encrypt with perl, decrypt with ruby, 3 days and counting...



I have tried hundreds of combos, scanned hundreds of web pages, I
still cannot encrypt with perl and decrypt with ruby. Hell, I can't
even encrypt with perl/ruby and get the same result.

Have tried blowfish, tripledes, des, rc4, you name.

Would love an expert to help out !

Here is one of my many attempts

#===== PERL

use MIME::Base64;
use Crypt::CBC;
my $key = '12345678';
my $iv = '12345678';
my $text = '12345678';
$cipher = Crypt::CBC->new({
'literal_key' => 0,
'key' => $key,
'iv' => $iv,
'header' => 'none',
'padding' => 'standard',
'prepend_iv' => 0});
$encrypted = $cipher->encrypt($text);
$encoded = encode_base64($encrypted);
print "encrypted=$encrypted\n";
print "encoded=$encoded\n";

#===== RUBY

require 'openssl'
require "base64"
require 'cgi'
require 'uri'
key = "23456789"
token = "12345678"
e = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new 'DES'
e.encrypt key
s = e.update token
s << e.final
puts s
puts Base64.encode64(s)



uncle said:
I have tried hundreds of combos, scanned hundreds of web pages, I
still cannot encrypt with perl and decrypt with ruby. Hell, I can't
even encrypt with perl/ruby and get the same result.

Have tried blowfish, tripledes, des, rc4, you name.

Would love an expert to help out !

Here is one of my many attempts

#===== PERL

use MIME::Base64;
use Crypt::CBC;
my $key = '12345678';
my $iv = '12345678';
my $text = '12345678';
$cipher = Crypt::CBC->new({
'literal_key' => 0,
'key' => $key,
'iv' => $iv,
'header' => 'none',
'padding' => 'standard',
'prepend_iv' => 0});
$encrypted = $cipher->encrypt($text);
$encoded = encode_base64($encrypted);
print "encrypted=$encrypted\n";
print "encoded=$encoded\n";

#===== RUBY

require 'openssl'
require "base64"
require 'cgi'
require 'uri'
key = "23456789"
token = "12345678"
e = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new 'DES'
e.encrypt key
s = e.update token
s << e.final
puts s
puts Base64.encode64(s)


Feel free to have a look at ShapeShifter on CPAN scripts, something
there may help you out somehow.


It does seem to me that your key is different in these examples,
afaik the decrypt key needs to match the key used to encrypt.

Michele Dondi

I have tried hundreds of combos, scanned hundreds of web pages, I
still cannot encrypt with perl and decrypt with ruby. Hell, I can't

Crossposting is generally discouraged but by all means this is a
question that may have deserved it...


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