Factory pattern implementation in Python




I need to parse a binary file produced by an embedded system, whose
content consists in a set of events laid-out like this:

<event 1> <data 1> <event 2> <data 2> ... <event n> <data n>

Every "event" is a single byte in size, and it indicates how long is
the associated "data". Thus, to parse all events in the file, I need to
take it like a stream and read one event at a time, consuming bytes
according to the event value, and jumping to the next event, until an
EOF is reached.

Since there are dozens of almost completely heterogeneous events and
each one of them may imply different actions on the program parsing the
file, I thought it would be convenient to have one class encapsulating
the logic for every event. The parser would then sit in a loop,
creating objects of different classes and calling a method (say
"execute"). That method (different in every class) is responsible for
consuming the bytes associated with the event.

Hence, as the class the parser needs to instantiate in each iteration
is not known in advance, a factory should be implemented. Somehow the
factory should know how to map an event to a class. I don't know of the
best way I should do that in Python. I made an attempt along the
following lines:

1. Create a base class for the events;
2. For every descendant class declare (in the class body) a public
attribute "eventNum" and assign it the value of the event it will be
responsible for;
3. At runtime, the factory constructor scans the event class hierarchy
and builds a dictionary mapping "eventNum"'s to classes.

A draft of the implementation follows:


##### <events.py module> #####

class EvtBase:
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file

def execute(self):

class Evt1(EvtBase):
eventNum = 1
def execute(self):

class Evt2(EvtBase):
eventNum = 2
def execute(self):


class EvtN(EvtBase):
eventNum = N
def execute(self):

##### <factory.py module> #####

import inspect
import events

class Factory:
def __isValidEventClass(self, obj):
if inspect.isclass(obj) and obj != events.EvtBase and \
events.EvtBase in inspect.getmro(obj):
for m in inspect.getmembers(obj):
if m[0] == 'eventNum':
return True
return False

def __init__(self):
self.__eventDict = {}
for m in inspect.getmembers(events, self.__isValidEventClass):
cls = m[1]
self.__eventDict.update({cls.eventNum: cls})

def parseEvents(self, file):
while not file.eof():
ev = file.read(1)


I'm using the inspect module to find the event classes. One drawback of
this approach is the need to keep the event classes in a module
different from that of the factory, because the getmembers method
expects an already parsed object or module. (The advantage is keeping
the event number near the class declaration.) I've already had to make
the solution generic and I found it was not straightforward to separate
the common logic while avoiding the need to keep the factory and the
events in two distinct modules.

Is there anything better I can do? I don't have enough experience with
Python, then I don't know whether it offers a more obvious way to
address my problem.

Thanks in advance.

George Sakkis


I need to parse a binary file produced by an embedded system, whose
content consists in a set of events laid-out like this:

<event 1> <data 1> <event 2> <data 2> ... <event n> <data n>

Every "event" is a single byte in size, and it indicates how long is
the associated "data". Thus, to parse all events in the file, I need to
take it like a stream and read one event at a time, consuming bytes
according to the event value, and jumping to the next event, until an
EOF is reached.

Since there are dozens of almost completely heterogeneous events and
each one of them may imply different actions on the program parsing the
file, I thought it would be convenient to have one class encapsulating
the logic for every event. The parser would then sit in a loop,
creating objects of different classes and calling a method (say
"execute"). That method (different in every class) is responsible for
consuming the bytes associated with the event.

Hence, as the class the parser needs to instantiate in each iteration
is not known in advance, a factory should be implemented. Somehow the
factory should know how to map an event to a class. I don't know of the
best way I should do that in Python. I made an attempt along the
following lines:

1. Create a base class for the events;
2. For every descendant class declare (in the class body) a public
attribute "eventNum" and assign it the value of the event it will be
responsible for;
3. At runtime, the factory constructor scans the event class hierarchy
and builds a dictionary mapping "eventNum"'s to classes.

A draft of the implementation follows:


##### <events.py module> #####

class EvtBase:
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file

def execute(self):

class Evt1(EvtBase):
eventNum = 1
def execute(self):

class Evt2(EvtBase):
eventNum = 2
def execute(self):


class EvtN(EvtBase):
eventNum = N
def execute(self):

##### <factory.py module> #####

import inspect
import events

class Factory:
def __isValidEventClass(self, obj):
if inspect.isclass(obj) and obj != events.EvtBase and \
events.EvtBase in inspect.getmro(obj):
for m in inspect.getmembers(obj):
if m[0] == 'eventNum':
return True
return False

def __init__(self):
self.__eventDict = {}
for m in inspect.getmembers(events, self.__isValidEventClass):
cls = m[1]
self.__eventDict.update({cls.eventNum: cls})

def parseEvents(self, file):
while not file.eof():
ev = file.read(1)


I'm using the inspect module to find the event classes. One drawback of
this approach is the need to keep the event classes in a module
different from that of the factory, because the getmembers method
expects an already parsed object or module. (The advantage is keeping
the event number near the class declaration.) I've already had to make
the solution generic and I found it was not straightforward to separate
the common logic while avoiding the need to keep the factory and the
events in two distinct modules.

Is there anything better I can do? I don't have enough experience with
Python, then I don't know whether it offers a more obvious way to
address my problem.

Thanks in advance.

If you actually intend to
1) name your Event subclasses Evt1, Evt2, ... EvtN and not give more
descriptive (but unrelated to the magic event number) names, and
2) put them all in one module (events.py),
you can avoid the code duplication of putting the event number both in
the class name and as a class attribute. Your dispatcher could then be
as simple as:

import events

def parseEvents(file):
while not file.eof():
ev = int(file.read(1))
cls = getattr(events, 'Evt%d' % ev)

By the way, it is not clear from your description if the event number
equals to the size of the associated data. If it is, you can factor out
the data extraction part in the factory function and pass just the
extracted data in the Event constructor instead of the file:

def parseEvents(file):
while not file.eof():
ev = int(file.read(1))
cls = getattr(events, 'Evt%d' % ev)


Chris Mellon


I need to parse a binary file produced by an embedded system, whose
content consists in a set of events laid-out like this:

<event 1> <data 1> <event 2> <data 2> ... <event n> <data n>

Every "event" is a single byte in size, and it indicates how long is
the associated "data". Thus, to parse all events in the file, I need to
take it like a stream and read one event at a time, consuming bytes
according to the event value, and jumping to the next event, until an
EOF is reached.

Since there are dozens of almost completely heterogeneous events and
each one of them may imply different actions on the program parsing the
file, I thought it would be convenient to have one class encapsulating
the logic for every event. The parser would then sit in a loop,
creating objects of different classes and calling a method (say
"execute"). That method (different in every class) is responsible for
consuming the bytes associated with the event.

Hence, as the class the parser needs to instantiate in each iteration
is not known in advance, a factory should be implemented. Somehow the
factory should know how to map an event to a class. I don't know of the
best way I should do that in Python. I made an attempt along the
following lines:

1. Create a base class for the events;
2. For every descendant class declare (in the class body) a public
attribute "eventNum" and assign it the value of the event it will be
responsible for;
3. At runtime, the factory constructor scans the event class hierarchy
and builds a dictionary mapping "eventNum"'s to classes.

A draft of the implementation follows:


##### <events.py module> #####

class EvtBase:
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file

def execute(self):

class Evt1(EvtBase):
eventNum = 1
def execute(self):

class Evt2(EvtBase):
eventNum = 2
def execute(self):


class EvtN(EvtBase):
eventNum = N
def execute(self):

##### <factory.py module> #####

import inspect
import events

class Factory:
def __isValidEventClass(self, obj):
if inspect.isclass(obj) and obj != events.EvtBase and \
events.EvtBase in inspect.getmro(obj):
for m in inspect.getmembers(obj):
if m[0] == 'eventNum':
return True
return False

def __init__(self):
self.__eventDict = {}
for m in inspect.getmembers(events, self.__isValidEventClass):
cls = m[1]
self.__eventDict.update({cls.eventNum: cls})

def parseEvents(self, file):
while not file.eof():
ev = file.read(1)


I'm using the inspect module to find the event classes. One drawback of
this approach is the need to keep the event classes in a module
different from that of the factory, because the getmembers method
expects an already parsed object or module. (The advantage is keeping
the event number near the class declaration.) I've already had to make
the solution generic and I found it was not straightforward to separate
the common logic while avoiding the need to keep the factory and the
events in two distinct modules.

Is there anything better I can do? I don't have enough experience with
Python, then I don't know whether it offers a more obvious way to
address my problem.

I'd have the classes register themselves rather than trying to find
them. This removes the need to have a common base class (preserves
duck typing) and lets everything communicate via the factory module.

#in module Factory.py

EventMap = {}

#in module events.py

import Factory
class EventHandler:
Factory.EventMap[1] = EventHandler

#in module parser.py

import Factory

handler = Factory.EventMap[event]()

There's probably some way to wrap the registration up in a metaclass
so it's handled implicitly, but I prefer the explicit approach.

Romulo A. Ceccon

George said:
If you actually intend to
1) name your Event subclasses Evt1, Evt2, ... EvtN and not give more
descriptive (but unrelated to the magic event number) names

No, those names are just an example. The actual classes have
descriptive names.
By the way, it is not clear from your description if the event number
equals to the size of the associated data.

I'm sorry, George. The event number has nothing to do with the size of
the associated data. I meant the program has a way to discover the size
from the event number.

George Sakkis

Romulo said:
No, those names are just an example. The actual classes have
descriptive names.

Even then, I'd prefer a naming convention plus a global Event registry
than relying on inspect, both for implementation and (mostly)
documentation reasons. It's good if a human can browse through a list
of a few dozen names and immediately know that
CamelCasedNameEndingWithEvent is an Event subclass. It's also good to
be able to find in one place the explicit mapping of magic numbers to
classes rather than searching in the whole file (or worse, multiple
files) for it. YMMV.


Dennis Lee Bieber


I need to parse a binary file produced by an embedded system, whose
content consists in a set of events laid-out like this:

<event 1> <data 1> <event 2> <data 2> ... <event n> <data n>

Every "event" is a single byte in size, and it indicates how long is
the associated "data". Thus, to parse all events in the file, I need to

Unclear: is <event x> /just/ a length marker, and no two /types/ of
events have the same data length, or is it an event type code, and the
length of the data is implicit?
Is there anything better I can do? I don't have enough experience with
Python, then I don't know whether it offers a more obvious way to
address my problem.
I've been playing with Python for a decade now, and never used
inspect or any of the complexities you seem to be starting with.

Presuming the <event x> is a type code I'd just set up a list of

def process_1(stream):
data = stream.read(#bytes specific to type 1)
do stuff with data

def process_2(stream):
repeat until all defined

Then create a dictionary of them, keyed by the <event x> code

processors = { "1" : process_1,
"2" : process_2,
"x" : process_x }

and a main processing loop of

while not stream.eof():
code = stream.read(1)

	Wulfraed	Dennis Lee Bieber		KD6MOG
	[email protected]		[email protected]
	(Bestiaria Support Staff:		[email protected])


Dennis Lee Bieber:
Presuming the <event x> is a type code I'd just set up a list of functions:
Then create a dictionary of them, keyed by the <event x> code
processors = { "1" : process_1,
"2" : process_2,
"x" : process_x }

Just a dict of functions was my solution too, I think avoiding more
complex solutions is positive.


Terry Reedy

Dennis Lee Bieber:

Just a dict of functions was my solution too, I think avoiding more
complex solutions is positive.

If the event codes start at 0 and run sequentially, a tuple or list would
be even easier.

Paul McGuire

Dennis Lee Bieber:

Just a dict of functions was my solution too, I think avoiding more
complex solutions is positive.

I think I'd go one step up the OO ladder and match each event code to a
class. Have every class implement a staticmethod something like
"load(stream)" (using pickle terminology), and then use a dict to dispatch.

eventTypes = { "1" : BlahEvent, "2" : BlehEvent, "3" : BelchEvent, "4" :
BlechEvent }

eventObj = eventTypes[ stream.read(1) ].load( stream )

Now transcending from plain-old-OO to Pythonic idiom, make this into a

eventTypes = { "1" : BlahEvent, "2" : BlehEvent, "3" : BelchEvent, "4" :
BlechEvent }
def eventsFromStream(stream):
while not stream.EOF:
evtTyp = stream.read(1)
yield eventTypes[evtTyp].load(stream)

and then get them all in a list using

list( eventsFromStream( stream ) )

-- Paul

Gabriel Genellina

At said:
class Factory:
def __isValidEventClass(self, obj):
if inspect.isclass(obj) and obj != events.EvtBase and \
events.EvtBase in inspect.getmro(obj):
for m in inspect.getmembers(obj):
if m[0] == 'eventNum':
return True
return False

def __init__(self):
self.__eventDict = {}
for m in inspect.getmembers(events, self.__isValidEventClass):
cls = m[1]
self.__eventDict.update({cls.eventNum: cls})

def parseEvents(self, file):
while not file.eof():
ev = file.read(1)

You already got other ways to go.
But if you want to use several classes (maybe span along several
modules), you can code the checking a lot more easily:

if issubclass(cls, EvtBase) and hasattr(cls, 'eventNum'): ...

I'd register each class itself, so no need to iterate over the
members, but anyway you could use vars(module).
In short, inspect may be good for debugging or documenting tools, but
hardly needed for usual code.

BTW, that file format is horrible. Users have to know *every* posible
event (at least its size), even if the're not interested in them. And
if you get out of sync, you can't recover. Add a new event, and all
programs using the file don't work anymore. Ugh!

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL

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