Fast Division/Modulo Operation



Is there a possibiliy to improve division or Modulo operations in the

tmp1 = 123;
tmp2 = 123;
frame[8] = ((char)((tmp1/100)+48)); // Division
tmp1 = (tmp2 % 100); // Mod
frame[9] = ((char)((tmp1/10)+48));
tmp1 = (tmp2 % 10);

tmp 1& 2 are unsigned int and frame is a char array.

This is in a 16bit environment. I cant use any math libraries. Is there a
possibility of shifting or subtration methods..?

Thanks in advance.


silentlights said:
Is there a possibiliy to improve division or Modulo operations in
the following,

tmp1 = 123;
tmp2 = 123;
frame[8] = ((char)((tmp1/100)+48)); // Division
tmp1 = (tmp2 % 100); // Mod
frame[9] = ((char)((tmp1/10)+48));
tmp1 = (tmp2 % 10);

tmp 1& 2 are unsigned int and frame is a char array.

This is in a 16bit environment. I cant use any math libraries. Is
there a possibility of shifting or subtration methods..?

Search google for an article I wrote in roughly the past month or
two. The subject included "double dabble", and was either here or
in comp.arch.embedded or comp.programming.

Dik T. Winter

> Hi,
> Is there a possibiliy to improve division or Modulo operations in the
> following,
> tmp1 = 123;
> tmp2 = 123;
> frame[8] = ((char)((tmp1/100)+48)); // Division
> tmp1 = (tmp2 % 100); // Mod
> frame[9] = ((char)((tmp1/10)+48));
> tmp1 = (tmp2 % 10);
> tmp 1& 2 are unsigned int and frame is a char array.

tmp1 *= 41;
f8 = (tmp1 >> 12) + 48;
tmp1 = (tmp1 & 0x0fff) * 10;
f9 = (tmp1 >> 12) + 48;
tmp1 = ((tmp1 & 0x0fff) * 10) >> 12;

works as long as tmp1 is smaller than 1000 initially.

Dik T. Winter

> In article said:
> > Hi,
> > Is there a possibiliy to improve division or Modulo operations in the
> > following,
> >
> > tmp1 = 123;
> > tmp2 = 123;
> > frame[8] = ((char)((tmp1/100)+48)); // Division
> > tmp1 = (tmp2 % 100); // Mod
> > frame[9] = ((char)((tmp1/10)+48));
> > tmp1 = (tmp2 % 10);
> >
> > tmp 1& 2 are unsigned int and frame is a char array.
> tmp1 *= 41;
> f8 = (tmp1 >> 12) + 48;
> tmp1 = (tmp1 & 0x0fff) * 10;
> f9 = (tmp1 >> 12) + 48;
> tmp1 = ((tmp1 & 0x0fff) * 10) >> 12;

Ok, if you also want to eliminate all multiplications:

tmp1 += ((tmp1 << 2) + tmp1) << 3;
f8 = (tmp1 >> 12) + 48;
tmp1 &= 0x0fff;
tmp1 += tmp1 << 2;
f9 = (tmp1 >> 11) + 48;
tmp1 &= 0x0fff;
tmp1 += tmp1 << 2;
tmp1 >>= 10;

E. Robert Tisdale

silentlights said:
Is there a possibility to improve division or Modulo operations
in the following,

tmp1 = 123;
tmp2 = 123;
frame[8] = ((char)((tmp1/100)+48)); // Division
tmp1 = (tmp2 % 100); // Mod
frame[9] = ((char)((tmp1/10)+48));
tmp1 = (tmp2 % 10);

tmp 1& 2 are unsigned int and frame is a char array.

This is in a 16bit environment. I can't use any math libraries.
Is there a possibility of shifting or subtraction methods..?

DIV(3) Linux Programmer’s Manual DIV(3)

div - computes the quotient and remainder of integer division

#include <stdlib.h>

div_t div(int numer, int denom);

The div() function computes the value numer/denom
and returns the quotient and remainder in a structure named div_t
that contains two integer members named quot and rem.

The div_t structure.

SVID 3, BSD 4.3, ISO 9899


silentlights said:
For a beginer, your article

is not so clear to be implemted on this particular problem. Could
you please explain me a bit more relevant to this question.

The fact that that page publishes it in a non-mono-spaced font
makes reading much harder. Here it is again so you can avoid the
variable width fonts. Note the first example with a 10-bit
number, which covers division by 10.

The justification for posting it here is there is some discussion
of implementation under C.

An Explanation of the Double-Dabble Bin-BCD conversion Algorithm
by C.B. Falconer. 2004-03-14
mailto:[email protected]

The algorithm starts from this description, shifting left, and
converting an 8 bit value to BCD. If a prospective BCD digit is
five or larger, add three before shifting left.

0000 0000 0000 11111111 Start
0000 0000 0001 11111110 Shift 1
0000 0000 0011 11111100 Shift 2
0000 0000 0111 11111000 Shift 3
0000 0000 1010 11110000 ADD-3 to UNITS
0000 0001 0101 11110000 Shift 4
0000 0001 1000 11110000 ADD-3 to UNITS
0000 0011 0001 11100000 Shift 5
0000 0110 0011 11000000 Shift 6
0000 1001 0011 11000000 ADD-3 to TENS
0001 0010 0111 10000000 Shift 7
0001 0010 1010 10000000 ADD-3 to UNITS
0010 0101 0101 00000000 Shift 8

The rationale for the ADD-3 rule is that whenever the shifted
value is 10 or more the weight of that shifted out bit has been
reduced to 10 from 16. To compensate, we add 1/2 that 6, or 3,
before shifting. We detect the 10 value after shifting by the
fact that the value before shifting is 5 or greater. Notice
that the rule ensures that the various digits cannot hold non
BCD values.

The shifting is the double part of the algorithm. The ADD-3 is
the dabble part. It might be better named dabble-double. Alas,
history has decreed otherwise.

Next, we modify to extract the lsd (least sig. digit) and divide
by 10, by adding a shift connection from the units high order
bit to the binary low order bit. We also mark the highest order
converted bit by x (for 0) and by X (for 1).

0000 0000 x000 11111111 Start
0000 000x 0001 1111111x Shift 1
0000 00x0 0011 111111x0 Shift 2
0000 0x00 0111 11111x00 Shift 3
0000 0x00 1010 11111x00 ADD-3 to UNITS
0000 x001 0101 1111x001 Shift 4
0000 x001 1000 1111x001 ADD-3 to UNITS
000x 0011 0001 111x0011 Shift 5
00x0 0110 0011 11x00110 Shift 6
00x0 1001 0011 11x00110 ADD-3 to TENS
0x01 0010 0111 1x001100 Shift 7
0x01 0010 1010 1x001100 ADD-3 to UNITS
x010 0101 -0101 x0011001 Shift 8
| <-- ^

Now, try it with a 10 bit number, and move the UNITS register
to the right of the BINARY register. Since we no longer have a
TENS register we can't to the ADD-3 to it, but we leave it in
the annotations for future use.

1111111111 x000 Start
111111111x 0001 Shift 1
11111111x0 0011 Shift 2
1111111x00 0111 Shift 3
1111111x00 1010 ADD-3 to UNITS
111111x001 0101 Shift 4
111111x001 1000 ADD-3 to UNITS
11111x0011 0001 Shift 5
1111x00110 0011 Shift 6
1111x00110 0011 ADD-3 to TENS (dummy)
111x001100 0111 Shift 7
111x001100 1010 ADD-3 to UNITS
11x0011001 0101 Shift 8
11x0011001 1000 ADD-3 to UNITS
1x00110011 0001 Shift 9
x001100110 0011 Shift 10
| <-- ^

The binary value has become 0x066 or 102 decimal. The units
digit is now 3, so the system has divided by 10 and extracted
the remainder. The count of shifts is dictated by the length
of the binary register, or by when the 'x' marker reaches the
left hand bit of the binary register. This is the point at
which all the original binary bits have been 'used'.

This is sufficient to do BCD conversions, extracting the least
significant digit in N operations from an N-bit binary. By
repeating it for each digit we end up with roughly N/4 * N
operations for the complete conversion, or O(N*N).

The next version is identical, but we have broken the binary
register up into 4 bit groups.

11 1111 1111 x000 Start
11 1111 111x 0001 Shift 1
11 1111 11x0 0011 Shift 2
11 1111 1x00 0111 Shift 3
11 1111 1x00 1010 ADD-3 to UNITS
11 1111 x001 0101 Shift 4
11 1111 x001 1000 ADD-3 to UNITS
11 111x 0011 0001 Shift 5
11 11x0 0110 0011 Shift 6
11 11x0 0110 0011 ADD-3 to TENS (dummy)
11 1x00 1100 0111 Shift 7
11 1x00 1100 1010 ADD-3 to UNITS
11 x001 1001 0101 Shift 8
11 x001 1001 1000 ADD-3 to UNITS
1x 0011 0011 0001 Shift 9
x0 0110 0110 0011 Shift 10
| <-- ^

Now alter the ADD-3 rule to say - Add 3 whenever the digit value
is 5 or more, AND the digit is entirely to the right of the x
marker, inclusive. Notice that the ADD-3 to TENS suddenly is
back in effect. So are two new dabbles, marked by <-- below.

0 11 1111 1111 x000 Start
1 11 1111 111x 0001 Shift 1
2 11 1111 11x0 0011 Shift 2
3 11 1111 1x00 0111 Shift 3
4 11 1111 1x00 1010 ADD-3 to UNITS
4 11 1111 x001 0101 Shift 4
5 11 1111 x001 1000 ADD-3 to UNITS
5 11 111x 0011 0001 Shift 5
6 11 11x0 0110 0011 Shift 6
7 11 11x0 1001 0011 ADD-3 to TENS (live)
7 11 1x01 0010 0111 Shift 7
8 11 1x01 0010 1010 ADD-3 to UNITS
8 11 x010 0101 0101 Shift 8
9 11 x010 0101 1000 ADD-3 to UNITS
9 11 x010 1000 1000 ADD-3 to TENS <--
9 1x 0101 0001 0001 Shift 9
10 1x 1000 0001 0001 ADD-3 to HUND <--
10 x1 0000 0010 0011 Shift 10
| <-- ^

and we come out with the BCD conversion to 1023. Notice that
all the "ADD-3"s are associated with the following shift. The
above has an INDEX column added to correspond. Now we can see
when to energize the ADD-3s for each BCD column, in terms of
the index value. Units are available immediately, TENS after
4 or more, HUND after 8 or more, and we never can dabble the
THOU column. Looks like the rule there should be 12 or more.
This bears a startling resemblance to (index DIV 4) indicating
a BCD digit.

Notice that the conversion has been done in place, with only
one 4 bit BCD digit of auxiliary storage. At some size of the
binary this will not be enough, but the solution is more zero
bits on the left of the binary value. This increases the max
index value on conversion.

Since the various ADD-3s are limited to a single BCD digit, and
they do not interact, they can all be done in parallel, and in
fact in parallel with the following shift operation. This means
that converting an N bit value to BCD requires no more than N
operations, provided that N bit value has sufficient leading
zero bits. This is now O(N), which is a large improvement for
large binary numbers.

A purely software attack will probably not be able to do all the
ADD-3s in parallel, but in hardware this is simply a set of
gates in the shift path.

We can also, if convenient, think of the added units digit as
being supplied by an initial 4 bit left rotary shift of the
binary register.

Problems with software implementation

We can normally implement left shifts fairly easily in software,
with some complications to implement carrying bits across word
or octet boundaries. This is probably simplified as much as
possible in C by using unsigned chars, and limiting their range
to 0..255. Combined with a carry in and a carry out variable,
unlimited sized binary shifts can be handled.

A practical problem arises with the dabble portion. We could
mask off each four bit section of an octet, compare the value to
5, and modify accordingly. This is fairly computationally

Another possibility is to treat the octet as a whole, and pre-
prepare a translation table with 256 entries. This should be
able to handle the whole octet in one operation. However two
table will be needed, depending on whether or not the left
hand portion of the octet (see the x bit above) is to be

The byte sex of the binary values has to be settled, and it will
normally control the order of the BCD values that result. It
will usually be convenient for the most significant BCD digit to
appear in the lowest address, which in turn implies that the
most significant binary bit appears in the lowest address. The
reverse is, of course, perfectly feasible.


Hello Dirk,
I like to know how did you get his number 41 in this line..
tmp1 += ((tmp1 << 2) + tmp1) << 3;

What should I shift with when I need to do the same for 1000 like,

tmp1 = 1234;
tmp2 = 1234;
frame[1] = ((char)((tmp1/1000)+48));
tmp1 = (tmp2 % 1000);
frame[2] = ((char)((tmp1/100)+48));
tmp1 = (tmp2 % 100);
frame[3] = ((char)((tmp1/10)+48));
tmp1 = (tmp2 % 10);

In the last line, the answer is right when I am shifting by 11. You had
made it 10. Was it a mistake or..?
tmp1 &= 0x0fff;
tmp1 += tmp1 << 2;
tmp1 >>= 10;

Thanks in advance

Dik T. Winter

> Hello Dirk,
> I like to know how did you get his number 41 in this line..

(Well, it was also my number 41 ;-).)
((tmp1 << 2) + tmp1) << 3 == (tmp1 * 4 + tmp1) * 8 = tmp1 * 40.
> What should I shift with when I need to do the same for 1000 like,

No you should have different starting numbers. 41 works for 3 digit
numbers because 999 * 4100 / 4096 < 1000. Off-hand I do not know
similar numbers for larger numbers of digits.
> tmp1 = 1234;
> tmp2 = 1234;
> frame[1] = ((char)((tmp1/1000)+48));
> tmp1 = (tmp2 % 1000);
> frame[2] = ((char)((tmp1/100)+48));
> tmp1 = (tmp2 % 100);
> frame[3] = ((char)((tmp1/10)+48));
> tmp1 = (tmp2 % 10);
> In the last line, the answer is right when I am shifting by 11. You had
> made it 10. Was it a mistake or..?
> > tmp1 &= 0x0fff;
> > tmp1 += tmp1 << 2;
> > tmp1 >>= 10;

In the shifting version it should be a shift by 10. (We multiply first
by 41 and two times by 5, = 1025. Shifting by 10 divides by 1024.)

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