Fastest way to remove common substrings from a list of strings




Given a list containing various UNIX directory paths:

@list = qw(
/home/bart/foo/xyz/live.cpp )

I want to trim this list to contain:

@list = qw(
/home/bart/foo/xyz/live.cpp )

Is there a better way than this possibly n^2 algorithm below.

my @to_be_removed_indices = ();
for (my $index=0; $index < #list; ++$index) {
my $current_item = $list[$index];
for (my $j = $index; $j < $#list; ++$j) {
if ($current_item =~ m/$list[$j]/) { # is the current item a
substring of another
push (@to_be_removed_indices, $index); # schedule its removal
last; # break
# Remove matched items


Mirco Wahab


Given a list containing various UNIX directory paths:

@list = qw(
/home/bart/foo/xyz/live.cpp )

I want to trim this list to contain:

@list = qw(
/home/bart/foo/xyz/live.cpp )

Is there a better way than this possibly n^2 algorithm below.

Still pseudo O(2), but much shorter:

foreach my $k (@list) {
$k = undef if grep defined && /^$k./, @list;

print join "\n", grep defined, @list;



Dave B


Given a list containing various UNIX directory paths:

@list = qw(
/home/bart/foo/xyz/live.cpp )

I want to trim this list to contain:

@list = qw(
/home/bart/foo/xyz/live.cpp )

Is there a better way than this possibly n^2 algorithm below.

my @to_be_removed_indices = ();
for (my $index=0; $index < #list; ++$index) {
my $current_item = $list[$index];
for (my $j = $index; $j < $#list; ++$j) {
if ($current_item =~ m/$list[$j]/) { # is the current item a
substring of another
push (@to_be_removed_indices, $index); # schedule its removal
last; # break
# Remove matched items

If your condition is "remove a string if it's a substring of another,
matching *at the beginning*", then the following code seems to work:

my @list = sort qw(
/home/bart/foo/xyz/live.cpp );

my $s=$list[0];
my @newlist;

for (@list, substr($list[-1],1)) {
push(@newlist,$s) unless /$s/;

print "@newlist\n";

# now @newlist has the values that are not
# substring of anything else

I hope I understood the problem correctly.

Ted Zlatanov

fc> Given a list containing various UNIX directory paths:

fc> @list = qw(
fc> /home/bart
fc> /home/bart/foo
fc> /usr/lib/
fc> /home/bart/foo/xyz
fc> /home/bart/foo/xyz/live.cpp )

fc> I want to trim this list to contain:

fc> @list = qw(
fc> /usr/lib/
fc> /home/bart/foo/xyz/live.cpp )

fc> Is there a better way than this possibly n^2 algorithm below.

fc> my @to_be_removed_indices = ();
fc> for (my $index=0; $index < #list; ++$index) {
fc> my $current_item = $list[$index];
fc> ++$index;
fc> for (my $j = $index; $j < $#list; ++$j) {
fc> if ($current_item =~ m/$list[$j]/) { # is the current item a
fc> substring of another
fc> push (@to_be_removed_indices, $index); # schedule its removal
fc> last; # break
fc> }
fc> }
fc> # Remove matched items

If @to_be_removed_indices has less than 5 elements, don't worry about
it, your complexity is too low to matter. Even 10 elements won't make a
big difference. Complexity measurements matter when you get into
thousands and millions of items ($disclaimers_go_here).

Otherwise, you can do many optimizations. First one I see is that you
should use index() instead of a match if you want to check for
substrings. Another is to find the ASCII characters not in
@to_be_removed_indices, let's say they are qw/q w p/, and then exclude
any string that doesn't have those characters. You can also do a trie
of your search strings, or build an regex alternation of them and hope
the regex engine can optimize it for you. The general idea is to
pre-process as much as possible, and let Perl use index() instead of
regular expressions when possible.


Mirco Wahab

Dave said:
This is probably better and safer:

push(@newlist,$s) unless /^\Q$s\E/;

You won't need all that if you start from an already *sorted* list,
a single map will do:

my @result = map { $list[$_]=~/^\Q$list[$_-1]\E./ ? () : $list[$_] } 1..$#list;



Dave B

Mirco said:
This is probably better and safer:

push(@newlist,$s) unless /^\Q$s\E/;

You won't need all that if you start from an already *sorted* list,
a single map will do:

my @result = map { $list[$_]=~/^\Q$list[$_-1]\E./ ? () : $list[$_] } 1..$#list;

I agree that using map is more Perl-style, but the above statement alone
doesn't work. You need at least this:

my @result=map{$list[$_]=~/^\Q$list[$_-1]\E./ ?():$list[$_-1] } 1..$#list;
push @result, $list[-1];



Given a list containing various UNIX directory paths:

@list = qw(
/home/bart/foo/xyz/live.cpp )

I want to trim this list to contain:

@list = qw(
/home/bart/foo/xyz/live.cpp )

That isn't a complete enough specification. What if there is a
/foo/home/bart? How about a /home/bartzilla?

Is there a better way than this possibly n^2 algorithm below.

Almost anything would be better than the below. It doesn't compile.
And once #list is turned to $#list, it does compile but leaves
@to_be_removed_indices empty, so it doesn't what you say you want done.
If you are happy with a wrong answer, then there are much better ways than
n^2 to achieve that.
my @to_be_removed_indices = ();
for (my $index=0; $index < #list; ++$index) {
my $current_item = $list[$index];

You are incrementing ++$index twice, so only even numbered indexes are
being "processed".



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Mirco Wahab

Dave said:
Mirco said:
my @result = map { $list[$_]=~/^\Q$list[$_-1]\E./ ? () : $list[$_] } 1..$#list;

I agree that using map is more Perl-style, but the above statement alone
doesn't work. You need at least this:

my @result=map{$list[$_]=~/^\Q$list[$_-1]\E./ ?():$list[$_-1] } 1..$#list;
push @result, $list[-1];

Yes, you are right. I saw the mistake and corrected it (tried to):

my @result =
(map { $list[$_+1] =~ /^\Q$list[$_]\E./ ? () : $list[$_] } 0..$#list-1),

but you have been faster. The last element was missing.

Thanks & Regards


Dave B

Leon said:
You should really quotemeta $s or else weird things can happen if it
contains regexp meta characters. Better yet I would write that line as:

push(@newlist, $s) if substr($_, 0, length $s) ne $s.

Since that doesn't waste time looking for a substring if it isn't at the

I fixed both issues in a subsequent post.


This is probably better and safer:

push(@newlist,$s) unless /^\Q$s\E/;

here's a shorter (and tad more obfuscated)

my @list = sort qw( ... );
my ($s, @newlist);
for (@list, undef) {
push(@newlist,$s) unless /\Q$s\E/;


Leon said:
You should really quotemeta $s or else weird things can happen if it
contains regexp meta characters. Better yet I would write that line

push(@newlist, $s) if substr($_, 0, length $s) ne $s.

Since that doesn't waste time looking for a substring if it isn't at
the start.

Or he just change that regex from /$s/ to /^$s/ to also achor it at the
beginning. I think the substr might be ever so slightly faster though.

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