DataGrid Totals Problem


Rick Wiker

I'm having a strange problem with totalling datagrid values

Page contains
Combobox with Product

After selecting a product, the record is stored in a datatable that is in a session value
The grid has a Qty field that is a bound templated textbox and a recalc button

The totals work great when adding rows to the grid. The problem arises when I change a Qty
and recalc the product extended price

Sub ReCalc_Qty(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs

Dim vProdID As Integer = gdProducts.SelectedItem.Cells(0).Tex
Dim vQtyBox As TextBox = CType(gdProducts.SelectedItem.Cells(6).FindControl("Qty"), TextBox
Dim vQty As Integer = vQtyBox.Tex
Dim i As Intege
Dim vIdx As Integer, vRow As DataRow, vQtyNum As Intege
vTBL = Session("vTblAddr"
'How to find the ro
vRow = vTBL.Rows.Find(vProdID
vRow.Item("Qty") = CInt(vQty
Session("TblAddr") = vTB
gdProducts.DataSource = vTB
End Tr
End Su

Once that is done, the Product is never again included in the totals figure which are calculated in the procedure below
All the other product records continue to add up properly, and the edited product displayes properly in the datagrid with the new prices reflected correctly

The extended price value is a computed column in the datatable (Qty * Price)

Hope I've made this clear. This is maddening

Thanks in advance for any help

Sub gdProducts_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridItemEventArgs
Dim i As Intege
Select Case e.Item.ItemTyp
Case ListItemType.Heade
vAddValues = "
Case ListItemType.Item, ListItemType.AlternatingIte
tPrice = tPrice + CDbl(e.Item.Cells(7).Text
tMember = tMember + CDbl(e.Item.Cells(8).Text
tMaster = tMaster + CDbl(e.Item.Cells(9).Text
tAutoRenew = tAutoRenew + CDbl(e.Item.Cells(10).Text
vAddValues = vAddValues & CStr(e.Item.Cells(0).Text) & ",
Case ListItemType.Foote

'Only perform this code if we are looking at the foote
e.Item.Cells(1).Text = "Totals
e.Item.Cells(1).Attributes.Add("align", "left"
e.Item.Cells(7).Text = tPrice.ToString("c"
e.Item.Cells(7).Attributes.Add("align", "right"
e.Item.Cells(8).Text = tMember.ToString("c"
e.Item.Cells(8).Attributes.Add("align", "right"
e.Item.Cells(9).Text = tMaster.ToString("c"
e.Item.Cells(9).Attributes.Add("align", "right"
e.Item.Cells(10).Text = tAutoRenew.ToString("c"
e.Item.Cells(10).Attributes.Add("align", "right"
End Selec
Response.Write(vAddValues & "<br>"
End Su

Rick Wiker

Found the problem. After updating the record, the e.Item.ItemType was SelectedItem. Had to set the selecteditem back to -1 after the edit process.

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