure out the problem with my C code below
implementing strtok().

"using" not "implementing".
filecontent_p is a pointer to my large array that will store the
information. I am able to read the first line containing the header
information using the first strtok() command. Any subsequent reads are
not possible.

Then you probably did not post the part that matters. You showed one
line being processed -- I'd want to see how the data was read and how
you move on to the next line. In fact, I'd prefer to see a small,
compilable, example that shows the problem. Just writing such a test
case might allow you to find the error you self.


Sure, here is the compilable program. If you save the info I provided
above (starting with "loan_id") into a CSV file and rename it
newloans.csv, the program will open and attempt to process it.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

char input; //command line input by the user
char filecontent[1000]; //contents read from file
char * filecontent_p; //pointer to filecontent[] array
char * filename; //pointer filename entered by user (used by

int * loan_id_p;

int n;

//struct loan containts all the loan information retrieved from
struct loandata
int loan_id;
int lender_id;
int borrower_id;
float principle_amt;
float interest_rate;
char loan_status[10];
float loan_balance;
float fco_discount;
char loan_amt_type[20];
char int_rate_type[6];
unsigned short int risk;
char property_addr[50];
char property_city[25];
char property_state[2];
int property_zip;
char settlement_date[30];
unsigned short int inbundle;

struct loandata newloan[50]; //array of structs for new
struct loandata updateloan[50]; //array of structs for loan

printf("LAS LoanReport.exe\n");
printf("Unauthorized Access into LAS System is prohibited\n");
printf("n = Create new loans\nu = Update existing loans\nx = Exit
printf("Please enter n, u, or x: ");

input = fgetc(stdin);

if(input != ' ')

if (input == 'X' || input == 'x')
printf("EXITING program...\n");

else if(input == 'N' || input == 'n')
printf("\nAttempting to open file newloans.csv\n", filename);

FILE * f_read;

//attempt to open file in READ ONLY mode
f_read = fopen("newloans.csv", "r");

if(!f_read) //Open operation failed
printf("Cannot open file newloans.csv...\n");
printf("Please make sure file is in current directory\n");

else if(f_read)
printf("File newloans.csv opened successfully.");
printf("Extracting data...\n");

while(fgets(filecontent, sizeof(filecontent), f_read) !=
printf("INITIAL filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);

filecontent_p = filecontent; //set the pointer to
index 0 of array

filecontent_p = strtok(filecontent, "\n"); //skip
first line
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);

//for(n = 0; n < 3; n++)
filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].loan_id = atoi(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].loan_id = %i\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].lender_id = atoi(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].lender_id = %i\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].borrower_id = atoi(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].borrower_id = %i\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].principle_amt = atof(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].principle_amt = %8.2f\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].interest_rate = atof(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].interest_rate = %2.2f\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
strcpy(newloan[n].loan_status, filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].loan_status = %s\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].loan_balance = atof(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].loan_balance = %8.2f\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].fco_discount = atof(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].fco_discount = %2.2f\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
strcpy(newloan[n].loan_amt_type, filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].loan_amt_type = %s\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
strcpy(newloan[n].int_rate_type, filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].int_rate_type = %s\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].risk = atoi(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].risk = %i\n", n, newloan[n].risk);

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
strcpy(newloan[n].property_addr, filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].property_addr = %s\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
strcpy(newloan[n].property_city, filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].property_city = %s\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
strcpy(newloan[n].property_state, filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].property_state = %s\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].property_zip = atoi(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].property_zip = %i\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",\n");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
strcpy(newloan[n].settlement_date, filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].settlement_date = %s\n", n,

//} //end of for loop

//if ((strcmp(filecontent_p,"loan_id")) == 0)
//filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, "\n");
//loan.loan_id = atoi(filecontent_p);

} //end of while loop (file read)

fclose(f_read); //Close the file after reading it

} //end of forever loop

Ben Bacarisse

Sure, here is the compilable program. If you save the info I provided
above (starting with "loan_id") into a CSV file and rename it
newloans.csv, the program will open and attempt to process it.

You are not making it easy. Both the code and the data have wrapped
lines. Both need fixing so I can compiler and test...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

char input; //command line input by the user
char filecontent[1000]; //contents read from file
char * filecontent_p; //pointer to filecontent[] array
char * filename; //pointer filename entered by user (used by

int * loan_id_p;

int n;

//struct loan containts all the loan information retrieved from
struct loandata
int loan_id;
int lender_id;
int borrower_id;
float principle_amt;
float interest_rate;
char loan_status[10];
float loan_balance;
float fco_discount;
char loan_amt_type[20];
char int_rate_type[6];
unsigned short int risk;
char property_addr[50];
char property_city[25];
char property_state[2];
int property_zip;
char settlement_date[30];
unsigned short int inbundle;

struct loandata newloan[50]; //array of structs for new
struct loandata updateloan[50]; //array of structs for loan

printf("LAS LoanReport.exe\n");
printf("Unauthorized Access into LAS System is prohibited\n");
printf("n = Create new loans\nu = Update existing loans\nx = Exit
printf("Please enter n, u, or x: ");

input = fgetc(stdin);

You need to read any remaining input up to a newline character.
if(input != ' ')

if (input == 'X' || input == 'x')
printf("EXITING program...\n");

else if(input == 'N' || input == 'n')
printf("\nAttempting to open file newloans.csv\n", filename);

No %s for the filename!
FILE * f_read;

//attempt to open file in READ ONLY mode
f_read = fopen("newloans.csv", "r");

if(!f_read) //Open operation failed
printf("Cannot open file newloans.csv...\n");
printf("Please make sure file is in current directory\n");

else if(f_read)
printf("File newloans.csv opened successfully.");
printf("Extracting data...\n");

while(fgets(filecontent, sizeof(filecontent), f_read) !=
printf("INITIAL filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);

Boom. filecontent_p not initialised. Is this really the program you
run? If so, you are unlucky that this ran. Al bets are off from here
filecontent_p = filecontent; //set the pointer to
index 0 of array

filecontent_p = strtok(filecontent, "\n"); //skip
first line
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);

//for(n = 0; n < 3; n++)
filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");

You are misunderstanding what strtok does. Having found token
delimited by a '\n' you won't now be able to find an earlier on
delimited by ','. Delete the earlier call and replace the NULL with
filecontent_p and you will get much further.
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].loan_id = atoi(filecontent_p);

atoi is unreliable on overflow. strtol (and friends) are to be
printf("loan[%i].loan_id = %i\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].lender_id = atoi(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].lender_id = %i\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].borrower_id = atoi(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].borrower_id = %i\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].principle_amt = atof(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].principle_amt = %8.2f\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].interest_rate = atof(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].interest_rate = %2.2f\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
strcpy(newloan[n].loan_status, filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].loan_status = %s\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].loan_balance = atof(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].loan_balance = %8.2f\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].fco_discount = atof(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].fco_discount = %2.2f\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
strcpy(newloan[n].loan_amt_type, filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].loan_amt_type = %s\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
strcpy(newloan[n].int_rate_type, filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].int_rate_type = %s\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].risk = atoi(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].risk = %i\n", n, newloan[n].risk);

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
strcpy(newloan[n].property_addr, filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].property_addr = %s\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
strcpy(newloan[n].property_city, filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].property_city = %s\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
strcpy(newloan[n].property_state, filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].property_state = %s\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].property_zip = atoi(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].property_zip = %i\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",\n");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
strcpy(newloan[n].settlement_date, filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].settlement_date = %s\n", n,

//} //end of for loop

//if ((strcmp(filecontent_p,"loan_id")) == 0)
//filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, "\n");
//loan.loan_id = atoi(filecontent_p);

} //end of while loop (file read)

fclose(f_read); //Close the file after reading it

} //end of forever loop

You need to break this up into helpful functions or you will find your
self with a huge unmanageable mess very soon. Using consistent
indentation will help your readers (and yourself).


Ben said:
You are not making it easy. Both the code and the data have
wrapped lines. Both need fixing so I can compiler and test...

He also needs to correct the comments for Usenet publication. //
comments don't withstand line wrapping.

Barry Schwarz

Hi guys, I'm trying to figure out the problem with my C code below
implementing strtok(). I am trying to read in a CSV text file which
contains information separated by commas and \n newlines. In the CSV
file, the first line is filled with header info that I don't want to
store in my array. After the header info is the useful info, for

22,204 Main Street,Baltimore,MD,21076,Mar 30 2009
12,23309 Pinetree Road,Birmingham,AL,78995,Sep 09 2012
Pacific Coast Highway,Malibu,CA,90254,Dec 01 2021

Each line of comma-separated info is separated by a \n character. Here
is my code:
filecontent_p = filecontent; //set the pointer to index 0 of array

filecontent_p = strtok(filecontent, "\n"); //skip
first line
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);


filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].loan_id = atoi(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].loan_id = %i\n", n,

filecontent_p = strtok(NULL, ",");
printf("filecontent_p = %s\n", filecontent_p);
newloan[n].lender_id = atoi(filecontent_p);
printf("loan[%i].lender_id = %i\n", n,

filecontent_p is a pointer to my large array that will store the
information. I am able to read the first line containing the header
information using the first strtok() command. Any subsequent reads are
not possible. All the following filecontent_p reads after I read in
the header line result in NULLs. Where is the pointer pointing to that

I copied your code into a main function and initialized the array as
you described. All three calls to strtok worked as expected,
producing one long string of text and two short strings of digits.
Your problem has to be in something you are not showing us.
it results in NULL reads? I thought it should point to the first

strtok did not return NULL to me. Are you sure your array contains
all the lines you think it does? In my test I just initialized it
with the data you provided using adjacent string literals and adding
in the implied '\n' whenever a ',' was missing. I expect in your code
you are reading the data from a file. Why don't you print out the
entire array before the first call to strtok to be sure you have
character of the next line that contains info. Any help would be

On the first call to strtok, the return value points to the beginning
of the array. On a subsequent call, it points to the first
non-delimiter following the delimiter which terminated the previous
great. thanks!

Remove del for email


Thanks for the tips guys. I'll try these suggestions and let you know
how it goes.

Just to clarify, I would like to take each line in the CSV file (after
the first line, hence I strtok() to skip it via the \n character) and
store it in a separate data structure. Thus I use an array of structs.
Each line of text represents a separate loan and is stored into a
separate struct.

Ben Bacarisse

Thanks for the tips guys. I'll try these suggestions and let you know
how it goes.

Just to clarify, I would like to take each line in the CSV file (after
the first line, hence I strtok() to skip it via the \n character) and
store it in a separate data structure.

Using strtok() to skip the first line won't work since you only have
one line. fgets just reads a line -- sometimes less but never more.
If you read the whole data file into a buffer, then something like your
pattern will work (though I'd still use a simpler method to skip over
the first line). It did not occur to me that it was fgets not strtok that
you had misused!

I would advice that you revert to the pattern I *thought* you were
trying to write: read a line with fgets(), split it using strtok(),
repeat. This is much more normal in C programs.


Ben said:
Using strtok() to skip the first line won't work since you only
have one line. fgets just reads a line -- sometimes less but
never more. If you read the whole data file into a buffer, then
something like your pattern will work (though I'd still use a
simpler method to skip over the first line). It did not occur to
me that it was fgets not strtok that you had misused!

I would advice that you revert to the pattern I *thought* you
were trying to write: read a line with fgets(), split it using
strtok(), repeat. This is much more normal in C programs.

Another option is the following routine, which avoids some of the
awkwardness of strtok. The source includes a testing routine. All
in standard C. Note that tknsplit is NOT a direct replacement for

/* ------- file tknsplit.c ----------*/
#include "tknsplit.h"

/* copy over the next tkn from an input string, after
skipping leading blanks (or other whitespace?). The
tkn is terminated by the first appearance of tknchar,
or by the end of the source string.

The caller must supply sufficient space in tkn to
receive any tkn, Otherwise tkns will be truncated.

Returns: a pointer past the terminating tknchar.

This will happily return an infinity of empty tkns if
called with src pointing to the end of a string. Tokens
will never include a copy of tknchar.

A better name would be "strtkn", except that is reserved
for the system namespace. Change to that at your risk.

released to Public Domain, by C.B. Falconer.
Published 2006-02-20. Attribution appreciated.
Revised 2006-06-13 2007-05-26 (name)

const char *tknsplit(const char *src, /* Source of tkns */
char tknchar, /* tkn delimiting char */
char *tkn, /* receiver of parsed tkn */
size_t lgh) /* length tkn can receive */
/* not including final '\0' */
if (src) {
while (' ' == *src) src++;

while (*src && (tknchar != *src)) {
if (lgh) {
*tkn++ = *src;
if (*src && (tknchar == *src)) src++;
*tkn = '\0';
return src;
} /* tknsplit */

#ifdef TESTING
#include <stdio.h>

#define ABRsize 6 /* length of acceptable tkn abbreviations */

/* ---------------- */

static void showtkn(int i, char *tok)
putchar(i + '1'); putchar(':');
} /* showtkn */

/* ---------------- */

int main(void)
char teststring[] = "This is a test, ,, abbrev, more";

const char *t, *s = teststring;
int i;
char tkn[ABRsize + 1];

t = s;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
t = tknsplit(t, ',', tkn, ABRsize);
showtkn(i, tkn);

puts("\nHow to detect 'no more tkns' while truncating");
t = s; i = 0;
while (*t) {
t = tknsplit(t, ',', tkn, 3);
showtkn(i, tkn);

puts("\nUsing blanks as tkn delimiters");
t = s; i = 0;
while (*t) {
t = tknsplit(t, ' ', tkn, ABRsize);
showtkn(i, tkn);
return 0;
} /* main */

/* ------- end file tknsplit.c ----------*/

David Thompson

Using strtok() to skip the first line won't work since you only have
one line. fgets just reads a line -- sometimes less but never more.

If you read the whole data file into a buffer, then something like your
pattern will work (though I'd still use a simpler method to skip over

Depends on what you mean by 'like'. Something like:
/* outline only, 'obvious' decls and error checking omitted */
bigbuf [ fread (bigbuf, 1, ALL, fp) ] = '\0';
for( line=strtok(bigbuf,"\n"); line; line=strtok(NULL,"\n") ){
for( tkn=strtok(line,","); tkn; tkn=strtok(NULL,",") ){
WON'T WORK; the two 'levels' of strtok try to use the same, shared,
static, state. You can use strtok_r with explicit state, or since here
we're looking for only one char at each level, just strchr, e.g.:
for( line=bigbuf; nl=strchr(line,'\n'); line=nl+1 ){
*nl = '\0';
for( tkn=line; nt=strchr(tkn,','); tkn=nt+1 ){
*nt = '\0'; process tkn
process last tkn
process last partial line if supported
or to make last partial line easier:
for( line=bigbuf; *line; line=nl ){
if( nl ) *nl++ = '\0';
else nl=line+strlen(line);
process line as above or otherwise
or a mixture e.g. strchr for lines and strtok for tokens within line.
(Personally, given that the lengths can be available when needed, I
would probably make use of them with memchr, but that's minor.)
the first line). It did not occur to me that it was fgets not strtok that
you had misused!

I would advice that you revert to the pattern I *thought* you were
trying to write: read a line with fgets(), split it using strtok(),
repeat. This is much more normal in C programs.

Agree again. This is not only more common, it avoids the need to have,
or allocate, or otherwise manage, a buffer large enough for the whole
file. You do need a whole line, but for many reasonable(?) data
formats, lines are never hugely long but files may be.

However, fgets includes the terminating \n in the buffer (if it
reached it). If you don't want that character included in the last
token either trim the line (just) after reading:
while( fgets (line, 1, max, fp) != NULL ){
/* note strlen(line) always > 0 here, but assert if you like */
if( line[strlen(line)-1] == '\n' ) line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';
else line_overlong_or_lastline_partial_do_something;
or if using strtok within the line include \n in the delim set.

- formerly david.thompson1 || achar(64) ||


David said:
.... snip ...

However, fgets includes the terminating \n in the buffer (if it
reached it). If you don't want that character included in the
last token either trim the line (just) after reading:

Again, here is a place where ggets [non-std] shines. Since it
always reads a complete line, it can afford to always delete the
terminal '\n'. The only possible anomaly is on the last line of a
file, if the file has been constructed without a final '\n'. The
action effectively inserts it on read.

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