Factorial solution



-- Fact_rtl.vhd
-- --------------------------------------------------
-- Factorial Example - Synthesizable & efficient !
-- --------------------------------------------------
-- Author : Bert Cuzeau. ALSE. http://www.alse-fr.com
-- Tested successfully with Quartus II v9.0.
-- but it should be fine with any decent synthesizer.
-- Note : added registers in front and after to easily
-- get the Tsu (Fmax) after synthesis
-- Synthesis results : 10 LUTs for the Factorial, as expected !
-- Timing : speed practically unlimited since 1 Logic Level (250Mhz on
Cyclone III)

Library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
-- ---------------------------------------
Entity Factorial is
-- ---------------------------------------
port ( Clk : in std_logic;
Din : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); -- 0! .. 7! = 0
... 944
Result : out std_logic_vector (9 downto 0) ); -- 0 .. 1023
End Entity Factorial;

-- ---------------------------------------
Architecture RTL of Factorial is -- yes, this is perfect for
synthesis !
-- ---------------------------------------

-- The usual recursive function
function fact (d : natural) return natural is
variable res : natural;
if d=0 then
res := 0;
elsif d=1 then
res := 1;
res := d * fact (d-1);
end if;
return res;
end function fact;

-- Constant table type
type Table_t is array (0 to 7) of unsigned(result'range);

-- Function to initialize a table with the factorial
impure function Init_Table return Table_t is
variable T : Table_t;
for I in T'range loop
T(I) := to_unsigned(fact(I),Result'length);
end loop;
return T;
end function Init_Table;

-- The Table itself, initialized at creation :
signal Table : Table_t := Init_Table;
-- note ;: this table will be smplified in a few Logic Elements

signal Dinr : std_logic_vector (Din'range);
begin -- Architecture
Dinr <= Din when rising_edge(Clk); -- input FFs
result <= std_logic_vector(Table(to_integer(unsigned(Dinr)))) when

end RTL;

-- Test Bench. Simulate -all
-- synopsys translate_off
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
Entity factorial_tb is end;
Architecture test of factorial_tb is
signal Clk : std_logic := '0';
signal Din : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 0! .. 7! =
signal Result : std_logic_vector (9 downto 0);
assert Clk='0' or now < 500 ns report "Simulation has ended (not an
error)." severity failure;
Clk <= not Clk after 5 ns; -- 100 MHz clock
Din <= std_logic_vector (unsigned(Din)+1) after 40 ns; -- F/4
uut: entity work.factorial port map (Clk,Din,Result);
end architecture TEST;
-- synopsys translate_on


Hi Jonathan :)
Some tools can reduce it to 6 LUTs, but my description without Flops
and no async reset does help them too much ;-)
We should stop doing the students' assignments in this forum (lol)
I guess the next assignment will be the Ackermann's function (if the
teachers keep an eye on this newsgroup) ?



Before anyone notices ;-)
The previous version didn't handle the last value (7) correctly, which
factorial is 5040 and thus requires a 13 bits output vector.
Or maybe we should leave intentional errors for the teachers (lol) ?

-- Fact_rtl.vhd
-- --------------------------------------------------
-- Factorial Example - Synthesizable & efficient !
-- --------------------------------------------------
-- Author : Bert Cuzeau. ALSE. http://www.alse-fr.com
-- Version : 2.0, handles all values 0..7 -> 0 .. 5040
-- Tested successfully with :
-- * Altera Quartus II v9.0,
-- * Actel Libero 8.5 (Synplify)
-- * Xilinx ISE 10
-- but it should be fine with any decent synthesizer
-- Note : added registers in front and after to easily
-- get the Tsu (Fmax) after synthesis.
-- Synthesis results : 8 LUTs for the Factorial !
-- Timing : speed practically unlimited since only 1 Logic Level
(250Mhz on Cyclone III)

Library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
-- ---------------------------------------
Entity Factorial is
-- ---------------------------------------
port ( Clk : in std_logic;
Din : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); -- 0! .. 7! = 0
... 5040
Result : out std_logic_vector (12 downto 0) ); -- 0 .. 8191
End Entity Factorial;

-- ---------------------------------------
Architecture RTL of Factorial is -- yes, this is perfect for
synthesis !
-- ---------------------------------------

-- The usual recursive function
function fact (d : natural) return natural is
variable res : natural;
if d=0 then
res := 0;
elsif d=1 then
res := 1;
res := d * fact (d-1);
end if;
return res;
end function fact;

-- Constant table type
type Table_t is array (0 to 7) of unsigned(result'range);

-- Function to initialize a table with the factorial
impure function Init_Table return Table_t is
variable T : Table_t;
for I in T'range loop
T(I) := to_unsigned(fact(I),Result'length);
end loop;
return T;
end function Init_Table;

-- The Table itself, initialized at creation :
signal Table : Table_t := Init_Table;
-- note : this table will be simplified into a few LUTs

signal Dinr : std_logic_vector (Din'range);

begin -- Architecture
Dinr <= Din when rising_edge(Clk); -- input FFs
result <= std_logic_vector(Table(to_integer(unsigned(Dinr)))) when

End architecture RTL;

-- Test Bench. Simulate -all, eyeball the results
-- synopsys translate_off
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
Entity factorial_tb is end;
Architecture TEST of factorial_tb is
signal Clk : std_logic := '0';
signal Din : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 0! .. 7! =
signal Result : std_logic_vector (12 downto 0);
assert Clk='0' or now < 500 ns report "Simulation has ended (not an
error)." severity failure;
Clk <= not Clk after 5 ns; -- 100 MHz clock
Din <= std_logic_vector (unsigned(Din)+1) after 40 ns; -- F/4
uut: entity work.factorial port map (Clk,Din,Result);
end architecture TEST;
-- synopsys translate_on

Benjamin Couillard

From Jonathan's Dictionary of Computing Terms:

Powerful design review tool intended to improve
code quality by exposing authors of erroneous
code to public ridicule.  Unfortunately it can be
proven that this tool can only work retrospectively;
this is a consequence of Goedel's Incompleteness
Theorem and is a property shared with related

No, we make enough of our own :)
Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
VHDL * Verilog * SystemC * e * Perl * Tcl/Tk * Project Services

Doulos Ltd., 22 Market Place, Ringwood, BH24 1AW, UK
(e-mail address removed)://www.MYCOMPANY.com

The contents of this message may contain personal views which
are not the views of Doulos Ltd., unless specifically stated.

I might not be as good as you guys are in VHDL and FPGAs, but there's
an error in the code

0! = 1

Therefore, it should be corrected (it's not a big deal)


Argh, I actually modified my code to implement 0!=0,
but you're right : "By convention, 0! = 1".
The code is now two lines shorter ;-)
and I used an attribute for the Table length, so I guess
the port could now use unconstrained vectors. Slick.

-- Fact_rtl.vhd
-- --------------------------------------------------
-- Factorial Example - Synthesizable & efficient !
-- --------------------------------------------------
-- Author : Bert Cuzeau. ALSE. http://www.alse-fr.com
-- Version : 2.1, handles all values 0..7 -> 0 .. 5040
-- By convention, 0! = 1
-- Tested successfully with :
-- * Altera Quartus II v9.0,
-- * Actel Libero 8.5 (Synplify)
-- * Xilinx ISE 10
-- but it should be fine with any decent synthesizer
-- Note : added registers in front and after to easily
-- get the Tsu (Fmax) after synthesis.
-- Synthesis results : 8 LUTs for the Factorial !
-- Timing : speed practically unlimited since only 1 Logic Level
(250Mhz on Cyclone III)

Library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
-- ---------------------------------------
Entity Factorial is
-- ---------------------------------------
port ( Clk : in std_logic;
Din : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0); -- 0! .. 7! = 0
... 5040
Result : out std_logic_vector (12 downto 0) ); -- 0 .. 8191
End Entity Factorial;

-- ---------------------------------------
Architecture RTL of Factorial is -- yes, this is perfect for
synthesis !
-- ---------------------------------------

-- The usual recursive function
function fact (d : natural) return natural is
variable res : natural;
if d<2 then
res := 1;
res := d * fact (d-1);
end if;
return res;
end function fact;

-- Constant table type
type Table_t is array (0 to 2**Din'length - 1) of

-- Function to initialize a table with the factorial
impure function Init_Table return Table_t is
variable T : Table_t;
for I in T'range loop
T(I) := to_unsigned(fact(I),Result'length);
end loop;
return T;
end function Init_Table;

-- The Table itself, initialized at creation :
signal Table : Table_t := Init_Table;
-- note : this table will be simplified into a few LUTs

signal Dinr : std_logic_vector (Din'range);

begin -- Architecture
Dinr <= Din when rising_edge(Clk); -- input FFs
result <= std_logic_vector(Table(to_integer(unsigned(Dinr)))) when

End architecture RTL;

-- Test Bench. Simulate -all, eyeball the results
-- synopsys translate_off
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
Entity factorial_tb is end;
Architecture TEST of factorial_tb is
signal Clk : std_logic := '0';
signal Din : std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) := "000"; -- 0! .. 7! =
signal Result : std_logic_vector (12 downto 0);
assert Clk='0' or now < 500 ns report "Simulation has ended (not an
error)." severity failure;
Clk <= not Clk after 5 ns; -- 100 MHz clock
Din <= std_logic_vector (unsigned(Din)+1) after 40 ns; -- F/4
uut: entity work.factorial port map (Clk,Din,Result);
end architecture TEST;
-- synopsys translate_on


I can't resist :)
This is the unconstrained ports version, a breeze to parameterize.
And it handles integers larger than 32 bits.

-- Fact_rtl.vhd
-- --------------------------------------------------
-- Factorial Example - Synthesizable & efficient !
-- --------------------------------------------------
-- Author : (c) Bert Cuzeau. ALSE. http://www.alse-fr.com
-- Version : 3.0, using unconstrained vectors.
-- Handles numbers larger than 2**31
-- Synthesis results : 8 LUTs for (0! .. 7!)
-- 32 LUTS for (0! .. 15! = 1307674368000)
-- Tested with Quartus II v 9.0.
-- Should be fine with any synthesis tool.
-- Make sure you synthesize "Wrapper" as the top level.

Library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
-- ---------------------------------------
Entity Factorial is
-- ---------------------------------------
port ( Clk : in std_logic;
Din : in std_logic_vector; -- Yep, unconstrained !
Result : out std_logic_vector );
End Entity Factorial;

-- ---------------------------------------
Architecture RTL of Factorial is -- yes, this is perfect for
synthesis !
-- ---------------------------------------

-- The (almost) usual recursive function
function fact (d : unsigned) return unsigned is
variable res : unsigned (d'range);
if d<2 then -- note that, by convention, 0! = 1
res := to_unsigned(1,res'length);
res := "*" (d,fact (d-1))(res'range);
end if;
return res;
end function fact;

-- Constant table type
type Table_t is array (0 to 2**Din'length - 1) of

-- Function to initialize a table with the factorial
impure function Init_Table return Table_t is
variable T : Table_t;
for I in T'range loop
T(I) := fact(to_unsigned(I,Result'length));
end loop;
return T;
end function Init_Table;

-- The Table itself, initialized at creation :
signal Table : Table_t := Init_Table;
-- note : this table will be simplified into a few LUTs

signal Dinr : std_logic_vector (Din'range);

Begin -- Architecture
Dinr <= Din when rising_edge(Clk); -- input FFs
result <= std_logic_vector(Table(to_integer(unsigned(Dinr)))) when

End architecture RTL;

-- Wrapper for Synthesis (4 -> 41 bits implementation)
Library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
Entity Wrapper is -- For Synthesis of 4 bits -> 41 bits
port ( Clk : in std_logic;
Din : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); -- 0! .. 15! =
Result : out std_logic_vector (40 downto 0) ); -- 41 bits
End Entity Wrapper;
architecture Wrap of Wrapper is
Fact : entity work.Factorial port map (Clk,Din,Result);
end architecture Wrap;

-- Test Bench. Simulate -all, eyeball the results
-- synopsys translate_off
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
Entity factorial_tb is end;
Architecture TEST of factorial_tb is
signal Clk : std_logic := '0';
signal Din : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- 0!
... 15!
signal Result : std_logic_vector (40 downto 0);
assert Clk='0' or now < 800 ns report "Simulation has ended (not an
error)." severity failure;
Clk <= not Clk after 5 ns; -- 100 MHz clock
Din <= std_logic_vector (unsigned(Din)+1) after 40 ns; -- F/4
uut: entity work.factorial port map (Clk,Din,Result);
end architecture TEST;
-- synopsys translate_on


Bert_Paris said:
I can't resist :)
This is the unconstrained ports version, a breeze to parameterize.
And it handles integers larger than 32 bits.

nearly final, add a bit VHDL2008 goodness to remove the error/failure

library std;
use std.env.all;
Entity factorial_tb is end;
Architecture TEST of factorial_tb is
signal Clk : std_logic := '0';
signal Din : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- 0! ..
signal Result : std_logic_vector (40 downto 0);
-- assert Clk='0' or now < 800 ns report "Simulation has ended (not an
-- error)." severity failure;




HT-Lab a exprimé avec précision :
... VHDL2008 goodness ...
Isn't this an oxymoron ? ;-)

For the purist who doesn't like the failure ending, it's easy to stop
simulation using events starvation (stopping the clock) :
Clk <= '0' when Done else not Clock after (Period / 2);
Done <= true after 800 ns;
I don't think your 2008 code works as is (without a process, and a

btw: Is anyone using or even still interested in VHDL 2008 ?
I still wouldn't recommend using VHDL2008 yet, and I don't feel it's
going to save the language, but maybe I'm wrong.


Bert_Paris said:
HT-Lab a exprimé avec précision :
Isn't this an oxymoron ? ;-)

No it is a pleonasm :)
For the purist who doesn't like the failure ending, it's easy to stop
simulation using events starvation (stopping the clock) :
Clk <= '0' when Done else not Clock after (Period / 2);
Done <= true after 800 ns;
I don't think your 2008 code works as is (without a process, and a wait)

you are correct.
btw: Is anyone using or even still interested in VHDL 2008 ?

Using, no since I am still waiting for Mentor to support it. Interested,
definitely yes since it has some nice additions.
I still wouldn't recommend using VHDL2008 yet, and I don't feel it's going
to save the language, but maybe I'm wrong.

Saving the language from what? For verification I agree that the ship has
sailed (although you can still see it in the distance) since SV/SC are
simply to far ahead but for design VHDL will be use for a long long
time.....(I hope)



Saving the language from what? For verification I agree that the ship has
sailed (although you can still see it in the distance) since SV/SC are
simply to far ahead but for design VHDL will be use for a long long
time.....(I hope)

I think you are listening too much to marketing people.

For RTL, VHDL has better math capabilities (unsigned, signed,
signed fixed point, unsigned fixed point, and float). Did SV
even bother?

Yes for verification SV has more built in language features, however,
constrained random, functional coverage, and coverage driven
verification can be achieved in VHDL by writing procedural code.
See: http://www.synthworks.com/downloads/index.htm

This is stuff we are have been teaching for several years in
our VHDL Testbenches and Verification classes. I submitted a
paper on it to DVCon for the last two years, however, they are
so biased that they no longer accept VHDL papers. So if we
want a VHDL conference, we will have to start our own or
better yet, have more webinars.


In the US at least, WRT job postings, there are more requests
for VHDL (144) than Verilog (101). It has been this way for
quite a while (even before the economy changes in October).
If you further refine the search to
VHDL and not Verilog: 79
Verilog and not VHDL: 36
VHDL and Verilog: 65

So basically almost all of the job postings that have VHDL and
Verilog would have to be for Verilog in order for Verilog to
have a lead in the job market.

Perhaps most of the VHDL users use free tools so the vendors
don't count them?

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