Deciding inheritance at instantiation?



I have a bunch of classes from another library (the html helpers
from web2py). There are certain methods that I'd like to add to
every one of them. So I'd like to put those methods in a class,
and pass the parent at the time of instantiation. Web2py has
a FORM class for instance. I'd like to go:

my_element = html_factory(FORM)

Then my_element would be an instance of my class, and also
a child of FORM.

I started messing with decorators, but it became difficult
for me to visualise how to do this.



Terry Reedy

I have a bunch of classes from another library (the html helpers
from web2py). There are certain methods that I'd like to add to
every one of them. So I'd like to put those methods in a class,
and pass the parent at the time of instantiation. Web2py has
a FORM class for instance. I'd like to go:

my_element = html_factory(FORM)

Then my_element would be an instance of my class, and also
a child of FORM.

I started messing with decorators, but it became difficult
for me to visualise how to do this.

Use type(name, bases, content) for dynamic class creation.


I have a bunch of classes from another library (the html helpers
from web2py). There are certain methods that I'd like to add to
every one of them. So I'd like to put those methods in a class,
and pass the parent at the time of instantiation. Web2py has
a FORM class for instance. I'd like to go:

my_element = html_factory(FORM)

Then my_element would be an instance of my class, and also
a child of FORM.

You can use type() to create classes dynamically. E.g.:

class my_base_class(object):
# extra methods

subclasses = {}

def html_factory(cls, *args, **kwargs):
name = "my_" + cls.__name__
if name not in subclasses:
subclasses[name] = type(name, (cls, my_base_class), {})
return subclasses[name](*args, **kwargs)

Steven D'Aprano

I have a bunch of classes from another library (the html helpers from
web2py). There are certain methods that I'd like to add to every one of
them. So I'd like to put those methods in a class, and pass the parent
at the time of instantiation. Web2py has a FORM class for instance.
I'd like to go:

my_element = html_factory(FORM)

Then my_element would be an instance of my class, and also a child of

I cannot understand what you are actually trying to do here because you
aren't giving enough information and the description you give is
misleading. But from what little I can grasp, I think it sounds like an
unclean, confusing design and you would be better off with either mixins,
composition, or code injection.

What is html_factory? By the name, it should return some HTML. But you're
assigning the output to something called "my_element", which suggests it
is returning only a single element of HTML. To me, I would expect that to
be a string. Consequently, it isn't clear to me what you actually want,
and I'm forced to make some wild guesses, and I can see a number of
different alternative approaches.

=== Mixins ===

You state:

There are certain methods that I'd like to add to every
one of [my classes]. So I'd like to put those methods
in a class, and pass the parent at the time of instantiation

Don't pass the utility class at instantiation time. Use it as a mixin

class UtilityMixin:
# add "those methods" to this class

class MyClassA(MyParentClass, UtilityMixin):

class MyClassB(AnotherClass, UtilityMixin):

class MyClassC(MyClassB): # already inherits from UtilityMixin

=== Composition ===

This frankly sounds like an abuse of inheritance. Inheritance is for
modelling "is-a" relationships, not just for sticking arbitrary lumps of
unrelated code together. If I can understand what you are trying to do,
then you need to model a "has-a" relationship. For example:

The Contact Us page is not a html form, it HAS a html form;

therefore the instance which creates the Contact Us page is not a html
form either, and should not inherit from FormClass;

but it should have a FormClass instance it can delegate the creation of
the form to.

Something like this, perhaps:

contact_page_designer = PageDesigner()
contact_page_designer.form_designer = FormClass()

This can be wrapped inside the __init__ method, of course. The FormClass
instance can be passed as a generic argument.

Then, your PageDesigner methods which need to create a form simply
delegate the work to the form_designer attribute. Instead of this:


which depends on self having ten different methods to do with making
forms, you do this:


and all the form-related methods are encapsulated in one place, out of
the way. This general technique is known as composition, or delegation,
and you use it every time you do something like this:

result = # delegating upper method to the string name

And yet, somehow people forget it in favour of inheritance once they move
beyond the primitive built-in types.

=== Code injection ===

You talk about deciding inheritance at instantiation time, which implies
that each instance will get different methods. If so, then so long as you
aren't changing dunder methods (double leading and trailing underscore
special methods like __init__ and friends), you can inject methods
directly onto an instance, either to add new functionality or override
existing functionality on a per-instance basis.

py> class Parrot:
.... def speak(self):
.... print "Polly wants a cracker!"
py> class KillBot:
.... def speak(self):
.... print "Crush! Kill! Destroy!"
py> p = Parrot()
py> p.speak()
Polly wants a cracker!
py> p.speak = KillBot().speak
py> p.speak()
Crush! Kill! Destroy!

=== Dynamic class creation ===

Forget about using type(), there's an easier way.

def factory(name, parent_class):
class MyClass(parent_class):
def method(self):
print "Called method"
return 42
MyClass.__name__ = name
return MyClass

Much easier than the equivalent using type.

def method(self):
print "Called method"
return 42

type(name, (parent_class,), {'method': method})

Steven W. Orr

I have a bunch of classes from another library (the html helpers
from web2py). There are certain methods that I'd like to add to
every one of them. So I'd like to put those methods in a class,
and pass the parent at the time of instantiation. Web2py has
a FORM class for instance. I'd like to go:

my_element = html_factory(FORM)

Then my_element would be an instance of my class, and also
a child of FORM.

I started messing with decorators, but it became difficult
for me to visualise how to do this.



Your class inherits from whatever is in the class statement.

class Foo(object):

Here, Foo inherits from object, but you can replace object with any tuple of
classes which can be redefined before instantiation.

class Base1(object):

class Base2(object):

Now we can define Foo2 to inherit from something that better be a tuple of
classes at instantiation time.

class Foo2(bases):

bases = (Base1,)

foo2 = Foo2() # foo2 is a Foo2 which inherits from Base1.

bases = (Base1, Bace2)

foob1b2 = Foo2() # foob1b2 is a Foo2 which inherits from Base1 and Base2.

Who was it who said: "Give a man a shovel and he'll dig himself one helluva hole"?

Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. Stranger things have .0.
happened but none stranger than this. Does your driver's license say Organ ..0
Donor?Black holes are where God divided by zero. Listen to me! We are all- 000
individuals! What if this weren't a hypothetical question?
steveo at


I have a bunch of classes from another library (the html helpers
from web2py).  There are certain methods that I'd like to add to
every one of them.  So I'd like to put those methods in a class,
and pass the parent at the time of instantiation.  Web2py has
a FORM class for instance.  I'd like to go:

        my_element = html_factory(FORM)

Then my_element would be an instance of my class, and also
a child of FORM.

I've lately begun to prefer composition over inheritance for
situations like this:

class MyElementFormAdapter(object):
def __init__(self, form):
self.form = form

def render_form(self):

my_element = MyElementFormAdapter(FORM)

Advantages include being more simple and obvious than multiple
inheritance, and avoiding namespace clashes:

class A(object):
def foo(self):
print 'a'

class B(object):
def foo(self):
print 'b'

class InheritFromAB(A, B):

class AdaptAB(object):
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b


Interesting stuff. Thanks.

I've lately begun to prefer composition over inheritance for
situations like this:

class MyElementFormAdapter(object):
def __init__(self, form):
self.form = form

def render_form(self):

my_element = MyElementFormAdapter(FORM)

Advantages include being more simple and obvious than multiple
inheritance, and avoiding namespace clashes:

class A(object):
def foo(self):
print 'a'

class B(object):
def foo(self):
print 'b'

class InheritFromAB(A, B):

class AdaptAB(object):
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b


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