delete button problems in datagrid



i have a datagrid with a delete button which for some reason quit working,
i'm thinking its a problem with the database but here is the code:
SqlCommand cmdDeletePIN = null;

myConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

cmdDeletePIN = new SqlCommand("usp_AdminDeactivatePIN", myConnection);
cmdDeletePIN.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

SqlParameter prmClientID = cmdDeletePIN.Parameters.Add("@clientID",
prmClientID.Value = Request.Params["clientID"];

SqlParameter prmPIN= cmdDeletePIN.Parameters.Add("@PIN", SqlDbType.Int);
prmPIN.Value = dgPINList.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex].ToString();

catch (Exception ex)
Trace.Write("Admin - EditClient.aspx", "dgPINList_DeleteCommand() - ",

dgPINList.EditItemIndex = -1;
sorry if its hard to read. i know the method gets called by my image button
because i put some trace.write's in there to follow execution. no exceptions
are thrown because that trace.write never gets executed and i get no other
errors. it just doesnt do anything except post back. also I have a link
around the image button which causes a custom confirm box to popup, which
works fine in mozilla, but doesnt show in IE 6.0 i know the code works
because i tested it in its own page before adding it to the project.

<itemstyle horizontalalign="Center"></itemstyle>
<a href="javascript:confirmDeactivatePIN()">
<asp:ImageButton runat="server" id="ibtnDelete"
CommandName="Delete" ImageUrl="images/icon_delete.gif"
AlternateText="Deactivate this PIN"></asp:ImageButton>

there's how a call the box. i also need to return a value from the box to
determine if the user wans to deactivate the service or the entire pin based
on which button they push in the custom box and get it to the codebehind for
an if statement i have yet to write.

Thanks in advance


Elton Wang

Hi John,

Generally speaking, your ImageButton in datagrid can trigger
datagrid_ItemCommand event. In the event you can have

if (e.CommandName.Equals("Delete"))
// process delete function

BTW, in the event, you can use e.Item.Cells[col_index].Text to get
BoundColumn's data, or use ((TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("controlID")).Text
to get TemplateColumn + TextBox's data.


Elton W


it does trigger the datagrid_DeleteCommand event and that code does fire
because i can read my trace.writes which i omitted in my post to make it
easier to read. i'm just wondering if there is a problem in my code which is
why things arent deleteing. also i need to know why my popup shows in
mozilla but not in IE, and how to get the values it returns into the code
behind. thanks for your help. if you need to see any code just shoot me an
email at (e-mail address removed) and i'll try to send whatever you need.

Elton Wang said:
Hi John,

Generally speaking, your ImageButton in datagrid can trigger
datagrid_ItemCommand event. In the event you can have

if (e.CommandName.Equals("Delete"))
// process delete function

BTW, in the event, you can use e.Item.Cells[col_index].Text to get
BoundColumn's data, or use ((TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("controlID")).Text
to get TemplateColumn + TextBox's data.


Elton W

John said:
i have a datagrid with a delete button which for some reason quit working,
i'm thinking its a problem with the database but here is the code:
SqlCommand cmdDeletePIN = null;

myConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

cmdDeletePIN = new SqlCommand("usp_AdminDeactivatePIN", myConnection);
cmdDeletePIN.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

SqlParameter prmClientID = cmdDeletePIN.Parameters.Add("@clientID",
prmClientID.Value = Request.Params["clientID"];

SqlParameter prmPIN= cmdDeletePIN.Parameters.Add("@PIN", SqlDbType.Int);
prmPIN.Value = dgPINList.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex].ToString();

catch (Exception ex)
Trace.Write("Admin - EditClient.aspx", "dgPINList_DeleteCommand() - ",

dgPINList.EditItemIndex = -1;
sorry if its hard to read. i know the method gets called by my image button
because i put some trace.write's in there to follow execution. no exceptions
are thrown because that trace.write never gets executed and i get no other
errors. it just doesnt do anything except post back. also I have a link
around the image button which causes a custom confirm box to popup, which
works fine in mozilla, but doesnt show in IE 6.0 i know the code works
because i tested it in its own page before adding it to the project.

<itemstyle horizontalalign="Center"></itemstyle>
<a href="javascript:confirmDeactivatePIN()">
<asp:ImageButton runat="server" id="ibtnDelete"
CommandName="Delete" ImageUrl="images/icon_delete.gif"
AlternateText="Deactivate this PIN"></asp:ImageButton>

there's how a call the box. i also need to return a value from the box to
determine if the user wans to deactivate the service or the entire pin based
on which button they push in the custom box and get it to the codebehind for
an if statement i have yet to write.

Thanks in advance


Elton Wang

Could you post html code of the datagrid?

John said:
it does trigger the datagrid_DeleteCommand event and that code does fire
because i can read my trace.writes which i omitted in my post to make it
easier to read. i'm just wondering if there is a problem in my code which is
why things arent deleteing. also i need to know why my popup shows in
mozilla but not in IE, and how to get the values it returns into the code
behind. thanks for your help. if you need to see any code just shoot me an
email at (e-mail address removed) and i'll try to send whatever you need.

Elton Wang said:
Hi John,

Generally speaking, your ImageButton in datagrid can trigger
datagrid_ItemCommand event. In the event you can have

if (e.CommandName.Equals("Delete"))
// process delete function

BTW, in the event, you can use e.Item.Cells[col_index].Text to get
BoundColumn's data, or use ((TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("controlID")).Text
to get TemplateColumn + TextBox's data.


Elton W

John said:
i have a datagrid with a delete button which for some reason quit working,
i'm thinking its a problem with the database but here is the code:
SqlCommand cmdDeletePIN = null;

myConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

cmdDeletePIN = new SqlCommand("usp_AdminDeactivatePIN", myConnection);
cmdDeletePIN.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

SqlParameter prmClientID = cmdDeletePIN.Parameters.Add("@clientID",
prmClientID.Value = Request.Params["clientID"];

SqlParameter prmPIN= cmdDeletePIN.Parameters.Add("@PIN", SqlDbType.Int);
prmPIN.Value = dgPINList.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex].ToString();

catch (Exception ex)
Trace.Write("Admin - EditClient.aspx", "dgPINList_DeleteCommand() - ",

dgPINList.EditItemIndex = -1;
sorry if its hard to read. i know the method gets called by my image button
because i put some trace.write's in there to follow execution. no exceptions
are thrown because that trace.write never gets executed and i get no other
errors. it just doesnt do anything except post back. also I have a link
around the image button which causes a custom confirm box to popup, which
works fine in mozilla, but doesnt show in IE 6.0 i know the code works
because i tested it in its own page before adding it to the project.

<itemstyle horizontalalign="Center"></itemstyle>
<a href="javascript:confirmDeactivatePIN()">
<asp:ImageButton runat="server" id="ibtnDelete"
CommandName="Delete" ImageUrl="images/icon_delete.gif"
AlternateText="Deactivate this PIN"></asp:ImageButton>

there's how a call the box. i also need to return a value from the box to
determine if the user wans to deactivate the service or the entire pin based
on which button they push in the custom box and get it to the
an if statement i have yet to write.

Thanks in advance



<td><asp:datagrid id="dgPINList" runat="server" backcolor="White"
width="550px" datakeyfield="PIN"
allowsorting="True" autogeneratecolumns="False"
<headerstyle cssclass="tableHeader"></headerstyle>
<asp:editcommandcolumn buttontype="LinkButton"
updatetext="<img src='images/icon_save.gif' width='16' height='16' alt='Save
Changes' border='0'>"
canceltext="<img src='images/icon_cancel.gif' width='16'
height='16' alt='Cancel Changes' border='0'>"
edittext="<img src='images/icon_edit.gif' width='16'
height='16' alt='Edit This Record' border='0'>"></asp:editcommandcolumn>
<itemstyle horizontalalign="Center"></itemstyle>
<a href="javascript:confirmDeactivatePIN()">
<asp:ImageButton runat="server" id="ibtnDelete"
CommandName="Delete" ImageUrl="images/icon_delete.gif"
AlternateText="Deactivate this PIN"></asp:ImageButton>

there is more but i'm fairly certain that the rest of the columns dont
matter as they are just data. and my boss recently told me that the delete
command has never worked so if you dont mind could you or someone please take
a look at the c# code i posted dealing with the sql commands and let me know
why the clientID and PIN number arent in sinc

thanks guys


also here is my custom box...sorry but the code is rather long and possilbly
hard to read once i put in on here

function confirmDeactivatePIN(){
var confirmwin;
if (navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer" ||
navigator.appName=="MSIE 6.0"){
confirmwin = window.showModalDialog("popup_ConfirmContent.aspx",
"dialogHeight:150px;dialogWidth:200px;dialogLeft:300;dialogTop:300;resizable:no; scroll:no");
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape"){
var winHeight = 150;
var winWidth = 200;
var xPos = (screen.availWidth/2)-(winWidth/2);
var yPos = (screen.availHeight/2)-(winHeight/2);
confirmwin ="", "confirmwin",
var content = "<html>"+
"<body bgcolor='#CCCCCC' onblur='window.focus();'>"+
"<form id=form1 name=form1>"+
"<table bgcolor='green' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>"+
"<table width='+(winWidth+20)+' height='+(winHeight-100)+'
"<td colspan='3' height='+(winHeight-100)+' valign='top'
align='left' bgcolor='white'>"+
"Press Service to deactivate the PIN's service, PIN to
deactivate their login and service"+
"<td height='50' width='33%' valign='middle' align='center'
"<input type='button' width='50' style='width:50'
value='Service' onclick='window.returnValue=7;window.close();'>"+
"<td height='50' width='34%' valign='middle' align='center'
"<input type='button' width='50' style='width:50' value='PIN'
"<td height='50' width='33%' valign='middle' align='center'
"<input type='button' width='50' style='width:50'
value='Cancel' onclick='window.close();'>"+
}//end if navigator.appname=="mozilla"
}//end function

Elton Wang

Since you mentioned DeleteCommand event works, I suppose something wrong in
your deleting logic, it's data related. Hence it's better to have data


here is the entire datagrid control, i belive i know what is wrong but i'm
not exactly sure how to fix it. the client ID and PIN numer need to match or
the db wont find the correct listing and will therefore not delete anything,
so i need to work on the delete logic and the stored procedure's. if you
have any ideas on how to make the delete logic look for the correct client
id. i belive i can fix that part now that i think about it somemore. but i
cant seem to get my javascript to fire in IE 6.0, but it does fire in mozilla
but the page wont post back. i NEED this script to fire send a value
(determinied by what button the user pushes) back to the server to determine
which stored procedure to run. Note: the if statement about which procedure
to run has not been written yet beacuse i cant get the first few steps to
work right. so for now i'd be happy getting a value back for now and worry
about using it later.

<td><asp:datagrid id="dgPINList" runat="server" backcolor="White"
width="550px" datakeyfield="PIN"
allowsorting="True" autogeneratecolumns="False"
<headerstyle cssclass="tableHeader"></headerstyle>
<asp:editcommandcolumn buttontype="LinkButton"
updatetext="<img src='images/icon_save.gif' width='16' height='16' alt='Save
Changes' border='0'>"
canceltext="<img src='images/icon_cancel.gif' width='16'
height='16' alt='Cancel Changes' border='0'>"
edittext="<img src='images/icon_edit.gif' width='16'
height='16' alt='Edit This Record' border='0'>"></asp:editcommandcolumn>
<itemstyle horizontalalign="Center"></itemstyle>
<a href="javascript:confirmDeactivatePIN()">
<asp:ImageButton runat="server" id="ibtnDelete"
CommandName="Delete" ImageUrl="images/icon_delete.gif"
AlternateText="Deactivate this PIN"></asp:ImageButton>
<itemstyle horizontalalign="Center"></itemstyle>
<asp:label runat="server" id="Label1">
<a href='javascript:popupClientWindow(<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.PIN") %>);'>
<img src="images/icon_login.gif" border="0" alt="Login
Under this PIN"></a></asp:label>
<itemstyle horizontalalign="Center"></itemstyle>
<a href='SwitchBoard.aspx?mode=archive&clientID=<%#
Request.Params["clientID"] %>&PIN=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container,
"DataItem.PIN") %>'>
<img src="images/icon_archive.gif" width="16"
height="16" border="0" alt="Archive this PIN"></a>
<asp:templatecolumn sortexpression="Pin" headertext="PIN">
<a href='EditClient2.aspx?PIN=<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.PIN") %>&clientID=<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.ClientId") %>'>
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.PIN") %>
<asp:templatecolumn sortexpression="Description"
<asp:label runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Description") %>' id="Label3">
<asp:textbox runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Description") %>' width="180px"
<asp:templatecolumn sortexpression="ANI" headertext="ANI">
<asp:label runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.ANI") %>' id="Label4">
<asp:textbox runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.ANI") %>' width="80px" id="txtPINANI">
<asp:templatecolumn sortexpression="Priority"
<asp:label runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Priority") %>' id="Label5">
<asp:textbox runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Priority") %>' width="50px"
<asp:templatecolumn sortexpression="CallsLeft"
headertext="Calls Left">
<asp:label runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.CallsLeft") %>' id="Label6">
<asp:textbox runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.CallsLeft") %>' width="50px"
</asp:datagrid><asp:label id="lblSortOrder" runat="server"

Elton Wang

Do you need to change client_ID or the client_ID(s) are from data source and
are bound in datgrid, to say PIN(s)?

If it's the second, you don't need do any thing in client-side (javascript).
It's very easy to catch it on server-side. The datagrid has powerful
function to obtain these data.

John said:
here is the entire datagrid control, i belive i know what is wrong but i'm
not exactly sure how to fix it. the client ID and PIN numer need to match or
the db wont find the correct listing and will therefore not delete anything,
so i need to work on the delete logic and the stored procedure's. if you
have any ideas on how to make the delete logic look for the correct client
id. i belive i can fix that part now that i think about it somemore. but i
cant seem to get my javascript to fire in IE 6.0, but it does fire in mozilla
but the page wont post back. i NEED this script to fire send a value
(determinied by what button the user pushes) back to the server to determine
which stored procedure to run. Note: the if statement about which procedure
to run has not been written yet beacuse i cant get the first few steps to
work right. so for now i'd be happy getting a value back for now and worry
about using it later.

<td><asp:datagrid id="dgPINList" runat="server" backcolor="White"
width="550px" datakeyfield="PIN"
allowsorting="True" autogeneratecolumns="False"
<headerstyle cssclass="tableHeader"></headerstyle>
<asp:editcommandcolumn buttontype="LinkButton"
updatetext="<img src='images/icon_save.gif' width='16' height='16' alt='Save
Changes' border='0'>"
canceltext="<img src='images/icon_cancel.gif' width='16'
height='16' alt='Cancel Changes' border='0'>"
edittext="<img src='images/icon_edit.gif' width='16'
height='16' alt='Edit This Record' border='0'>"></asp:editcommandcolumn>
<itemstyle horizontalalign="Center"></itemstyle>
<a href="javascript:confirmDeactivatePIN()">
<asp:ImageButton runat="server" id="ibtnDelete"
CommandName="Delete" ImageUrl="images/icon_delete.gif"
AlternateText="Deactivate this PIN"></asp:ImageButton>
<itemstyle horizontalalign="Center"></itemstyle>
<asp:label runat="server" id="Label1">
<a href='javascript:popupClientWindow(<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.PIN") %>);'>
<img src="images/icon_login.gif" border="0" alt="Login
Under this PIN"></a></asp:label>
<itemstyle horizontalalign="Center"></itemstyle>
<a href='SwitchBoard.aspx?mode=archive&clientID=<%#
Request.Params["clientID"] %>& =<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container,
"DataItem.PIN") %>'>
<img src="images/icon_archive.gif" width="16"
height="16" border="0" alt="Archive this PIN"></a>
<asp:templatecolumn sortexpression="Pin" headertext="PIN">
<a href='EditClient2.aspx?PIN=<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.PIN") %>&clientID=<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.ClientId") %>'>
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.PIN") %>
<asp:templatecolumn sortexpression="Description"
<asp:label runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Description") %>' id="Label3">
<asp:textbox runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Description") %>' width="180px"
<asp:templatecolumn sortexpression="ANI" headertext="ANI">
<asp:label runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.ANI") %>' id="Label4">
<asp:textbox runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.ANI") %>' width="80px" id="txtPINANI">
<asp:templatecolumn sortexpression="Priority"
<asp:label runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Priority") %>' id="Label5">
<asp:textbox runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Priority") %>' width="50px"
<asp:templatecolumn sortexpression="CallsLeft"
headertext="Calls Left">
<asp:label runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.CallsLeft") %>' id="Label6">
<asp:textbox runat="server" text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.CallsLeft") %>' width="50px"
</asp:datagrid><asp:label id="lblSortOrder" runat="server"


i fixed the problem with the delete button not deleting people, now i am left
with what to you guys probably seems like a simple problem. i have to get
that confirmDeactivatePIN function to fire in IE and take the value it
returns and send it to an if statement in the code behind. if you can please
help me with that issue i think i'll have my problems sloved until the next


Elton Wang

deleting people??

Anyway, Suppose you use DataItem.ClientId as @clientID in cmdDeletePIN.
Following code snippet shows how to get the value from server-side:

Datagrid html code:

<asp:datagrid id="dgPINList" runat="server" backcolor="White"
width="550px" datakeyfield="PIN"
allowsorting="True" autogeneratecolumns="False"
<headerstyle cssclass="tableHeader"></headerstyle>
<!-- other columns -->
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="ClientId" ReadOnly="True"

Code in DeleteCommand event
string clientID = e.Item.Cells[8].Text;
// ...
SqlParameter prmClientID = cmdDeletePIN.Parameters.Add("@clientID",
prmClientID.Value = clientID;


Elton Wang


no client id i dont think is shown in the grid or its showing the wrong one,
anyway i managed to fix it. but i still cant get my custom confirm dialong
to appear any ideas on how to make it work in IE, and get its return value
back to the codebehind.

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