example of setting a user controls properties using code behind instead of script tags?



hi all,

I am looking for an example for setting/getting a user control's properties
using a code behind page instead of <script></script> tags embedded in the
..aspx page.
There seems to be millions of examples using embedded code but none actually
showing how to do it in a code behind.

for example: say there is a user control called "catsplash.ascx" containing
a simple image tag:
<asp:Image id="imgCat1" runat="server" ImageAlign="Left"></asp:Image>

so far, I have a code behind file for the control called "catsplash.ascx.vb"

Public Class CatSplash
Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl

<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub
End Sub

Protected WithEvents imgCat1 As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image
Private designerPlaceholderDeclaration As System.Object
Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init
End Sub

Private sImageURL1 As String

Public Property imageurl1() As String
Return sImageURL1
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
sImageURL1 = Value
End Set
End Property

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

imgCat1.ImageUrl = sImageURL1

End Sub
End Class

Then, in the .aspx page containing the control (category.aspx), I have
<%@ Page CodeBehind="category.aspx.vb" Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false"
Inherits="BVCommerce.category" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="CatSplash"
Src="controls/CatSplash.ascx" %>
<uc1:catsplash id="CatSplash1" runat="server"

how do I reference the control in the codebehind? (category.aspx.vb)
for example, I just want to set the image url to something else.
but the following does not work in the code behind:

CatSplash.imageurl1 = "images/mycategoryheader.jpg"

I am not sure how I need to reference this - "CatSplash" is the name of the
class as you can see above and I have a public property called "imageurl1",
yet it does not work as expected. (in the books, they reference it by the
id of the control inside a <script> tag, but this won't work either in a
code behind)

What am I doing wrong here?


Andy Gaskell

Try removing the code form Page_Load and change your property to this. You
can also remove the private field (sImageURL1).

Public Property imageurl1() As String
Return Me.imgCat1.ImageUrl
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
Me.imgCat1.ImageUrl = Value
End Set
End Property


I tried that with the same results: "Object reference not set to an instance
of an object."
after running the result.
I changing the code in the category.aspx.vb to

Dim cs as CatSplash
cs.imageurl1 = "images/mycategoryheader.jpg"

allowed me to actually compile the page,
otherwise I get "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object
when using:
CatSplash.imageurl1 = "images/mycategoryheader.jpg"

I tried also to change public property to read
Public Shared Property imageurl1 as string ....

but it mentions needing an instance of a class ...yada yada yada...
I think the problem is that this is a circular reference (like it has to be
defined before it is defined)

I'm stumped.

Andy Gaskell

You don't want to change the property to shared. I noticed you already have
the tag in the HTML so the codebehind of the page (most likely) already has
declared that control.

try this:

CatSplash1.ImageUrl1 = "images/mycategoryheader.jpg"

instead of:

Dim cs as CatSplash
cs.imageurl1 = "images/mycategoryheader.jpg"


I looked in the code behind and there is no declaration of the user control.
That would explain why CatSplash1.ImageUrl1 = "images/mycategoryheader.jpg"
does not work.
Do you know how to declare it?

Andy Gaskell

Put this right under the Inherits line

Protected WithEvents CatSplash1 As CatSplash


DOH! That was it! (note to self: declare the control in the main class,
not inside a sub like "page_load")
One day a neuron in my brain will fire and OOP will sink in - that day has
yet to come. ;)
Thanks AG!

Andy Gaskell

No problem - good luck!

Dave said:
DOH! That was it! (note to self: declare the control in the main class,
not inside a sub like "page_load")
One day a neuron in my brain will fire and OOP will sink in - that day has
yet to come. ;)
Thanks AG!


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