Fast way to read a text file line by line


Thomas Kowalski

currently I am reading a huge (about 10-100 MB) text-file line by line
fstreams and getline. I wonder whether there is a faster way to read a
file line by line (with std::string line). Is there some way to burst
read the whole file and later "extract" each line?

Thanks in advance,
Thomas Kowalski


currently I am reading a huge (about 10-100 MB) text-file line by line
fstreams and getline. I wonder whether there is a faster way to read a
file line by line (with std::string line). Is there some way to burst
read the whole file and later "extract" each line?

Thanks in advance,
Thomas Kowalski

You can open your file with binary mode, and use
ifstream::read(char_type* s, streamsize n) read whole file data into a
large memory buffer in a stringstream object. Then use
stringstream::getline() to read the data line by line.


currently I am reading a huge (about 10-100 MB) text-file line by line
fstreams and getline. I wonder whether there is a faster way to read a
file line by line (with std::string line). Is there some way to burst
read the whole file and later "extract" each line?

If performance really is a problem there are a number of things that
can be done. However, most are outside the realm of C++.

Check to see if your string class deallocates when it gets a smaller
string. If not (likey) preallocate your string to a size larger than
what you expect the longest record to be and be sure you use the same
string object to read. You don't want repeated allocations and
deallocations within your string.

You can always use the read() function to get data and parse through

On some systems (e.g. Windoze and VMS) you can map your file to memory.


If performance really is a problem there are a number of things that
can be done. However, most are outside the realm of C++.

Check to see if your string class deallocates when it gets a smaller
string. If not (likey) preallocate your string to a size larger than
what you expect the longest record to be and be sure you use the same
string object to read. You don't want repeated allocations and
deallocations within your string.

You can always use the read() function to get data and parse through

read() is going to operate on arbitray sized "chunks" Be careful to be sure
that *someone* is handdling the seam problems. Somehow detect and handle
the fact that the last fragment of bytes in a chunk is probaly not a a full
and complete line.

Thomas Kowalski

You can open your file with binary mode, and use
ifstream::read(char_type* s, streamsize n) read whole file data into a
large memory buffer in a stringstream object.

Sounds good, but how exactly to I use read something to stringstreams
buffer using ifstream? Somehow I have a blank there.

Thanks in advance,
Thomas Kowalski

James Kanze

currently I am reading a huge (about 10-100 MB) text-file line
by line using fstreams and getline. I wonder whether there is
a faster way to read a file line by line (with std::string
line). Is there some way to burst read the whole file and
later "extract" each line?

The fastest solution is probably mmap, or it's equivalent under
Windows, but that's very system dependent. Other than that, you
can read the file in one go using something like:
std::istringstream tmp ;
tmp << file.rdbuf() ;
std::string s = tmp.str() ;
std::string s( (std::istreambuf_iterator< char >( file )),
(std::istreambuf_iterator< char >()) ) ;

If you can get a good estimation of the size of the file before
hand (which again requires sytem dependent code), then using
reserve on the string in the second example above could
significantly improve performance; as might something like:

std::string s ;
s.resize( knownFileSize ) ; &s[ 0 ], s.size() ) ;

The only system I know where it is even possible to get the
exact size of a text file is Unix, however; under Windows, all
of the techniques overstate the size somewhat (and under other
systems, it might not even be possible to get a reasonable
estimate). So you might want to do something like:
s.resize( file.gcount() ) ;
after the above. (It's actually a little bit more complicated.
If there are not at least s.size() bytes in the file---and under
Windows, this will usually be the case if the file is opened as
text, and GetFileSizeEx was used to obtain the size---then, above, will appear to fail. In fact, if gcount() is
greater than 0, it will have successfully read gcount() bytes,
and if eof() has been set, the read can be considered to have
successfully read all of the bytes in the file.)

(Note that this is not guaranteed under the current C++
standard. It works in practice, however, on all existing
implementations of the library, and will be guaranteed in the
next version of the standard.)

Two other things that you might try:

-- using std::vector< char > instead of std::string---with some
implementations, it can be faster (especially if you
construct the string using istreambuf_iterator), and

-- reading the file as binary, rather than text, and handling
the different end of line representations manually in your
own code.

Concerning the latter, be aware that on some systems, you cannot
open a file as binary if it was created as text, and vice versa.
Just ignoring extra '\r' in the text is often sufficient,
however, for this solution to work adequately under both Unix
and Windows; ignoring only the '\r' which immediately precede a
'\n' is even more correct, but often not worth the extra bother.
And if the file is read as binary, both stat (under Unix) and
GetFileSizeEx (under Windows) will return the exact number of
bytes you can read from it.

Branimir Maksimovic

currently I am reading a huge (about 10-100 MB) text-file line by line
fstreams and getline. I wonder whether there is a faster way to read a
file line by line (with std::string line). Is there some way to burst
read the whole file and later "extract" each line?

Yes, just write streambuf class that will do that for you.
I did same thing, but not because of performance reasons
but support for large files on 32 bit implementation of streams.

What I did is something like this :

class ImportInBuf: public std::streambuf {
ImportInBuf(const char* filename)
:fd_(open(filename,O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE))
if(fd_<0)throw std::runtime_error(strerror(errno));
struct stat st;
// you don;t have to do it like this if your streams are 64 bit
void seekg(uint64_t pos)
uint64_t tellg()const { return pos_; }
uint64_t size()const { return fsize_; }
~ImportInBuf(){ close(fd_); }
ImportInBuf(const ImportInBuf&);
ImportInBuf& operator=(const ImportInBuf&);
virtual int underflow()
return *gptr();
int size = read(fd_,buffer_,4096);
return *gptr();
return EOF;
char buffer_[4096];
int fd_;
uint64_t fsize_,pos_;

Use it like this:
ImportInBuf buf("sample.txt");
std::istream is(&buf);

or derive class from istream and pass buf in initializer list.

Greetings, Branimir.

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