(File)OutputStreams and their usage



Dear all,

Is this (see code) the correct way of handling a FileOutputStream?
Specific question are in the code. Thanks for your answers. Philipp

public void load(File file){
OutputStream os;
try {
os = new FileOutputStream(file);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log("Could not open file output stream", e);
// can os be non-null here?
// should I put a close() here?

try {
load(os); // call of another load method with OutputStream
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log("Exception while loading from file.", e);
return; // is this return of any interest?
} finally {
if(os != null){
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// exception while closing, what can we do?

Leonard Milcin

Philipp said:
Dear all,

Is this (see code) the correct way of handling a FileOutputStream?
Specific question are in the code. Thanks for your answers. Philipp

public void load(File file){
OutputStream os;
try {
os = new FileOutputStream(file);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log("Could not open file output stream", e);
// can os be non-null here?
// should I put a close() here?

try {
load(os); // call of another load method with OutputStream
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log("Exception while loading from file.", e);
return; // is this return of any interest?
} finally {
if(os != null){
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// exception while closing, what can we do?

Well, you're converting from exceptions to error codes.
load() can silently fail and it's up to the caller to check if
it has loaded anything. I would propagate exceptions or convert them to
another type of exception.


Leonard said:
Well, you're converting from exceptions to error codes.
load() can silently fail and it's up to the caller to check if
it has loaded anything. I would propagate exceptions or convert them to
another type of exception.

Yes, you are correct, I should definitely rethrow rather than log at
that point.
But this was not really my question. I'm rather asking at what points I
I have to call close() on the stream to gurantee correct release of
resources in all cases and whether having a return in the first or
second catch is problematic in this respect.

Leonard Milcin

Philipp said:
Yes, you are correct, I should definitely rethrow rather than log at
that point. But this was not really my question. I'm rather asking at
what points I I have to call close() on the stream to gurantee
correct release of resources in all cases and whether having a return
in the first or second catch is problematic in this respect. Phil

public void load(File file) throws ... {
OutputStream os;
try {
os = new FileOutputStream(file);
} finally {
if (os!=null) {

That looks much cleaner. The caller has to deal with all those checked
excetions, though. You can convert to another type of exception (like
unchecked exception).

The reason why I don't surround os.close() with try/catch is that
usually it should not throw exception but if it does... I would
certainly want to know. Besides, load(os) probably also throws
IOException and nested try/catch looks too ugly for my taste...

When it goes to logging you should do logging only when you deal with
exception. Perhaps also when it crosses some boundary (like library,
layer, etc.) but, personally, I don't like it.


Roedy Green

Is this (see code) the correct way of handling a FileOutputStream?
Specific question are in the code. Thanks for your answers. Philipp

Don't catch an exception before you are ready to deal with it. Just
propagate it up to the caller if it is not obvious to you what to do.

Here is a cleanup trick:

finally {
if ( handle != null ) handle.close();

IIRC Java now closes your files if you forget to on exit.
If you crash, you are SOL.

Could someone please verify that, and ideally tell us when that
behaviour changed or was it always or never that way.


Lew said:
Catch-log-and-rethrow is a better idiom, or declare a return type that
can indicate failure if client code cares not for the reason.

FWIW catch-log-and-rethrow is considered an exception handling
anti-pattern here:

They suggest to either rethrow or log, but not both.

OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file);
workWithGuaranteedNonNullValue( os );
// factored method that handles its own exceptions
catch ( IOException exc )
logger.error( IOERROR_MSG, exc );

It is easy to add a return value, with success from the try{} or failure
from the catch{}.

Yeah I will try that.



Philipp said:
Lew wrote:

Hmm... Isn't it so, that if workWithGuaranteedNonNullValue( os ); throws
an exception, the stream will not be closed? In which case you will have
to move the close to a finally block (and test os for null again...). Am
I missing something here?



Roedy said:
Don't catch an exception before you are ready to deal with it. Just
propagate it up to the caller if it is not obvious to you what to do.

Here is a cleanup trick:

finally {
if ( handle != null ) handle.close();

FWIW, at the following site they recommand:

"If the code that you call in a finally block can possibly throw an
exception, make sure that you either handle it, or log it. Never let it
bubble out of the finally block."

So we should surround the .close() with a try-catch and log something in
the catch. (this is why I did it in my original post)
IIRC Java now closes your files if you forget to on exit.
If you crash, you are SOL.

Isn't the OS taking care of that for you (on exit of the JVM)?


Tom Anderson

public void load(File file) throws ... {
OutputStream os;
try {
os = new FileOutputStream(file);
} finally {
if (os!=null) {

That looks much cleaner.

It does. But it doesn't compile.

Something everyone has missed here - god alone knows how, since it's
pretty bloody basic - is that if the initialisation of a variable fails
due to an exception, then that variable is uninitialised, and it can't be
used. Plus, if you're somewhere where there's a chance that a variable
might be uninitialised, you aren't allowed to use it.

That means that your finally clause is illegal - it could be reached
following an exception in "new FileOutputStream(file)", and so the
variable os has to be treated as potentially uninitialised, and so

Philipp's original code had this situation too - where he asks "can os be
non-null here? should I put a close() here?". The answer is that os can't
be non-null, and it also can't be null - it's uninitialized. So it's not
so much that you don't need to check for a non-null os, or close it, as
much as that you can't.

So to finally address what i think Philipp is asking: you can't clean up a
failed FileOutputStream, but happily, you don't need to: it's the
constructor's job to clean up after itself before throwing an exception.
Hopefully, it's actually doing this.

In Leonard's code, there's a simple fix: change the declaration of os to
be an initialisation:

OutputStream os = null ;

Then everything works as it should.

I'm dubious about the close() in the finally block not being wrapped in a
try-catch; if i get an IO error during loading, i want to see that, not
some subsequent exception that arose when trying to close the file. I'd
wrap it in a try-catch and log or ignore any exceptions.

There's actually a yet slicker way to write this method:

public void load(File file) throws IOException {
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file) ;
try {
load(os) ;
finally {
try {
os.close() ;
catch (IOException e) {
// log or ignore

You put the FileOutputStream constructor outside the try-finally block;
you know that if it fails, there's no stream to close, so there's no
reason to have it inside. That means you can drop the test for null.
The caller has to deal with all those checked excetions, though. You can
convert to another type of exception

(like unchecked exception).

The reason why I don't surround os.close() with try/catch is that
usually it should not throw exception but if it does... I would
certainly want to know.

Very sound advice.

To answer Philipp's other question, the return in your second catch block
is pointless. With or without it, execution will go through the finally
block and then leave the method.

I'll add a question of my own: why are we loading from an *output* stream?


Leonard Milcin

Tom said:
I'm dubious about the close() in the finally block not being wrapped in
a try-catch; if i get an IO error during loading, i want to see that,
not some subsequent exception that arose when trying to close the file.
I'd wrap it in a try-catch and log or ignore any exceptions.

There's actually a yet slicker way to write this method:

public void load(File file) throws IOException {
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file) ;
try {
load(os) ;
finally {
try {
os.close() ;
catch (IOException e) {
// log or ignore

Well, to summarize things, we end up with:

public void load(File file) throws IOException {
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file);
try {
} finally {
I'll add a question of my own: why are we loading from an *output* stream?

Perhaps we're loading *into* output stream.


Arne Vajhøj

Lew said:
The check for os non-nullity is not needed here.

I believe that is true. But checking refs for null in finally
before calling close on them is generally a good practice.
It is not needed here, but getting it in the fingers could
be a good thing-
Because of that, you
can move the close() inside the try{} block.

I don't think so - in that case it will not be called if load throws
an exception.
close() can throw an Exception, too.

That would need to be handled to get a robust application.
The idiom above is a bit too loose. It doesn't log, it doesn't
translate the Exception into the application domain, and it allows
Exceptions to happen in the finally{} block. It also doesn't admit of a
coherent Exception-handling strategy throughout the application.

Not necessarily.

It is bad practice to catch at every level in the call stack.

So if this is the outer level in a layer, then it does have poor
exception handling.

But if it is any other level, then it is just fine.

(except for the exception in close problem)


Arne Vajhøj

Philipp said:
FWIW catch-log-and-rethrow is considered an exception handling
anti-pattern here:

They suggest to either rethrow or log, but not both.

Yes, but the argument against it is pretty weak.

"Logging and throwing results in multiple log messages for a single
problem in the code, and makes life hell for the support engineer who is
trying to dig through the logs."

I can not see that as a real problem. Not with a 50 line log
file and not with a 100 MB log file.

If you are troubleshooting then you need all the info and
seeing a log entry both where it happened and where it
is handles should be beneficial.



Leonard Milcin wrote:

Yeah sorry I got my load and save methods mixed up. It should be
InputStreams instead.


Tom Anderson

Well, to summarize things, we end up with:

public void load(File file) throws IOException {
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file);
try {
} finally {

I don't like the unprotected close() in the finally block. But if you're
happy with it, then yes.


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