extern and Static




Why variable that declared Static, can not be used for extern?
example: "Static boolean test=FALSE;" declared locally.

"extern Static boolean test;" will give error.

Jonathan Adams

"Magix" <[email protected]> said:

Why variable that declared Static, can not be used for extern?
example: "Static boolean test=FALSE;" declared locally.

"extern Static boolean test;" will give error.

Because "extern" means 'external linkage', while "static" (note the
lower-caseness) means 'internal linkage'.

So applying both to one variable would be a contradiction, and is
therefore not allowed.

- jonathan

Bradley Bungmunch


Why variable that declared Static, can not be used for extern?
example: "Static boolean test=FALSE;" declared locally.

"extern Static boolean test;" will give error.

Any variable declared outside function scope has permanent duration,
if that is what you are trying to achieve - so apart from using static
illegally, there is no need for it (in the case specified).


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Any variable declared outside function scope has permanent duration,
if that is what you are trying to achieve - so apart from using static
illegally, there is no need for it (in the case specified).

You might want to use it to hide the variable.

Starshine Moonbeam

gooch said:
Any variable declared outside function scope has permanent duration,
if that is what you are trying to achieve - so apart from using static
illegally, there is no need for it (in the case specified).

You might want to use it to hide the variable.

But you can declare a variable static and final in which case it
wouldn't be hidden but constant.

String static final MY_NAME = "starshine";

To 'hide' the variable, wouldn't you have to declare it private?

Ben Pfaff

Starshine Moonbeam said:
But you can declare a variable static and final in which case it
wouldn't be hidden but constant.

String static final MY_NAME = "starshine";

To 'hide' the variable, wouldn't you have to declare it private?

C does not have `final' or `private', nor is there anything in
the language or standard library called `String'.

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