FAQ Question: How do I detect Opera/Netscape/IE


Garrett Smith

8.6 _How do I detect Opera/Netscape/IE_?

The navigator object contains strings which
specify the browser and version; however, this is in general not
very genuine. Mozilla (and therefore Netscape 6+) allows this to
be freely set, and Opera and IE allow it to be modified. There
are also at least 25 other javascript capable browsers with
their own strings here.

Generally though, you don't need to identify which browser is
being used. There are alternative techniques, but which one you
choose depends on why you want to redirect browsers. If it's to
offer different CSS stylesheets, then <URL:
http://w3development.de/css/hide_css_from_browsers/ >
shows many techniques. For Scripting, _object_ detection
is a better method to use.
<URL: http://www.quirksmode.org/js/support.html >
It is also known as feature detection.

Object/feature detection means checking that the object you wish
to use is supported by the browser before using it. This means
that you don't need to know what browsers support what methods,
and your code will automatically be usable on any browser that
can execute it.

if (document.getElementById &&
document.getElementById('el') &&
document.getElementById('el').style ) {
// We know that this browser supports getElementById and has
// a style object, so we can set a style property.
document.getElementById('el').style.color = "red";

Browser bugs can often be detected and overcome in similar ways.

http://developer.mozilla.org/en/doc...Developing_Cross_Browser/Cross_Platform_Pages<URL: http://jibbering.com/faq/faq_notes/not_browser_detect.html >
<URL: http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/using-capability-detection/ >
http://developer.apple.com/internet/webcontent/objectdetection.html >



The entry links to the quirksmode.org article:

While well intentioned, this article has some information that is
factually false and would likely mislead someone learning javascript. I
found in that article:

| if (window.focus)
| means: "If the focus method is supported", while this code
| if (window.focus())
| means:
| "If you can put the focus on the window" and assumes that focus
| is supported.

Both statements are wrong.

Regarding the first statement, I am concerned with the possibility of a
browser to be configured to disallow scripts to focus windows, yet have
a focus property.

Regarding the second statement, that is just dead wrong. The
window.focus method call should return undefined where supported and the
|if| statement would be false.

He also calls document.images and "array". It is not. It is an
HTMLCollection in standards-compliant browsers.

I have added a link to Hallvord R.M. Steen's "Object Detection". The
article does not mention ToBoolean errors on ActiveX objects. I sent an
email to Hallvord and asked him to add something about that.

Rearding the the FAQ, it is not to the point enough.

| Generally though, you don't need to identify which browser is being
| used. There are alternative techniques, but which one you choose
| depends on why you want to redirect browsers.

Not to the point. Redirect browsers? No, that is not usually why browser
detection is used. "Alternative" techniques? I'd rather think of
capability detection as a "mroe sensible technique"

I think the whole thing needs a rewrite.

The points should be that browser detection is:
1) unreliable (can't trust navigator.userAgent)
2) uses an unrelated inference (it is unrelated to the problem it is
trying to solve), which:
a. causes forwards-compatibility problems
b. hides the reasoning behind the workaround, which makes
understanding the thinking behind the code more difficult to understand.

Though I haven't drafted anything. Still working on the notes index page.


Dr J R Stockton

In comp.lang.javascript message <[email protected]
september.org>, Sun, 31 May 2009 23:52:07, Garrett Smith
if (document.getElementById &&
document.getElementById('el') &&
document.getElementById('el').style ) {
// We know that this browser supports getElementById and has
// a style object, so we can set a style property.
document.getElementById('el').style.color = "red";

Although understandable, that looks inefficient. The following, after
checking, can be presented for actual use.

if (document.getElementById &&
(T=document.getElementById('Divn')) && (T=T.style) ) {
// ...
// ...
T.color = "red";

In IE, but not Firefox, one can start with

if ((T=document.getElementById) && (T=T('Divn'))

David Mark

In comp.lang.javascript message <[email protected]
september.org>, Sun, 31 May 2009 23:52:07, Garrett Smith
<[email protected]> posted:

Although understandable, that looks inefficient.  The following, after
checking, can be presented for actual use.

  if (document.getElementById &&
      (T=document.getElementById('Divn')) && (T=T.style) ) {
      // ...
      // ...
        T.color = "red";

What is with the uppercase identifiers? They only serve to confuse
the casual reader. I don't like assignments in conditionals either.

And you *never* test host methods by type conversion. Use the typeof
operator or search the archive for isHostMethod (or areHostMethods.)
In IE, but not Firefox, one can start with

  if ((T=document.getElementById) && (T=T('Divn'))

That's a worthless aside, but somebody is bound to copy it without the

Lasse Reichstein Nielsen

Dr J R Stockton said:
In comp.lang.javascript message <[email protected]
september.org>, Sun, 31 May 2009 23:52:07, Garrett Smith

Although understandable, that looks inefficient.

Being understandable is more important than being efficient 90% of the
time (or more). That said, repeated subexpressions like in the above make
give me twitches.
The following, after
checking, can be presented for actual use.

if (document.getElementById &&
(T=document.getElementById('Divn')) && (T=T.style) ) {
// ...
// ...
T.color = "red";

Remember to declare T as a variable, i.e., preceed the above by
"var T".

Personally I would prefer to check for document.getElementById only
once, but if this code is executed only once, that wouldn't be

And assignments (any side effect, really) inside conditional expressions
is not very readable. It should be avoided where possible.

For one-shot code I would write it as:

if (document.getElemenetById) { // or use typeof for extra safety
var elem = document.getElementById('el');
if (elem && elem.style) { // why test for style if getElementById
// exists. I don't believe there is any
// browser that has getElementById and
// not element.style.
elem.style.color = "red";


Garrett Smith

Lasse said:
Being understandable is more important than being efficient 90% of the
time (or more). That said, repeated subexpressions like in the above make
give me twitches.

[mental image of LRN twitching...]

Oh no, lets chagne that right away!

Kidding, of course :)

For one-shot code I would write it as:

if (document.getElemenetById) { // or use typeof for extra safety
var elem = document.getElementById('el');
if (elem && elem.style) { // why test for style if getElementById
// exists. I don't believe there is any
// browser that has getElementById and
// not element.style.
elem.style.color = "red";

Cumbersome to have that inline, though. I would not want to have that
much code every time I wanted to set a style.

Regarding the code comment, I don't know. Browsers that have a
scriptable document but do not have document.getElementById?

Is there a browser that does not have a userAgent string?

A draft with a totally different example below. I threw in "host
object", which is not in the glossary (glossary does not exist).

Anyone want to write a glossary? Start out with a list terms. They'll
get defined by members here. That can be added to the FAQ, or can be an

8.6 _How do I detect Opera/Netscape/IE_?

Short answer: Don't do that.

The navigator host object contains properties that may identify
the browser and version. These properties are historically inaccurate.
Some browsers allow the user to set navigator.userAgent to any value.
For example, Firefox, (type about:config and search useragent
or Safari, Develop > User Agent > Other..., IE, via Registry.

Other browsers, such as Opera, provide a list of user agents
for the user to select from. There are also at least 25 other
javascript capable browsers, with multiple versions, each
with their own string.

Browser detection is unreliable, at best. It usually causes
forwards-compatibility and maintenance problems. It is unrelated
to the problem or incompatiblity it is trying to solve, and tends
obscures the thinking behind the code.

Object detection is checking that the object in question exists.
Capability detection goes one step further to actually test the
objects, methods, or properties, to see if it behaves in the
desired manner.

* Returns the element/object the user targeted.
* If neither DOM nor IE event model is supported, returns undefined.
* @throws TypeError if the event is not an object.
function getEventTarget(e) {
e = e || window.event;
// First check for the existence of standard "target" property.
if("target" in e) {
return e.target;
return e.srcElement;

See also:
<URL: http://jibbering.com/faq/faq_notes/not_browser_detect.html >
<URL: http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/using-capability-detection/ >
<URL: http://developer.apple.com/internet/webcontent/objectdetection.html >
<URL: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.43 >


Dr J R Stockton

I use, sometimes, multi-dimensional sparse arrays; if one needs to
determine whether A[j][k] exists, or to read it safely, IIRC it is
necessary to check (possibly) whether A exists, then whether A
exists, then whether A[j] exists, then whether A[j][k] exists.

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

And lose one `e' :)
Cumbersome to have that inline, though. I would not want to have that
much code every time I wanted to set a style.

See dhtml.setStyleProperty(). That's one call in source code (of course, it
spawns a few more). The efficient software developer writes (or at least
attempts to write) efficient wrappers for everyday tasks.
Regarding the code comment, I don't know. Browsers that have a
scriptable document but do not have document.getElementById?

Entirely possible, see IE < 5.
Is there a browser that does not have a userAgent string?

Depends on what you are asking. There is probably no *browser* that does
not have navigator.userAgent, as object and property originate from
JavaScript 1.0, Netscape 2.0. However, a) there are UAs that are not
browsers which support ECMAScript scripting, and b) the property value is
implementation-dependent, of course.

Why are you asking?
Anyone want to write a glossary?

A glossary of what?
* Returns the element/object the user targeted.
* If neither DOM nor IE event model is supported, returns undefined.
* @throws TypeError if the event is not an object.
function getEventTarget(e) {
e = e || window.event;
// First check for the existence of standard "target" property.
if("target" in e) {

It is quite pointless to use a feature that is not supported in previous
versions of a programming language or API to determine if features
introduced in previous versions of a programming language or API are
supported. Besides, the `in' operation should not be used with host objects
in particular.
return e.target;
return e.srcElement;

What for? var t = e.target || e.srcElement; Couldn't be simpler.


David Mark

And lose one `e' :)

See dhtml.setStyleProperty().  That's one call in source code (of course, it
spawns a few more).  The efficient software developer writes (or at least
attempts to write) efficient wrappers for everyday tasks.

Entirely possible, see IE < 5.

Depends on what you are asking.  There is probably no *browser* that does
not have navigator.userAgent, as object and property originate from
JavaScript 1.0, Netscape 2.0.  However, a) there are UAs that are not
browsers which support ECMAScript scripting, and b) the property value is
implementation-dependent, of course.

Why are you asking?

A glossary of what?

It is quite pointless to use a feature that is not supported in previous
versions of a programming language or API to determine if features
introduced in previous versions of a programming language or API are
supported.  Besides, the `in' operation should not be used with host objects
in particular.

Exactly. I'm a bit tired of this revisionist approach to feature
testing. We've settled these issues and nothing like this is going in
the FAQ if I have anything to say about it (and you know I will.)
What for?  var t = e.target || e.srcElement;  Couldn't be simpler.


David Mark

...of terms which are frequently used in this group but may be new to
beginners. "Host object", "DontEnum", "[[term-from-the-specs]]", and
abbreviations like UA come to mind, for example.
Exactly.  I'm a bit tired of this revisionist approach to feature
testing.  We've settled these issues [..]

Hm. The in operator doesn't give a lot of information in this context

Correct. It tells you virtually nothing.
(ok, so "foo" is in document, but is it what we were looking for?), but
apart from that it should be relatively safe - ie, should not cause a

No, it is perfectly ridiculous to use the - in - operator for feature
detection as there are agents that do not support it. Think about
what feature detection is used for.
crash. There was one specific exception to this, but I can't remember
what exactly. Some problem in Safari, I think.

Not that I know of. Of course, I virtually never use the - in -
Except that this won't always evaluate to an element.

That's allowable and must be dealt with accordingly after the target
has been determined.
IIRC, there was an
issue with Safari where it would let events fire on text nodes. In that
case you'd have to check the nodeType of 't' and use its parentNode if

It is neither an issue, nor Safari-specific. This is one of the first
things I fixed (by proxy) in jQuery way back when. And what is a
nodeType of 't' supposed to be?

Garrett Smith

Thomas said:
Garrett said:
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen wrote:
Is there a browser that does not have a userAgent string?

Depends on what you are asking. There is probably no *browser* that does
not have navigator.userAgent, as object and property originate from
JavaScript 1.0, Netscape 2.0. However, a) there are UAs that are not
browsers which support ECMAScript scripting, and b) the property value is
implementation-dependent, of course.

Why are you asking?

It would be a novel find.
A glossary of what?

The glossary would contain terms that get used and sometimes need
clarification or reiteration.

Terms like:
"Host Object"
"Script Engine"
"Layout Engine"
"Quirks Mode"
"Primitive value"
"Object inference"

Ideally they would have short definitions, too.
What for? var t = e.target || e.srcElement; Couldn't be simpler.

It could lose the identifier |t|.

return e.target || e.srcElement;


Garrett Smith

Conrad said:
As always, it depends on the requirements. If it's important that any
and all UAs are able to execute the scripts without syntax errors, then
'in' is not an option (and neither are try..catch).

Ah, I got that mixed up: I found the thread again, and the crash only
happened with 'typeof', but could be avoided with 'in'. Possibly just an
interesting anomaly, but it demonstrates that not even 'typeof' is
always safe.

http://preview.tinyurl.com/p7aocu (starting with message #126)

Usually element (1), or text (3) if the browser decides it wants to fire
events on text nodes, too. What else?

Or 9 if document.

Or undefined if the object is not a Node, such as window.


Garrett Smith

kangax said:
Conrad Lender wrote:
crash. There was one specific exception to this, but I can't remember
what exactly. Some problem in Safari, I think.

Any of Safari 2.x., to be precise.

I posted a testcase which exhibits the crash
and I think Garrett confirmed that bug on his machine.

I did. Here:
and here:
Nevertheless, as David pointed out, you wouldn't really fiddle with `in`
or `typeof`. Those should really be abstracted in
`isHostMethod`/`areHostMethods` (used to determine client capabilities
*before* initializing certain app behavior) instead of cluttering the code.

An extra method call.

As for "clutter":-

isHostMethod(obj, prop)
(prop in obj)

The former is more and would be slower. isHostMethod is a bad name. It
would seem to indicate that the property is host method. That is not
what it does.


would be a more accurate name. Still though, AISB, isHostMethod doesn't
really tell you much about the value of an arbitrary host object.


Garrett Smith

David said:
Except that this won't always evaluate to an element.

That's allowable and must be dealt with accordingly after the target
has been determined.

The beauty of it is that you don't even have to deal with it in most cases.

Most times, you just want to know if the target matches certain
criteria, like:-

hasClass(target, "scroll-actuator").

A text node or the document should not have a className property. Even
if it did, the return value of that |hasClass| call above would still be
false (unless the odd program intentionally set a className property on
that object, but that would be a fault of the program).
It is neither an issue, nor Safari-specific. This is one of the first
things I fixed (by proxy) in jQuery way back when. And what is a
nodeType of 't' supposed to be?

Which recent browsers still include text nodes? Gecko did that for a
long while but stopped at some point.


David Mark

kangax said:
Conrad Lender wrote:
crash. There was one specific exception to this, but I can't remember
what exactly. Some problem in Safari, I think.
Any of Safari 2.x., to be precise.
I posted a testcase which exhibits the crash
and I think Garrett confirmed that bug on his machine.

I did. Here:http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.javascript/msg/1e34a215461e10da
and here:http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.javascript/msg/7127bbeac65dd8c2
Nevertheless, as David pointed out, you wouldn't really fiddle with `in`
or `typeof`. Those should really be abstracted in
`isHostMethod`/`areHostMethods` (used to determine client capabilities
*before* initializing certain app behavior) instead of cluttering the code.

An extra method call.

Doesn't matter for these. And what happens when some new version of
IE comes out and starts throwing exceptions on using the - in -
operator with - for example - element nodes (similar things have
happened before.) You've got to go back and change every one of
them. So I don't see a wrapper-less solution as workable.
As for "clutter":-

isHostMethod(obj, prop)
(prop in obj)

I think he's alluding to the fact that these are called once in a
gateway (usually during or on load), not sprinkled throughout the
code. You can also use areHostMethods. Much easier on the eyes. No
compatibility issues at all. I can't see a better solution. I've
been sold ever since 2001 (approx.) when it fixed the most mysterious
Mac IE bug I'd ever seen. Sure enough, it was an "unknown" type.
Then I heard a few years back that nobody could detect the bookmark
methods in IE. Once again, an "unknown" type. Gecko's document.all
is an "undefined" type, despite its availability (clearly a cue from
the Gecko developers to stay away from it.) If you listen, the
browser developers are giving hints and the - typeof - operator is
what reveals them to your script.
The former is more and would be slower. isHostMethod is a bad name. It
would seem to indicate that the property is host method. That is not
what it does.


Rubbish. It's the perfect name. It should always be documented to
remind the author to pass names of known methods, not any random
property name. If it passes - for example - gEBI, you can be quite
sure it is a host method. Other scripts overwriting (or adding) gEBI
don't count (throw those away.)
would be a more accurate name. Still though, AISB, isHostMethod doesn't
really tell you much about the value of an arbitrary host object.

Certainly it does. Over a decade of history confirms it and that is
all you have to go on in this case. It is the - in - operator that
tells you nothing. You are focusing on semantics, not reality and
your interpretation is wrong anyway. You are not supposed to pass an
*arbitrary* anything. The rules for these methods (there are three or
four) have been very clearly defined and each serves a very specific

Garrett Smith

David said:
kangax said:
Conrad Lender wrote:
crash. There was one specific exception to this, but I can't remember
what exactly. Some problem in Safari, I think.
Any of Safari 2.x., to be precise.
I posted a testcase which exhibits the crash
and I think Garrett confirmed that bug on his machine.
I did. Here:http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.javascript/msg/1e34a215461e10da
and here:http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.javascript/msg/7127bbeac65dd8c2
Nevertheless, as David pointed out, you wouldn't really fiddle with `in`
or `typeof`. Those should really be abstracted in
`isHostMethod`/`areHostMethods` (used to determine client capabilities
*before* initializing certain app behavior) instead of cluttering the code.
An extra method call.

Doesn't matter for these. And what happens when some new version of
IE comes out and starts throwing exceptions on using the - in -
operator with - for example - element nodes (similar things have
happened before.) You've got to go back and change every one of
them. So I don't see a wrapper-less solution as workable.

Sounds like FUD.

A wrapperless solution involves using |in| where |in| works and typeof
where it doesn't.

A wrapper could do that, too, or could use combinations of the two
operators (using |in| as a guard clause to prevent the Safari 2 crash
kangax mentioned).
I think he's alluding to the fact that these are called once in a
gateway (usually during or on load), not sprinkled throughout the
code. You can also use areHostMethods. Much easier on the eyes. No
compatibility issues at all. I can't see a better solution. I've
been sold ever since 2001 (approx.) when it fixed the most mysterious
Mac IE bug I'd ever seen. Sure enough, it was an "unknown" type.

I'm can't prove it was not, but I bet you are wrong on that.
Then I heard a few years back that nobody could detect the bookmark
methods in IE. Once again, an "unknown" type. Gecko's document.all
is an "undefined" type, despite its availability (clearly a cue from
the Gecko developers to stay away from it.) If you listen, the
browser developers are giving hints and the - typeof - operator is
what reveals them to your script.

The reason |typeof document.all| is "undefined" is not because Gecko's
developers are saying to stay away from it. The reason is so that
existing scripts that check document.all can continue to function the same.

Do you really need |typeof| to tell you not to use document.all?


It's the perfect name. It should always be documented to
remind the author to pass names of known methods, not any random
property name. If it passes - for example - gEBI, you can be quite
sure it is a host method. Other scripts overwriting (or adding) gEBI
don't count (throw those away.)

isHostMethod(document, "getElementById");
Certainly it does. Over a decade of history confirms it and that is
all you have to go on in this case. It is the - in - operator that
tells you nothing. You are focusing on semantics, not reality and
your interpretation is wrong anyway. You are not supposed to pass an
*arbitrary* anything. The rules for these methods (there are three or
four) have been very clearly defined and each serves a very specific

What you've stated in the above paragraph (the one I am directly
replying to) is that isHostMethod requires the developer to have a
presupposition about what the presence of an object property means about it.

So, IIUC, isHostMethod detects the presence of a property, and that it
is not a primitive value (it even has to call [[Get]] to do that). Did I
get that right?

Does isHostMethod tell you if the object is a host object? Nope. It does
not tell you if the property is a callable object (method), either.

I will wait another day before I upload the FAQ, to allow for more
feedback. One thing at a time. The "format a date" question needs
attention now, so that is waiting for this.


Matt Kruse

What for?  var t = e.target || e.srcElement;  Couldn't be simpler.

These don't have exactly the same meaning, of course.

I don't know that the condition actually exists in reality, but if
e.target is ever null, your alternative will return undefined instead
of null.

Matt Kruse

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

Matt said:
These don't have exactly the same meaning, of course.

Yes, they have. In addition, the W3C DOM has e.relatedTarget, and the
MSHTML DOM has e.fromElement and e.toElement.
I don't know that the condition actually exists in reality, but if
e.target is ever null,

It can't be.
your alternative will return undefined instead of null.

Correct, but irrelevant because

if (t)

covers both.


David Mark

David said:
kangax wrote:
Conrad Lender wrote:
crash. There was one specific exception to this, but I can't remember
what exactly. Some problem in Safari, I think.
Any of Safari 2.x., to be precise.
I posted a testcase which exhibits the crash
and I think Garrett confirmed that bug on his machine.
I did. Here:http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.javascript/msg/1e34a215461e10da
and here:http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.javascript/msg/7127bbeac65dd8c2
Nevertheless, as David pointed out, you wouldn't really fiddle with `in`
or `typeof`. Those should really be abstracted in
`isHostMethod`/`areHostMethods` (used to determine client capabilities
*before* initializing certain app behavior) instead of cluttering thecode.
An extra method call.
Doesn't matter for these.  And what happens when some new version of
IE comes out and starts throwing exceptions on using the - in -
operator with - for example - element nodes (similar things have
happened before.)  You've got to go back and change every one of
them.  So I don't see a wrapper-less solution as workable.

Sounds like FUD.

A wrapperless solution involves using |in| where |in| works and typeof
where it doesn't.

A wrapper could do that, too, or could use combinations of the two
operators (using |in| as a guard clause to prevent the Safari 2 crash
kangax mentioned).
I think he's alluding to the fact that these are called once in a
gateway (usually during or on load), not sprinkled throughout the
code.  You can also use areHostMethods.  Much easier on the eyes.  No
compatibility issues at all.  I can't see a better solution.  I've
been sold ever since 2001 (approx.) when it fixed the most mysterious
Mac IE bug I'd ever seen.  Sure enough, it was an "unknown" type.

I'm can't prove it was not, but I bet you are wrong on that.

Are you kidding? It was an "unknown" type. That's a fact. And it
behaved just as the "unknown" types do in Windows (blows up on type
conversion, among other things.)
The reason |typeof document.all| is "undefined" is not because Gecko's
developers are saying to stay away from it. The reason is so that
existing scripts that check document.all can continue to function the same.

That is exactly what I said. I didn't say a thing about Gecko's
developers trying to stay away from it.
Do you really need |typeof| to tell you not to use document.all?

I don't know what that means.

As in refuse.
It's the perfect name.  It should always be documented to

isHostMethod(document, "getElementById");

What you've stated in the above paragraph (the one I am directly
replying to) is that isHostMethod requires the developer to have a
presupposition about what the presence of an object property means about it.

YES. We've discussed this to death. The first argument is a host
object. Not an Object object or a string or whatever. The second is
the name of a method. Not a name of any other type of property. I
think it is quite clear. The name kind of says it all.
So, IIUC, isHostMethod detects the presence of a property, and that it
is not a primitive value (it even has to call [[Get]] to do that). Did I
get that right?

Not even in the ballpark. And I don't think you are really trying.
Does isHostMethod tell you if the object is a host object? Nope.

That is not what it does. In fact, such a method would be completely
idiotic (see jQuery.) And see above.
It does
not tell you if the property is a callable object (method), either.

Oh, but it does. Perhaps not in the way you would like, but it is the
only way in reality.
I will wait another day before I upload the FAQ, to allow for more
feedback. One thing at a time. The "format a date" question needs
attention now, so that is waiting for this.

I don't care what you do with that thing.

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