Does the following construct qualify as overloading on return type ?




Does the following construct qualify as overloading on return type ?
If not, in what way ? I overloaded the type conversion operator and
used pointers to member functions. Its pretty straightforward but I
am sure I have missed as this is not supposed to be possible. Am I
misunderstanding overloading ?


// foo() overloads on both input parameters and return value
// int int_output = foo(int &int_input);
// double double_output = foo(int &int_input);
// int int_output = foo(double &double_input);
// double double_output = foo(double &double_input);

#include <iostream>

class foo
foo(int *given) {given_int = given; int_ = &foo::int_int; double_ =
foo(double *given) {given_double = given; int_ = &foo::int_double;
double_ = &foo::double_double;}
operator double () { (this->*double_)(); }
operator int () { (this->*int_)(); }
double double_double() { std::cout << "--> foo called with input
double and output double\n";}
double double_int() { std::cout << "-->foo called with output
double and output int was called\n";}
int int_int() { std::cout << "-->foo called with input int and
output int was called\n";}
int int_double() { std::cout << "-->foo called with input int and
output double was called\n";}
int *given_int;
double *given_double;
int (foo::*int_)();
double (foo::*double_)();

int main(int argc, char *argv)
double double_input, double_output;
int int_input, int_output;

std::cout << "Trying foo with int input and int output\n";
int_output = foo(&int_input);

std::cout << "Trying foo with int input and double output\n";
double_output = foo(&int_input);

std::cout << "Trying foo with double input and int output\n";
int_output = foo(&double_input);

std::cout << "Trying foo with double input and double output\n";
double_output = foo(&double_input);


// Output

// Trying foo with int input and int output
// -->foo called with input int and output int was called
// Trying foo with int input and double output
// -->foo called with output double and output int was called
// Trying foo with double input and int output
// -->foo called with input int and output double was called
// Trying foo with double input and double output
// --> foo called with input double and output double

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