Cant figure out how to do progrom help please



Program details as follows:

Input to the program the exam number and computer arch and programming
results for 10 people. Three arrays - ExamNo[10], Arch[10] and prog[10]
are used to hold these items. The First name and surname of each
student should also be entered, concatenated into one string and output
to an array called wholename[10]

We need to check weather the exam numbers are valid. An exam number
should consist of 7 digits only Include a function in your solution
that will pass in the exam number, determine if the exam number is
valid or not and return an appropriate message. only valid exam numbers
should be stored in the array ExamNo

For each of the students, calulatE display the average mark for the
class. For the Computer Arch results, find out how many students
received below the class average. Find the name of the students with
the highest result in each subject. These students' name are to be
displayed and told that they will receive a special prize for their
outstanding results.

For programming results, calulate and display standard deviation. I
think this is the following steps in order to get it
1. Calculate the average of the programming results

2. Calculate the variance(d) by subtracting each result from the

3. Square each of these results to get variance squared.

4. Sum all the variances squared

5. Divide by the number of numbers

6. Get the Square root of the result which is the standard Deviation.

Display the exam number, whole name and both results for all students.

Let me know what ya think.


johny said:
Program details as follows:

Let me know what ya think.

I think this is an excellent beginner's assignment. I kinda reminds me
of when I was first learning C++...

Once you have it written, if you are stuck then feel free to post your
code and ask for help.


Karl Heinz Buchegger

johny said:
Let me know what ya think.

Start with the parts you *can* do

Divide the assignment into managable parts.

Eg. Can you write a function that checks a *single*
exam number?
If you can, fine. Start with that, write it, test it.
If no: Why not? Where is your problem?

If you have that function, you could proceed with
creating the arrays and let the user enter his data
(using the above function to check the input). Continue
with just outputing what the user has entered (to see if the
input functionality works correct).

Got that to work? Fine.

Look at the assignment. What can you do next, now that you have
implememted the above. Average mark. All of the data is available
and calculating the average isn't that hard. So you could proceed
with implementing (and testing) that.

And so on, and so on.
The important point is: Divide the work into pieces and work on
each piece individually. The assignment might look big and complicated,
but it isn't when done this way.

And yes: even professional programmers work this way:
Start simple. Implement parts of the code and test them (that
is especially important: you need to make sure that those parts
work as expected *before* you use them as building blocks for
more complicated parts).

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