Factoring SFINAE tests


Gianni Mariani

Below is an attempt to factorize the "SFINAE" idiom. I have tried it on
three compilers and they all complain. As far as I can tell, it's valid
code. The questions are, are the compilers right to reject the code or
is the code right and why ? and has anyone successfully mastered the act
of factorizing SFINAE?


template <template <typename> class w_Test, typename w_Type>
class sfinae_test
typedef char (&false_value)[1];
typedef char (&true_value)[2];

struct base {};
struct derived : base {};
static derived & make_derived();

static w_Type& make_test();

template <bool i>
struct H

template <typename Z>
static false_value func( Z &, base & );

template <typename Z>
static true_value func(Z&, derived&, typename w_Test<Z>::type* =0 );

static const bool value =
sizeof(func(make_test(), make_derived())) == sizeof(true_value);

// some tests

// is_defined_test will fail if T is not defined
template <typename T> class is_defined_test
typedef char (&type)[ sizeof( T ) ];

// has_member_orange will fail if T had no orange
template <typename T> class has_member_orange
static T& make_T();
typedef char (&type)[ sizeof( make_T().orange ) ];

// test code

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>

struct A {};
struct B;
struct C { char orange; };

int main()
std::cout << sfinae_test< has_member_orange,C>::value << '\n';
std::cout << sfinae_test< has_member_orange,A>::value << '\n';

std::cout << sfinae_test< is_defined_test,B>::value << '\n';
std::cout << sfinae_test< is_defined_test,A>::value << '\n';


Gianni said:
Below is an attempt to factorize the "SFINAE" idiom. I have tried it on
three compilers and they all complain. As far as I can tell, it's valid
code. The questions are, are the compilers right to reject the code or
is the code right and why ? and has anyone successfully mastered the act
of factorizing SFINAE?

Well, I'd rather ask than answer

template <template <typename> class w_Test, typename w_Type>
class sfinae_test
typedef char (&false_value)[1];
typedef char (&true_value)[2];

struct base {};
struct derived : base {};
static derived & make_derived();

static w_Type& make_test();

template <bool i>
struct H

H is not used, right?
template <typename Z>
static false_value func( Z &, base & );

template <typename Z>
static true_value func(Z&, derived&, typename w_Test<Z>::type* =0 );

what good made by replacing ... with these two /func/s with base& and
derived&, and the dummy placehoder /typename w_Test<Z>::type*/

And I still don't know why the dispatch of
static false_value func( Z &, base & );
would be taken as you expect, any reference?

I'm fighting myself as I did wrote the code to do this thing with MSVC8,
even strange it works.
static const bool value =
sizeof(func(make_test(), make_derived())) == sizeof(true_value);

// some tests

// is_defined_test will fail if T is not defined
template <typename T> class is_defined_test
typedef char (&type)[ sizeof( T ) ];

// has_member_orange will fail if T had no orange
template <typename T> class has_member_orange
static T& make_T();
typedef char (&type)[ sizeof( make_T().orange ) ];

// test code

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>

struct A {};
struct B;
struct C { char orange; };

int main()
std::cout << sfinae_test< has_member_orange,C>::value << '\n';
std::cout << sfinae_test< has_member_orange,A>::value << '\n'; // comment the line

std::cout << sfinae_test< is_defined_test,B>::value << '\n';
// comment the line
std::cout << sfinae_test< is_defined_test,A>::value << '\n';

so the code is supposed to work after comment the two lines, right?

anyway, the code does not compile with MSVC8.

compiles with icc9.1, but outputs
which is not expected.

here it means nothing than two test cases, I'd say, they are arguing

Gianni Mariani

Barry said:
Gianni Mariani wrote: ....
so the code is supposed to work after comment the two lines, right?

The code is supposed to compile without any edits, or at leat I think it
should compile without any edits.
anyway, the code does not compile with MSVC8.

compiles with icc9.1, but outputs
which is not expected.

if you commented those two lines it should print 1 1.
here it means nothing than two test cases, I'd say, they are arguing

SFINAE has been broken in all compilers to some extent in my experience.
I think it's time to start filing bugs but I need to make sure I know
what I'm talking about first.


Gianni said:
The code is supposed to compile without any edits, or at leat I think it
should compile without any edits.

if you commented those two lines it should print 1 1.

sorry, they are *NOT* arguing anything.
SFINAE has been broken in all compilers to some extent in my experience.
I think it's time to start filing bugs but I need to make sure I know
what I'm talking about first.


Kai-Uwe Bux

Gianni said:
Below is an attempt to factorize the "SFINAE" idiom. I have tried it on
three compilers and they all complain. As far as I can tell, it's valid
code. The questions are, are the compilers right to reject the code or
is the code right and why ? and has anyone successfully mastered the act
of factorizing SFINAE?


template <template <typename> class w_Test, typename w_Type>
class sfinae_test
typedef char (&false_value)[1];
typedef char (&true_value)[2];

struct base {};
struct derived : base {};
static derived & make_derived();

static w_Type& make_test();

template <bool i>
struct H

template <typename Z>
static false_value func( Z &, base & );

template <typename Z>
static true_value func(Z&, derived&, typename w_Test<Z>::type* =0 );

static const bool value =
sizeof(func(make_test(), make_derived())) == sizeof(true_value);

// some tests

// is_defined_test will fail if T is not defined
template <typename T> class is_defined_test
typedef char (&type)[ sizeof( T ) ];

// has_member_orange will fail if T had no orange
template <typename T> class has_member_orange
static T& make_T();
typedef char (&type)[ sizeof( make_T().orange ) ];

// test code

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>

struct A {};
struct B;
struct C { char orange; };

int main()
std::cout << sfinae_test< has_member_orange,C>::value << '\n';
std::cout << sfinae_test< has_member_orange,A>::value << '\n';

std::cout << sfinae_test< is_defined_test,B>::value << '\n';
std::cout << sfinae_test< is_defined_test,A>::value << '\n';

Such a template testing a template type parameter for completeness _cannot_
work. At best it will not compile; but if it does, it will invoke undefined
behavior. The reason is [14.6/7]:

... If a type used in a non-dependent name is incomplete at the point at
which a template is defined but is complete at the point at which an
instantiation is done, and if the completeness of that type affects
whether or not the program is well-formed or affects the semantics of the
program, the program is ill-formed; no diagnostic is required. [Note: if a
template is instantiated, errors will be diagnosed according to the other
rules in this Standard. Exactly when these errors are diagnosed is a
quality of implementation issue. ]

Since for a template testing whether the template parameter is incomplete,
by its very purpose, the semantics of the program depends on whether the
type is complete or not, the program is ill-formed but no diagnostic is

It appears that with the three compilers you tried, you are running into the
follow up errors mentioned in the note. It also appears that the has_member
check runs into the same errors as it is by and large parallel to the
ill-conceived check for completeness.

BTW: what would be the non-factored code for the tests? and what exactly do
you mean by "factoring"?


Kai-Uwe Bux

Greg Herlihy

Below is an attempt to factorize the "SFINAE" idiom. I have tried it on
three compilers and they all complain. As far as I can tell, it's valid
code. The questions are, are the compilers right to reject the code or
is the code right and why ? and has anyone successfully mastered the act
of factorizing SFINAE?


template <template <typename> class w_Test, typename w_Type>
class sfinae_test
typedef char (&false_value)[1];
typedef char (&true_value)[2];

struct base {};
struct derived : base {};
static derived & make_derived();

static w_Type& make_test();

template <bool i>
struct H

template <typename Z>
static false_value func( Z &, base & );

template <typename Z>
static true_value func(Z&, derived&, typename w_Test<Z>::type* =0 );

static const bool value =
sizeof(func(make_test(), make_derived())) == sizeof(true_value);
// some tests

// is_defined_test will fail if T is not defined
template <typename T> class is_defined_test
typedef char (&type)[ sizeof( T ) ];

// has_member_orange will fail if T had no orange
template <typename T> class has_member_orange
static T& make_T();
typedef char (&type)[ sizeof( make_T().orange ) ];

There is no example of SFINAE ("substitution failure is not an error") in
the this program; both has_member_orange<A> and is_defined_test<B> match
func()'s second parameter:

typename w_Test<Z>::type

because both template classes do declare an interior typedef named "type".
Now, the compiler does run into trouble instantiating has_member_orange<A>
and is_defined_test<B> (because the "type" typedef is ill-formed)- but this
error occurs only after the type deduction needed to select func() has
already been performed. So the ill-formed template specialization error
comes too late for SFINAE to help - so the result is a compile-time error.



Below is an attempt to factorize the "SFINAE" idiom. I have tried it on
three compilers and they all complain. As far as I can tell, it's valid
code. The questions are, are the compilers right to reject the code or
is the code right and why ? and has anyone successfully mastered the act
of factorizing SFINAE?

template <template <typename> class w_Test, typename w_Type>
class sfinae_test
typedef char (&false_value)[1];
typedef char (&true_value)[2];
struct base {};
struct derived : base {};
static derived & make_derived();
static w_Type& make_test();
template <bool i>
struct H
template <typename Z>
static false_value func( Z &, base & );
template <typename Z>
static true_value func(Z&, derived&, typename w_Test<Z>::type* =0 );
static const bool value =
sizeof(func(make_test(), make_derived())) == sizeof(true_value);
// some tests
// is_defined_test will fail if T is not defined
template <typename T> class is_defined_test
typedef char (&type)[ sizeof( T ) ];
// has_member_orange will fail if T had no orange
template <typename T> class has_member_orange
static T& make_T();
typedef char (&type)[ sizeof( make_T().orange ) ];

There is no example of SFINAE ("substitution failure is not an error") in
the this program; both has_member_orange<A> and is_defined_test<B> match
func()'s second parameter:

typename w_Test<Z>::type

because both template classes do declare an interior typedef named "type".
Now, the compiler does run into trouble instantiating has_member_orange<A>
and is_defined_test<B> (because the "type" typedef is ill-formed)- but this
error occurs only after the type deduction needed to select func() has
already been performed. So the ill-formed template specialization error
comes too late for SFINAE to help - so the result is a compile-time error.


Hi to all,
sorry for bringing this out again but it was just too interesting.
I did some research to understand what you guys were talking about and
I got to this link


I think it is a presentation of a book...
It's quite cryptic but I used it as a starting point. Hope it's not
plagiarizing... :)
Obviously I dind't get anywhere interesting because I miserably failed
to "factorize" these idioms with templates, inheritance, etc...
But I've done some things that I did not know were possible with
macros ( probably I just reinvented the wheel )...
Please let me know what you think and if there is a better way of
doing it. I've just done some small trivial testing...

#include <iostream>


namespace trg

// just a namespace for my own small utilities


typedef char ( & tYes ) [ 1 ];
typedef char ( & tNo ) [ 2 ];

// struct CTypeEnable

// this is just boost::enable_if plagiarized ;-)

template< typename T, bool KCond >
struct CTypeEnable
typedef T tResult;


template< typename T >
struct CTypeEnable< T, false >


ARG_Cond, ARG_RetType ) \
template said:
::tResult SfinaeCoreCheck( ARG_TemplType * );


ARG_SizeofCond ) \
sizeof( ARG_SizeofCond ), trg::tYes )


#define TRG_SFINAE_CHECK_DEF( ARG_CheckName, ARG_InnerTemplType,
ARG_Feature ) \
template< typename T > \
struct CSfinaeCheck_ ## ARG_CheckName \
{ \
ARG_Feature ); \
static trg::tNo SfinaeCoreCheck( ... ); \
enum { kResult = sizeof( SfinaeCoreCheck( static_cast< T *
( NULL ) ) ) == sizeof( trg::tYes ) }; \


TRG_SFINAE_CHECK_DEF( MemberExist_ ## ARG_MemberName, T2,
&T2::ARG_MemberName )

TRG_SFINAE_CHECK_DEF( InnerTypeExist_ ## ARG_Typename, T2, typename
T2::ARG_Typename )

TRG_SFINAE_CHECK_DEF( IsClass, T2, int T2::* )



#define TRG_OVERLOAD_CHECK_DEF( ARG_CheckName, ARG_TemplType,
ARG_TestType, ARG_Object ) \
template< typename ARG_TemplType > \
struct COverloadCheck_ ## ARG_CheckName \
{ \
static trg::tYes OverloadCheck( ARG_TestType ); \
static trg::tNo OverloadCheck( ... ); \
enum { kResult = sizeof( OverloadCheck( ARG_Object ) ) ==
sizeof( trg::tYes ) }; \

// struct CConditionalCheck

template< template< typename > class TCheck, typename T, bool KCond >
struct CConditionalCheck
enum { kResult = false };


template< template< typename > class TCheck, typename T >
struct CConditionalCheck< TCheck, T, true >
enum { kResult = TCheck< T >::kResult };

} // namespace trg


struct A
void Tester( int, double );

struct B
typedef int Tester;

struct C
static void Tester( int, double );

struct D
void Tester( float );

TRG_OVERLOAD_CHECK_DEF( TesterVoidIntDouble, T, void ( T::* )( int,
double ), &T::Tester );

int main()
std::cout << "+ A\n";
std::cout << CSfinaeCheck_MemberExist_Tester< A >::kResult <<
std::cout << CSfinaeCheck_InnerTypeExist_Tester< A >::kResult <<
std::cout << trg::CConditionalCheck<
COverloadCheck_TesterVoidIntDouble, A,
CSfinaeCheck_MemberExist_Tester< A >::kResult >::kResult << std::endl;
std::cout << "+ B\n";
std::cout << CSfinaeCheck_MemberExist_Tester< B >::kResult <<
std::cout << CSfinaeCheck_InnerTypeExist_Tester< B >::kResult <<
std::cout << trg::CConditionalCheck<
COverloadCheck_TesterVoidIntDouble, B,
CSfinaeCheck_MemberExist_Tester< B >::kResult >::kResult << std::endl;
std::cout << "+ C\n";
std::cout << CSfinaeCheck_MemberExist_Tester< C >::kResult <<
std::cout << CSfinaeCheck_InnerTypeExist_Tester< C >::kResult <<
std::cout << trg::CConditionalCheck<
COverloadCheck_TesterVoidIntDouble, C,
CSfinaeCheck_MemberExist_Tester< C >::kResult >::kResult << std::endl;
std::cout << "+ D\n";
std::cout << CSfinaeCheck_MemberExist_Tester< D >::kResult <<
std::cout << CSfinaeCheck_InnerTypeExist_Tester< D >::kResult <<
std::cout << trg::CConditionalCheck<
COverloadCheck_TesterVoidIntDouble, D,
CSfinaeCheck_MemberExist_Tester< D >::kResult >::kResult << std::endl;



Below is an attempt to factorize the "SFINAE" idiom. I have tried it on
three compilers and they all complain. As far as I can tell, it's valid
code. The questions are, are the compilers right to reject the code or
is the code right and why ? and has anyone successfully mastered the act
of factorizing SFINAE?
template <template <typename> class w_Test, typename w_Type>
class sfinae_test
typedef char (&false_value)[1];
typedef char (&true_value)[2];
struct base {};
struct derived : base {};
static derived & make_derived();
static w_Type& make_test();
template <bool i>
struct H
template <typename Z>
static false_value func( Z &, base & );
template <typename Z>
static true_value func(Z&, derived&, typename w_Test<Z>::type* =0 );
static const bool value =
sizeof(func(make_test(), make_derived())) == sizeof(true_value);
// some tests
// is_defined_test will fail if T is not defined
template <typename T> class is_defined_test
typedef char (&type)[ sizeof( T ) ];
// has_member_orange will fail if T had no orange
template <typename T> class has_member_orange
static T& make_T();
typedef char (&type)[ sizeof( make_T().orange ) ];
There is no example of SFINAE ("substitution failure is not an error") in
the this program; both has_member_orange<A> and is_defined_test<B> match
func()'s second parameter:

typename w_Test<Z>::type

because both template classes do declare an interior typedef named "type".
Now, the compiler does run into trouble instantiating has_member_orange<A>
and is_defined_test<B> (because the "type" typedef is ill-formed)- but this
error occurs only after the type deduction needed to select func() has
already been performed. So the ill-formed template specialization error
comes too late for SFINAE to help - so the result is a compile-time error.


Hi to all,
sorry for bringing this out again but it was just too interesting.
I did some research to understand what you guys were talking about and
I got to this link


I think it is a presentation of a book...
It's quite cryptic but I used it as a starting point. Hope it's not
plagiarizing... :)

abslooootely, who are you gonna pay?
Obviously I dind't get anywhere interesting because I miserably failed
to "factorize" these idioms with templates, inheritance, etc...
But I've done some things that I did not know were possible with
macros ( probably I just reinvented the wheel )...
Please let me know what you think and if there is a better way of
doing it. I've just done some small trivial testing...

which compiler you testes?

I copy and paste, it's quite a mess(as my reader wraps the line a lot),
and after a long time reformatting, as there are toooo many macros, I
can't get it work with Comeau online. Or still I miss something on the
macro! err...


On 9/7/07 3:42 PM, in article
[email protected], "Gianni
Below is an attempt to factorize the "SFINAE" idiom. I have tried it on
three compilers and they all complain. As far as I can tell, it's valid
code. The questions are, are the compilers right to reject the code or
is the code right and why ? and has anyone successfully mastered the act
of factorizing SFINAE?
template <template <typename> class w_Test, typename w_Type>
class sfinae_test
typedef char (&false_value)[1];
typedef char (&true_value)[2];
struct base {};
struct derived : base {};
static derived & make_derived();
static w_Type& make_test();
template <bool i>
struct H
template <typename Z>
static false_value func( Z &, base & );
template <typename Z>
static true_value func(Z&, derived&, typename w_Test<Z>::type* =0 );
static const bool value =
sizeof(func(make_test(), make_derived())) == sizeof(true_value);
// some tests
// is_defined_test will fail if T is not defined
template <typename T> class is_defined_test
typedef char (&type)[ sizeof( T ) ];
// has_member_orange will fail if T had no orange
template <typename T> class has_member_orange
static T& make_T();
typedef char (&type)[ sizeof( make_T().orange ) ];
There is no example of SFINAE ("substitution failure is not an error") in
the this program; both has_member_orange<A> and is_defined_test<B> match
func()'s second parameter:
typename w_Test<Z>::type
because both template classes do declare an interior typedef named "type".
Now, the compiler does run into trouble instantiating has_member_orange<A>
and is_defined_test<B> (because the "type" typedef is ill-formed)- but this
error occurs only after the type deduction needed to select func() has
already been performed. So the ill-formed template specialization error
comes too late for SFINAE to help - so the result is a compile-time error.
Hi to all,
sorry for bringing this out again but it was just too interesting.
I did some research to understand what you guys were talking about and
I got to this link


I think it is a presentation of a book...
It's quite cryptic but I used it as a starting point. Hope it's not
plagiarizing... :)

abslooootely, who are you gonna pay?
Obviously I dind't get anywhere interesting because I miserably failed
to "factorize" these idioms with templates, inheritance, etc...
But I've done some things that I did not know were possible with
macros ( probably I just reinvented the wheel )...
Please let me know what you think and if there is a better way of
doing it. I've just done some small trivial testing...

which compiler you testes?

I copy and paste, it's quite a mess(as my reader wraps the line a lot),
and after a long time reformatting, as there are toooo many macros, I
can't get it work with Comeau online. Or still I miss something on the
macro! err...

Ooops, too many evil macros... I knew it.. ;-)
if anyone is vaguely interested in giving me advices on this I can
send the file...
Let me know

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