Date conversion script


Jon Carpenter

I need some help with a script I am writing. Maybe someone has some
experience with this. I need a part of the script to take a standard input,
a 3-digit ordinal date (e.g. 060), and convert it to the cardinal date,
assuming the current year (e.g. 20040229). I also need to be able to
convert parts of that string, the month, to the abbreviation (e.g. 02 to
FEB), and put the parts of that string in different places (e.g. *29*0000 -
*29*2359 *FEB* *2004*). This is for creating daily log reports.

Thanks in advance,
-Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.

Jack Challen

Jon said:
I need some help with a script I am writing. Maybe someone has some
experience with this. I need a part of the script to take a standard input,
a 3-digit ordinal date (e.g. 060), and convert it to the cardinal date,
assuming the current year (e.g. 20040229). I also need to be able to
convert parts of that string, the month, to the abbreviation (e.g. 02 to
FEB), and put the parts of that string in different places (e.g. *29*0000 -
*29*2359 *FEB* *2004*). This is for creating daily log reports.


use warnings;
use strict;
use Date::Calc qw/Add_Delta_Days/;

my $current_year = (localtime)[5]+1900;

my $ordinal = 60;
my ($year, $month, $mday) = Add_Delta_Days($current_year, 1, 1, $ordinal-1);

my $month_t = (qw/Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec/)[$month-1];

print "$mday $month_t $year\n";

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