Getting Parser Error after publishing ASP.NET web application



I built a relatively simple web application in VS 2005 which
runs fine on my local machine.

I disabled debugging in the web.config file and compiled the project
under Release. I then clicked on Build->Publish Web Site and pointed it
at our web server. It successfully published the files in the folder I
wanted it to. The server is running .NET 2.0.

However, when I attempt to browse to the page I get the following

Server Error in '/' Application.

Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource
required to service this request. Please review the following specific
parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load the assembly
'App_Web_lease.aspx.cdcab7d2'. Make sure that it is compiled before
accessing the page.

Source Error:

Line 1: <%@ page language="C#" autoeventwireup="true" inherits="Lease,
App_Web_lease.aspx.cdcab7d2" %>
Line 2:
Line 3: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

Source File: /LeasePage/Lease.aspx Line: 1

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42;
ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.42

Anyone have any idea what is going on? I attempted to also make a
virtual directory and point it at the folder, but that hasn't helped.

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