Createobject of '(null)' caused exception C0000005




I'm getting this error on my asp page intermittently. One day it is fine,
another day, it crashes a lot. I have searched the web and microsoft on
this and they say it is a recordset assigned to a session variable.

I dont assign any record sets to session variables in my code. I assign
values to the session variables though.
The place it seems to crash is Set AccessConn =


connstr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
Set AccessConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") connstr

'get session("loc") to see if they are allowed to update records
lloc = session("sploctype")
loccode = session("splocationdesc")

'Determining the ability to access update records
if lloc = "School" then
accessupdate = 0
accessupdate = 1
end if

Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "select emprecid, employeeno, employeelastname, employeefirstname,
iif(isnull(hrstatus),'&nbsp',hrstatus) as hrstatus,
iif(isnull(hrdate),'&nbsp',hrdate) as hrdate,
iif(isnull(budgetstatus),'&nbsp',budgetstatus) as budgetstatus,
iif(isnull(budgetdate),'&nbsp',budgetdate) as budgetdate," & _
" iif(isnull(payrollstatus),'&nbsp',payrollstatus) as payrollstatus,
iif(isnull(payrolldate),'&nbsp',payrolldate) as payrolldate,
iif(isnull(benefitdate),'&nbsp',benefitdate) as benefitdate,
iif(isnull(createdby),'&nbsp',createdby) as createdby,
iif(isnull(processstatus),'&nbsp',processstatus) as processstatus,
employeetype, location from employeetransaction "

'we only display the records for the school location otherwise, we display
all for departments
if lloc="School" then
sql = sql & " where location = '" & loccode & "' and
((EmployeeTransaction.PayrollDate >=(date()-30)) OR
(Isnull([EmployeeTransaction].[PayrollDate])<> FALSE)) order by emprecid
desc "
sql = sql & " where ((EmployeeTransaction.PayrollDate >= (date()-30)) OR
(Isnull([EmployeeTransaction].[PayrollDate])<>FALSE)) order by emprecid desc
end if
set rs = AccessConn.execute(sql)

Any ideas??

Aaron [SQL Server MVP]

Several suggestions.

(a) don't use Server.CreateObject, just CreateObject

(b) what is set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") for? You
override it later with set rs = AccessConn.execute(sql) ... I also changed
"AccessConn" to a more standard "Conn"...

(c) don't do presentation things (replace null with "&nbsp;") in the query.
Do that where it belongs, in the presentation tier! Wherever you have a
value coming back from the resultset that needs to be at least "&nbsp;", use
the function I wrote below called sb (showblanks). Or, just response.write
rs("column") & "&nbsp;" ... it makes your query much easier to read, doesn't

(d) make sure you close and destroy both the recordset object and the
connection object after you're done.

connstr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") connstr

'get session("loc") to see if they are allowed to update records
lloc = session("sploctype")
loccode = session("splocationdesc")

'Determining the ability to access update records
accessupdate = 1
if lloc = "School" then accessupdate = 0

sql = "SELECT emprecid, employeeno, employeelastname, employeefirstname,
hrstatus, hrdate, budgetstatus, budgetdate, payrollstatus, payrolldate,
benefitdate, createdby, processstatus, employeetype, location FROM
employeetransaction "

' we only display the records for the school location
' otherwise, we display all for departments

if lloc="School" then
sql = sql & " where location = '" & loccode & "' and
((EmployeeTransaction.PayrollDate >=(date()-30)) OR
(Isnull([EmployeeTransaction].[PayrollDate])<> FALSE)) order by emprecid
desc "
sql = sql & " where ((EmployeeTransaction.PayrollDate >= (date()-30)) OR
(Isnull([EmployeeTransaction].[PayrollDate])<>FALSE)) order by emprecid desc
end if

set rs = Conn.execute(sql)

response.write sb(rs("hrstatus"))

function sb(s)
sb = s : if len(trim(sb)) = 0 then sb = "&nbsp;"
end function

rs.close: set rs = nothing
conn.close: set conn = nothing

(Reverse address to reply.)

wk6pack said:

I'm getting this error on my asp page intermittently. One day it is fine,
another day, it crashes a lot. I have searched the web and microsoft on
this and they say it is a recordset assigned to a session variable.

I dont assign any record sets to session variables in my code. I assign
values to the session variables though.
The place it seems to crash is Set AccessConn =


connstr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
Set AccessConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") connstr

'get session("loc") to see if they are allowed to update records
lloc = session("sploctype")
loccode = session("splocationdesc")

'Determining the ability to access update records
if lloc = "School" then
accessupdate = 0
accessupdate = 1
end if

Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "select emprecid, employeeno, employeelastname, employeefirstname,
iif(isnull(hrstatus),'&nbsp',hrstatus) as hrstatus,
iif(isnull(hrdate),'&nbsp',hrdate) as hrdate,
iif(isnull(budgetstatus),'&nbsp',budgetstatus) as budgetstatus,
iif(isnull(budgetdate),'&nbsp',budgetdate) as budgetdate," & _
" iif(isnull(payrollstatus),'&nbsp',payrollstatus) as payrollstatus,
iif(isnull(payrolldate),'&nbsp',payrolldate) as payrolldate,
iif(isnull(benefitdate),'&nbsp',benefitdate) as benefitdate,
iif(isnull(createdby),'&nbsp',createdby) as createdby,
iif(isnull(processstatus),'&nbsp',processstatus) as processstatus,
employeetype, location from employeetransaction "

'we only display the records for the school location otherwise, we display
all for departments
if lloc="School" then
sql = sql & " where location = '" & loccode & "' and
((EmployeeTransaction.PayrollDate >=(date()-30)) OR
(Isnull([EmployeeTransaction].[PayrollDate])<> FALSE)) order by emprecid
desc "
sql = sql & " where ((EmployeeTransaction.PayrollDate >= (date()-30)) OR
(Isnull([EmployeeTransaction].[PayrollDate])<>FALSE)) order by emprecid desc
end if
set rs = AccessConn.execute(sql)

Any ideas??

Bob Barrows [MVP]

Aaron said:
Several suggestions.

(a) don't use Server.CreateObject, just CreateObject

(b) what is set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") for? You
override it later with set rs = AccessConn.execute(sql) ... I also
changed "AccessConn" to a more standard "Conn"...

(c) don't do presentation things (replace null with "&nbsp;") in the
query. Do that where it belongs, in the presentation tier!

I do this in my query when I want to use GetString.

Bob Barrows

Ray Costanzo [MVP]

How many people are hitting the site? Any time there are "intermittent"
errors that are Access database related, I'd say that they are often related
to concurrency issues and Access not being able/meant to handle lots of

As far as the code you included below, I'd drop the Set rs =
Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") line. What you're doing is creating
an empty recordset there, and then on the Set rs = AccessConn.Execute(sql)
line, you're destroying the recordset and creating a new one. So, it's a
microsecond of extra processing time there.

Also, instead of doing all that IsNull stuff in your query, I suggest
dropping all of that. What you can do instead is:

sql = "select emprecid, employeeno, employeelastname,
employeetype, location from employeetransaction "

And then, after you get your recordset back, use .GetRows to dump the
recordset into an array. (Then quickly close and destroy your recordset and
ado connection!) With the GetRows method, you can convert all the nulls to
&nbsp; as such:

Set rs = AccessConn.Execute(sSQL)
If Not rs.EOF Then aData = rs.GetRows(2,,,"&nbsp;")

If you aren't sure what to do with the aData array then or haven't used
GetRows before and would like to know more about it, just post back here.

Ray at work


thanks for the great suggestions. I'll try them and see what happens.

Aaron said:
Several suggestions.

(a) don't use Server.CreateObject, just CreateObject

(b) what is set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") for? You
override it later with set rs = AccessConn.execute(sql) ... I also changed
"AccessConn" to a more standard "Conn"...

(c) don't do presentation things (replace null with "&nbsp;") in the query.
Do that where it belongs, in the presentation tier! Wherever you have a
value coming back from the resultset that needs to be at least "&nbsp;", use
the function I wrote below called sb (showblanks). Or, just response.write
rs("column") & "&nbsp;" ... it makes your query much easier to read, doesn't

(d) make sure you close and destroy both the recordset object and the
connection object after you're done.

connstr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") connstr

'get session("loc") to see if they are allowed to update records
lloc = session("sploctype")
loccode = session("splocationdesc")

'Determining the ability to access update records
accessupdate = 1
if lloc = "School" then accessupdate = 0

sql = "SELECT emprecid, employeeno, employeelastname, employeefirstname,
hrstatus, hrdate, budgetstatus, budgetdate, payrollstatus, payrolldate,
benefitdate, createdby, processstatus, employeetype, location FROM
employeetransaction "

' we only display the records for the school location
' otherwise, we display all for departments

if lloc="School" then
sql = sql & " where location = '" & loccode & "' and
((EmployeeTransaction.PayrollDate >=(date()-30)) OR
(Isnull([EmployeeTransaction].[PayrollDate])<> FALSE)) order by emprecid
desc "
sql = sql & " where ((EmployeeTransaction.PayrollDate >= (date()-30)) OR
(Isnull([EmployeeTransaction].[PayrollDate])<>FALSE)) order by emprecid desc
end if

set rs = Conn.execute(sql)

response.write sb(rs("hrstatus"))

function sb(s)
sb = s : if len(trim(sb)) = 0 then sb = "&nbsp;"
end function

rs.close: set rs = nothing
conn.close: set conn = nothing

(Reverse address to reply.)

wk6pack said:

I'm getting this error on my asp page intermittently. One day it is fine,
another day, it crashes a lot. I have searched the web and microsoft on
this and they say it is a recordset assigned to a session variable.

I dont assign any record sets to session variables in my code. I assign
values to the session variables though.
The place it seems to crash is Set AccessConn =


connstr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
Set AccessConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") connstr

'get session("loc") to see if they are allowed to update records
lloc = session("sploctype")
loccode = session("splocationdesc")

'Determining the ability to access update records
if lloc = "School" then
accessupdate = 0
accessupdate = 1
end if

Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "select emprecid, employeeno, employeelastname, employeefirstname,
iif(isnull(hrstatus),'&nbsp',hrstatus) as hrstatus,
iif(isnull(hrdate),'&nbsp',hrdate) as hrdate,
iif(isnull(budgetstatus),'&nbsp',budgetstatus) as budgetstatus,
iif(isnull(budgetdate),'&nbsp',budgetdate) as budgetdate," & _
" iif(isnull(payrollstatus),'&nbsp',payrollstatus) as payrollstatus,
iif(isnull(payrolldate),'&nbsp',payrolldate) as payrolldate,
iif(isnull(benefitdate),'&nbsp',benefitdate) as benefitdate,
iif(isnull(createdby),'&nbsp',createdby) as createdby,
iif(isnull(processstatus),'&nbsp',processstatus) as processstatus,
employeetype, location from employeetransaction "

'we only display the records for the school location otherwise, we display
all for departments
if lloc="School" then
sql = sql & " where location = '" & loccode & "' and
((EmployeeTransaction.PayrollDate >=(date()-30)) OR
(Isnull([EmployeeTransaction].[PayrollDate])<> FALSE)) order by emprecid
desc "
sql = sql & " where ((EmployeeTransaction.PayrollDate >=
(Isnull([EmployeeTransaction].[PayrollDate])<>FALSE)) order by emprecid desc
end if
set rs = AccessConn.execute(sql)

Any ideas??


Hi Ray,

I've got at least 30 people hitting the site to enter data into the Access

I've never used .GetRows before. I would like to know more about it.


Ray Costanzo said:
How many people are hitting the site? Any time there are "intermittent"
errors that are Access database related, I'd say that they are often related
to concurrency issues and Access not being able/meant to handle lots of

As far as the code you included below, I'd drop the Set rs =
Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") line. What you're doing is creating
an empty recordset there, and then on the Set rs = AccessConn.Execute(sql)
line, you're destroying the recordset and creating a new one. So, it's a
microsecond of extra processing time there.

Also, instead of doing all that IsNull stuff in your query, I suggest
dropping all of that. What you can do instead is:

sql = "select emprecid, employeeno, employeelastname,
employeetype, location from employeetransaction "

And then, after you get your recordset back, use .GetRows to dump the
recordset into an array. (Then quickly close and destroy your recordset and
ado connection!) With the GetRows method, you can convert all the nulls to
&nbsp; as such:

Set rs = AccessConn.Execute(sSQL)
If Not rs.EOF Then aData = rs.GetRows(2,,,"&nbsp;")

If you aren't sure what to do with the aData array then or haven't used
GetRows before and would like to know more about it, just post back here.

Ray at work

wk6pack said:
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "select emprecid, employeeno, employeelastname, employeefirstname,
iif(isnull(hrstatus),'&nbsp',hrstatus) as hrstatus,
iif(isnull(hrdate),'&nbsp',hrdate) as hrdate,
iif(isnull(budgetstatus),'&nbsp',budgetstatus) as budgetstatus,
iif(isnull(budgetdate),'&nbsp',budgetdate) as budgetdate," & _
" iif(isnull(payrollstatus),'&nbsp',payrollstatus) as payrollstatus,
iif(isnull(payrolldate),'&nbsp',payrolldate) as payrolldate,
iif(isnull(benefitdate),'&nbsp',benefitdate) as benefitdate,
iif(isnull(createdby),'&nbsp',createdby) as createdby,
iif(isnull(processstatus),'&nbsp',processstatus) as processstatus,
employeetype, location from employeetransaction "

'we only display the records for the school location otherwise, we display
all for departments
if lloc="School" then
sql = sql & " where location = '" & loccode & "' and
((EmployeeTransaction.PayrollDate >=(date()-30)) OR
(Isnull([EmployeeTransaction].[PayrollDate])<> FALSE)) order by emprecid
desc "
sql = sql & " where ((EmployeeTransaction.PayrollDate >= (date()-30))
(Isnull([EmployeeTransaction].[PayrollDate])<>FALSE)) order by emprecid
end if
set rs = AccessConn.execute(sql)

Aaron [SQL Server MVP]

(Reverse address to reply.)

wk6pack said:
Hi Ray,

I've got at least 30 people hitting the site to enter data into the Access

I've never used .GetRows before. I would like to know more about it.


Ray Costanzo said:
How many people are hitting the site? Any time there are "intermittent"
errors that are Access database related, I'd say that they are often related
to concurrency issues and Access not being able/meant to handle lots of

As far as the code you included below, I'd drop the Set rs =
Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") line. What you're doing is creating
an empty recordset there, and then on the Set rs = AccessConn.Execute(sql)
line, you're destroying the recordset and creating a new one. So, it's a
microsecond of extra processing time there.

Also, instead of doing all that IsNull stuff in your query, I suggest
dropping all of that. What you can do instead is:

sql = "select emprecid, employeeno, employeelastname,
employeetype, location from employeetransaction "

And then, after you get your recordset back, use .GetRows to dump the
recordset into an array. (Then quickly close and destroy your recordset and
ado connection!) With the GetRows method, you can convert all the nulls to
&nbsp; as such:

Set rs = AccessConn.Execute(sSQL)
If Not rs.EOF Then aData = rs.GetRows(2,,,"&nbsp;")

If you aren't sure what to do with the aData array then or haven't used
GetRows before and would like to know more about it, just post back here.

Ray at work

wk6pack said:
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "select emprecid, employeeno, employeelastname, employeefirstname,
iif(isnull(hrstatus),'&nbsp',hrstatus) as hrstatus,
iif(isnull(hrdate),'&nbsp',hrdate) as hrdate,
iif(isnull(budgetstatus),'&nbsp',budgetstatus) as budgetstatus,
iif(isnull(budgetdate),'&nbsp',budgetdate) as budgetdate," & _
" iif(isnull(payrollstatus),'&nbsp',payrollstatus) as payrollstatus,
iif(isnull(payrolldate),'&nbsp',payrolldate) as payrolldate,
iif(isnull(benefitdate),'&nbsp',benefitdate) as benefitdate,
iif(isnull(createdby),'&nbsp',createdby) as createdby,
iif(isnull(processstatus),'&nbsp',processstatus) as processstatus,
employeetype, location from employeetransaction "

'we only display the records for the school location otherwise, we display
all for departments
if lloc="School" then
sql = sql & " where location = '" & loccode & "' and
((EmployeeTransaction.PayrollDate >=(date()-30)) OR
(Isnull([EmployeeTransaction].[PayrollDate])<> FALSE)) order by emprecid
desc "
sql = sql & " where ((EmployeeTransaction.PayrollDate >= (date()-30))
(Isnull([EmployeeTransaction].[PayrollDate])<>FALSE)) order by emprecid
end if
set rs = AccessConn.execute(sql)

Bob Barrows [MVP]

Aaron said:
Why? GetString() supports NullExpr (which allow you to specify
"&nbsp;" or
something else for any value that is Null).

It's not to replace Nulls.

In one instance, I do it pad hard spaces between pieces of data to simulate
columns in a SELECT. (so it will display say company number and company name
in columns in the SELECT) - I also concatenate all the OPTION tags in the
query as well (gasp!)

There's nothing like a simple

Response.Write rs.GetString

to reduce the amount of code on a page. This also cuts down on the number of
include files. This dropdown box is used in quite a few pages in which I
would have to #include the asp page to create the same option list that is
coming from my stored procedure. I see no point to doing this merely to
satisfy a theoretical "presentation layer-data layer" division. Using such a
division is supposed to improve my codes maintainability, not reduce it.

Bob Barrows

Ray Costanzo [MVP]

GetRows returns a two-dimensional array, where the first dimension
represents the columns in the recordset, and the second dimension represents
the rows, so to speak. So, if you had a query like:

"select firstname,lastname from people"

And you dumped that to an array with .GetRows, you'd iterate through it as


For i = 0 To UBound(aData, 2) '<-- the UBound of the second dimension
'''since the rows are in the second dimension
'''you want to loop through the number of times
'''as there are "records" in it.
Response.Write "Firstname = " & aData(0,i) & "<br>"
Response.Write "Lastname = " & aData(1,i) & "<hr>"

So, if you're used to working with arrays, it's just like having an array

Dim someArray(1,5)
someArray(0,0) = "Bob" : someArray(1,0) = "Smith"
someArray(0,1) = "Ted" : someArray(1,1) = "Jones"
someArray(0,2) = "Jen" : someArray(1,2) = "Giles"
someArray(0,3) = "Kim" : someArray(1,3) = "Baron"
someArray(0,4) = "Ned" : someArray(1,4) = "Heinz"
someArray(0,5) = "Gus" : someArray(1,5) = "Baker"

Ray at work

Aaron [SQL Server MVP]

coming from my stored procedure. I see no point to doing this merely to
satisfy a theoretical "presentation layer-data layer" division.

I think a lot of people on the database side would disagree with you. Some
of them vehemently and maybe even violently. ;-)


thanks Ray. I'll give it a try.

Ray Costanzo said:
GetRows returns a two-dimensional array, where the first dimension
represents the columns in the recordset, and the second dimension represents
the rows, so to speak. So, if you had a query like:

"select firstname,lastname from people"

And you dumped that to an array with .GetRows, you'd iterate through it as


For i = 0 To UBound(aData, 2) '<-- the UBound of the second dimension
'''since the rows are in the second dimension
'''you want to loop through the number of times
'''as there are "records" in it.
Response.Write "Firstname = " & aData(0,i) & "<br>"
Response.Write "Lastname = " & aData(1,i) & "<hr>"

So, if you're used to working with arrays, it's just like having an array

Dim someArray(1,5)
someArray(0,0) = "Bob" : someArray(1,0) = "Smith"
someArray(0,1) = "Ted" : someArray(1,1) = "Jones"
someArray(0,2) = "Jen" : someArray(1,2) = "Giles"
someArray(0,3) = "Kim" : someArray(1,3) = "Baron"
someArray(0,4) = "Ned" : someArray(1,4) = "Heinz"
someArray(0,5) = "Gus" : someArray(1,5) = "Baker"

Ray at work

Bob Barrows [MVP]

Aaron said:
I think a lot of people on the database side would disagree with you.
Some of them vehemently and maybe even violently. ;-)

Probably. But why give us the string functions and then tell us not to use
them? :)

This is not to say that I'm a total rebel on this point. There are things
that I prefer to handle in the "presentation" tier that could be handled
with more or less effort or performance impact in the database tier. I just
don't follow this philosophy blindly. If I did, I would use much fewer
stored procedures and triggers (business logic should be in the business
layer, right?)

Aaron [SQL Server MVP]

don't follow this philosophy blindly. If I did, I would use much fewer
stored procedures and triggers (business logic should be in the business
layer, right?)

In reality (at least at my workplace and in all my contract situations), the
"business layer" is either disappearing, or never existed. There is no more
COM and interop and all that crap. Why should I build COM or .NET
components that need to be compiled and are a pain in the ass to (re-)deploy
when (not if) specs change? Why use three tiers when I only need two?

Plus, let's face it, some of your data validation you want to do on the
client side, and some of it you have to do in the database.

Bob Barrows [MVP]

Aaron said:
In reality (at least at my workplace and in all my contract
situations), the "business layer" is either disappearing, or never
existed. There is no more COM and interop and all that crap. Why
should I build COM or .NET components that need to be compiled and
are a pain in the ass to (re-)deploy when (not if) specs change? Why
use three tiers when I only need two?

Plus, let's face it, some of your data validation you want to do on
the client side, and some of it you have to do in the database.

Yes, my point exactly

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