Classic asp registered with python in IIS 7

  • Thread starter Ansuman Bebarta
  • Start date

Ansuman Bebarta

I had a website which used IIS 6 to call classic asp pages. The asp
pages called python script and the python pages was doing all the
operations. Now I am using IIS7 in windows7 and while running my
websites I am getting HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error.

I have done following steps but no luck.
I have installed asp in IIS7 and I have registered asp with python by
running (using python 2.7).

Let me tell you that I wrote a simple classic asp code and it worked
in IIS7.The asp code was

- <%response.write("Hello World")%>

I wrote a cgi with python and it worked with IIS7.The python script
for cgi was

- print "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8"
- print "Hello World!"

But when I wrote another classic asp containing python code it didnt
worked and I got same HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error. The code for asp with
python was


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