Datagrid not displaying



I'm tearing my hair out over this one. I have a newbie's grasp of data
grids in, i.e. I have successfully taken working code, and made it
work on my applications. I am unsuccessful at this one, however - I am
trying to use a temporary table to load a grid. I do not get any errors
running my code, I just don't get the data grid to appear on my web form.

I'm using SQL Server 2000 and Visual Studio 2003. The query you see
collects 499 records when I run it in Query Analyzer.

Can somebody tell me if they see any obvious errors in my code - syntactic
or conceptual? Thanks very much in advance.


Function MyFunction() as Boolean

Dim sql As String = "SELECT Observation, Issue, Description "

sql &= "INTO #tmpMultipleTableAggregate "
sql &= "FROM tblLkpAssociatedIssues [L], tblIssueMaster "
sql &= "WHERE L.Issue = i.IssueNumber "
sql &= "ORDER BY Observation, L.Issue "

Dim con As New SqlConnection(sConnect) 'sConnect is a global constant
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, con)
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
Dim dsIssueTracking As New DataSet

adapter.Fill(dsIssueTracking, "#tmpMultipleTableAggregate")

'Load the data grid with the temporary table culled from two other tables
grdLink.DataSource = dsIssueTracking.Tables("#tmpMultipleTableAggregate")
grdLink.Enabled = True
grdLink.Visible = True


End Function

Eliyahu Goldin

Hey Dave, your query doesn't produce any record set! 499 records go to the
temp table instead of getting down to your application.

Get rid of "INTO #tmpMultipleTableAggregate " part. You don't need any temp
tables. Data adapter will build a table named "Table" based on your SELECT
results. Make a call
and databind the grid to table "Table".



Wow! Nice explanation and nice solution. A one-minute fix - my favorite

For the benefit of my fellow newbies, when Eliyahu says
"... and databind the grid to table 'Table'.", he means use this:
grdLink.DataSource = dsIssueTracking.Tables("Table")

Thank you very much, Eliyahu.


Eliyahu Goldin said:
Hey Dave, your query doesn't produce any record set! 499 records go to the
temp table instead of getting down to your application.

Get rid of "INTO #tmpMultipleTableAggregate " part. You don't need any temp
tables. Data adapter will build a table named "Table" based on your SELECT
results. Make a call
and databind the grid to table "Table".


Dave said:
I'm tearing my hair out over this one. I have a newbie's grasp of data
grids in, i.e. I have successfully taken working code, and made it
work on my applications. I am unsuccessful at this one, however - I am
trying to use a temporary table to load a grid. I do not get any errors
running my code, I just don't get the data grid to appear on my web form.

I'm using SQL Server 2000 and Visual Studio 2003. The query you see
collects 499 records when I run it in Query Analyzer.

Can somebody tell me if they see any obvious errors in my code - syntactic
or conceptual? Thanks very much in advance.


Function MyFunction() as Boolean

Dim sql As String = "SELECT Observation, Issue, Description "

sql &= "INTO #tmpMultipleTableAggregate "
sql &= "FROM tblLkpAssociatedIssues [L], tblIssueMaster "
sql &= "WHERE L.Issue = i.IssueNumber "
sql &= "ORDER BY Observation, L.Issue "

Dim con As New SqlConnection(sConnect) 'sConnect is a global constant
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, con)
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
Dim dsIssueTracking As New DataSet

adapter.Fill(dsIssueTracking, "#tmpMultipleTableAggregate")

'Load the data grid with the temporary table culled from two other tables
grdLink.DataSource = dsIssueTracking.Tables("#tmpMultipleTableAggregate")
grdLink.Enabled = True
grdLink.Visible = True


End Function


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