finding most common elements between thousands of multiple arrays.



Currently I need to find the most common elements in thousands of
arrays within one large array (arround 2 million instances with ~70k
unique elements)

so I set up a dictionary to handle the counting so when I am
iterating I up the count on the corrosponding dictionary element. I
then iterate through the dictionary and find the 25 most common

the elements are initially held in a array within an array. so I am am
just trying to find the most common elements between all the arrays
contained in one large array.
my current code looks something like this:
d = {}
for arr in my_array:
-----for i in arr:
#elements are numpy integers and thus are not accepted as dictionary

then I filter things down. but with my algorithm that only takes about
1 sec so I dont need to show it here since that isnt the problem.

But there has to be something better. I have to do this many many
times and it seems silly to iterate through 2 million things just to
get 25. The element IDs are integers and are currently being held in
numpy arrays in a larger array. this ID is what makes up the key to
the dictionary.

It currently takes about 5 seconds to accomplish this with my current

So does anyone know the best solution or algorithm? I think the trick
lies in matrix intersections but I do not know.

Chris Rebert

Currently I need to find the most common elements in thousands of
arrays within one large array (arround 2 million instances with ~70k
unique elements)

so I set up a dictionary to handle the counting so when I am
iterating  I up the count on the corrosponding dictionary element. I
then iterate through the dictionary and find the 25 most common

the elements are initially held in a array within an array. so I am am
just trying to find the most common elements between all the arrays
contained in one large array.
my current code looks something like this:
d = {}
for arr in my_array:
-----for i in arr:
#elements are numpy integers and thus are not accepted as dictionary

then I filter things down. but with my algorithm that only takes about
1 sec so I dont need to show it here since that isnt the problem.

But there has to be something better. I have to do this many many
times and it seems silly to iterate through 2 million things just to
get 25. The element IDs are integers and are currently being held in
numpy arrays in a larger array. this ID is what makes up the key to
the dictionary.

 It currently takes about 5 seconds to accomplish this with my current

So does anyone know the best solution or algorithm? I think the trick
lies in matrix intersections but I do not know.

Using a defaultdict
would speed it up (but only slightly) and make it clearer to read.


Andre Engels

Currently I need to find the most common elements in thousands of
arrays within one large array (arround 2 million instances with ~70k
unique elements)

so I set up a dictionary to handle the counting so when I am
iterating  I up the count on the corrosponding dictionary element. I
then iterate through the dictionary and find the 25 most common

the elements are initially held in a array within an array. so I am am
just trying to find the most common elements between all the arrays
contained in one large array.
my current code looks something like this:
d = {}
for arr in my_array:
-----for i in arr:
#elements are numpy integers and thus are not accepted as dictionary

then I filter things down. but with my algorithm that only takes about
1 sec so I dont need to show it here since that isnt the problem.

But there has to be something better. I have to do this many many
times and it seems silly to iterate through 2 million things just to
get 25. The element IDs are integers and are currently being held in
numpy arrays in a larger array. this ID is what makes up the key to
the dictionary.

 It currently takes about 5 seconds to accomplish this with my current

So does anyone know the best solution or algorithm? I think the trick
lies in matrix intersections but I do not know.

There's no better algorithm for the general case. No method of
checking the matrices using less than 2000000-x look-ups will ensure
you that there's not a new value with x occurences lurking somewhere.

However, if you need this information more often, and if the number of
values that changes in between is small compared to the total size of
the matrices, you could make a gain in subsequent calculations by
remembering part results. Depending on the situation you could for
example keep the dictionary with the counts and update it each time,
or keep such a dictionary for each "big" matrix, and set a flag when
that dictionary is not up-to-date any more


Vilya Harvey

2009/7/4 Andre Engels said:
Currently I need to find the most common elements in thousands of
arrays within one large array (arround 2 million instances with ~70k
unique elements)

so I set up a dictionary to handle the counting so when I am
iterating  I up the count on the corrosponding dictionary element. I
then iterate through the dictionary and find the 25 most common

the elements are initially held in a array within an array. so I am am
just trying to find the most common elements between all the arrays
contained in one large array.
my current code looks something like this:
d = {}
for arr in my_array:
-----for i in arr:
#elements are numpy integers and thus are not accepted as dictionary

then I filter things down. but with my algorithm that only takes about
1 sec so I dont need to show it here since that isnt the problem.

But there has to be something better. I have to do this many many
times and it seems silly to iterate through 2 million things just to
get 25. The element IDs are integers and are currently being held in
numpy arrays in a larger array. this ID is what makes up the key to
the dictionary.

 It currently takes about 5 seconds to accomplish this with my current

So does anyone know the best solution or algorithm? I think the trick
lies in matrix intersections but I do not know.

There's no better algorithm for the general case. No method of
checking the matrices using less than 2000000-x look-ups will ensure
you that there's not a new value with x occurences lurking somewhere.

Try flattening the arrays into a single large array & sorting it. Then
you can just iterate over the large array counting as you go; you only
ever have to insert into the dict once for each value and there's no
lookups in the dict. I don't know numpy, so there's probably a more
efficient way to write this, but this should show what I'm talking

big_arr = sorted(reduce(list.__add__, my_array, []))
counts = {}
last_val = big_arr[0]
count = 0
for val in big_arr:
if val == last_val:
count += 1
counts[last_val] = count
count = 0
last_val = val
counts[last_val] = count # to get the count for the last value.

If flattening the arrays isn't practical, you may still get some
improvements by sorting them individually and applying the same
principle to each of them:

counts = {}
for arr in my_array:
sorted_arr = sorted(arr)
last_val = sorted_arr[0]
count = 0
for val in sorted_arr:
if val == last_val:
count += 1
counts[last_val] = counts.get(last_val, 0) + count
count = 0
last_val = val
counts[last_val] = counts.get(last_val, 0) + count

Hope that helps...


Neil Crighton

You can join all your arrays into a single big array with concatenate.

Then count the number of occurrances of each unique element using this trick
with searchsorted. This should be pretty fast.
unique_a = np.unique(a)
count = []
for val in unique_a:
.... count.append(a.searchsorted(val,side='right') - a.searchsorted(val,
mostcommonvals = unique_a[np.argsort(count)[-25:]]


Steven D'Aprano

Try flattening the arrays into a single large array & sorting it. Then
you can just iterate over the large array counting as you go; you only
ever have to insert into the dict once for each value and there's no
lookups in the dict.

You're suggesting to do a whole bunch of work copying 2,000,000 pointers
into a single array, then a whole bunch of more work sorting that second
array (which is O(N*log N) on average), and then finally iterate over the
second array. Sure, that last step will on average involve fewer than
O(N) steps, but to get to that point you've already done more work than
just iterating over the array-of-arrays in the first place.

Now, if you're really lucky, your strategy can be done in fast C code
instead of slow Python code, and you might see a speed-up for values of N
which aren't too big. But I wouldn't put money on it.

Another strategy might be to pre-count elements in each array, as you
build or modify them. This will marginally slow down each modification
you make to the array, but the payback will be that finding the frequency
of any element will be almost instantaneous.

Steven D'Aprano

You're suggesting to do a whole bunch of work copying 2,000,000 pointers
into a single array, then a whole bunch of more work sorting that second
array (which is O(N*log N) on average), and then finally iterate over
the second array. Sure, that last step will on average involve fewer
than O(N) steps,

Er what?

Ignore that last comment -- I don't know what I was thinking. You still
have to iterate over all N elements, sorted or not.
but to get to that point you've already done more work
than just iterating over the array-of-arrays in the first place.

What it does buy you though, as you pointed out, is reducing the number
of explicit dict lookups and writes. However, dict lookups and writes are
very fast, fast enough that they're used throughout Python. A line like:

count += 1

actually is a dict lookup and write.


OK then. I will try some of the strategies here but I guess things
arent looking too good. I need to run this over a dataset that someone
pickled. I need to run this 480,000 times so you can see my
frustration. So it doesn't need to be "real time" but it would be nice
it was done sorting this month.

Is there a "bet guess" strategy where it is not 100% accurate but much

Vilya Harvey

2009/7/4 Steven D'Aprano said:
Er what?

Ignore that last comment -- I don't know what I was thinking. You still
have to iterate over all N elements, sorted or not.

What it does buy you though, as you pointed out, is reducing the number
of explicit dict lookups and writes. However, dict lookups and writes are
very fast, fast enough that they're used throughout Python. A line like:

count += 1

actually is a dict lookup and write.

I did some tests, just to be sure, and you're absolutely right: just
creating the flattened list took several hundred (!) times as long as
iterating through all the lists in place. Live and learn...


Lie Ryan

mclovin said:
OK then. I will try some of the strategies here but I guess things
arent looking too good. I need to run this over a dataset that someone
pickled. I need to run this 480,000 times so you can see my
frustration. So it doesn't need to be "real time" but it would be nice
it was done sorting this month.

Is there a "bet guess" strategy where it is not 100% accurate but much


If you don't need 100% accuraccy, you can simply sample 10000 or so
element and find the most common element in this small sample space. It
should be much faster, though you'll probably need to determine the best
cutoff number (too small and you're risking biases, too large and it
would be slower). random.sample() might be useful here.


mclovin said:
OK then. I will try some of the strategies here but I guess things
arent looking too good. I need to run this over a dataset that someone
pickled. I need to run this 480,000 times so you can see my
frustration. So it doesn't need to be "real time" but it would be nice
it was done sorting this month.
Is there a "bet guess" strategy where it is not 100% accurate but much

Well, I timed a run of a version of mine, and the scan is approx 5X
longer than the copy-and-sort.  Time arr_of_arr.flatten().sort() to
see how quickly the copy and sort happens.So you could try a variant
exploiting the following property:
     If you know the minimum length of a run that will be in the top 25,
then the value for each of the most-frequent run entries must show up at
positions n * stride and (n + 1) * stride (for some n).  That should
drastically reduce the scan cost, as long as stride is reasonably large.

For my uniformly distributed 0..1024 values in 5M x 5M array,
About 2.5 sec to flatten and sort.
About 15 sec to run one of my heapish thingies.
the least frequency encountered: 24716
so, with stride at

sum(flattened[:-stride:stride] == flattened[stride::stride]) == 1000
So there are only 1000 points to investigate.
With any distribution other than uniform, that should go _way_ down.
So just pull out those points, use bisect to get their frequencies, and
feed those results into the heap accumulation.

--Scott David Daniels

I dont quite understand what you are saying but I know this: the times
the most common element appears varies greatly. Sometimes it appears
over 1000 times, and some times it appears less than 50. It all
depends on the density of the arrays I am analyzing.

like I said I need to do this 480,000 times so to get this done
realistically I need to analyse about 5 a second. It appears that the
average matrix size contains about 15 million elements.

I threaded my program using your code and I did about 1,000 in an hour
so it is still much too slow.

When I selected 1 million random elements to count, 8 out of the top
10 of those were in the top 25 of the precise way and 18 of the 25
were in the top 25 of the precise way. so I suppose that could be an


mclovin wrote:
like I said I need to do this 480,000 times so to get this done
realistically I need to analyse about 5 a second. It appears that the
average matrix size contains about 15 million elements.

I threaded my program using your code and I did about 1,000 in an hour
so it is still much too slow.

When I selected 1 million random elements to count, 8 out of the top
10 of those were in the top 25 of the precise way and 18 of the 25
were in the top 25 of the precise way. so I suppose that could be an

The values are integers, aren't they? What is the range of values?


mclovin wrote:

like I said I need to do this 480,000 times so to get this done
realistically I need to analyse about 5 a second. It appears that the
average matrix size contains about 15 million elements.
I threaded my program using your code and I did about 1,000 in an hour
so it is still much too slow.
When I selected 1 million random elements to count, 8 out of the top
10 of those were in the top 25 of the precise way and 18 of the 25
were in the top 25 of the precise way. so I suppose that could be an

The values are integers, aren't they? What is the range of values?

There are appox 550k unique values with a range of 0-2million with


mclovin said:
mclovin wrote:

like I said I need to do this 480,000 times so to get this done
realistically I need to analyse about 5 a second. It appears that the
average matrix size contains about 15 million elements.
I threaded my program using your code and I did about 1,000 in an hour
so it is still much too slow.
When I selected 1 million random elements to count, 8 out of the top
10 of those were in the top 25 of the precise way and 18 of the 25
were in the top 25 of the precise way. so I suppose that could be an
The values are integers, aren't they? What is the range of values?

There are appox 550k unique values with a range of 0-2million with

I've done a little experimentation with lists (no numpy involved) and
found that I got a x2 speed increase if I did the counting using a list,
something like this:

counts = [0] * 2000000
for x in values:
counts[x] += 1
counts = dict(e for e in enumerate(values) if e[1] != 0)

Emile van Sebille

On 7/4/2009 12:33 AM mclovin said...
Currently I need to find the most common elements in thousands of
arrays within one large array (arround 2 million instances with ~70k
unique elements)

so I set up a dictionary to handle the counting so when I am
iterating I

** up the count on the corrosponding dictionary element **

Right at this point, instead of or in addition to counting, why not save
the large array index in a list? Then when you've identified the 25
most common elements you'll already have a list of pointer to the
instances to work from.


Steven D'Aprano

like I said I need to do this 480,000 times so to get this done
realistically I need to analyse about 5 a second. It appears that the
average matrix size contains about 15 million elements.

Have you considered recording the element counts as you construct the
arrays? This will marginally increase the time it takes to build the
array, but turn finding the most frequent elements into a very quick

Steven D'Aprano

Actually the next step is to maintain a min-heap as you run down the
sorted array. Something like:

Not bad.

I did some tests on it, using the following sample data:

arr = np.array([xrange(i, i+7000) for i in xrange(143)] +
[[750]*7000] + [xrange(3*i, 3*i+7000) for i in xrange(142)])

and compared your code against the following simple function:

def count(arr, N):
D = {}
for v in arr:
for x in v:
D[x] = D.get(x, 0) + 1
freq = []
for el, f in D.iteritems():
freq.append((f, el))
return sorted(freq, reverse=True)[:N]

As a rough figure, your min-heap code is approximately twice as fast as

To the OP: I think you should start profiling your code and find out
exactly *where* it is slow and concentrate on that. I think that trying a
heuristic to estimate the most frequent elements by taking a random
sample is likely to be a mistake -- whatever you're trying to accomplish
with the frequency counts, the use of such a heuristic will mean that
you're only approximately accomplishing it.

Steven D'Aprano

Summary: when dealing with numpy, (or any bulk <-> individual values
transitions), try several ways that you think are equivalent and

This advice is *much* more general than numpy -- it applies to any
optimization exercise. People's intuitions about what's fast and what's
slow are often very wrong.

Peter Otten

Scott said:
Scott David Daniels wrote:
t = timeit.Timer('sum(part[:-1]==part[1:])',
'from __main__ import part')

What happens if you calculate the sum in numpy? Try

t = timeit.Timer('(part[:-1]==part[1:]).sum()',
'from __main__ import part')


Andrew Henshaw

mclovin said:
Currently I need to find the most common elements in thousands of
arrays within one large array (arround 2 million instances with ~70k
unique elements)

so I set up a dictionary to handle the counting so when I am
iterating I up the count on the corrosponding dictionary element. I
then iterate through the dictionary and find the 25 most common

the elements are initially held in a array within an array. so I am am
just trying to find the most common elements between all the arrays
contained in one large array.
my current code looks something like this:
d = {}
for arr in my_array:
-----for i in arr:
#elements are numpy integers and thus are not accepted as dictionary

then I filter things down. but with my algorithm that only takes about
1 sec so I dont need to show it here since that isnt the problem.

But there has to be something better. I have to do this many many
times and it seems silly to iterate through 2 million things just to
get 25. The element IDs are integers and are currently being held in
numpy arrays in a larger array. this ID is what makes up the key to
the dictionary.

It currently takes about 5 seconds to accomplish this with my current

So does anyone know the best solution or algorithm? I think the trick
lies in matrix intersections but I do not know.

Would the following work for you, or am I missing something? For a 5Kx5K
array, this takes about a tenth of a second on my machine. This code
doesn't deal with the sub-array issue.

import numpy
import time

UPPER = 1024
SIZE = 5000

# sample data
data = numpy.random.randint(LOWER, UPPER, (SIZE,SIZE)).astype(int)

count = numpy.bincount(data.flat)
best = sorted(zip(count, range(len(count))))[-NUM_BEST:]
print 'time=', time.clock()
print best

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